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四川省岳池县第一中学高中英语导学案:MODULE 5 A LESSON IN A LAB 第4课时 (外研版必修1).doc

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1、学习目标:1:深入理解culture corner,掌握文中基础知识,提升读说语言能力。2:运用基础知识,学会运用固定规范的句型表达。学习重点:认识国外学校学习科学的现况;学会如何写一个简单的科学实验报告学习难点:学习和了解一些重点单词和词汇的用法表达:lecture,astonished,used to do,be supposed to do and so on预习案&探究案一 .单词和短语Words: 1. 设备;工具 _ 2. 演讲 _ 3. (大学)科;系_ 4. 吃惊的;惊愕的_ 5. 发现 n. _ Phrases: 1.used to do _ 2.the latest equ

2、ipment _ 3.be supposed to do _ 4. be proud of _ 5. science facilities_ 6. make discoveries in_二 Reading Comprehension.Read the text again and then choose the best answers.1When did Mark Kendon begin to feel interested in science?AAfter he listened to a science lecture.BAfter he heard about the Nobel

3、 Prize.CAfter he changed to a new school.DAfter he did an experiment in the lab.2Who do you think played an important part in making Mark Kendon interested in science?AHis parents. BThe lectures.CNobel Prize winners. DHis chemistry teacher.3It seems that Mark Kendon used to love classes.Alanguage Bc

4、hemistryCphysics Dart4We can see Mark Kendons parents ,when he was determined to go to either Montreal or Ottawa University.Awere greatly surprised Bwere very proudCsupported him Ddisliked it5The best title of this passage is .AWhat a SurpriseBScience Teaching of My New SchoolCScience,My New Interes

5、tDHow to Study Science三 【自主学习】1Go ahead! means Begin!“Go ahead!”的意思是“开始!”归纳拓展:go ahead继续;前进;进行;干吧go along继续进行go about/around四处走动go away走开,离开go for it尽力争取go in for参加(考试、比赛等)语境助记:(1)They went ahead and told me what had happened. 他们接着告诉我所发生的事情。(2)The building of a new stadium in our city will go ahead

6、as planned.我市的新体育馆建设将按计划进行。2Then put the crucible on the balance and weigh it.然后把坩埚放到天平上,称一下重量。归纳拓展:balance nC秤,天平;U平衡;余额;vt.&vi.平衡;称;权衡;对比;结算keep ones balance保持平衡lose ones balance失去平衡balanced adj.平衡的balanced diet平衡饮食语境助记:(1)The child couldnt keep his balance on his new bicycle.那个孩子骑在他的新自行车上不能保持平衡。(

7、2)There is a nice balance between work and play in his life.他把生活中的工作和娱乐控制得很平衡。(3)We must balance the two plans. 我们必须把这两个计划比较一下。3I never used to enjoy science,but last year I changed schools,and the science teachers at my new school are excellent.过去我从不喜欢理科,但是去年我转学了,我新学校的理科老师很优秀。归纳拓展:used to有两个否定形式和两个

8、疑问形式。一种直接使用used;一种借助于动词did,即:否定形式:used not to douse(d)nt to dodid not use to dodidnt use to do疑问形式:Used主语to动词原形.?Did主语useto动词原形.?语境助记:(1)Used your father to drink a lot? 你父亲曾喝酒很厉害吗?(2)Didnt he use to drive to work? 他过去不曾开车上班吗?(3)There used to be a stone tower near the old pine trees,usednt there/did

9、nt there?在老松树附近曾有过一座石塔,不是吗? (1)used to do sth.过去常常做某事,只表过去。(2)be/get used to (doing) sth.习惯于,表示过去、现在或将来,to是介词,后面跟名词、代词或动名词。(3)be used to do sth.被用来做,be used是被动语态,to do sth.是不定式作目的状语。4In the last twenty years,seven Canadian scientists have won the Nobel Prize!在过去的20年间,七位加拿大科学家获得了诺贝尔奖!归纳拓展:in/for/over

10、/during the past/last时间段,表示“在近时间里”,常与完成时态连用。in the past意为“过去”,常与过去时连用。the past/last时间段,表示“过去的多长时间”,若在句中充当主语,常与完成时态连用。语境助记:(1)A great many trees have been planted in the last few weeks.过去几个星期以来已种植了大量的树。(2)In the past,many people lived a very hard life. 在过去,许多人都过着非常艰难的生活。5Im going to try to go to eith

11、er Montreal or Ottawa University,as both are supposed to have good Physics Departments.我想去蒙特利尔或渥太华大学,因为这两个大学都有不错的物理系。归纳拓展:be supposed to do sth.应该做某事,应当做某事,理应做某事be supposed to have done sth.本应该做了某事(但事实上没做)be supposed to be doing sth.理应正在做某事suppose还可作连词,相当于supposing,意为“如果,假设”。语境助记:(1)You are not supp

12、osed to take the books out of the room. 这些书不能拿出屋去。(2)You are supposed to have finished the work by now. 这工作你现在应该已经完成了。(3)Youre supposed to be doing your homework,but youre out playing.你本应该在做作业,可你却在外面玩。6My parents are astonished.我的父母很吃惊。归纳拓展:astonished adj.吃惊的;惊愕的be astonished by/at.对感到惊讶be astonishe

13、d to do sth对做某事感到惊讶astonish vt.使十分惊讶astonishing adj.令人惊讶的astonishment n惊讶to ones astonishment使某人惊讶的是注意:astonished表示“吃惊的”,常以人作主语;astonishing表示“令人惊讶的”,常以事物作主语。语境助记:(1)There were an astonishing number of applicants for the job.申请这份工作的人数多得惊人。(2)I was astonished by/at the great progress that he had made.

14、我对他取得的重大进步感到很惊讶。练习案.单词拼写1She ran over her notes before giving the _(演讲)2We were quite _(吃惊的)at the quick reaction.3She had no cooking _(设备) in the room.4He is going to study in this college,because it has a good Physics _(系)5Im looking for the _(最新的)magazine.词汇及语法1I_ to become an Olympic torchbearer

15、 in my hometown.Atake proud Bam proudCtake pride in Dam proud of2Why is the librarian looking so hard at me?You_ to read aloud in the reading room.Adont suppose Bhavent supposedCare not supposed Dare not supposing3_either you or I _going to make a speech at the meeting?Yes,one of us will have to.AAr

16、e;/ BIs;/CAre;am DAm;are4From her _ expression(表情),I knew she hadnt expected I would ask her such an _ question.Aastonished;astonishingBastonishing;astonishedCastonished;astonishedDastonishing;astonishing5We_ walk in the moonlight,talking about _we were interested in.Aused to;all what Bwere used to;

17、all thatCused to;what Dwere used to;what6. Mr. Black is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been _ .A. popular B. more popularC. most popular D. the most popular7. Had she _ her promise, she would have made it to Yale University. A. looked up to B. lived up to C. kept up wi

18、th D. come up with 8. Some people eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what _ nice. A. looks B. smellsC. feels D. tastes9. Youre driving too fast. Can you drive _ ?A. more slowly a bit B. slowly a bit moreC. a bit more slowly D. slowly more a bit10. In my view, Londons not as expensive in price

19、s as Tokyo but Tokyo is _ in traffic.A. the most organized B. more organized C. so organized as D. as organized as11.Who is _ to look after this small lab?Tom. We do it in turn.A. guessed B. supposedC. wanted D. thought12. Youd be exposed to a lot _ pollution if you moved to a town with pure water a

20、nd air.A. more B. mostC. less D. least 13. We have over 70 classrooms, each _computer.A. is equipped with B. equipped byC. is equipped by D. equipped with14. With some snow on top of it, the Yellow Mountain looked fantastic this winter. Actually, I doubt whether we could visit _ mountain in China.A.

21、 a most beautiful B. the most beautifulC. a more beautiful D. a beautiful15. Experience obtained from observation and experiment is often used to _ a scientific theory.A. confirm B. concludeC. consult D. confuse.完成句子1这条河以前是清澈的。The river _ be clean.2我必须说,我为我儿子的成功而自豪。I must say that I_ my sons success

22、.3他应该是乘坐五点钟的那班火车到这儿来。He_ arrive on the five oclock train.4要么你到这儿来,要么我去你家,都由你决定。_youll come here _ Ill go to your home. Its all up to you.5令我惊讶的是,她在我之前就到了那儿。_,she was there before me.IV.写作训练请根据下列表格中的内容,写一篇短文,说明整个实验的内容。实验目的不打烂鸡蛋取走蛋壳实验用品一只玻璃杯,一个小煮锅(saucepan),水,一个鸡蛋,约250 毫升醋(vinegar)。实验步骤1.先把鸡蛋在锅中煮十五分钟左

23、右;2.把鸡蛋放在玻璃杯中;3.往玻璃杯中放醋,醋要漫过鸡蛋;4.把鸡蛋在醋中浸泡24小时。实验结果24小时后蛋壳完全消失。实验结论醋中的酸性物质(acid)与蛋壳中的碳酸钙(calcium carbonate)反应生成二氧化碳(carbon dioxide),蛋壳(shell)消失。词数:120150。_预习案答案: Words: 1.facilities 2.lecture 3. department 4. amazed 5. discoveryPhrases: 1.过去常常做某事 2. 最新的设备 3. 理应或应当做某事 4.以-为自豪 5.科学设备 6. 在某领域做出发现: CDAAC

24、练习案:I: 1.lecture2.astonished3.facilities4.Department5.latestII: 1-5 BCAAC6-10 BBACB 11-15 BCDCBIII: 1.used to 2.am proud of 3.is supposed to 4.Either;or 5.To my astonishmentIV: 范文参考: An ExperimentThe aim of the experiment is to remove the shell from an egg without breaking the egg.To carry out (执行)

25、the experiment,you will need the following things:a glass,a small saucepan,water,an egg and about 250ml of vinegar. When all these things are ready,you can begin the experiment.First(首先), boil the egg for about 15 minutes in the saucepan filled with (装满)water. Next(接下来),place the egg in the glass and cover it with the vinegar. After that,leave the egg in the vinegar for 24 hours.24 hours later,you can see the shell disappear completely. The egg shell disappears because it is made of (由组成)calcium carbonate and the vinegar is an acid. The two substances react to form carbon dioxide.


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