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2022七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil第5课时教案(新版)人教新目标版.doc

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1、Unit 3 Is this your eraser?阅读课 Section B(2a -2c)Learning Goals Review the topic “identify ownership”, review the words about stationery such as “pen ,pencil ,backpack ,dictionary ,baseball ”in this uint. Using “Is this/that ?Are these/those ” to ask for the owners. Play the game and practice sentenc

2、es in order to improve the ability about Lost and Found. Encourage students to learn to return to the owner what one has picked up.PreviewLook at P17,put them into English orally, then write them down .1.watch (复数) _ 2. key (复数) _3.library (复数) _ 4. card (复数) _5. your 名词所有格) _6. 电脑游戏机 _ 7. 在学校图书馆里 _

3、8. 电话号码 _ 9. 打电话给我 _ _10. 在7E班教室里 _11. 发送电子邮件到 _ _(通过预习展示,培养学生自主预习意识。)Warming up and learning in热身导入First: show two pictures about bullstins , let students feel how to write.Then ask: T:Have you ever lost things before? Ss: Yes. T:What things do you lost easily? Ss;My book,my watch T:Let come to pla

4、y a game-Find the owner.2a.Write the things you lose easily._ _(利用失物招领等广告实物引出本课主题形象生动,利用学生经常遇到的现象即丢失学习用品,引入Lost and Found.)Read the passage fast and silently to general idea读取大意1.Read the notices on the board and circle the lost things.A computer game Some keys your watch my school ID 2.The main ide

5、a of the the four notices is to ( ) .A.find out the four notices of the thing B.show the lost thing C.tell others what they have lost or found(结合课本和助学,了解这篇短文的大意,提醒学生提前预习的重要性。)Read the test carefully and silently to find the specific idea读取细节一、2c.Read the notices again and write down the items. Then

6、check () Lost or Found on P17. Item Lost Found_ _ _ _ 二、Using the knowledge tree to say:1.A pen: 67223456Found: _Is this your _?Please call _.Phone # _.2、A computer: 67223456Found: _Is this your _?Please call _.Phone # _.3、A key:67223456Lost:_My name is _.Please call _.(依据课本中的知识框架,以提问的形式讨论图中的内容,课堂上多

7、创设讲英语的情景,使学生对英语产生兴趣,尽快投入到英语的学习中。)Post reading activity读后活动Listen and repeat.Complete 2b without looking at the text.1. A is in the school . Is it ? the teacher it? 2. are in Classroom 7E. yours? me at maryg2gfimail. com. 3. your watch?My is 495-3539. me. 4. I school ID card. I find it. Call me 685-6

8、034. Thanks.(听录音,多多体会,并感知英语发音特点,提高口语表达水平。)Interview (学生仿写)If you pick up or lost some things, you will.NamesThingsHow to do?NumberLi ChaowatchFound688997Li JingEnglish bookLost622133Report what things you have picked up in class, then ask:”Is this .? It is . Whose pen is it? what is his/her phone nu

9、mber?.” Then write Lost or Found.(和生活密切结合,发散学生的举一反三的能力,并现场表演,达到能够流利的表达自己的思想,使之更具有生活气息,增加学生学习的兴趣的目的。)Inquiry into knowledge by translation翻译探究一.Lost and Found: Lost v.意为“ ”;found v.意为“ ”;Lost and Found意为“ ”。用“the +物”意为“丢失的某物”。如: 丢失的书 - 二.Ask the teacher for it. Ask.for.表示 ,常译为“ ”。如:1.你可以找他要那本词典。 2.Do

10、nt ask me for it.go and ask your father. 三、.I must find it. 该句中must 的含义是“ ”,属于 动词,后面跟 。如: 现在的我必须走了。 四、.a set of keys a set of表示“ ”等。 “a set of+复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用 数。如: 这串钥匙是汤姆的。 (翻译探究部分更有针对性,以助学为主导,在学生提前预习的基础上,进一步加深理解,让学生自己发现,归纳,总结。充分发挥学生的主观能动性。)The end-of-class test当堂检测一、写出下列句子1. 这是你的手表吗?_ _ your watch

11、?2. 他们是你的吗? Are _ _?3. 在学校图书馆里有一台电脑游戏机。A _ _ is _ the school library.4. 一些钥匙在7E班的教室里。 Some _ _ _ Classroom 7E. 5. 我丢失了我的学生卡。 I _ my school _ _. 6. 打电话367-2598给我。 _ me _ 367-298.二、3a .Lets check the answers.name yours found 284-5486 lost call1. _: My notebook My _ is David. Please _ me at 679-88712._

12、: A set of keysAre these _?Call Jenny at _.Homework3b.Write your own lost or found notice with your name and phone number.1. 写寻物启事和失物招领要紧扣主题,写清物品名称、联系人及联系方式,要求表述明确,言简意赅。 亮点:本节课通过学生自主学习和小组合作学习找到失物招领和寻物启事的写法,这样有助于学生自己得出结论,记忆更深刻,同时锻炼了学生的语言组织能力。本课内容缺少听力训练,再加上邮箱号码的读法,对很多学生来说有困难。在今后的教学中应注重听力的培养,还要强化邮箱号码的读

13、法。答案:预习检测1.watches 2.keys 3. libraries 4. cards 5.yours 6. a computer game7. in the school library 8. phone number 9. call me at 10. in Classroom 7E11. E-mail me at 热身导入:2aeraser keys pencil ruler pen book Read the passage fast and silently to general idea读取大意CRead the test carefully and silently to

14、 find the specific idea读取细节一、2C: Found: school ID card Lost: a computer game a watch some keys二、1.Pencil: Pencil Pencil Tom 67223456 672234562、A computer:A comp、ter A computer 672234563. A key:A key A key 67223456Post reading activity读后活动1. computer game library yours Ask for2. Some keys Are they E-

15、mail at3. Is this phone number Call4. lost my must at ThanksInquiry into knowledge by translation翻译探究一、失物招领 遗失 找回 失物招领 lost the lost book 二、去老师那里拿 向某人索取某物 向要 1. You can ask him for the dictionary.2.不要向我要(它),去向你的爸爸要吧。 三、我必须找到它。必须 情态 动词原形 I must go now.四、一串钥匙 一套(副). 单The set of keys is toms.The end-of-class test当堂检测一、1.Is this 2. they yours 3. computer game in 4. keys are in5.lost ID card 6. Call at二、Lost name call Found yours 284-5486


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