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1、A(2011皖南八校联考)A new book about Chinesestyle tough parenting has caused debate in the US. Amy Chua, author of Battle Hymn (颂歌) of the Tiger Mother, is a ChineseAmerican professor at Yale Law School, also a mother of two.The _1_ methods she used with her daughters would seem _2_ to Westerners. In schoo

2、l her daughters werent allowed to make grades _3_ than As. They had to _4_ playing the piano or the violin even for hours a day.There has been wide criticism (批评) of Chuas book in the US. “Its kind of _5_,” said a professor at New York University, “standards of parenting need to be _6_. Children nee

3、d parents to _7_ them, not to force them to do things theyre probably not interested in.”Now the criticism seems to have _8_ to China.A(n) _9_ expert Sun Yunxiao argued Chuas method of _10_ would limit children from developing their full _11_. “And that, focusing too much on test scores and good deg

4、rees,” Sun said, “parents would _12_ their kids ability to fully develop and enjoy life.”_13_ critics might have sympathy for kids experiencing this parenting style, some teenagers quite _14_ it. “I think anyone can do well if they work hard enough,” said a 17yearold boy, “A _15_ mother is there to

5、help her kids work hard.”Others think that Chua has a(n) _16_ in setting challenging goals for kids. “Its vital for children,” said an American professor,“_17_, kids need to be _18_ sometimes. If you urge kids to do well, theyre good at it, and they _19_ .Its good to have high _20_ .”语篇解读:什么样的教育才是最好

6、的教育?本文介绍了人们对一个中国家庭的教育方式的不同看法。1A.roughBstubbornCstrict Dvivid解析:从上下文可知,此处表示“严格的”(strict)教育方法。答案:C2A.unimaginable BunimportantCuninteresting Dunnecessary解析:西方人士认为这种严格的教育方法看起来似乎难以想象,所以用unimaginable。答案:A3A.higher Bfewer Clittle Dlower解析:在学校,她的女儿的考试成绩不能低于(lower)A等。答案:D4A.drill BpractiseCexercise Dexperie

7、nce解析:孩子每天要练习(practise)弹钢琴或拉小提琴。答案:B5A.routine BextremeCexcellence Dencouragement解析:纽约大学的一位教授认为这是一种有点儿极端的(extreme)行为。答案:B6A.practical BhighCspecific Dlow解析:他说:“教育子女的标准应该切合实际(practical)”。答案:A7A.replace BloveCforce Dguide解析:孩子需要父母的引导(guide),而不是被迫去做他们很可能不感兴趣的事情。答案:D8A.spread BbelongedCturned Dreferred解

8、析:如今,这种批评好像已经传播到(spread)了中国。belong to表示“属于”,turn to表示“向求助”,refer to表示“提到”,都不符合语境。答案:A9A.concerned BdelightedCoptimistic Dnervous解析:一位忧心忡忡的(concerned)专家认为Chua教育子女(parenting)的方法会限制孩子开发他们的全部潜能(potential)。答案:A10A.caring BfondCsupporting Dparenting解析:参见9题解析。答案:D11A.goal BpotentialCachievement Dpossibilit

9、y解析:参见9题解析。goal 表示“目标”,achievement 表示“成就”,possibility表示“可能性”,都不符合语境。答案:B12A.obtain BincreaseCcreate Dsacrifice解析:Sun还认为:父母可能会牺牲掉(sacrifice)孩子们充分发展和享受生活的能力。答案:D13A.Why BBecauseCWhile DWhat解析:while表示“尽管”,符合语境。答案:C14A.resist BstateCagree Dappreciate解析:由下文这位17岁男孩的话可知,和前面批评家的观点相反,有一些青少年却很支持这种教育方式,所以用appr

10、eciate表示“欣赏,感谢”。答案:D15A.lion BmonkeyCtiger Dsheep解析:此处与第一段中提到的Battle Hymn(颂歌) of the Tiger Mother相呼应,故选tiger。答案:C16A.sense BpointCopinion Didea解析:have a point in doing sth.意为“做某事有意义”。答案:B17A.Honestly BPositivelyCHopefully DFinally解析:坦白说(honestly),有时孩子需要人鞭策(pushed)。答案:A18A.pushed Bpicked Clifted Ddra

11、gged解析:参见上题解析。答案:A19A.count BworkChelp Dbenefit解析:如果你敦促孩子们做好,他们会做好的,同时他们也会从中受益(benefit)。答案:D20A.levels BexpectationsCmarks Dresults解析:有很高的期望(expectations)也是好事。答案:B长难句分析1Children need parents to guide them, not to force them to do things theyre probably not interested in.孩子们需要父母引导他们,而不是强迫他们去做他们很可能不感兴

12、趣的事情。本句中to guide 与not to force为并列关系,theyre probably not interested in为定语从句。2If you urge kids to do well, theyre good at it, and they benefit.如果你敦促孩子们做好,他们会做好的,同时他们也会从中受益。本句为并列复合句,and连接两个并列句,if引导条件状语从句。BTodays English learner has a wide choice of dictionaries. There are _21_ with American English, wi

13、th British English, with idioms or slang, and _22_ with pictures. One of the most _23_ dictionaries I have seen among many students is the _24_ electronic dictionary. All you have to do is to _25_ a word in your language and you can see it and _26_ it in English. Thats great, right? Well, I think it

14、s great, too. but only sometimes.Bilingual electronic dictionaries are fast and _27_. They can be great _28_ you are traveling and need information quickly. _29_ I am against electronic dictionaries and even bilingual _30_ dictionaries in many cases. Let me explain.When you reach an intermediate (中等

15、程度的) level of English, you know _31_ of the language to ask the meaning of certain things while using English. Translating between languages in your head _32_ time. You should be translating as little as possible and _33_ in English as much as possible. I strongly recommend that intermediate and adv

16、anced students should _34_ an EnglishEnglish dictionary that is made _35_ for your understanding. For example, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press has good dictionaries for students and _36_ publishing houses do, too.I also feel that paper dictionaries are better for studying than electroni

17、c dictionaries. True, they take longer to use. But, for some reason, the information you _37_ seems to stay in your head longer. It may be _38_ you are forced to spell the word in your head and therefore “see it” more clearly in your _39_.So what do you do if you have checked an EnglishEnglish dicti

18、onary and still dont understand something? Go to your bilingual dictionary. It is useful sometimes. Just remember to try to _40_ in English as much as possible.语篇解读:本文作者向我们介绍了发声的电子词典、双语对照词典以及纸质词典的特点并反对使用电子词典,主张中等水平及其以上的英语学习者使用英英词典,这更能培养英语思维。21A.dictionaries BbooksCmagazines Dpapers解析:根据逻辑以及本段第一句可知,有

19、各种各样的词典。答案:A22A.still BevenCyet Djust解析:甚至有的词典配有图片,用even来表示进一步说明。答案:B23A.interesting BusefulCexpensive Dpopular解析:结合下文可知,这种会发声的电子词典很受学生欢迎。答案:D24A.saying BtalkingCspeaking Dtelling解析:从下文可知,你用你的语言输入一个单词,这种会发声的电子词典就能用英语说出这个单词,此处强调人机的交流,所以用talking。答案:B25A.take down Bget acrossCtype in Dsay out解析:此处表示用你的

20、语言输入一个单词,所以用“type in”表示“输入”。答案:C26A.observe BfeelChear Dsay解析:根据上下文以及逻辑可知,你输入一个单词,这种会发声的电子词典就能用英语说出这个单词,自然你可以在会发声的电子词典里看到这个单词并听到这个单词的英语发音。答案:C27A.difficult BvitalChelpful Deasy解析:根据下文可知,双语电子词典既快速又简捷。 答案:D28A.when BasCafter Dbefore解析:当(when)你在旅行的时候,有双语电子词典非常好。 答案:A29A.So BAndCBut DWhile解析:前面讲双语电子词典的优

21、点,而下文作者则反对使用电子词典,前后表示转折关系,所以用but。 答案:C30A.plastic Bpaper Celectric Dvisual解析:结合上文再根据下文作者推荐中等及以上的英语学习者使用英英词典可知他对使用双语纸质词典也是反对的。 答案:B31A.enough BlittleCmost Dfew解析:此处表示中等水平的英语学习者已经懂得足够的英语,能够问某些东西的意思。答案:A32A.spends BpaysCtakes Dinvests解析:此处表示在头脑中用一种语言翻译另外一种语言很花费时间,故用takes。spend的主语不能是物。答案:C33A.writing Bt

22、ypingCthinking Dreflecting解析:由下文作者推荐学生使用英英词典可知此处表示应可能多地用英语思考问题。 答案:C34A.borrow BbuyCkeep Duse解析:此处表示使用英语词典,故用use。答案:D35A.especially BpracticallyCgenerally Dextremely解析:英英词典尤其在你的理解方面有帮助,especially“尤其,特别”。答案:A36A.another BotherCthe other Dothers解析:此处表示其他的出版社,表示泛指,用来修饰名词“publishing houses”,所以用other。答案:

23、B37A.refer to Bcheck inClook up Dput in解析:此处表示“查阅信息”,应用look up“(在词典或参考书中)查阅”。refer to表示“查阅”时,后面一般接词典等。答案:C38A.why BbecauseCwhen Dwhere解析: “It may be because.”表示“那可能是因为”。 答案:B39A.mind BearsCeyes Dmouth解析:这不是真正意义上的“看”,而是这样做在你的头脑里对这个词理解得更深。 答案:A40A.speak BstayCsave Dremember解析:上文提到用英语进行思维,所以此处用stay“保持”

24、,表示“尽可能多地用英语来学习”。答案:B长难句分析I strongly recommend that intermediate and advanced students should use an EnglishEnglish dictionary that is made especially for your understanding.我强烈推荐中等水平和高等水平的学生应该使用英英词典,它尤其在你的理解方面有帮助。本句中recommend后为that引导的宾语从句,而在宾语从句之中又包含一个that引导的定语从句。.精品资料。欢迎使用。高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u


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