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1、Unit 3A healthy lifeSection Warming Up & Reading一、单词拼写1The woman suffered from serious _ (精神上的) illness.2Workers are all complaining that few can work efficiently under _ (压力)3There is a _ (禁令) on smoking in the theatre.4You are seriously _ (不健康的); you ought to take up running.5This heating system h

2、as an _ (自动的) temperature control.6It was a _ (困难的) decision to make.7The committee decided to make a _ (收回) of financial support for his plan.8He _ (滥用) his power when in office.9_ (加强) your ability to confront new problems.10The conditions are pretty _ (绝望的) for people.二、介、副词填空与短语搭配1due _ 由于2be/be

3、come addicted _ 对有瘾3decide _ 对作出决定4accustomed _ 习惯于5feel _ (doing) 想要(做)三、完成句子1What _ (使他开始) the project?2I have _ (辞职了) since the boss rejected my pay rise demand.3I _ (确实希望) she will pass the exam this time.4These advertisements didnt _ (对有太多的作用) sales.5He _ (对感到失望) the news.6He felt _ (对羞愧) havin

4、g done so terrible.7Mum has never been to Japan._ (爸爸也没去过)四、课文内容填空James grandad wrote to help James (1)_ smoking.James grandad now lives a long and active life, which is (2)_ to the healthy life he lives.But he once became (3)_ (addict) to cigarettes.His body was (4)_ (accustom) to having nicotine.H

5、e began to do it(5)_ (automatical) and became (6)_ (mental) addicted.But he finally managed to stop smoking by realizing the harmful (7)_ of it.He also told James that smoking did damage to heart and (8)_ and it was more difficult for smoking couples to become (9)_So he gave James some advice and en

6、couraged him not to be (10)_ (disappoint)As long as he kept trying, he would succeed eventually.五、阅读理解Beijings broadened ban on smoking in public places takes effect on Thursday.The new rules extend antismoking regulations to more places, including fitness centers, cultural relic sites, offices, mee

7、ting rooms, dining halls, toilets and lifts.Restaurants, Internet cafes, parks, and waiting halls at airports, railway stations and coach stations are required to set up smoking areas.Hotels will have to offer smokefree rooms or floors, but the regulations do not specify a proportion.However, some r

8、estaurant owners have complained that it would be difficult to have a separate smoking room as required by the new regulations.“We plan to issue specific rules to solve this problem as soon as possible,” said Rao Yingsheng, vicedirector of the Beijing Committee for Patriotic Public Health Campaign.H

9、e said small restaurants without a separate room should set aside at least 70 percent of their area for nonsmokers.He also said customers and restaurant owners would be asked for their thoughts on the new rule.Local authorities dispatched (派遣) about 100,000 inspectors to make sure the ban was being

10、enforced.Everyone has the right to dissuade people from smoking in public places, Liu Zejun, who works for the Beijing committee, said.“Citizens are encouraged to expose those who refuse to obey the rule by calling the free telephone line 12320,” Liu said.People caught smoking in forbidden areas wil

11、l be fined 10 yuan ($1.40), while enterprises and institutions that violate (违反) the ban will face fines of between 1,000 yuan and 5,000 yuan.Smoking was forbidden in hospitals, kindergartens, schools, museums, sports venues and other places before the new regulations took effect.1Smoking is _ at ai

12、rports, railway stations or coach stations, etc.Aforbidden Ballowed Callowed at its smoking areas Dwe dont know2The underlined word “dissuade” in Paragraph 3 means _.Astop Bask Cencourage Dpermit3Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AHotels will have to offer smokefree rooms.B

13、Smoking is not allowed in most restaurants.C12320 is a free telephone line to expose those who smoke at public places.DPeople caught smoking in forbidden areas will be fined.4If a person smokes in the hospital, he will be fined _.A10 yuan B50 yuan C120 yuan Dno money5The passage mainly tells us _.At

14、here will be more places where smoking is forbiddenBmore people should give up smokingCa broadened ban on smoking in public places takes effect in BeijingDthose who smoke at public places will be finedSection Learning about Language一、用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空1Have you ever done anything _?2I need to _ the

15、habit of getting up earlier in the morning.3This medicine has a good _ on cough.4Smoke less every day, then you might be able to _ smoking for ever.5Our willingness to _ and trust in each other continues to bring meaning and joy to our friendship.二、完成句子1He was determined to go to Guangzhou _ (不管) th

16、e great distance.2I have _ (习惯于) hard work.3She _ (沉迷于) video games every day.4I have _ (下定决心) to teach in this countryside primary school after graduation.5Lucy _ (发现困难) accustom herself to getting up early.三、语法填空To my great joy, I have broken (1)_ from my bad habit which almost ruined me.Two years

17、 ago, I happened to see Tom, (2)_ was addicted to gambling.Things of one kind come together.As I was also not interested in schoolwork, we became good friends.Though every day, the teacher assigned us a great (3)_ of homework, we took no notice of it.In the class, I couldnt focus on (4)_ the teacher

18、 taught.(5)_ (consequent), my study was becoming worse and worse.As I couldnt find any fun in school, I played poker whenever I was free.At the beginning, we just played (6)_ fun, but soon, we played for gambling.It really made me happy even excited.However, I felt upset (7)_ I had lost quite a litt

19、le money in the gamble.I began to be worried all the time.My father found what happened to me and shouted at me, (8)_ (say) that I would end up in prison (9)_ I didnt attempt to leave those people who gambled.He tried to convince me to go back to school and begged my headteacher to help me with my s

20、tudy.I followed his advice and tried to study hard.It seemed as if I never ran out of my energy.Where there is a will, there is a way.I became one of the (10)_ (good) students in my school.四、信息匹配首先请阅读下列学校各社团的介绍:APhotography ClubWe are looking for artistically inclined students to join our new club.W

21、e plan to meet every Tuesday and Thursday evening after school from 6 to 8 pm.Each member must have their own equipment.BHiking SocietyMembers meet every Saturday to discuss their hiking trips and twice a month, we arrange trips to different parts of the province for members to go on breathtaking sc

22、enic mountain walks.Get to understand our local geography, keep fit and have fun.CFilm ClubThe club is perfect for students who love artistic movies.Every Tuesday and Friday evening we hold a seminar in which a great new movie or a classic film is discussed and reviewed.DDancing ClubWe are the large

23、st club in the university with over 400 members.Members are invited to dancing practice every Monday evening from 7 pm to 10 pm and we hold dance parties with students from other universities once a month.Perfect way to keep fit and meet new friends.EEnglish SocietyA new group organized by the Unive

24、rsity English Dept.gives all students on campus a chance to practice and improve their English.We plan to have regular foreign guests come to our weekly meetings every Wednesday evening at 7:30 and we show English language movies that can help you both practice your English and be entertained as wel

25、l.FBook ClubMembers meet each week to discuss and recommend books to each other.Meetings are lunch times on Fridays.Membership is free.All members qualify for a 20% discount on all books purchased from the Xinhua Book Store.以下是学生的相关信息。请将这些学生与适合他们的社团匹配起来。1Cherry wants to join a club that will keep he

26、r fit and active but because she has a parttime job every workday evening, she is only available to take part on the weekends.2David is a new student at the university, whose major is English literature.He is a little shy so he is hoping to join a club that can help him get to know new people and bu

27、ild his confidence.3Bonnie is majoring in drama and wants to be a scriptwriter when she graduates.She is interested in discovering new stories that she may one day be able to turn into movies.As her home is far from the university, she is only free during the day to take part.4Betty is studying film

28、 making and one day hopes to become a director.But she thinks her ability to create beautiful visual images is not strong enough so she has recently purchased a camera to help her practice.5Jack is a first year geography student who would like to learn more about the geography of the local area.He i

29、s also worried about passing the English test that all students must take at the end of their first year of study.He has to return to his home to help his parents every weekend so is only free during weekdays. Section Using Language一、单词拼写1During the period of financial crisis, many companies had to

30、fight for _ (幸存)2Many laws have been brought to discourage racial _ (判决)3In my _ (看法), we should accept their invitation.4She was _ (尴尬的) when they asked her age.5At the formal party I felt _ (局促不安的) and out of place.二、完成句子1Patients are _ (处境危险) living here.2_ (就是在昨天下午) that I saw Mr.Li.3She has don

31、e something _ (不利于) her friends.4I dont think _ (有必要) to change the title.5According to the experts, the burried peoples _ (存活的机会) are very small.三、完形填空The latest reform in testing is the computerized test.Test questions and answer choices are presented on the _1_ and students can answer with a tap

32、of the keyboard or a click of the mouse.Before the actual test begins, there usually is a(n) _2_ showing how to use the computer to _3_ to the questions.Scores are displayed on the screen at the _4_ of the test so that a student has immediate feedback rather than having to return several days later

33、for results.Some computerized tests are “adaptive”This means that a test question is selected from a large pool of items based on how the test taker has responded to the _5_ question.The first question presented is of medium difficulty.If the test taker answers _6_, the next item will be more diffic

34、ult.If he or she answers incorrectly, the next question will be _7_.The computer _8_ questions by level of difficulty and many other factors such as sex, race and age references, subject area the question is drawn from, and form of question, before _9_ it on the screen.In this way, the questions are

35、 “adapted” to find the true skill _10_ of the test taker.Among all the conveniences of computerized testing, there are some _11_.No longer can you have a quick look at the _12_ test, answer the easy questions first, and come back later to _13_ the difficult ones.Test items are presented one at a tim

36、e, and you must choose a(n) _14_ in order to move on to the next question.Once you have confirmed your answer, you cannot go back to _15_ it if, later on, you realize that your answer was wrong.1A.screen Bpaper Cboard Dsurface 2A.order Binstruction Cdirection Ddemand3A.put Bconcentrate Crespond Dapp

37、ly 4A.beginning Bend Cpoint Dtime5A.previous Bbasic Cfollowing Dsingle 6A.briefly Bsmartly Ccorrectly Dthoughtfully 7A.easier Bmore difficult Cless Dmore8A.classifies Banswers Cconsiders Drecognizes9A.showing Bdisplaying Cmaking Dpresenting10A.standard Bfactor Cpattern Dlevel 11A.qualities Blimits C

38、services Dfeatures 12A.formal Bobjective Cfinal Dentire 13A.see Bcorrect Cfinish Dexamine14A.answer Bquestion Cneed Dcomputer15A.identify Bexchange Cchange Doverlook 四、阅读理解Latest data shows that about 39.5 million people around the world are living with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.According to t

39、he report, this means every eight seconds somebody in the world is infected with HIV, resulting in 11,000 people becoming newly infected every day.The director of UNAIDS, Peter Piot, says most of the new infections, nearly twothirds, are in SubSaharan Africa.But, the biggest increases are in Eastern

40、 Europe and Central Asia, where infection rates have risen by more than 50% since 2004.He says 2.9 million people died from AIDSrelated illnesses this year, the highest number ever.UNAIDS senior epidemiologist (流行病学家), Karen Stanecki, says infections are rising in countries where HIV prevention prog

41、rams have not adapted to the changing nature of the epidemics (流行病)Stanecki noted,_“In Thailand, one of our past success stories, a large percentage of new HIV infections are occurring in people considered to be low risk.One third of new infections are among married women.” It says increased use of

42、condoms has resulted in drops in HIV prevalence (流行) among young people between 2000 and 2005 in a number of African countries, including Botswana, Kenya and Zimbabwe.Nevertheless, the report notes young people between the age of 15 and 24 account for 40% of new HIV infections.It finds the risk beha

43、vior, such as injecting drug use, is a factor of concern in many regions of the world, especially in Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America.The report notes the emergence (出现) of injecting drug use as a factor of HIV in Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria and South Africa is a recent development in SubSaharan

44、Africa.1According to the news report, how many people are newly infected with HIV a year?A39.5 million. B2.9 million.C3.5 million. D4 million.2The highest rate of new HIV infection is in _.ASubSaharan Africa BEastern EuropeCCentral Asia Dboth A and B3The underlined word “noted” in the third paragrap

45、h means _.Aspecially mentioned Bsaid angrilyCfully noticed Duttered weakly 4Which of the following statements is NOT true? AMost of new infections of HIV are among married women.BTwo fifths of the new infections are among young people aged 15 to 24.CThe risk behavior, such as injecting drug use, exi

46、sts in many parts of the world.DInjecting drug use occurs in many African countries.5What is the main idea of the new report?AMore and more women in the world are getting new HIV infection.BThe AIDS epidemic continues to grow in the world.CThe AIDS epidemic has been reduced in the world.DNo one can

47、tell when the AIDS epidemic will be completely controlled.五、基础写作(2010年广东)以下是一则关于中国政府决定禁烟的报道的主要内容。内容:公共场所禁烟实施时间:2011年1月1日起实施范围:全国目标:所有室内公共场所无烟措施:张贴禁烟标志相关数据:(1)吸烟人数:约35亿(2)分布:男性75%;女性25%(3)受二手烟*影响人数:约54亿(4)因二手烟死亡人数:超过10万/年*二手烟:secondhand smoke写作内容请根据以上内容给学校英语墙报写一篇通讯,内容包括:1禁烟决定的内容及实施的时间和范围;2目标和措施;3相关数据

48、。写作要求只能用5个句子表达全部内容。评分标准句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。_本单元重点词汇拓展词汇构词法支招alcohol n酒;酒精alcoholic adj.酒精的1.ic为形容词后缀,表示“的,与有关的”。如:scientific 科学的。2.ful为形容词后缀,表示“充满的,具有的”。如:lawful 法定的。3.ed为形容词后缀,常用来修饰人。如:accustomed习惯的。4.ing为形容词后缀,常用来修饰物。如:embarrassing 尴尬的。5.less为否定后缀,表示“没有的”。如: hopeless 没有希望的。6.en为动词后缀,表示“使变成”。 如:we

49、aken 使变弱。7.il为否定前缀。如:illogical不合逻辑的。stress n压力;重音vt.加压力于;使紧张stressful adj.产生压力的;紧张的addicted adj.入了迷的;上了瘾的addict vt.沉溺于breathless adj.气喘吁吁的;屏息的breath n呼吸breathe v呼吸strengthen vt.加强;巩固;使坚强vi.变强strength n力量,力气disappointed adj.失望的;沮丧的disappoint vt.使失望disappointing adj.令人失望的illegal adj.不合法的;违法的legal adj.

50、合法的运用用所给单词的适当形式填空1The driving test makes me feel _, so youd better not add _ to me.(stress) 2Dont _ yourself to the computer games.If you are _ to them, you will fail in your study.(addict) 3She has had enough of her _ husband who lives on _.(alcohol) 4Im _ after climbing so high.Lets take a _ and _

51、 the fresh air here.(breath) 5It is an opportunity to _ your position.(strength) 6Youd better not make your mother _ again.How _ she was this time when she knew what you had done at school.(disappoint) 7It is _ to employ workers under 16.(legal)答案Unit 3A healthy lifeSection Warming Up & Reading课时作业一

52、、1.mental2.stress3.ban4.unfit5.automatic6tough7.withdrawal8.abused9.Strengthen10desperate二、1.to2.to3.on4.to5.like三、1.started him off2.quit my job3.do hope4have much effect on5.was/felt disappointed at6ashamed of7.Neither has dad四、1.quit/stop2.due3.addicted4.accustomed5automatically6.mentally7.effect

53、s8.lungs9pregnant10.disappointed五、1.C细节理解题。由文章第一段第三句的“.waiting halls at airports, railway stations and coach stations are required to set up smoking areas.”可知选C。2A词义猜测题。由上下文可知,dissuade在此表示“劝阻”,故与stop相近。3B细节理解题。由文章第一段最后一句可知在饭店是准许吸烟的,但必须是在特定的地方。故选B。4A细节理解题。由文章最后一段可知选A。5C主旨大意题。文章第一段第一句即是文章的主题句。Section

54、Learning about Language课时作业一、1.illegal2.get into3.effect4.quit5.take risks二、1.in spite of2.become/been accustomed to3is addicted to4.made up my mind5found it difficult to三、1.away考查固定搭配。break away from远离,摆脱。2who考查非限制性定语从句。先行词为Tom,在从句中作主语故用who 引导非限制性定语从句。3deal考查固定搭配。a great deal of意为“许多”,修饰不可数名词。4what

55、考查宾语从句。what引导宾语从句作介词的宾语,且what在从句中作taught的宾语。5Consequently考查副词。consequently是副词,意为“因而,所以”。6for考查介词。for为了,表目的。7because考查原因状语从句。because表原因,引导原因状语从句。8saying考查非谓语动词。saying为现在分词作伴随状语。9if考查条件状语从句。if意为“如果”,用来引导条件状语从句。10best考查形容词的比较等级。one of形容词最高级复数名词,表示“最的之一”。四、1.B题中的关键信息“keep her fit and active, take part o

56、n the weekends”与B项中的“keep fit and have fun, meet every Saturday”相匹配。2D题中的关键信息“help him get to know new people and build his confidence”与D项中的“meet new friends”相匹配。3F题中的关键信息“interested in discovering new stories, only free during the day to take part”与F项中的“discuss and recommend books, Meetings are lun

57、ch times on Fridays”相匹配。4A题中的关键信息“her ability to create beautiful visual images, purchased a camera”与A项中的“looking for artistically inclined students, have their own equipment”相匹配。5E题中的关键信息“worried about passing the English test, only free during weekdays”与E项中的“gives all students on campus a chance t

58、o practice and improve their English, weekly meetings every Wednesday evening at 7:30”相匹配。Section Using Language课时作业一、1.survival2.prejudice3.judgement4embarrassed5.awkward二、1.at risk2.It was yesterday afternoon3to the prejudice of4.it necessary5chances of survival三、1.A由上下文可知,用计算机测试,题目和选项应呈现在计算机屏幕上。故

59、选A。2B指示如何使用电脑的应该是“用法说明”,故选B。3C由句意可知,用电脑回答问题。respond to the question回答问题。故选C。4B由句意可知,在考试末尾,分数会出现在屏幕上。at the end of 在的末尾。5A句意:这取决于考试者对前面问题的回答。previous先前的;basic基础的;following接下来的;single单身的。6C句意:如果考试者回答得正确,下一个问题将会更难。故选C。7A由上下文可知,当考试者回答错误时,下一题将会“更容易些”。8A联系上下文可知,计算机按问题的难易度和其他因素进行分类,故选A。9D由常识可知,问题应该是“呈现”在电脑

60、屏幕上,且由上文的“The first question presented is of medium difficulty”提示可知选D。10D试题测出的应该是考试者的“水平”,故选D。11B由下文可知,计算机测试的确能带来方便,同时也有局限。故选B。12D句意:你不能再快速浏览整张卷子,先答简单的formal 正式的;objective 客观的;final 最后的;entire 整体的。故选D。13C句意:先回答简单的问题,再回过头来完成难的题目。故选C。14A由上下文可知,答题时考试者必须要“选出”答案才能去回答下一题。15C句意:不能回头更改答案identify辨别;exchange

61、交换;change 改变;overlook 俯瞰,忽视。四、1.D推理判断题。由第一段最后一句可知,每天会有11,000个人感染艾滋病,那么一年就会有(11,000365)4,015,000个人感染。故选D。2A细节理解题。由第二段第一句可知选A。3A词义猜测题。由上下文可知,note在此意为“着重强调”,故选A。4A细节理解题。由第三段最后一句“One third of new infections are among married women”可知选A。5B主旨大意题。全文主要讲述了艾滋病在世界范围内仍大规模地存在并有逐渐增多的趋势,故选B。五、参考范文:The Chinese gove

62、rnment has decided that smoking be banned in indoor public places all over the country.This decision, which will be carried out from January 1st next year, aims to bring a complete smokefree indoor environment.In order to achieve this goal, nosmoking signs will be put up in all indoor public places.

63、Statistics show that China has approximately 350,000,000 smokers, among whom 75% are men and 25% are women.Around 540,000,000 people are affected by secondhand smoke, causing 100,000 deaths a year.词汇巧记1stressful; stress2.addict; addicted3alcoholic; alcohol4.breathless; breath; breathe5strengthen6.disappoint; disappointed7.illegal


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