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《创新设计》2015高考英语(课标通用)大二轮复习高考倒计时 第11天.doc

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1、.常考句型【句型1】 On no account can weV.“我们绝对不能”仿写:我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.【句型2】It is timeS过去式“该是的时候了”仿写:该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems.【句型3】Those who.“的人”仿写:违反交通规则的人应该受处罚。Those who viola

2、te traffic regulations should be punished.【句型4】There is no one but.“没有人不”仿写:没有人不渴望上大学。There is no one but longs to go to college.完形填空体 裁话 题关键词建议时间正确率记叙文身边的人repay15分钟/20The Parable of the Two ServantsOnce a farmer employed two servants who worked on the farm.One day,the farmer commanded them to plant

3、 seeds while he was away.The first servant worked hard in the fields every day.Though he felt so 1 sometimes,he never quit.He just took a 2 and thought of his master coming back.There were also times when he got 3 by stones,insects and other objects,but he still continued 4 his masters command.He kn

4、ew that someday all his 5 would pay off.But the other servant wanted to 6 the pleasure of the world.He thought that his master would 7 know what he was doing.Thus he put aside his masters 8 and followed his own will.Many years 9 ,but the master still did not come back.The faithful servant kept his m

5、asters words 10 and kept on planting seeds in the fields,while the other servant 11 around the world,enjoying himself.One day their master 12 appeared.When seeing one servant harvesting the crops in the 13 ,he was very pleased,but when he couldnt find the other,he felt very 14 .The master called the

6、 two servants together, 15 why he had been gone for such a long time.He said he had a(n) 16 house built,and whoever had been 17 to him would stay with him and live in the new home as payment.So he asked them to report to him 18 their harvest was.The first servant 19 announced that he had a good harv

7、est every year while the other servant bowed his head and asked for forgiveness 20 he had nothing for his master.The master finally rewarded the first servant with a new home.The other servant got nothing and was dismissed.【语篇导读】当主人不在家时,他的两个仆人表现迥异,所以他们的最后结局也大相径庭。这验证了一句俗语“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”。1A.tired Bunhappy

8、Cworried Dlonely解析考查形容词。第一个仆人卖力地在田间劳动。即使很累(tired),他也不放弃。unhappy“不快乐的”;worried“担心的,发愁的”;lonely“孤独的”;tired“疲劳的”。答案A2A.drink Blook Cwalk Drest解析考查名词。他只是休息(rest)一下,然后就想到他的主人会回来。drink“饮料,酒”;look“看,瞧”;walk“步行”;rest“休息时间”。答案D3A.wounded Bhit Churt Ddisturbed解析考查语境选词。有时,他被田间的石块、虫子和其他的东西弄伤(hurt)了。wound“使受伤,伤害

9、”,多指故意造成的伤害;hit“打,打击,碰撞”;disturb“打扰,妨碍,使焦虑,使烦恼,弄乱”。答案C4A.holding Bobeying Cignoring Ddenying解析考查动词。即使主人不在家,他仍然执行主人的命令。obey照应句中的宾语command。答案B5A.endless patience Bprecious timeCbig dream Dhard work解析考查名词。他知道自己的努力将来会得到回报的。由上文中对第一个仆人的描述可知答案。答案D6A.join Bsearch Cenjoy Dshare解析考查动词。而另一个仆人则想及时行乐。enjoy the p

10、leasure of the world“享受世界上的快乐”。join“参与”;search“查找”;enjoy“享受的乐趣”;share“分享”。答案C7A.never Bseldom Calways Doften解析考查副词。他觉得主人不在家,他永远(never)也不知道自己做了什么。never“从不”;seldom“很少”;always“总是”;often“时常,常常”。答案A8A.saying Bcommand Chope Dplan解析考查名词。他早把主人的命令忘到九霄云外了,这与第一段中的“but he still continued obeying his masters com

11、mand”形成对比。答案B9A.ran by Bwalked byCpassed by Dstood by解析考查动词短语。很多年过去了,但是主人仍然没有回来。pass/go by“时光流逝”。 walk by“经过,从旁边走过”;stand by“做好准备,袖手旁观”。答案C10A.in the dark Bin the airCin heart Din mind解析考查介词短语。但是,第一个仆人仍然把主人说过的话记在心里。keep.in mind “把记在心里”。答案D11A.wandered BshowedCturned Dlooked解析考查动词。第二个仆人到处闲逛,尽情享受。wand

12、er“游荡,闲逛”;show“表明,证明,引,带”;turn“转动”;look“看”。答案A12A.secretly Bsuddenly Cinstantly Dslowly解析考查副词。突然,有一天主人回来了。suddenly“突然”;secretly“秘密地”;instantly“立刻,立即,马上”;slowly“缓慢地”。答案B13A.village Bopen air Cfields Dhis yard解析考查名词。当看到一个仆人在田间(fields)干活时,他很高兴。由第一段中的“The first servant worked hard in the fields every da

13、y.”可知答案。答案C14A.confused Bsurprised Cuneasy Ddisappointed解析考查形容词。当没有看到第二个仆人时,他很失望(disappointed)。答案D15A.claiming Bexplaining Cdemanding Dstating解析考查动词。主人召集两个仆人在一起,给他们解释(explaining)了他长期不在家的原因。答案B16A.beautiful Bexpensive Csimple Dstrong解析考查形容词。他说他找人建造了一座漂亮的(beautiful)房子。expensive“昂贵的”;simple“简单的”;strong

14、“强壮的,坚固的”;beautiful“美丽的,很好的”。答案A17A.friendly Bsmart Cfaithful Dgenerous解析考查形容词。谁对他忠心耿耿(faithful),他就要奖励他并和他一块住进新房。答案C18A.how good Bhow soonChow long Dhow far解析考查语境选词。所以他让两个仆人给他汇报他们的收成有多好(how good)。答案A19A.anxiously Bhappily Cbriefly Dgenerally解析考查副词。第一个仆人很开心地(happily)说他每年的收成都很好。答案B20A.unless Bwhen Calthough Dbecause解析考查连接词。第二个仆人低下头请求主人原谅他,因为(because)他没有给主人干活。答案D


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