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四川省广安市岳池县第一中学高中英语外研版必修4导学案 MODULE 5 A TIP ALONG THE THREE GORGES 第4课时.doc

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四川省广安市岳池县第一中学高中英语外研版必修4导学案 MODULE 5 A TIP ALONG THE THREE GORGES 第4课时.doc_第1页
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1、Period 4: Grammar学习目标:复习情态动词尤其是表示能与不能的情态动词的用法学习重点:情态动词在语句中的运用学习难点:利用例句归纳出语法规则课前预习使用说明与学法指导:1. 利用例句归纳出语法规则2. 15分钟之内完成预习自测:选词填空(1)Its usually warm in my hometown in March,but it be rather cold sometimes.(2)The soccer team has been doing well this season,so they win the championship.(3)Why didnt you pi

2、ck up the MP4?I have bought it,but I didnt carry that much money.(4)Naturally,after I tell my brother what to do,he go and do the opposite.(5)Where are you going for your holidays?I havent decided yet.I go to England.情态动词有一定的 ,表示某种感情和语气,但不能单独作 ,要和其他动词(原形)一起构成 。我的疑问:_课内探究质疑探究:情态动词情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度

3、,但本身词义不完全,不能单独作谓语动词。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。每个情态动词都有自己的具体含义和特点。情态动词的否定式一般是在它们的后面加否定词not构成的。1can和 could(could是can的过去式,也可表示语气委婉)(1)表示能力He can do the work by himself.他能独自做这项工作。Could the girl read before she went to school.这个女孩上学前会读书吗?(2)表示推测(用于否定句和疑问句)He cant be over sixty.他不可能超过60岁。Can this story be true? 这个故事会

4、是真的吗?(3)表示许可和请求(could用来表示“请求”时,是委婉的说法,回答时只用can)。Could I have a look at your new pen?我可以看一看你的新钢笔吗?Of course,you can.当然可以。You can use my dictionary now.你现在可以用我的字典。(4)表示某人/某物一时的特点,可译为“有可能,有时会”。He can be very careless at times.他有时会很粗心。【易混辨析】can/be able to(1)can/could表示能力,只用现在时和过去时(could),而be able to有各种时

5、态。They will be able to tell you the news soon.他们很快就能告诉你那个消息了。(2)表示成功地做了某事,只能用was/were able to,而不能用could。They were able to escape from the flood.他们成功地从洪水中逃离。2may( might)(1)表示许可。在表示请求、允许时,might 比 may 语气更委婉一些,否定回答时要用mustnt,表示“不可以,禁止,阻止”。Might I use your pen?我能用你的钢笔吗?No,you mustnt.不,你不能用。(2)用于祈使句中表示祝愿Ma

6、y you succeed! 祝你成功!【提示】may或might动词原形都可以表示可能性。用might则语气更加不肯定。 May/Might I ask for a photo of your baby?我可以要一张你宝宝的照片吗?3must(1)表示义务等。意为“必须”,强调主观看法。其否定形式为mustnt,意思是“不许,禁止”。We must do everything step by step.我们做一切事情都必须循序渐进。You mustnt talk to her like that.你不许那样和她说话。Must we hand in our exercise books now

7、?我们现在必须要交练习本吗?No,you neednt /dont have to.不,不必。(2)表示推测。意为“肯定,一定”,只用于肯定句中。He must be ill.他准是病了。Shes wearing a diamond necklace. She must have a lot of money.她戴着一条钻石项链,一定很有钱。【提示】have to含义与must相似,两者往往可以互换使用,但must与have to有下列几点不同:must表示的是说话人的主观看法,而have to 则往往强调客观需要。must只有一种形式,have to则涉及人称、时态等方面的变化形式。Must

8、 we hand in our English exercise books?我们必须交英语作业吗?Yes,you must./No,you dont have to.是的,你们必须要交。/不,你们可以不交。You mustnt go.你不许走。(带有很强的语气,表示“禁止、 不允许”)You dont have to go.你不必走。(表示“不必”)4shall(1)用于第一、第三人称的疑问句中表示征求意见或请求指示。Shall I get you some tea?我给你点儿茶,好吗?Shall the boy wait outside?让那男孩在外面等吗?What shall we do

9、 this evening?我们今晚做什么?(2)表示说话人的意图、意志、命令、允诺、警告或必然结果等。在法律、条约、协定等文件中,shall表示义务、规定等。用于第二、第三人称的陈述句中。You shall do as I say.按我说的做。(命令)You shall have my answer tomorrow.你明天可以得到我的答复。(允诺)You shall be sorry for it one day.有一天你会对此后悔的。(警告)5should(1)表示义务。意为“应该”。You should be polite to your teachers.你对你的老师应该有礼貌。Yo

10、u shouldnt waste time.你不应该浪费时间。(2)表示推测。意为“可能,该”。Jack should be at home.杰克可能在家。(3)表示令人惊奇的事。意为“竟然”。Its surprising that Tom should cheat in the exam.汤姆竟然在考试中作弊,真是不可思议。6will( would)(1)表示意愿。用于各种人称的陈述句中。I will do anything for you.我愿为你做任何事。They would not let him in because he was poorly dressed.他们不让他进去,因为他

11、衣着破旧。(2)表示请求。用于疑问句中。would表示委婉语气。如:Will you close the window? Its a bit cold.请你把窗户关上,好吗?有点儿冷。Would you mind cleaning the window?请把窗户擦一下,好吗?(3)表示某种倾向或习惯。Fish will die out of water.鱼离开水就会死掉。The boy will sit there hour after hour looking at people going by.那个男孩常常坐在那里好几个钟头,看着人们走过。Every time she was in tr

12、ouble,she would go to him for help.每次遇到麻烦,她都会向他求助。【易混辨析】would和used to(1)would表示过去习惯性的动作,不涉及现在的情况。He would climb the mountain when he was sad.以前,当他伤心时,他总是去爬那座山。(2)used to表示过去常常做某事,现在已经不做了,也可用于指过去某种状态。He used to be late for school,but now he is used to getting up early. 他过去常常上学迟到,现在他已习惯于早起。当堂检测:用适当的情态

13、动词填空1He speak English very well when he was five.2I have not a raincoat with me.Thats why I wait until the rain stops.3Their baby walk in a few weeks.4 you be so kind as to keep an eye on my house while I am away?5Im surprised that he have been so foolish.6It be Peter. He has gone to Beijing.7Whenev

14、er I was in trouble,she come to help me.8He get a computer if he does well in the exam.9 I finish the work before ten?Yes,you . / No,you .10I be late,so dont wait for me.课后反思:_课后训练单项填空1(2012天津高考)Its quite warm here,we turn the heating on yet.Acouldnt BmustntCneednt Dwouldnt2(2013北京高考)You neednt take

15、 an umbrella. It isnt going to rain.Well, I dont know. It do.Amight BneedCwould Dshould3(2013江西高考)When I was a child, I watch TV whenever I wanted to.Ashould BcouldCmust Dneed4Peter be really rude at times even though hes a nice person in general.Ashall BshouldCcan Dmust5The police still havent foun

16、d the lost child,but theyre doing all they .Acan BmayCmust Dshould6Put on more clothes.You be feeling cold with only a shirt on.Acan BcouldCwould Dmust7John promised his doctor he not smoke,and he has never smoked ever since.Amight BshouldCcould Dwould8We need a person very much to think up such an

17、idea. the new engineer have a try?AShall BMayCShould DNeed9 I help you with some shoes,madam?Yes,I would like to try on those brown ones.AWill BShouldCMay DMust10I dont really like James. Why did you invite him?Dont worry. He come. He said he wasnt certain what his plans were.Amust not Bneed notCwou

18、ld not Dmight not11I _ use a clock to wake me up because at six oclock each morning the train comes by my house. (2012大纲全国,30)AcouldntBmustnt CshouldntDneednt12Days later,my brother called to say he was all right,but _ say where he was.(2012江苏,28)A mustntBshouldnt CwouldntDmightnt13I got close enough to hear them speaking Chinese,and I said “Ni Hao,” just as I _ do in China. (2012四川,19)AmustBmightCcanDshould14Its quite warm here;we _ turn the heating on yet. (2012天津,8)AcouldntBmustntCneedntDwouldnt15If you _ smoke,please go outside. (2011大纲全国,8)AcanBshouldCmustDmay


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