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《课堂新坐标》2015高考英语(人教版)一轮配套文档:必修3 UNIT 3 THE MILLION POUND BANK NOTE.doc

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1、必修3Unit 3The Million Pound Bank Note真题在线(2013 北京高考) 假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,用英语写一篇周记,记述爸爸出差期间,妈妈生病,你照顾她的过程。注意:1.周记的开头已经为你写好。2词数不少于60。Last Monday,_佳作欣赏Last_Monday,_my father said goodbye to my mother and me and went on a business trip.He would be away for three days.Just the next morning,I

2、found my mother wasnt feeling well.She had a cold.I immediately went to get her some medicine and then prepared some noodles for her.With my special care,my mother recovered quickly.When my father came back home,my mother told him what had happened.He praised me for what I had done.I feel very happy

3、 that I have done something for my mother.精彩采撷高级词汇记住下列词汇的用法1recover v恢复健康2say goodbye to sb.向某人告别3go on a business trip 出差4prepare .for sb.为某人准备5praise sb. for sth.因某事夸奖某人佳句背诵背诵下列句子,并体会与佳作欣赏中相对应句子的差异Last Monday, my father would be on a business trip for three days.Seeing my fathers driving away, my

4、mother and I waved our hands and said goodbye to him.Yet, unfortunately, my mother caught a cold the next morning.Looking at her pale face, I experienced high levels of anxiety.On hearing what I had done to my mum, my father smiled at me and gave me a big thumb.(对应学生用书第81页)单词速览 1.novel n小说;长篇故事 adj.

5、 新奇的;异常的2adventure n. 奇遇;冒险3scene n. (戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色4wander vi. 漫游;漫步;漂泊5stare vi. 凝视;盯着看6fault n. 过错;缺点;故障7spot vt. 发现;认出 n. 斑点;污点;地点8seek vt.& vi. 寻找;探索;寻求9contrary n. 反面;对立面 adj. 相反的;相违的10amount n. 数量11manner n. 礼貌;举止;方式12scream vi. 尖声叫 n. 尖叫声;喊叫声13indeed adv. 真正地;确实;实在14bow vi.& n. 鞠躬;弯腰15permit

6、 vt.& vi. 许可;允许;准许 n. 通行证;许可证;执照permission n. 许可;批准16account vi.& vt. 认为;说明;总计有 n. 说明;理由;计算;账目accountant n. 会计17patience n. 耐性;忍耐patient adj.& n. 有耐心的;病人18unbelievable adj. 难以置信的believe v. 相信;信任belief n. 信念;信仰【看单词,学构词】在9.contrary一词中,contra为前缀,可以用来构成名词、动词或形容词,意思是“反对;相反”,相当于against或opposite的意思。再如:cont

7、radict反驳,驳斥;contradiction矛盾,对立;contradictory相互矛盾的;contrast对比等。短语快译1bring_up抚养;培养;教育;提出2go_ahead 前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说3by_accident 偶然;无意中;不小心4stare_at 盯着看;凝视5on_the_contrary 与此相反;正相反6take_a_chance/chances 冒险7in_rags 衣衫褴褛8as_for 关于;至于9account_for 导致;做出解释10to_be_honest 说实话句式构建1find宾语宾语补足语Well,towards nightf

8、all I found_myself_carried_out to sea by a strong wind.嗯,傍晚时分我发现自己被一阵大风刮到海上去了。2had done.when正/刚这时The next morning Id just about given myself up for lost when_I_was_spotted by a ship.第二天早上,我正感到绝望的时候,一艘船发现了我。3Thats why.那就是为什么Thats_why weve given you the letter.这正是我们给你这封信的原因。4疑问词ever引导的让步状语从句和名词性从句You

9、must come whenever you want and have whatever you like.您只要想来随时欢迎,你想吃什么尽管吃。5It is wellknown that.众所周知It_is_wellknown_that Americans like to eat a lot.众所周知,美国人喜欢多吃。(对应学生用书第82页)1permit vt.& vi.允许;准许 n通行证;许可证(教材P18)Permit me to lead the way,sir.先生,请让我来带路吧。(1)(2)with/without ones permission获得某人同意/没有获得某人同

10、意Marys father will not permit her to stay up late.玛丽的父亲不允许她熬夜。Without_permission,you shouldnt leave the room.未经许可,你不能离开这个房间。【温馨提示】permit后不能直接跟不定式,但应注意be permitted to do sth.结构。与permit一样,后面跟动名词或跟不定式的复合结构的动词还有:allow,forbid,advise等。2spot n斑点;污点;地点 vt.发现;认出(教材P18)The next morning Id just about given mys

11、elf up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.第二天早上,我正感到绝望的时候,一艘船发现了我。(1)on/upon the spot当场;立即;在现场(2)be spotted with sth.满是的斑点;点缀着(3)spot sb. doing sth.看到某人正在做某事He spotted his friend talking with someone in the distance.他发现朋友在远处和某个人在交谈。(朗文P1926)He bought the car on the spot.他立即买下了那辆汽车。The grassland i

12、s_spotted_with flowers.草地上点缀着些花。3account vi.& vt.认为;说明;总计有 n说明;理由;计算;账目;报道(教材P18)The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand,which accounts for my appearance.事实上我靠做义工来顶替船费,这就是我为什么衣冠不整的原因了。【一词多义】写出下列句子中account的词性及含义She gave an incomplete account of the incident.n.叙述,描述Please cha

13、rge these goods up to our account.n.账目I cant account for Peters unhappiness.v.说明(1)account for解释;说明(2)on account of由于;因为on no account决不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装)on any account无论如何(3)考虑Sports account for a growing amount of income made on the sales of commercial time by television companies.体育用品在电视商业销售收入中占的数额日益

14、增长。(朗文P13)On no account must you tell him about our plans.你决不能把我们的计划告诉他。It is wrong not to take the interests of the people into_account不考虑人民的利益是错误的。4manner n方式;方法;态度;举止manner常用作“方式;方法”的意思,manners常用作“礼貌”的意思。He greeted me in a friendly manner.他以一种友好的方式向我表示祝愿。Its bad manners to refuse people who are i

15、n trouble.拒绝困境中的人是不礼貌的。1bring up抚养;培养;教育;提出;呕吐(教材P17)He was brought up in Hannibal,Missouri,along the Mississippi River.他在密西西比河边的密苏里州的汉尼拔长大。【一词多义】写出下列句子中bring up的含义These are matters that you can bring up in the committee.提出We are brought up to respect others.教育Her parents died when she was a baby an

16、d she was brought up by her aunt.抚养He was so sick that he brought up everything.呕吐bring about引起bring down使倒下;降低;减少bring in带进来;赚得,有收入bring on使前进;使出现bring out取出;说出;阐明;出版(朗文P218)Computers have brought about many changes in the workplace.电脑给工作场所带来了很多变化。The wind brings down a number of trees.大风吹倒了一些大树。I

17、have three parttime jobs,which bring_in about 14,000 a year.我有3份兼职工作,一年大约能挣14000英镑。【巧学助记】The plan he brought up has brought down the costs of production and brought in a lot of profit,which brought the company back to life.他提出的方案降低了生产成本,带来了大量利润,使公司恢复了生机。2go ahead前进;可以;往下说(教材P18)Go right ahead.请往下说。g

18、o ahead with sth.继续(做)某事look ahead朝前看ahead of.领先;在前面;早于ahead of timein advance提前We must look ahead before we make a decision.我们做出决定之前必须想得远一点。Two people were ahead_of_us,walking very fast.有两个人在我们前面,走得很快。考点拾遗3on the contrary与此相反,正相反On the contrary, volunteers couldnt wait to experience the life there,

19、 for they are tired of the life on the earth.与此相反,志愿者们迫不及待地想要经历那里的生活,因为他们厌烦了地球上的生活。It wasnt a good thing;on the contrary it was a huge mistake.那不是件好事,恰恰相反,是个巨大的错误。4take a chance(take chances)冒险;试图做某事;碰运气The rope might break but thats a chance well have to take.绳子可能会断,但我们只能冒这个险了。You should never take

20、 a chance/chances when driving a car.开车时,千万别冒险。1(教材P18)Well,towards nightfall I found_myself_carried_out to sea by a strong wind.嗯,傍晚时分我发现自己被一阵大风刮到海上去了。句法分析:find后接复合宾语,carried out为过去分词短语,在句中作宾语补足语,表被动。find的复合宾语结构:find宾语(朗文P714)You find more women entering the film business now.你发现现在有越来越多的女性进入电影业。I f

21、ound myself surrounded by a group of children full of curiosity.我发现自己被一群充满好奇心的孩子围住了。Helen found the poem difficult to_understand海伦发现那首诗很难理解。2(教材P22)You must come whenever_you_want and have whatever_you_like您只要想来随时欢迎,你想吃什么尽管吃。句法分析:whenever you want为让步状语从句;whatever you like为宾语从句。(1)whenever,wherever,h

22、owever引导让步状语从句时,相当于no matter when/where/how,意为“无论何时/何地/如何”。(2)whatever,whoever,whichever,whomever既可引导名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句,在引导让步状语从句时相当于no matter what/who/which/whom。(2013湖南高考阅读理解B)Wherever you are,you can accomplish your achievement.无论你在哪里,你都可以实现你的梦想。He knew the files could be of help to whoever took ov

23、er the job.他知道不管谁接管这个工作,这些档案都是有帮助的。Whatever_she_did was right.她所做的一切都是对的。.单词拼写1By law,the youth under eighteen are not _(允许)to enter net bars.2Good _(礼貌)are a very important key to your social success.3We missed the first few _(场景)of the play because we were caught in a traffic jam.4The boss wants h

24、im to _(解释)for each sum of the money he spent.5They admitted that they were on the _(地点)at that moment.【答案】1.permitted2.manners3.scenes4account5.spot.选词填空account for;stare at;take a chance;make a bet;bring up;on the contrary;go ahead1It doesnt seem ugly to me;_,I think its rather beautiful.2As a boy

25、,his parents left him and he _ by his grandfather.3He is fond of _,but he loses every time he does so.4Under the rules of the game,you really never know what will happen in the future.You have to _!5_ and do it now;make mistakes,learn from your mistakes and get better.【答案】1.on the contrary2.was brou

26、ght up3making a bet4.take a chance5.Go ahead.完成句子1当他苏醒过来时,发现自己迷失在森林深处。When he came to himself,he _ deep in the forest.2众所周知,中国属于发展中国家。_ China belongs to a developing country.3无论多么努力,我都不能找到答案。_,I cant find the answer.【答案】1.found himself lost2.It is wellknown that3.No matter how/However hard I have tr

27、ied(对应学生用书第85页)宾语从句和表语从句用适当的连接词填空1People here are content to let things remain _ they are while they talk about progress.【答案】as2Ive just read a moving story which happened in Yushu Earthquake.That is _ my face is bathed in tears.【答案】why3Imagine you are in this situation,and discuss _ you should do s

28、omething at once.【答案】whether4He told us _ they would help us with the work.【答案】that5He hasnt made it known _ he is going to get married.【答案】when6The sport then was a little different from _ we currently know as gymnastics.【答案】what7That was _ we camped last time.【答案】where8Could you please tell me _ c

29、an I get to the nearest bookshop?【答案】how话题(十三)日常活动场景描写【写作素材】提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。1今天早上,我正走在大街上,就在这时看到了可怕的一幕。_2一辆小汽车不小心撞到了一个小男孩逃跑了。_3我碰巧看到了汽车的号码,并报了警。_4不久司机就被逮捕了。_5他为自己的行为做出了解释,并坚持说是小男孩的过错。_6他的解释令人难以置信。_7他被判处三个月的监禁。_【连句成篇】可选用so,as a result,however,finally等将以上句子连成一篇短文_【参考范文】This morning,I was walking in th

30、e street when I noticed a terrible scene where a car knocked down a boy by accident and ran away.I happened to spot the number of the car so I called the police;as a result,it was not long before the driver was caught.He accounted for his behavior,and insisted that it was the boys fault.However,his

31、explanation was unbelievable.Finally,he was sentenced to three months in jail.课后限时自测(十三)(对应学生用书第359页)(建议用时:40分钟).语法填空My program is a course in automotive repair. We teach people from the age of 16 through adults. Were _1_(locate)on a high school campus. Its vocational, _2_ means that we train people

32、 specific skills that they could use in a job.I like classes like this _3_ its _4_(much)of the real world than it is sitting there reading a textbook, not _5_(know)what you are going to be using it for.Todays a work day, so _6_I go back into the shop, I have all of my students _7_(work)on a project.

33、 First, Jack is going to get the air tools out and jack up a car, hes going to take a tyre off that car, with the air impact. Every student that comes onto my program is an individual. All of them think that theyre going to be able to fix their own car. They all have _8_ as a goal that they are goin

34、g to get out of the program._9_ then, as part of my introduction to the class, Ill let them know some of the other things that theyll all get, _10_ include:consumer understanding of how the car works.【答案】1.located2.which3.because4.more5knowing6.when7.working8.that9.And10.which.阅读理解AIs your car a ban

35、ana or a pineapple?Its not a joke.Scientists in Brazil have developed a new way to use fibers from fruit plants to strengthen car plastics.By using fibers from seemingly delicate fruits such as bananas and pineapples,the scientists say they can strengthen new plastics,making them not only stronger a

36、nd lighter,but more lasting as well.“They are light,but very strong30 percent lighter and three to four times stronger,”research leader Alcides Leao from Brazil said.Some of the fibers can be as strong as Kevlar,the superstrong material used to make bulletproof vests.Besides,the plastics are also mo

37、re resistant to damage from heat,water,oxygen and even overflowed gasoline.Cellulose(纤维素)is the main component of wood and has been used for centuries to make paper.Recently scientists have discovered that intensive processing of wood releases tiny or“nano”cellulose fibers,so tiny that 50,000 could

38、fit across the width of a single human hair.When mixed with other raw materials,these nanocellulose fibers can make plastic stronger.According to Leao,pineapple leaves and stems,and a plant related to the pineapple in South America,called curaua,rather than wood may be the most proper source for nan

39、ocellulose.To create the plastics,researchers put the leaves and stems of pineapples and other plants into a device similar to a pressure cooker.Then they added certain chemicals and heated the mixture over several cycles,producing a powder that was then added to the plastics.The process is costly,b

40、ut it takes just one pound of nanocellulose to produce 100 pounds of superstrong,lightweight plastic,Leao pointed out.Some carmakers have already tested these nanocellulose plastics and scientists have predicted the plastics would be in use within two years,mainly for car bodies.1What does the under

41、lined word“They”in Paragraph 2 refer to?ANew plastics.BPineapples.CDelicate fruits. DPlants.【解析】词义理解题。由前一句话意思可知“They”指上文中new plastics。【答案】A2Which might be the best material for cellulose?AApple. BWood.CBanana. DCuraua.【解析】细节理解题。由倒数第二段第一句话“.called curaua,rather than wood may be the most proper source

42、 for nanocellulose”可知选D项。【答案】D3What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?AHow to make plastics stronger.BHow to create the new plastics.CHow to find the most proper source.DHow to add the powder to the plastics.【解析】段落大意题。第四段讲“如何创造一种新型塑料”,即B项。【答案】B4It can be concluded that the practical use of the frui

43、t fibers is _Aimpossible BcontroversialCillegal Dpromising【解析】推理判断题。由最后一句话的意思可知fruit fibers应用前景广阔,即promising。【答案】DBShort and shy,Ben Saunders was the last kid in his class picked for any sports team.“Football,tennis,cricketanything with a round ball,I was useless,”he says now with a laugh.But back t

44、hen he was the object of jokes in school gym classes in Englands rural Devonshire.It was a mountain bike he received for his 15th birthday that changed him.At first the teenager went biking alone in a nearby forest.Then he began to cycle along with a runner friend.Gradually,Saunders set his mind on

45、building up his body,increasing his speed,strength and endurance.At 18,he ran his first marathon.The following year,he met John Ridgway,who became famous in the 1960s for rowing an open boat across the Atlantic Ocean.Saunders was hired as an instructor at Ridgways school of Adventure in Scotland,whe

46、re he learned about the older mans coldwater exploits(成就)Intrigued,Saunders read all he could about Arctic explorers and North Pole expeditions,then decided that this would be his future.Journeys to the Pole arent the usual holidays for British country boys,and many people dismissed his dream as fan

47、tasy.“John Ridgway was one of the few who didnt say,You are completely crazy,”Saunders says.In 2001,after becoming a skilled skier,Saunders started his first longdistance expedition towards the North Pole.He suffered frostbite,had a closer encounter(遭遇)with a polar bear and pushed his body to the li

48、mit.Saunders has since become the youngest person to ski alone to the North Pole,and hes skied more of the Arctic by himself than any other Briton.His old playmates would not believe the transformation.This October,Saunders,27,heads south to explore from the coast of Antarctic to the South Pole and

49、back,an 1800mile journey that has never been completed on skis.5The turning point in Saunders life came when _Ahe started to play ball gamesBhe got a mountain bike at 15Che ran his first marathon at 18Dhe started to receive Ridgways training【解析】细节理解题。第二段第一句话点明答案。【答案】B6We can learn from the text that

50、 Ridgway _Adismissed Saunders dream as fantasyBbuilt up his body together with SaundersChired Saunders for his coldwater experienceDwon his fame for his voyage across the Atlantic【解析】推理判断题。由第三段第一句话知D项正确。【答案】D7The underlined word“Intrigued”in the third paragraph probably means _ABoredBConvincedCDeter

51、mined DAbsorbed【解析】词义理解题。由“Saunders read all he could about Arctic explorers and North Pole expedition”可知他对这些内容感兴趣,被吸引。【答案】D8It can be inferred that Saunders journey to the North Pole _Awas accompanied by his old playmatesBset a record in the North Pole expeditionCwas supported by other Arctic explo

52、rersDmade him wellknown in the 1960s【解析】推理判断题。由倒数第二段第一句话可推知B项正确。【答案】B.书面表达(2014油田高中调研)你是校报英语版编辑Jack Smith,主要负责“你问我答”专栏,请就中学生李华的来信作答,给出适当建议。Dear Mr. Smith,Im a Senior 3 student. I have to take English exams every two weeks. But the results are always discouraging in spite of my great efforts. I dont

53、know why. Im afraid something is wrong with my English learning method. Whats worse, before each exam, Im always feeling nervous and cannot sleep well. Could you give me some suggestions?Li Hua注意:1.针对提出问题,给出信息完整的建议;2适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3词数:100左右。开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Li Hua, Ive just got your letter and

54、I know learning a foreign language can be challenging for some people._Sincerely yours, Jack Smith【参考范文】Dear_Li_Hua,Ive_just_got_your_letter_and_I_know_learning_a_foreign_language_can_be_challenging_for_some_people. However, there are many things you can do to overcome these difficulties.Firstly, ob

55、tain as large a vocabulary as possible. It is a good habit to do some reading every day and remember some typical sentences. Practice makes perfect. Therefore, doing enough exercises can definitely improve your listening and writing. In this way you are sure to improve your English. As for examinati

56、on anxiety, its unnecessary for you to work too late before the exam. Instead, youd better go to bed earlier than usual, otherwise you would feel tired the next day. It is also suggested that a jug of milk may help you get a sound sleep.In addition, consult your teachers if necessary.I do hope my advice is helpful to you.Sincerely_yours, Jack_Smith


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