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《创新设计》2016高考英语(全国通用)二轮专题复习练习:冲刺第7练 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家第7练阅读完形语法填空.阅读理解A体裁:记叙文话题:森林警察词数:338时间:5Prince William kept the best for the last.After two days of his visit,his third and final day of activities in China included delivering a basket of carrots to a 13yearold Asian elephant.In Yunnan Province,the prince heard about the dangers to

2、Chinas remaining 250 wild elephants.He also heard of the story of Chang Zongbo,a forestry policeman,who has spent his life trying to protect what remains of Yunnan s rainforest and its wildlife including elephants.For 27 years,Chang Zongbo has climbed every one of the mountains,hunting poachers (偷猎者

3、)“We go for days,following the poachers and then waiting till they re sound asleep late at night.Thats the best time to arrest (逮捕) them,” he says.Killing an elephant carries the death penalty (死刑) in China,a powerful reason for the poacher to resist arrest.And that has worked.The combination of pub

4、lic education and fear of the death penalty means that China is one of the safest places for an elephant these days.The major problem in China is the disappearing forest.Their habitats were surrounded by natural forest.Now the habitats are islands,completely cut off from each other by farms.Farmers

5、build a wall to protect the people from the elephants.The elephants break it and walk into farms and villages.They eat up bananas.Sometimes they kill farmers.Mr.Chang is here to protect the elephants but hes also sympathetic (同情心)to the sufferings of the farmers.He is doing what he can to prevent el

6、ephants from damaging crops and lives.Before ending my interview,he tells me,“Every little part of the forest,I work to save it.Every elephant,I work to save it.So when I look my grandchildren in the eye,I can tell them I have done my best.” Its a message Prince William would echo.【语篇解读】本文讲述了一位森林警察多

7、年来保护热带雨林和野生大象的故事。1.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?APrince William stayed in China for three days.BThere are about 250 elephants left in China.CChang Zongbo is now a forestry policeman.DPrince William fed an Asian elephant in Yunnan.答案B细节理解题。根据第一段“the prince heard about the dangers to Chinas rema

8、ining 250 wild elephants.”可知,中国目前有250只野生大象。根据“After two days of his visit,his third and final day of activities in China”可知A项正确;根据“Chang Zongbo,a forestry policeman,”可知C项正确;根据“included delivering a basket of carrots to a 13yearold Asian elephant.”可知D项正确。2Chang Zongbo and other policemen tend to arre

9、st poachers _Ain the morning Bat noonCin the afternoon Dlate at night答案D细节理解题。根据第二段“waiting till they re sound asleep late at night.Thats the best time to arrest them,”可知,森林警察通常在深夜实施抓捕。3The underlined word “that” in the second paragraph refers to _Aeducation to poachersBprotection of elephantsCresis

10、tance against arrestsDthe death penalty答案D指代题。根据第二段“Killing an elephant carries the death penalty in China”可知that在此指“猎杀大象处死刑”的条款。4As to protecting elephants,the main problem in China is _Apoaching elephantsBincreasing protection costsCdecreasing habitatsDlacking certain laws答案C细节理解题。根据第三段“The major

11、problem in China is the disappearing forest”可知,中国目前面临的主要的问题是森林消失。森林是大象赖以生存的处所,森林消失也就意味着大象栖息地的丧失。B体裁:说明文话题:社会道德词数:360时间:8(2015江西重点中学盟校二次联考)Counterfeit medicines are a widespread problem in developing countries.Like other counterfeits,they look like real products.But counterfeit drugs may contain too

12、much,too little or none of the active ingredients (有效成分) of the real thing.People do not get the medicine they need.And in some cases the counterfeits cause death.Twenty children in Bangladesh died last year after being given acetaminophen (醋氨酚)The medications contained ingredients that looked,smell

13、ed and tasted like the real thing.The medicine was produced by a local drug company that used a dangerous substitute to save money.The problem of counterfeit medicines is especially serious in Africa,Asia and Latin America.The WHO estimates that up to thirty percent of medicines on sale in many of t

14、hose countries are counterfeits.The problem is less widespread among industrialized countries.The WHO says counterfeits make up less than one percent of the illegal drug market in countries like the United States,Canada,Japan,and New Zealand.But the agency also says as much as fifty percent of the m

15、edicine sold on the Internet is counterfeit.Much is being done to fight counterfeit drugs.Several companies are developing ways to make counterfeits easier to identify (鉴定)And there are existing methods,like a machine that can quickly identify chemicals in pills to confirm if the pills are real.Othe

16、r ideas include things like special tracking(跟踪) codes for drug packages.People could send a text message with the code and get a message back,which proves that what they bought is listed in a database.Some drug makers and other companies put threedimensional images called holograms(全息图)on their pro

17、ducts as a security device.【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。本文介绍了假药的有关情况。5The underlined word “counterfeits” means _Aqualified products Bsubstandard medicinesCreal pillsDfalse products答案D词义猜测题。根据第一段第二句话中的“they look like real products”以及后面一句话可推知,画线词的意思是“伪造品”。因此D项正确。6Last year twenty children in Bangladesh died because

18、of _Aunclean water BacetaminophenCunreal drugs Donline medicines答案C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句话可知,那二十个孩子是因为服用了假药死去的。因此选C项。7We can draw a conclusion from the passage that _Awe had better not buy medicines onlineBmore and more people will buy products onlineCmedicine companies dont pay much attention to counterfe

19、it drugsDit is very cheap and convenient to buy medicines online答案A推理判断题。从第四段可知,网上销售的药品,假药多达百分之五十。由此可推知,我们最好不要在网上购买药物。因此A项正确。8What is the main idea of the last paragraph?AIt shows the danger of counterfeit drugs.BSpecial tracking codes for drug packages are used to identify counterfeits.CSome measur

20、es are being taken to fight counterfeit drugs.DIt reveals the reasons why counterfeit drugs are widespread.答案C段落大意题。文章最后一段主要说明了人们采取了一些措施来与假药作斗争。因此选C项。.完形填空体裁:记叙文话题:励志人生词数:296时间:15(2015湖北八市3月联考)Tony set off for home again without having eaten since,as usual,one of the older boys had taken his packed

21、lunch.Angry and _9_,Tony rushed to the park,when he suddenly saw a wasp(黄蜂) flying about among the rose bushes.It _10_ him,making him get away from the roses immediately.Then,a _11_ came into his head:how is it that something so much _12_ than himself could frighten him like that?Having _13_ the ins

22、ects for a while,he had a good understanding of the wasps _14_:it was fear.A wasp could never _15_ a person,but everyone was so afraid of its sting that they left the wasp _16_So Tony spent that night _17_ what his “sting” could be.The next day,Tony seemed like a _18_ boy.No longer did he walk with

23、his eyes fixed on the ground,nor did he _19_ nervously when people spoke to him.Instead,he became brave and _20_,ready to face up to anyone.The boy who stole his packed lunch that day ate so spicy a sausage sandwich that he _21_ crying and coughing.Never again did he rob Tony of his lunches.Another

24、older boy _22_ to hit Tony,but this time Tony looked at the boy _23_ and bravely.From memory,he told him the _24_ of his parents,his teacher,and the boys own mother,“_25_ you hit me Ill call them,and youll be severely punished.”The boy turned around and _26_ from the scene.The strategy _27_So,in the

25、 end,Tony became like the wasp hed seen.Without even having to sting anyone,he frightened them,and _28_ that no one would mess with him.【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。Tony的午餐被人拿走后感到很沮丧,他跑到公园,在公园里看到一只黄蜂,他赶紧躲开。这一举动使他思考自己的问题,他从黄蜂身上得到启示从而变得自信、勇敢,最终解决了自己的问题。9A.excited BdissatisfiedCfrustrated Drelaxed答案C上文中说Tony的午餐被拿走了,在

26、这种情况下他应感到沮丧而愤怒,故选C项。10A.scared BinspiredCrescued Dcomforted答案A从后文中的Tony从花丛中逃离可知,黄蜂吓到(scared)了Tony。11A.guess Bthought Cbelief Dview答案B下文描述的是他的疑问,故用thought最佳。一个想法出现在他的脑海中。12A.smaller Bbigger Csmarter Dfiercer答案A一个人怎么会被比自己小这么多的东西给吓着呢?故选A。13A.collected BtestedCwatched Dcounted答案Cwatch意为“观察”。Tony应该是观察之后,

27、才了解黄蜂的一些招数。14A.challenge BtrickCchoice Dmethod答案B句意参见上题解析。trick“花招,把戏”。15A.bite Bwarn Cfight Dplease答案C黄蜂不会与人作战(fight),但是每个人都害怕它的刺,所以不敢惹它。16A.in peace Bin silenceCby comparison Don end答案Aleave sth.in peace“不打扰”。此处指不招惹黄蜂。17A.remembering BdoubtingCregretting Dwondering答案D从上文可知,此时Tony想知道自己的“刺”是什么。wonde

28、r“琢磨,想知道”,符合语境。18A.different BcommonCstrange Drare答案A结合后文中的“No longer did he walk with his eyes fixed on the ground.to him”可知,Tony受到黄蜂的启发,决定改变自己,所以第二天他好像成了另外一个人。19A.turn back Blook intoCturn down Dlook away答案D结合语境可知,Tony之前与人谈话时,不敢正视别人的目光,紧张地扭头看别处。look away“扭头看别处”;turn back“(使)原路返回,使往回走”;look into“调查

29、,审查”;turn down“拒绝”。故选D。20A.confident BreliableCcheerful Dsensitive答案A有了勇敢和自信,才敢面对他人。用confident正合适。21A.picked up Bbrought outCended up Dcut down答案C偷Tony午餐的男孩吃了很辣的香肠三明治,结果被辣哭了,不停地咳嗽。end up“(尤指经历一系列意料之外的事情后)最终处于”,符合语境。22A.promised BthreatenedCdecided Dstarted答案B另一个年龄较大的男孩威胁要打Tony。threaten“威胁,恐吓”,符合语境。2

30、3A.cruelly BproudlyCdeterminedly Dcarelessly答案C从上文可知,此时Tony的心态已变得自信、勇敢,Tony是坚定勇敢地看着这个男孩,故选C。determinedly“坚定地,坚决地”。24A.numbers BfeelingsCnames Dchanges答案A根据后文中的“_25_ you hit me Ill call them”可知,Tony告诉男孩的是电话号码。25A.As BIf CThough DUnless答案B如果你打“我”的话,“我”就会给他们打电话。26A.withdrew BrecoveredCsheltered Dsuffer

31、ed答案A男孩转过身,离开了现场。withdraw“撤回,撤离”,符合语境。27A.improved BfailedCsurvived Dworked答案D根据下文可知,Tony的策略起作用了。work“奏效”。28A.proved BguaranteedCconcluded Dforesaw答案B他甚至没有伤害任何人就吓走了他们,并且保证了没人会再给他制造麻烦。.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。My husband,Mike,is American,and Im Spanish.Mike is always trying to understand S

32、panish.Whenever my mother and I speak Spanish,he is _29_(curiosity) and tries to pick up words.One day,he heard us say that a woman was chule.He asked what it meant,and he _30_(tell) that it meant “pretty”When we went to my mothers house _31_ her birthday party the next week,he gave her a kiss and s

33、aid,“Happy birthday,chuleta.”He danced her around the kitchen,_32_(call) my mother his chuleta.My mother,_33_ is softspoken and shy,raised an eyebrow and looked at me,but she didnt say anything.The problem is _34_ chuleta doesnt mean “pretty” in Spanish _35_ means “pork chop(猪排)”Mike was trying to l

34、et my mother know how much he loved her and that she was still beautiful.Then my brothers and sisters gathered in the kitchen to watch _36_ dancing as Mike continued to call my mother his “little pork chop”We didnt tell him what he was doing _37_ we didnt want to make him _38_(embarrass)答案29.curious30.was told31.for32.calling 33who34.that35.but36.the/them37.because 38Embarrassed- 8 - 版权所有高考资源网


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