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四川省广安市思源中学2016高考英语完形填空一轮练习(3) WORD版含答案.doc

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1、 四川省广安市思源中学2016高考英语完形填空一轮练习(3)完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。【山东省济宁市2014高考英语二模试题】AIts like getting a new life,I mean,living with the TragersBeing the oldest kid in Rosario Landing isnt something youd be 11 People who go there usually want 12 kids,babies even,because babies rememb

2、er little about their real parents, and its easier for them to become 13 to their new parentsI felt happy for those who left with their new familiesI really did 14 it got harder to be happy for them when you were never the one to go I never thought Nicole and Thomas would 15 meThey said they felt li

3、ke they had 16 me for many yearsAfter spending a few afternoons with me,they decided to take me home.Its never easy to have a 17 in your lifeLori is nice,but shes too 18 ,like I was just one of her parentsfriendsWe talk,but not very warmlySean 19 it better than his older sister I slept in his room b

4、efore I had my own,and we got to play tricks on each other three nights later,like real brothersIf theres anything I can do to make them feel easier with me,I11 tryI want to,be- cause,for the first time in my life,I feel that I 20 somewhere11Aafraid ofBaware ofCproud ofDtired of12AbiggerByoungerChea

5、lthierDhappier13AfamiliarBpoliteCkindDclose14AAndBButCSoDAs15ADick Bsee C1eave Dcatch 16Akept Btaught Cknown Dhelped17Aboy Bgirl Cfriend D. stranger18Apolite Bpleasant Camusing D. excited19Ameets with Bdeals with Cputs up with Dagrees with20Abelong Bexist Cstay D. live【参考答案】1120、CBDBA CDABA 【山东省济宁市2

6、014高考英语二模试题】BThe fighting for SUCCESS always begins with a targetBut too many people 21 through life like steepwalkers. Each day they follow familiar 22 ,nevrer asking,“What am I doing with my life?” And they dont know what theyre doing because they lack 23Goal-setting is a focusing of the 24 to mov

7、e in a certain direction. Begin With a clear 25 of what you wantWrite down your goals and date them-putting them into 26 makes them clearer to youRather than concentrating on 27 objects to acquire and Dossess,focus on satisfying your desires to do,to produce,to contribute,which gives you a true sens

8、e of 28 we all need Its important to picture yourself 29 your goalWhat often happens is that 30 tend to picture the terrible consequences of failure,while winners picture the 31 of successIve seen it among athletes,business people and public speakers. Ive done it myselfI was afraid of 32 travelFrien

9、ds showed me statistics contrasting air and highway 33 ,but it made no difference,because I had read too many artieles describing 34 scenes and imagined these scenes vividlyI had programmed myself, without realizing it,to 35 planes Then one summer I had the 36 to fly on a private plane with friendsI

10、 didnt want to miss a great 37 So I spent two weeks imagining a smooth flight and easy 38 . When the day arrived,I was 39 to goTo everyones surprise,I got on the plane and flew with them without hesitationI loved 40 minute of it, and I still use the techniques I employed that day21Arun Bmarch Cwande

11、r Dhurry22Aroutines Bguides Cexercises Dteachers23Aexperiences Bactions Cmethods Dgoals24A1ight Bwill Cbreath Dblood25Aimpression Btheory Cidea D.sky26Awords Bhearts Cbags D.pockets27Ametal Bcheap Cboring Dvaluable28Ahumour Bsatisfaction Cdirection Djustice29Asetting Bwriting Caccomplishing Dseeking

12、30A1osers Bheroes Cadults Dchildren31Arecords Bawards Ceffects Drewards32A1and Bair Csea Ddesert33Aspeed Bcost Csafety Dcomfort34Acrash Bmountain Cocean Dforest 35Acut off Bput off Cpay off Dstay off36Aplan Bopportunity Ccourage Dstrength37Atrain Bplane Cvacation Dlecture38Alanding Btravelling Cgoin

13、g Doperating39Aunwilling Bsorry Cafraid Deager 40Aa Bevery Cthe Dsome 【参考答案】2140、CADBC ADBCA DBCAD BCADB 【2015届广东省广州市海珠区高三摸底考试】完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 “Now,” Mrs. Virginia DeView said, smiling, “we are going to discover our professions.” The class seemed to be grea

14、tly surprised. Our professions? We were only 13 and 14 years old! The teacher must be 1 . “Yes, you will all be searching for your future 2 . Each of you will have to 3 someone in your field, plus give an oral report.”Each day in her class, Virginia DeView reminded us about this. Finally, I picked p

15、rint journalism. This 4 I had to go to interview a true-blue newspaper reporter. I was extremely nervous. I sat down in front of him 5 able to speak. He looked at me and said, “Did you bring a pencil or pen?”I shook my head.“How about some 6 ?”I shook my head again.Finally, I thought he realized I w

16、as 7 , and I got my first big tip as a 8 . “Never, never go anywhere without a pen and paper. You never know what youll run into.” After a few days, I gave my oral report totally from memory in class. I got an A on the entire project.Years later, I was in college looking around for a new career, but

17、 with no success. Then I 9 Virginia DeView and my desire at 13 to be a journalist. And I called my parents. They didnt 10 me. They just reminded me how competitive the field was and 11 all my life I had run away from competition. This was true. But journalism did something to me: it was in my blood.

18、 It gave me the freedom to go up to total strangers and ask what was 12 .For the past 12 years, Ive had the most satisfying reporting career, 13 stories from murders to airplane crashes and 14 choosing my strongest area. When I went to pick up my phone one day, an incredible wave of memories hit me

19、and I realized that had it not been for Virginia DeView, I would not be sitting at that desk.I was 15 all the time: “How did you pick journalism?”“Well, you see, there was this teacher ” I always start out. I just wish I could thank her.1. A. good B. mad C. careless D. curious2. A. universitiesB. fa

20、milies C. professions D. lives3. A. interviewB. please C. admire D. respect4. A. expressedB. ordered C. expected D. meant5. A. hardlyB. nearly C. naturally D. eagerly6. A. drinkB. newspapers C. preparations D. paper7. A. satisfiedB. comfortable C. terrified D. sorry8. A. student B. journalist C. tea

21、cher D. writer9. A. called B. recognized C. remembered D. visited10. A. answer B. promise C. stop D. persuade11. A. how B. whether C. why D. when12. A. breaking in B. getting down C. falling off D. going on13. A. making B. retelling C. covering D. writing14. A. certainlyB. finally C. doubtfully D. c

22、ompletely 15. A. hurt B. excited C. disappointed D. asked【参考答案及解析】解析:1. 选B, 由上一句中professiom 是职业 和 我们才仅仅13到14岁 再结合选项应选B2. 选D,由前一句中 Our profession? 即 我们的职业?可推知search for(寻找) 职业 3. 选A,由第二段中第二句 I had to interview 可知 次空选A4. 选D,由由前后句可知 这意味着 我要采访一个故选D5. 选A,前一句说到 我太紧张了 所以我不能说话 hardly 表示否定 故选A6. 选D,由下下段中的第二句

23、 Never,never go anywhere without a pen and paper可知选D7. 选C,terrified 是很害怕的意思 与前句中 nervhous 意思一致8. 选 B,由第二段中 journalism 新闻业 可知作者是一名记者 即journalist9. 选C,由前后句意可推知 我回想起了当年的老师10,选C,由后句可知 父母只是把这个领域的竞争激烈性告诉了作者 没有阻止他。11,选A,因为 and 表示并列关系 and 前句是 how competitive the field was 12,选D,记者就是去采访 发生了什么事,弄清事情真相的 go on符

24、合题意,故选D13,选C,cover 有采访 报道的意思14,选B,根据句意 Finally是最佳选项15,选D,由后一句的问题可以看出 是别人问作者这样的问题 所以作者是被问。 A heartwarming story tells of a woman who finally decided to ask her boss for a raise in salary.All day she felt _1_ and apprehensive.Late in the afternoon she summoned up the courage to _2_ her employer.To her

25、 delight,the boss agreed to a raise.The woman arrived home that evening to a beautiful table set with their _3_ dishes.Candles were softly glowing.Her husband had come home early and prepared a festive meal.She wondered if someone from the office had tipped him off,ordid he just somehow know that sh

26、e would not get _4_?She found him in the _5_ and told him the good news.They embraced and kissed,then sat down to the wonderful meal.Next to her plate the woman found a(n) _6_ lettered note.It read,“Congratulations,darling! I knew youd get the raise! These things will tell you how much I love you.”F

27、ollowing the _7_,her husband went into the kitchen to clean up.She noticed that a second card had fallen from his pocket.Picking it off the floor,she read,“Dont worry about not getting the raise! You _8_ it anyway! These things will tell you how much I love you.”Someone has said that the measure of

28、love is when you love without measure.What this man feels for his spouse is _9_ acceptance and love,whether she succeeds or fails.His love _10_ her victories and smoothes her wounds.He stands with her,no matter what life throws in their direction.Upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize,Mother Teresa sa

29、id,“What can you do to _11_ world peace?Go home and love your family.”And love your friends.Love them without _12_.1A.sad Bhappy Cnervous Deager2A.approach Bbeat Crefuse Dcharge3A.worst Bcleanest Ccoldest Dbest4A.settled down Bturned down Cgot down Dput down5A.kitchen Bstreet Cgarden Doffice6A.origi

30、nally Bcorrectly Ceventually Dbeautifully 7A.breakfast Bsupper Cbrunch Dlunch 8A.approve Bdemand Cdeserve Dpossess 9A.false Bpart Clittle Dtotal10A.conveys Bignores Ccelebrates Dgains11A.break Bpromote Cchange Dinvolve12A.measure Bsoul Cdoubt Dhate (四)【要点综述】 爱不是交易,它不应该被赋予任何条件,更不该用某个标准去衡量它,爱是接受,是宽容,是

31、珍惜。无论对方取得了成功还是遭遇了失败,他(她)在你眼中永远都不会褪色,那才是爱。1C她一整天都紧张(nervous)、担忧。2A下午晚些时候,她鼓起勇气去找老板。approach有“接近”之意。3D当晚,女人回家后,漂亮的餐桌上已经摆满了最好的(best)菜肴。4B她心想,会不会是办公室里有人向他通风报信了呢?要不他怎么知道她不会被拒绝?turn down拒绝。5A她在厨房(kitchen)找到了他,告诉了他这个好消息。6D在她的盘子旁边,女人看到了一张字迹优美的便条。7B由第一段的“Late in the afternoon”可知,此处该填supper(晚餐)。8Cdeserve值得,应得

32、。9D不管妻子成功还是失败,这个男人都给予她完全的(total)包容和爱。10C他的爱庆祝(celebrate)她的胜利,也抚平她的创伤。11B你能为促进(promote)世界和平做些什么呢?12A还要爱你的朋友。爱他们无止境。without measure是“无限地,充分地”的意思,本段第一句“when you love without measure.”也是暗示。 With excitement and enthusiasm we started our small business.No longer were we safe to have a weekly paycheck (工资支

33、票)We now were on our own to _1_ an income to provide us with the money to live.I was a little _2_ about our ability to do this,but Byron believed in our products,and believed in our ability to succeed.We invested heavily in producing a number of products,but none of them are popular with customers.T

34、he market gave us so heavy a _3_ that we hardly made enough money to pay our expenses.We now had our money _4_ on the booth (临时货摊) that we had rented for the summer and fall months.We had a lot of money tied up in materials.So we did not have enough money to _5_ our monthly bills.We were discouraged

35、,and the thoughts of failure ran through our heads.As we discussed our _6_,I happened to read the words by Mary Pickford,“If you have made mistakesthere is always another chance for youyou may have a _7_ start any moment you choose,for this thing we call Failure is not falling down,but staying down.

36、”The words strengthen my determination and Byrons _8_ that we could succeed.We did fall down,but we were _9_ not to stay down! So,we stepped back and refocused.We came up with new products using remaining materials.We redesigned our booth.We reconsidered our pricing system.And,we started making enou

37、gh money to pay our _10_If we had done nothing,if we allowed ourselves to “stay down”,then we would have failed.But we made the choice to learn from our mistakes,and we moved forward with more determination.These words _11_ a much better idea on failurea chance for a fresh start! The most important

38、point here is “choice” because you decide how you _12_ your failure,and you decide if you stay down.1. Areceive BproduceCwin Dsave2. Apatient BfondCproud Dworried3. Asurprise BgiftCpleasure Dblow4. Aspent BlentCwasted Dlost5. Aprint BcoverCwrite D send6. Aholidays BchoicesCskills Dtrips7. Afresh Bgo

39、odCnatural Dsudden8. Asuggestion BimaginationCbelief Drequirement9. Areminded BsupposedCdetermined Dprepared10. Adebts BbillsCproducts Dprices11. Aexplain BcreateCoffer Dprove12. Aexplore BpreventCforget Dview(一)【要点综述】本文通过作者自身创业的经历,向人们诠释了“失败”的真谛,即“失败”意味着有机会重新开始!1B收入是靠挣来的,故选择produce“生产,创作”。句意:我们现在只能靠

40、自己来赚钱维持生计。2D因为刚开始创业,所以对未来充满“担忧”。句意:我很担心我们的能力是否能应对这些。 3D句意:市场给了我们沉重的打击,我们几乎没有足够的钱来支出费用。a heavy blow一个沉重的打击。4A根据下文“we had rented for the summer”可知A项正确。句意:现在我们的钱都用来租临时货摊,以便在夏秋季节用。5B句意:因此,我们没有足够的钱来供应每个月的花销。cover此处意为“足以支付,够付(费用)”。6B这里指面对不利情况,我们要做的选择。7Aa fresh start一个全新的开始。8C这些话使我们更加坚定我们会成功的信心。根据文章语境可知C项正确。9C句意:我们是跌倒了,但我们绝不会一直往下跌!be determined to do sth决心做某事。10Bpay bills“还账”,相当于pay back the debt “偿还债务”。11C句意:这些话给了失败更好的诠释一个全新的开始!12D事情完全取决于你对失败的看法,取决于你是否决定任其下跌。view在这里作动词,意为“(以某种方式)看待”。


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