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2018届高三英语二轮复习试题:第六组练习 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、第六组(建议用时:30分钟).阅读理解A(2017长春监测二)A few years ago, I_felt_like_I_was_stuck_in_a_rut(车辙),so I decided to follow in the footsteps of a great American philosopher, Morgan Spurlock,and try something new for 30 days.The idea is actually pretty simple.Think about something youve always wanted to add to your

2、life and try it for the next 30 days.It turns out 30 days is just the right amount of time.Therere a few things I learned while doing these 30day challenges.The first was the time was much more memorable.This was part of a challenge I did to take a picture every day.I also noticed that as I started

3、to do more and harder 30day challenges,my selfrecognition grew.I went from a deskdwelling computer nerd(电脑迷)to the kind of guy who biked to work.Even last year,I ended up hiking up Mt.Kilimanjaro.I would never have been that adventurous before I started my 30day challenges.I also figured out that if

4、 you really want something badly enough, you can do anything for 30 days.Have you ever wanted to write a novel?Tens of thousands of people try to write their own 50,000word novel in 30 days.It turns out that all you have to do is write 1,667 words a day for a month.So I did.So heres my question to y

5、ou:What are you waiting for?The next 30 days are going to pass whether you like it or not,so why not think about something you have always wanted to try and give it a shot!1The underlined sentence in Para. 1 means _AI felt my life was unchanged and boringBI didnt like following others footstepsCI th

6、ought that I was in troubleDit seemed that my car broke down2The author did all the following things every day to change EXCEPT _Atake a photo Bcycle to workCwrite over 1,000 wordsDstick to computer games 3The author of the passage aims to _Atalk about his own experiencesBencourage people to try som

7、ething new Cintroduce a new philosophyDshow people the challenges in life4Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?AWould You Like to Change Yourself?BFed up With Your LifeCWays to Challenge YourselfDTry Something New for 30 DaysB(2017江西南昌高三一模)People who possess high selfesteem a

8、re able to commit better and produce a greater bond in relationships with others. Dr. Douglas feels that most people do not value themselves, but with love and selfrespect anyone can be above normality and grasp success with the family, the office, or others. We have become too reliant on intelligen

9、ce, beauty, and money for our own selfesteem. The loss of esteem reduces the will and ability to set and reach goals. In a series of reading Douglas teaches how to avoid negative statements, how to change them into selffacing behavior, and how to take charge of your mental attitude. Where other moti

10、vational and selfhelp work stops with the theoretical plan for success, Douglas takes everyday examples and puts them into his books. From raising children who believe in themselves to using selfesteem to help bridge the gap in the workplace, he gives readers concrete solutions to the problems that

11、might ruin their interpersonal relations.Selfesteem building comes from filling your thoughts with positive affirmations(肯定) and learning to react to failures with motivation instead of selfdestruction. These lessons are valuable for anyone who feels that life is even slightly out of control. People

12、 who feel they have adequate esteem can learn to use it to make their success grander, faster, and more beneficial for others. Douglas approaches this process of selfdevelopment as a means of more than creating good things for the individual but also for setting up keys for influencing good things f

13、or others.For more than thirty years, Dr. Douglas has addressed more than two million people on topics from time management to speaking effectively to raising drugfree children. He is the author of fifteen books, including How to Make a Habit of Succeeding.5What can we infer from Paragraph 1?AMost p

14、eople behave well enough.BSelfrespect means being above normality.CSelfesteem matters much.DCommitting better equals greater success.6Why does Douglas put everyday examples into his books?ATo be reliant on selfesteem.BTo set and reach goals.CTo avoid negative thoughts.DTo offer concrete solutions.7W

15、hat does the author advise those whose life is slightly out of control to do?ALearn to be positive.BFace it unmotivatedly.CAdmit selfdestruction.DAsk for help.8Whats the most important to be selfdevelopment?AInfluencing the individual.BInfluencing more people.CGaining more benefits.DSpeaking more ef

16、fectively. .完形填空(2017江西师大附中临川一中联考)For years I have had no idea what I have been doing with my life.I was a 30yearold lawyer in New York._1_being a lawyer was never my dream or goal in life.I honestly wanted to be a writer.I have a great _2_ and would write amazing stories in my head.But I always kne

17、w that being a writer was _3_ possible for me because it was a better_4_ decision to stay a lawyer.Recently,I couldnt fall asleep_5_ my usual time of 10 pm., and when I did fall asleep I had the same dream_6_. The dream started with me in the ocean _7_ to go for a swim and I was searching for someth

18、ing,but I started to _8_and had no control over my _9_. Then a light shone through the water and when I looked up all I could _10_was myself in a bright white room writing a _11_Then I heard a voice said _12_, “Now is the time to try something new;now is the time to try something new.”It wasnt just

19、a dream;it was my _13_ to make something good out of my life.That afternoon I _14_my job at the law firm and I couldnt have been any _15_My life started at 30, and every day _16_ that point I havent stopped enjoying life.I started to _17_ and have been on the bestsellers list for the last two months

20、.Things have definitely _18_19_ is a good thing;it gives us an opportunity to take a chance.So my two favorite words I live by and so _20_ you are “change and chance”.1.A.BecauseBSoCBut DWhile2A.imagination BdeterminationCidentification Dinformation3A.almost BneverCalways Dlater4A.crucial Bessential

21、Cfinancial Dinitial5A.in BonCat Dby6A.on a large scale Ball of a suddenCin the long run Dover and over again7A.attempted BtryingCagreeing Dstruggled8A.drown BfloatCflee Dscream9A.body BheadChands Dlife10A.hear BseeCfeel Dimagine11A.novel BletterCjournal Dreport12A.sadly BviolentlyCrepeatedly Dreluct

22、antly13A.hobby BopportunityCduty Dhonor14A.landed BlostCgot Dquit15A.happier BsadderCworse Dluckier16A.before BafterCsince Duntil17A.work BwriteCsmile Dread18A.turned back Bturned upCturned out Dturned around19A.Chance BWritingCDreaming DChange20A.should BwillCmust Dneed第六组.阅读理解导学号:65294058【解题导语】本文讲

23、述了作者的亲身经历,告诉读者30天刚好是一段合适的时间去养成一个新的习惯或改掉一个旧的习惯。1A解析:句意理解题。根据so I decided to follow in the footsteps of a great American philosopher,Morgan Spurlock,and try something new for 30 days 可知,作者认为固有的生活轨迹禁锢了自己,让自己的生活变得乏味。因此决定追随伟大的哲学家摩根斯珀洛克的思想,用30天的时间去尝试新事物。故选A项。2D解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的关键信息take a picture 和biked to

24、work以及第四段中的It turns out that all you have to do is write 1,667 words a day for a month.So I did.可知作者在尝试改变的过程中没有沉溺于网络游戏。故选D项。3B解析:推理判断题。根据全文内容,特别是最后一段中的What are you waiting for?可知,作者的写作目的是鼓励人们去尝试自己想做的事情,尝试新事物。故选B项。4D解析:标题归纳题。作者强调的是用30天尝试一些新的事情,做出改变。故D项符合文章主旨。58.CDAB.完形填空导学号:65294059【解题导语】作者为了追随自己的梦想,

25、辞去了律师的工作,最终成为一名作家。作者通过此事告诉我们:改变可以带给我们机遇,使我们成为想成为的人。1C解析:空前一句I was a 30yearold lawyer in New York.介绍了作者的职业,与本句中being a lawyer was never my dream or goal in life 为转折关系,故选C项。2A解析:根据空后的would write amazing stories in my head可知,作者有丰富的想象力(imagination),常常在脑海里想出很棒的故事。故选A项。determination意为“决心”;identification意为

26、“鉴定;识别”;information意为“信息”。3B解析:根据下文可知,考虑到经济方面的原因,作者认为当律师是一个比较好的职业,所以成为作家是决不(never)可能的。故选B项。4C解析:根据常识,律师的收入通常比普通作家高。因此,考虑到经济(financial)原因,当律师是一个更好的决定。故选C项。crucial 意为“至关重要的;关键性的”;essential意为“极其重要的;必不可少的”;initial意为“最初的;开始的”。5C解析:此处指作者最近在(at)晚上十点睡不着。表示“在几点”应用介词at。6D解析:根据the same dream可推断,作者反复做了同样的梦。on a

27、 large scale 意为“大规模地”;all of a sudden 意为“突然地”; in the long run 意为“长远来看”;over and over again 意为“反复地”。根据语境可知选D项。7B解析:句意为:梦的开始,我在海里面试着(trying)游泳并且在找东西分析句子结构可知,本句谓语动词为started,故此空应填不定式或现在分词,故排除A、D两项;再根据语境可知选B项。8A解析:根据空后的had no control 及下句中的Then a light shone through the water可推断出,作者的身体在水下,因此是开始溺水(drown)。

28、故选A项。9A解析:根据I started to 可推断出,作者的身体失控了,故选A项。10B解析:根据空前的a light shone through the water 可推断出,光线能够让人看到东西,故B 项符合语境。句意为:然后一道光线透过水面,当我抬头看时,我能够看到的是自己正坐在一个明亮的白色的房间里写小说。11A解析:根据文章第2空所在句子可知,作者想象力丰富,善于构思故事,一直想成为一个作家。由此可推测,作者此时在梦里看到自己在写小说(novel)。故选A项。letter意为“书信”;journal 意为“日记”;report意为“报告”。12C解析:根据空后的Now is t

29、he time to try something new;now is the time to try something new.可知,作者听到一个声音在重复地(repeatedly)说话。故选C项。sadly 意为“悲伤地”;violently意为“暴力地”;reluctantly意为“不情愿地”。13B解析:本空是文章最后一段中it gives us an opportunity to take a chance 中opportunity 的复现。故选B项。句意为:这不仅仅是一个梦,这是我创造美好生活的机遇。14D解析:根据下文中的My life started at 30及17空所在句

30、子可知,作者开启了新的人生,即开始写作。因此,此处指作者辞去了(quit)律师事务所的工作。故选D项。land a job和get a job 意为“获得工作”。15A解析:根据下文可知,作者辞去工作开始写作,追随自己的内心开始真正地享受生活,作者感觉从来没有那样开心过(happier)。故选A项。16C解析:根据I havent stopped enjoying life 可知,时态为现在完成时,表示作者从辞职后一直到现在的生活状态,故选C项,表示“从那个时间点开始”。17. B解析:根据空后的and have been on the bestsellers list for the las

31、t two months 可知,在过去的两个月一直在畅销书榜单上,因此,他在辞去律师工作后便开始写作(write)。故选B项。18D解析:句意为:一切都发生了转变(turned around)。turn back意为“(使)往回走”;turn up 意为“出现;开大(热度、音量等)”;turn out 意为“证明是;结果是”。根据前文,作者辞了工作,开始写作,成为畅销书作家,一切都发生了改变,因此D项正确。19D解析:根据下句中的change and chance 可知,改变(Change)是一件好事。故选D项。20A解析:本题需结合句子结构和语境,主体部分为So my two favorite words are “change and chance”,(that) I live by and so you为定语从句,修饰words,本句总结了作者对生活的感受以及对于读者的启发,表示“你也应该(should)如此”,故选A项。句意为:所以我最喜欢的并且赖以生存的两个词就是“改变和机遇”,你也应该如此。


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