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四川省凉山州2021-2022学年高三上学期第一次诊断测试英语试题 PDF版含答案.pdf

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1、第玉卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A.谊19.15.B.谊9.18.C.谊9.15.答案是 C。1.How will Susan spend most of her time in France?A.Stud

2、ying at a school.B.Traveling around.C.Looking after her aunt.2.What is the man going to do?A.Go on the Internet.B.Study in a library.C.Prepare for a party.3.Why does the woman call the man?A.To make an apology.B.To cancel a flight.C.To put off a meeting.4.What does the man mean?A.He can pick up the

3、womans son.B.He welcomes the woman at any time.C.He wants the woman to arrive at the right time.5.How does the woman go to work?A.By car.B.By bike.C.On foot.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读

4、两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 和 7 题6.What does the woman regret?A.Dropping out of college.B.Giving up her research.C.Changing her major.7.What is the woman interested in studying now?A.Ecology.B.Education.C.Chemistry.凉山州 2022 届高中毕业班第一次诊断性检测英语本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。第玉卷(选择题)第 1 至 6 页,第域卷(非选择题)第 7 至 8页,答题卷 2 页,共计 10 页,满分

5、 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、座位号、准考证号用 0.5 毫米的黑色签字笔填写在答题卡上,并检查条形码粘贴是否正确。2.选择题使用 2B 铅笔涂在答题卡对应题目标号的位置上;非选择题用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔书写在答题卡的对应框内,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。3.考试结束后,将答题卡收回。英语试卷第 1 页(共 8 页)听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 和 9 题8援 When will Judy go to a party?A.On Monday.B.On Tuesday.C.On Wednesday.9.What w

6、ill Max do next?A.Fly a kite.B.Do his homework.C.Read a magazine.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 12 题10.How did the man feel about his performance today?A.Greatly encouraged.B.A bit dissatisfied.C.Terribly disappointed.11.What did the man say helped him overcome the problem?A.Patience.B.Determination.C.Luck.12.What

7、 is the woman doing?A.Conducting an interview.B.Holding a press conference.C.Hosting a ceremony.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 16 题13.What made Donna become a wildlife photographer?A.She was very good at taking photos.B.She was interested in animal behaviors.C.She enjoyed traveling to remote places.14.Why is it ea

8、sier now to learn to photograph animals?A.The necessary equipment is cheaper.B.International travel provides more chances.C.There are more classes about wildlife photography.15.What happened to Donna while taking photos of birds?A.Her feet were getting wet.B.She was not able to sit down.C.She was be

9、ing bitten by insects.16.What is required to be a wildlife photographer?A.Patience.B.Talent.C.Experience.听下面一段独白,回答第 17 20 题17.Who would like to make small talk according to the speaker?A.Relatives.B.Strangers.C.Visitors.18.Why do people have small talk?A.To express opinions.B.To avoid arguments.C.T

10、o show friendliness.19.Which of the following topic should be avoided in small talk?A.Friends.B.Income.C.Family members.20.What does the speaker suggest at the end of his lecture?A.Asking openended questions.B.Feeling free to change topics.C.Making small talk interesting.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共

11、15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑援Author:Ali SmithPrice:谊16.99Ali Smithscontinues the interplay between the recent past and modern day societythat marked out her works as insightful.The top of a hugely ambitious and fast paced literaryproject that aims to displa

12、y the state of the nation with burning immediacy(直观性),isone of 2020s absolute must-reads.英语试卷第 2 页(共 8 页)英语试卷第 3 页(共 8 页)Author:Anne EnrightPrice:谊16.99A beautifully realized novel of mother-daughter relationships and the dark side of fame andadulation(吹捧),skillfully unpacks the secrets and lies of

13、a well-known theatre performerand the effects of her bad fame on the child who admired her.With a sharp eye for femaleinteraction and familial(家庭的)meaning,finds the former Booker Prize-winner on excellentform.Author:Anne TylerPrice:谊14.99is both a deliciously perfect love story and a characterstudy

14、of a lovable eccentric(古怪的人),stuck in his ways.Showing the emotional warmth that hasmade the both a critical darling and a beloved popular author,this is Anne Tyler at her winningbest.Author:Marian KeyesPrice:谊20.00There are few writers as capable of showing the frictions of family life with as much

15、 humorand accuracy as Marian Keyes and her latest sees her on flashing form.When one womansaccident leads to an outpouring of long-contained complaints and secrets,it calls into question justhow civilized and“grown-up”any of us actually are.21.Which of the following is about the reflection of a coun

16、try?A.Summer.B.Actress.C.Redhead by the Side of the Road.D.Grown Ups.22.What will you see in the book?A.The bitter side of a mother.B.The story of a loving couple.C.The secrets and lies of a well-known theatre performer.D.An outpouring of long-contained complaints and secrets.23.Whose book is at the

17、 lowest price?A.Ali Smith.B.Anne Enright.C.Anne Tyler.D.Marian Keyes.A good joke can be the hardest thing to understand when studying a foreign language and adifferent culture.As a recent article innoted,“Theres more to understanding a joke in aforeign language than understanding vocabulary and gram

18、mar.”Being able to understand local jokes is often seen as a greatfor a languagelearner who tries to start friendships with native speakers.“I always felt that humor was something that I could never break through,”Hannah Ashley,apublic relations account manager in London who once studied Spanish in

19、Madrid,told.“I could never speak to people on the same level as I would speak to a native Englishspeaker.I almost seemed like quite a boring person because all I could talk about was facts.”In fact,most of the time,jokes are only funny for people who share a cultural background orunderstand humor in

20、 the same way.In Australia,meanwhile,many foreigners find understanding jokes about sports to be thebiggest problem.“The hardest jokes are related to rugby because I know nothing about rugby,”said Melody Cao,who was once an overseas student in Australia.“When I heard jokes I didntget,I just laughed

21、along.”In the other two major English-speaking countries,the sense of humor is also different.British comedian and actor Simon Pegg believes that while Britons use irony basically,sayingsomething they dont mean to make a joke every day,people in the US dont see the point of英语试卷第 4 页(共 8 页)using it s

22、o often.“British jokes tend to be less obvious and darker,while American jokes aremore obvious with their meanings,a bit like Americans themselves,”he wrote in.But even without the ability to understand local jokes,foreigners should not feel any lessconfident about themselves.“Its OK if you dont get

23、 the jokes.Dont doubt yourself because alot of the time,it is not a problem of language ability.Its a matter of culture and the matter ofthe known and unknown,”said Christine Han,who was once an overseas student and is now livingin Australia.24.What does the word“”underlined in paragraph 3 refer to?

24、A.a ship with a bow to break up ice.B.a beginning to relax a tense atmosphere.C.having a good knowledge of something.D.a major breakthrough in solving a problem.25.Why did Hannah Ashley feel humor was something she couldnt break through?A.Because she didnt share a cultural background with a native.B

25、.Because she could never speak to people on the same level.C.Because she almost seemed like quite a boring person.D.Because all that she could talk about was facts.26.Who argues that American jokes are less indirect than British ones?A.Hannah Ashley.B.Melody Cao.C.Simon Pegg.D.Christine Han.27.The p

26、assage is most likely to appear in thecolumn of.A援education.B.culture.C.language.D.travel.It is August 1939,and a group of frightened children are boarding a train at Pragues WilsonStation.Their heartbroken parents do not join them.Indeed,they fear they may never see theirchildren again.But they kno

27、w that their children will live.These are among the 669 children,most of them Jewish,that Nicholas Winton will go on to save from death at the hands of theNazis(纳粹).Nicholas Winton was born on 19 May 1909 in London,to German-Jewish parents.The familylater took British nationality.On leaving school,W

28、inton worked in banks in Germany and France.He returned to Britain in 1931,where he worked in business.In December 1938,a friend asked Winton to come to Prague to aid people who wereescaping from the Nazis.In Prague,Winton saw people living in terrible conditions and whoselives were in danger.He dec

29、ided to help transport children to safety in Britain.He established anoffice to keep records of the children,and then returned to Britain to find temporary homes forthem.He used donated funds and his own money to pay the 50 pounds per child that the Britishgovernment required.By August 1939,Winton h

30、ad saved 669 children.During World War II,Winton served as an officer in Britains Royal Air Force.He left themilitary in 1954.He then worked for international charities and for various companies.For themost part,he did not mention the children he saved,and his actions soon disappeared frompeoples me

31、mories.That all changed in 1988 when his wife Grete found a forgotten journal at home.The journalcontained photographs and names of the children and addresses of the families that took them in.She sent the journal to a newspaper,and that year Winton was seen on the British televisionprogramme.At one

32、 point,the host asked people in the audience to stand up ifNicholas Winton had saved their lives.A shocked Winton watched as the majority of people roseto their feet.The programme brought his actions to public attention,and Winton became arespected figure around the world.英语试卷第 5 页(共 8 页)28.Which of

33、 the following is the correct order to describe Wintons life according to the text?淤 He saved 669 children from death at the hands of the Nazis.于 He established an office to help refugees escape from the Nazis.盂 He became a businessman.榆 He worked for international charities.A.淤于榆盂B.盂于淤榆C.于淤榆盂D.淤盂于榆

34、29.Which of the following is true according to the text?A.Winton found temporary homes in Prague for the children he had saved.B.Wintons actions of saving 669 childrens lives were held back on purpose.C.Winton didnt expect that most of the live audience were those who he had saved.D.His wife brought

35、 Wintons actions to public attention.30.Which of the following can describe Wintons personal qualities?A.Sympathetic.B.Intellectual.C.Adventurous.D.Patriotic.31.The passage is probably followed by a concluding paragraph about.A.Wintons illness and treatmentB.Wintons friendship with Jewish familiesC.

36、Wintons personal life and achievementsD.Wintons receiving honours and passing awayAlpha,Beta,Delta these Greek letters used to only appear in our math classes but are nowpopping up in news headlines.Now,its Lambda.As the Delta variant(变异)spreads throughout communities in Asia,Europeand the United St

37、ates,another variant,Lambda,is spreading rapidly throughout South America,Forbes reported on Aug 10.On May 31,the World Health Organization(WHO)announced a naming system for variants ofthe coronavirus that uses letters of the Greek alphabet.Before that,the public had to call avariant its scientific

38、name or refer to it based on where it was identified(查明).For example,a strain(菌株)of COVID-19 identified in South Africa in late 2020 was calledvariant 501Y.V2 or B.1.351.Media also called the same virus“the South African variant”.Now,everyone call it“Beta”.Compared to complicated scientific names,th

39、e Greek letters are much easier to remember.“Itis a lot easier for a radio newsreader to say Deltathan bee-one-six-one-seven-two,”JeffreyBarrett,a UK statistical geneticist told.WHO hopes this change will help fight against theassociated with geography-basednames.“I can understand why people just ca

40、ll itthe South African variant they dont meananything by it,”Salim Abdool Karim,an epidemiologist in South Africa,told.“The problemis,if we allow it to continue,there are people who have a bad motive and will use it.”“No country should be stigmatized for detecting and reporting variants,”Maria Van K

41、erkhove,WHOs COVID-19 technical lead,wrote on Twitter.As the virus is still evolving,11 mutations(变种)have been named as recently as Sept 1.What if the 24 Greek letters are not enough?“We will possibly run out of the Greek alphabet,but were already looking at the next series of names,”Van Kerkhove to

42、ld.“Wereactually considering star constellations(星座).”Currently,the Virus Evolution Working Group and WHOs legal team are double checkingproposals to“make sure we dont upset anyone with these names”,Van Kerkhove told英语试卷第 6 页(共 8 页).In the future,will there be a“Virgo(处女座)variant”or an“Orion(猎户座)var

43、iant”?Letshope not,but only time will tell.32.What do we know about variants of the coronavirus according to the text?A.Alpha,Beta,Delta these variants used to only appear in our math classes.B.Its Lambda that spreads throughout communities in Asia,Europe and the US.C.Beta variant was first detected

44、 and reported in South Africa.D.It is a lot easier to say“bee-one-six-one-seven-two”than“Delta”.33.Which of the following best explains the word“”underlined in paragraph 6?A.reputationB.discriminationC.prideD.surprise34.Which of the following isnt supposed to be used as a name for a COVID-19 variant

45、?A.Paris.B.Omega(棕).C.B.1.617.2.D.Virgo.35.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Not confusing anyone with scientific namesB.A new way to stop discriminationC.The evolving mutations of the coronavirusD.Renaming COVID-19 variants第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选

46、项。About 30 million Americans live with an eating disorder.Some symptoms of an eatingdisorder may be more visible to the eyes.36Its important to know the symptoms in thosewho might be at risk of an eating disorder.Firstly,they are constantly talking about dieting.37Look at any lifestyle magazine orwe

47、bsite,and you will likely find dieting tips and advice.However,being trapped in that discussionis a different story.If someone you love is constantly talking about food or their dieting habits,itmight be a sign of concerns.Secondly,their fitness or eating habits are constantly out of the ordinary.Ch

48、anges in mood orbehaviors surrounding food or exercise can be signs of concern.This could mean a switch inactivity level like over-exercising,too often counting calories,frequently visiting the bathroom aftereating,fasting(禁食)or eating too much.38.Thirdly,avoiding interactions such as birthday parti

49、es or going out to dinner with friends is asignificant danger signal.People living with the condition have an intense focus on food or bodyimage.39They will keep away from situations likely ones that once brought them joy where that determination might be tested.The best way to support someone who m

50、ay be experiencing an eating disorder is by talkingwiththem,butwhenandhowyoudoitmatters.40Approachthemwithloveandcompassion(同情),and let them know that you care about them and that you notice there issomething they may be struggling with.A.Yet many others are often hidden in plain sight.B.This also m

51、ight come with noticeable weight loss or gain.C.They are constantly turning down food-centric social gathering.D.Mood changes associated with eating may also be a danger signal.E.The discussion around changing eating habits is incredibly common.F.It should be away from the normal routine and outside

52、 of a mealtime.G.Eating disorders are a group of conditions marked by an unhealthy relationship with food.第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)英语试卷第 7 页(共 8 页)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1援5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。In recent weeks,customers have been queuing at Donut City,s

53、tarting at 4:30 am.to buydozens of doughnuts(甜甜圈).Customers say the doughnuts are41.But the taste is not the42why they have been waiting43to buy them.It started a few weeks ago when customers started noticing that something was44.Everyday for the past 28 years,the friendly husband-and-wife45of Donut

54、 City Stella and JohnChhan have stood behind the46selling doughnuts.But then one day,Stella wasnt there.When47,John,62,told them Stella had fallen ill and was48in a nursing home.He would visit his wife once all the doughnuts were49.Dawn Caviola,a50of Donut City,thought if enough people would buy a d

55、ozen doughnutsevery morning,John could close early and go to51his wife.After Caviola52the idea on the neighborhood message board,neighbors and fans53ina positive way.They started54in the dark,ordering dozens of doughnuts.Jenee Rogers saw a local news story about the55to help the Chhans,which include

56、dtrying to set up a GoFundMe page to raise money to help the Chhans,but they56the offer.Rogers said she and all of her friends started to spread the57to go to the shop early and buydoughnuts.58in a phone interview,John expressed how thankful he was to his59customers.“I60it,”he said.“I just cant say

57、enough thank you and thank you.”41.A.cheapB.deliciousC.smellyD.juicy42.A.elementB.excuseC.reasonD.factor43.A.in lineB.in exchangeC.in panicD.in return44.A.commonB.funnyC.awkwardD.wrong45.A.customersB.neighborsC.ownersD.waiters46.A.counterB.tableC.windowD.door47.A.commandedB.enquiredC.testedD.judged4

58、8.A.workingB.volunteeringC.recoveringD.visiting49.A.taken outB.checked outC.given outD.sold out50.A.workerB.fanC.citizenD.reporter51.A.accompanyB.praiseC.inspireD.recognize52.A.declaredB.remarkedC.postedD.updated53.A.calledB.donatedC.doubtedD.responded54.A.turning upB.putting upC.taking upD.making u

59、p55.A.courageB.effortC.abilityD.game56.A.sacrificedB.advocatedC.postponedD.declined57.A.wordB.thoughtC.viewD.action58.A.SomehowB.LaterC.ThereforeD.Besides59.A.honestB.generousC.considerateD.polite60.A.regretB.makeC.deserveD.appreciate第域卷注意:将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。第三部分语言知识运用第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅

60、读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。英语试卷第 8 页(共 8 页)When were small,we dont think about difficulties of learning something new;we just goahead and do it.One of the61(example)is when I was learning to paint.I was very smalland the paint got everywhere.But instead of getting angry,everyone would be pa

61、tient62me,encouraging me and showing me the correct way,and after some time I was able to paint63(proper).This is an important lesson when learning another language.Many people only need onelanguage as their friends and family can speak the same language,64makes it more difficultfor them to learn a

62、new language.This can be a number of reasons.First,the best way65(improve)in anything is to have the chance to practice.In the case of66language,this67(mean)having the chance to communicate with speakers of the language they want to learn.If thischance is not there,it can slow down the pace at which

63、 the language68(learn).Second,it iseasier for the learners to lose interest because they have69(little)chance to see their progress.Without seeing how much improvement has taken place,it is hard for them to keep70(believe)that development is happening.So it is better to learn something slowly,and th

64、en move at a pace which is right for theindividual.第四部分写作(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)下面短文中有 10 处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(夷),并在其下面写出该加的词;删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每句不超过两个错误;2.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。Qinghai Lake has seen it large

65、st water areas since 2004 as a result of increased rainfall andimproving ecological conservation.Increased rainfall was the mainly reason for the lakes waterarea expansion.Enhanced ecological conservation also played the important role.Thelake has beenshrinking sincethe 1950s due tomultiplereason,su

66、chashumanactivities.It was the combined efforts of conservation and changes to the regional climate whichturned things around.In 2008,Qinghai launched a 10-year plan on the ecological environment protection as wellcomprehensive management of the Qinghai Lake basin.However,the improved ecosystem of t

67、helake has benefited from a variety of plant and animal species.第二节书面表达(满分 25 分)假定你叫李华。上周末,你们学校组织学生观看了一部电影钱学森,请你向学校英语报投稿,介绍这次活动,内容包括:1.放映时间和地点。2.电影内容。3.你的观后感。注意:字数 100 左右。2022 届一诊英语参考答案及评分意见第一部分15B A C B C610A A B C C1115B A B A C1620A B C B A第二部分第一节2123A B C2427D A C B2831B C A D3235 C B A D第二节36A3

68、7E38B39C40F第三部分第一节4145B C A D C4650A B C D B5155A C D A B5660D A B C D第二节61.examples62.with63.properly64.which65.to improve66.a67.means68.is learnt/learned69.less70.believing第四部分第一节Qinghai Lake has seen it largest water areas since 2004 as a result of increased rainfall anditsimproving ecological co

69、nservation.Increased rainfall was the mainly reason for the lakes waterimprovedmainarea expansion.Enhanced ecological conservation also played the important role.anThe lake has been shrinking since the 1950s due to multiple reason,such as human activities.hadreasonsIt was the combined efforts of con

70、servation and changes to the regional climate which turnedthatthings around.In 2008,Qinghai launched a 10year plan on the ecological environment protection as wellcomprehensive management of the Qinghai Lake basin.However,the improved ecosystem ofasTherefore/Thusthe lake has benefited from a variety

71、 of plant and animal species.去掉第二节One possible version:Last week,our school organized us students to watch a touching film named“QianXueshen”.The film was shown in our school stadium from 3:00 to 5:00 last Friday afternoon.It is related to one of our outstanding scientists,who has made great contrib

72、utions to ourcountrys scientific development.After watching the film,Im deeply moved by his devotion toscience and his personal quality as a scientist.Inspired by his extraordinary achievements,Imdetermined to make full use of my time to study,striving to be such an influential figure in myfuture ca

73、reer.Students present sing high praise for the film and are greatly encouraged by his scientificspirits.部分答案解析 本文是一篇应用文,介绍了 2020 年畅销的四本书。21.答案为 A,根据第一本书 Summer 提及内容,The top of a hugely ambitious and fast pacedliterary project that aims to display the state of the nation with burning immediacy(直观性),S

74、ummer is one of 2020s absolute must-reads.(夏日作为一部雄心勃勃、节奏明快的文学作品巅峰之作,其目的是用炽热的笔触展现美国的现状,绝对是 2020 年必读读物之一。)可知,Summer 是一本反映国家的书,故选 A。22.答案为 B,根据第三本书介绍的第一句 Redhead by the Side of the Road is both adeliciously perfect love story and a character study of a lovable eccentric(古怪的人),stuck in hisways.(路边的红头发即是

75、一部完美的爱情故事,也是对一个可爱的特立独行者的性格研究)可知这是一本关于爱情的小说,应该会对一对恋人的日常生活有所体现;A 和 C 都是有关第二本书 Actress 的,该书是一部关于母女关系以及名声和奉承的阴暗面的小说,巧妙揭示了一位著名戏剧演员的秘密和谎言,以及她坏名声对崇拜她的孩子的影响;D 是最后一本书 Grown Ups 的内容。24.答案为 D,根据 3 段可知“能听懂当地语言的笑话可以看作是想和当地人交朋友的外语学习者的一个巨大突破”,同时 4 段 1 句 I always felt that humor was something that I couldnever brea

76、k through,也是很好的提示。25.答案为 A,根据 5 段 In fact,most of the time,jokes are only funny for people who share acultural background 可知对于 once studied Spanish in Madrid 的汉娜来说,和当地人说话缺少一种共同的文化背景,所以没法体会当地人的幽默。B 和 C 都是她缺少和当地人的幽默共鸣这一现象本身的再描述;D 也是原因,但是和 A 相比浅层表象了些,明显 A 才是深层本质的原因。26.答案为 C,根据 7 段末句 British jokes tend

77、to be less obvious and darker,while Americanjokes are more obvious with their meanings,a bit like Americans themselves,可知 Simon Pegg认为英国笑话倾向于隐晦,而美国笑话更明显直白,如同美国人个性一般。27.答案为 B,本文主要讲的是“笑话带给外国人的理解障碍”,属于跨文化沟通的范畴。尤其末段提到 it is not a problem of language ability.Its a matter of culture and the matter of thek

78、nown and unknown.可排除 C。28.答案为 B,根据每件事的发生时间可排序。注意,据 2 段末句 He returned to Britain in1931,where he worked in business.可知是 4 项事件中最早发生;据 4 段 2-3 句 He left themilitary in 1954.He then worked for international charities 可知发生在 1954 年左右;据 3 段4 句可知1938 年 12 月到 Prague 之后发生,但应在 1939 年 8 月救完 669 个孩子之前。29.答案为 C,根

79、据末段倒数 2 句 A shocked Winton watched as the majority of people rose totheir feet,可推断 Winton 事先并不知道节目组请来的现场观众大部分都是他曾经救过的那些孩子。选项 A3 段 4 句,and then returned to Britain to find temporary homes for them.不是在 Prague,而是回到 Britain。选项 B 他的事迹被故意隐瞒,4 段末句,他不怎么把救人的事儿挂在嘴边宣讲,这些事迹自然慢慢就不为人所知了。选项 D末段末句,The programmebrou

80、ght his actions to public attention,主语偷换成了 his wife。30.答案为 A,Winton 从纳粹手中救出 669 个孩子,能看出他富有同情心和仁慈的品格。31.答案为 D,5 段末句 The programme brought his actions to public attention,and Wintonbecame a respected figure around the world.那这句和后面应该承上启下的关系,很有可能告诉读者 Winton 由此获得哪些荣誉褒奖;本文是人物传记类的,结尾很可能讲到人物去世信息。32.答案为 C,根据

81、 4 段 1 句 a strain(菌株)of COVID-19 identified in South Africa 和 4 段末句 Now,everyone call it“Beta”可知。选项 A1 段 1 句 these Greek letters;选项 B2 段 2句 As the Delta variant spreads throughout communities in Asia,Europe and the United States;选项 D 把 5 段 2 句中“Delta”和“bee-one-six-one-seven-two”前后颠倒了。33.答案为 B,“歧视”,根

82、据 6 段末句 The problem is,if we allow it to continue,there are peoplewho have a bad motive and will use it.可知用病毒发现地命名,可能会被人恶意利用,WHO 希望用希腊字母命名的方式对抗这种对病毒发现地的污名化行为。7 段 1 句又说,任何一个国家都不该因检测到新变异病毒而被污名化。9 段还提到 proposals to“make sure we dont upsetanyone with these names,确保人们不因这种用病毒发现地命名而恼怒。这些信息可以判断stigma 应为负向评述

83、或贬义的,选项 A 是中性的,C 是偏褒义或正向评述的,D 程度轻了,“惊讶”不足以让人恼怒和被人恶意利用。34.答案为 A,3 段说 WHO 宣布了用希腊字母命名新冠变异病毒,6-7 段说过去用地名命名会被别有用心的人利用,没有国家应该因此承受污名化,所以选项 A 巴黎符合题干;选项 B是希腊字母;选项 D 是星座,8 段末句和 10 段提到将来有可能用 Virgo 这样的星座来命名;选项 C 是 Delta 变异毒株的 scientific name,虽然复杂不容易记和说,但是科学上的表述还是使用的。35.答案为 D,本文主要讲了反对以变异毒株发现地命名,在科学名称之外,为便于大众交流,而

84、用希腊字母甚至星座给病毒重新命名。选项 B 不符合针对性原则,看题目不知道是什么具体方法;选项 C,日益演化变异的新冠病毒,范围小了,只是 1 段、2 段和 8 段的细节而已;选项 A 变异毒株的科学名称虽然由于不便大众记忆交流也是采用希腊字母重命名的原因之一,但更重要的原因还是因病毒发现地命名而对该国该地产生污名化,这也属于范围缩小的干扰项。2022 届一诊英语听力材料(供教师使用)听原文力Text 1:M:Susan,I heard you are going to France.How long will you be staying there?W:A whole year.My au

85、nt lives there.Im going to do a onemonth course at a language schooland spend the rest of the time traveling.Text 2:W:I wish I knew the times of the trains to London,but our phones out of order.M:Dont worry,Grandma.Ill find out on the Internet.W:Thank you.Text 3W:Hello,Mr.Smith,Im afraid Dr.Brown wo

86、nt be able to see you today.Hes still waiting for aflight out of New York.He said he would meet you tomorrow afternoon.Is it okay?M:Sounds good.Thank you for calling.Text 4W:Ill pick up my son after work and may be late for your party.Should I call and let you knowwhen Ill arrive?M:No,its not necess

87、ary.The party will be going for several hours,so feel free to come byanytime.Text 5M:I am so tired of driving all those hours to work.W:Yeah,I know what you mean.I used to drive two hours to work each day.But now I livewithin walking distance of my office.I dont even need a bike.Text 6W:The biggest

88、mistake I made was leaving college in my last year and not completing myeducation.So Im thinking of going back to school.M:School?To study what?W:Ecology.Im interested in the relationship between humans and nature.M:Cool.Is it what you studied years ago?W:No,I majored in chemistry then.Text 7M:Lets

89、go kiteflying,Judy.Its such a lovely day.W:OK.But let me finish my chemistry homework first.Would you mind waiting for half an hour,Max?There are a few sports magazines on the table.M:Isnt the chemistry homework due next Wednesday?W:Yeah.But I have a full day of classes on Monday and a birthday part

90、y to attend on Tuesday.M:All right then,you go ahead.And Ill catch up on some sports news while waiting.Text 8W:Well done.Congratulations!How are you feeling?M:Tired.Im just tired.W:But you did so well to get second place in todays car race.M:Well,I came out here aiming for the gold.I got third plac

91、e last time.And it was not the result Ihad hoped for.W:What happened today?You were looking extremely good at the start.M:I blew it.The car was a bit out of control.W:Some people might have given up at that point.M:I was determined to do it to finish the round.W:So,what now?M:Tomorrows going to be t

92、ough,much tougher than today.W:Well,I think you showed great determination today.Good luck for tomorrow,and thanks forspeaking to us.Text 9M:Donna,what originally made you decide to be a professional wildlife photographer?W:I wasnt a particularly talented photographer,but I was fascinated by what li

93、ving creatures doand why.M:Do beginners need to take budget flights to remote places to improve their photographic skills?W:No,learning has become simpler nowadays.For instance,the cost of goodquality digitalcameras and other important equipment has fallen sharply in recent times,enabling far morepe

94、ople to take good photos.M:And of course you need practical experience.W:Yes,there are things you cant learn sitting in the classroom.I once spent all night trying tophotograph birds after itd been raining heavily.Fortunately I had a good pair of boots on andthere was a fence that made a good seat,b

95、ut I found it hard to keep still because of themosquitoes.By morning my face and hands were covered in bites,but I did get some greatpictures.Its a job that required patience,indeed.Text 10:M:Hello,everyone.Today Im going to talk about“small talk”,that is,short conversationspeople often have with st

96、rangers they meet.Such exchanges occur at bus stops,on buses whilewaiting in line,almost anywhere that strangers gather close together.As a matter of fact,theseshort conversations are a good way for people to say hello and express friendliness.Suchconversations usually cover a wide range of topics.T

97、he topics may include weather,customerservice,movies,TV shows,local sports or latest news.But you should always keep it in yourmind that private questions about salaries,family life,religious beliefs and politics should beavoided during these conversations.Besides,its better to ask openended questio

98、ns.If you askvisitors,“Do you like our city?”They may say simply,“Yes”.On the other hand,if you ask,“What do you think of our city?”They will have more freedom in answering.This type ofquestion also shows that you are interested in them.If you appear interested in what people aresaying,they feel more comfortable talking with you.


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