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四川省岳池县第一中学高中英语导学案:BOOK 2 MODULE 3 MUSIC 第六课时 (外研版必修2).doc

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四川省岳池县第一中学高中英语导学案:BOOK 2 MODULE 3 MUSIC 第六课时 (外研版必修2).doc_第1页
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1、第卷(选择题,共96分)第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)1The first time I toured Zhangjiajie,I was deeply _ with its beautiful scenery and took many photos of it as a memory.Ainspired Bsurprised Cexcited Dimpressed2The Sichuan opera The Flower in the Mirror will spend four months _ Europe givi

2、ng performances next year.Atouring Bhave toured Cto tour Dhaving toured3Our teacher thought _ necessary to invite Professor Zhou to give a speech to us.Athat Bthis Cit Dhim4I cant find Mr.Brown.Where did you meet him this morning?It was in the hotel_he stayed.Athat Bwhich Cwhere Dwhen5He showed a sp

3、ecial talent _ singing _ an early age.Ain;at Bfor;in Cat;in Dfor;at6On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine,she_pale.Agot Bchanged Cwent Dappeared7The problem is so _ that such a little boy cant solve it.Afunny Binteresting Ccomplete Dcomplex8It was in the small house_was built with sto

4、nes by his father_he spent his childhood.Awhich;that Bthat;which Cwhich;which Dthat;where9Mr. Wang,as well as his students, _ experiments day and night to finish the task.Ado Bdoing Cis doing Dare doing10We can sometimes _ study with pleasure.Ajoin Bmix Cadd Dtake11Shakespeare is wellknown _ a great

5、 writer _ his excellent plays.Aas;for Bfor;as Cto;for Dfor;to12_for 30 years,Haydn moved to London,where he was very successful.AHaving worked there BTo work thereCWorked there DWork there13By the time he was 14,Mozart_many pieces for the harpsichord,piano and violin,as well as for orchestras.Acompo

6、sed Bwas compose Chave composed Dhad composed14The Internet is a magic thing which is _ peoples life in many aspects.Aaffecting Binfluencing Cmoving Dtesting15Its said that Julia left for Paris this morning and planned to stay there for a month._ I was having tea with her this afternoon.ANo way! BEx

7、cellent! COh really? DIs that right?16We have two kinds of air conditioners here.Which one do you prefer?Sorry,I dont like_of them.Aboth Beither Cnone Dneither17The shirt I bought is too small.Could you give me the money back?Sorry.But you can change it _ a larger one.Ainto Bwith Cfor Dthrough18Dont

8、_,but work hard,and I believe you will surely succeed one day.Alose heart Blose your heart Close a heart Dlose hearts19As is well known,Edison was one of the greatest scientists_.Aall the time Ball time Cof all time Dof all the time20I first met Lisa three years ago.She was working at a school at th

9、at time.She impressed me_her sincerity. Awith Bto Cabout Din第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。The crowd cheered and cheered.The man with the horn (号) smiled his great,happy smile.“More!More!”cried the crowd.And Louis Satchmo Armstrong took his horn and began to

10、_21_again.Here he was in England.Now a famous man,he was_22_.He knew many important people.Wherever he went,people knew his_23_.They wanted to_24_his music.As Louis played the sad,slow songs,he_25_his home in New Orleans.He lived there_26_a boy.How many years ago was it?It was a busy,exciting city.B

11、ut Louis family was very_27_.He went to work to help his mother.He also went to_28_.One of Louis teachers asked him to be in the school band.“This horn is yours until you_29_our school,” his teacher said.Louis _30_was jazz and he loved it.He_31_all the music he heard.He didnt learn to_32_music until

12、 he was a man.When he left_33_,he played in many bands.He loved his work and people loved him.They knew he had a wonderful talent.Louis played on the_34_that sailed up and down the river.He played in little towns and in big cities.Satchmos horn has as_35_sounds as ten hornssometimes slow and sweet,s

13、ometimes_36_and hot,high and low.His music was always strong and exciting.“He does make wonderful music,”said the man who listened happily.“Yes,” said another man,“he makes that horn_37_.” Then the music_38_ and the crowd cheered.Louis Armstrong spoke_39_tears in his eyes,“I think,my friends,you can

14、 listen to as much jazz as I can play.I_40_jazz was my music,but now I understand it is ours.Isnt it beautiful how music brings us together?”21A.beat Bknock Cplay Dgo22A.sick Brich Cpoor Dstrong23A.address Bname Cfriend Dhome24A.watch Blisten Chear Dwrite25A.came to Breturned Cthought of Dpraised26A

15、.with Bas Cbecause Dfor27A.poor Brich Cbig Dsmall28A.work Bband Coffice Dschool29A.enter Battend Cleave Dlike30A.teacher Bmusic Cfilm Dplay31A.remembered Bforgot Cwrote Dtaught32A.read Bsee Cwatch Dnotice33A.work Bschool Ccity Dhome34A.cars Btrains Cplanes Dboats35A.much Bmore Cmany Dlot36A.fast Bsu

16、dden Cimmediate Dlight37A.speak Bblow Cshout Dcry38A.started Bended Cplayed Dlost39A.with Bfor Cby Dto40A.wanted Bthought Cagreed Dadmitted第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(共12小题;每小题3分,满分36分)AAlthough Beethoven could sit down and make up music easily,his really great composit

17、ions did not come easily at all.They cost him a great deal of hard work.We know now he often rewrote and corrected his work because his notebooks are still kept in the museums and libraries.He always found it hard to satisfy himself.When he was 28,the worst difficulty of all came to him.He began to

18、notice a strange humming in his ears.At first he paid little attention,but it grew worse,and at last he consulted doctors.They gave him the worst news any musician can hear:he was gradually going deaf.Beethoven was in despair;he was sure that he was going to die.He went away to the country,to a plac

19、e called Heiligenstadt,and from there he wrote a long farewell letter to his brothers.In this letter he told them how depressed and lonely his deafness had made him.“It is impossible for me to ask men to speak louder or shout,for I am deaf,” he wrote.“How could I possibly admit an infirmity in the o

20、ne sense (hearing) which should have been more perfect in me than in others.? I must live like an exile.” He longed to die,and said to death,“Come when you will,I shall meet you bravely.”In fact,Beethoven did something braver than dying.He gathered his courage and went on writing music,though he cou

21、ld hear what he wrote only more and more faintly.He wrote his best music,the music we remember him for,after he became deaf.The music he wrote was very different from any that had been composed before.Instead of the elegant and stately music that earlier musicians had written for their wealthy liste

22、ners,Beethoven wrote stormy,exciting,revolutionary music,which reminds us of his troubled and courageous life.He grew to admire courage more than anything,and he called one of his symphonies the Eroica or Heroic Symphony,to celebrate the memory of a great man.Describing the dramatic opening notes of

23、 his famous Fifth Symphony,he said,“Thus fate knocks on the door.”In time Beethoven went completely deaf,so deaf that he could not hear even the stormiest parts of his exciting music.But in those years he wrote more gloriously than ever.He could “hear” his music with his mind,if not with his ears.Hi

24、s friends had to write down what they wanted to say to him.He was lonely and often unhappy,but in spite of this,he often wrote joyful music.In his last symphony,the Ninth,a choir sings a wonderful Hymn of Joy.Because of his courage and determination to overcome his terrible disaster,his music has gi

25、ven joy and inspiration to millions of people.41In the first paragraph we are told that Beethoven found that writing great music _.Awas easy Bwas difficult Cwas straightforwardDeasily satisfied him42Beethoven knew that he was going deaf _.Awhen he could not hear himself humming a tuneBwhen he heard

26、a humming noiseCwhen the humming noise grew louderDwhen the doctor told him43After he wrote a long farewell letter to his brothers,Beethoven _.Adied bravely Bwrote more faintlyCcourageously continued to write music Dregained his hearing44Which of these words best describes Beethovens music when his

27、hearing began to fail?AStately. BForceful (坚强的) CElegant. DLoud.BMost students in the UK leave high school or sixthform college (第六级学院) at the age of 18 and go on study for three years in a university,but in recent years many students have chosen to take a oneyear break between finishing school and

28、starting university.This period is called a gap year and is a time when British students can broaden their horizons by visiting foreign countries.Tens of thousands of gapyear travelers leave Britain every year,with Australia as the most popular destination.Some volunteer for charity work in developi

29、ng countries,while others will enjoy ecotourism or simply backpack through different countries.Many other gapyear travelers try their hands at teaching English to the locals in the countries they visit.Students who take a gap year often say the experience helps them get a better perspective (看法) on

30、the world and helps broaden their cultural awareness.An important part of any gap year is learning about other peoples cultures and societies.It can be very important to learn about local customs in order to avoid a culture clash (冲突),such as when Westerners wear clothes that are seen as unacceptabl

31、e in more conservative countries.Developments in communication technology mean that it is easier than ever to keep in touch with friends and family at home.Many gapyear students keep a travel blog or upload their snaps (照片) to photosharing websites so that others can see their adventures.45What do m

32、any students do between finishing school and starting university in recent years?AThey have chosen to oneyear study themselves.BThey have chosen to take a onemonth break.CThey have chosen to take a onemonth study themselves.DThey have chosen to take a oneyear break.46Many students take a oneyear bre

33、ak because_.Athey want to relax themselves before entering universityBtheyre interested in the cultures and customs of other countriesCthey want to learn more about the outside world by travelingDthey want to learn some foreign languages before entering university47During the gap year,the traveling

34、students_.Aare always welcomed by the locals in the countries they visitBmay miss their friends because they cannot get in touch with each otherCwill keep a travel blog because they might feel lonely at timesDmay experience some different customs and events from their owns48According to the passage,

35、we can know the following EXCEPT_.Asome students may share their adventure photos on websitesBa lack of knowledge of local customs can embarrass youCmost students in the UK graduate from university at the age of 21Dmost students prefer to spend their gap year in developing countriesCMany studies hav

36、e been conducted to find the deeper benefits of listening to and playing music.The growing field of music treatment is presenting increasing amounts of evidence that point toward the greater powers of music.Emotional benefitsThe right song can put anybody in a better mood.Most people turn to certain

37、 songs to improve their moods.The main reason behind it is that music has the ability to express our feelings better than any other medium.In addition,we have favourite songs for particular situations because we tune into the melodies (悦耳的音调) that catch our nerves the best.Music and exerciseHave you

38、 ever noticed how out of breath you get when listening to an exciting song while doing exercise at the gym?It has been suggested that stimulating (刺激的) music can actually increase muscle tension,while sedative (镇定的) music decreases it.It has also been proved that music can improve motor skills.An ex

39、periment conducted on a group of elementary students proved that children learning basic motor skills such as throwing,catching and jumping while listening to music did better than those with no music.Chronic (慢性的) pain reliefMusic has the ability to ease the sense of chronic pain.In fact,according

40、to a paper in the Journal of Advanced Nursing,music can reduce chronic pain by 21%.The paper reports that 60 patients in an experiment were divided into two groupsmusic and no music.The results showed that people who listened to music for an hour each day for a week had improved physical and psychol

41、ogical diseases compared to those who did not.49The best title of the passage is _.AThe Study of MusicBPhysical and Mental Benefits of MusicCHow Music Can Help PatientsDMusic Helps to Improve Work Efficiency50Why do people turn to songs for better feelings?ABecause songs have magic.BBecause listenin

42、g to music is their hobby.CBecause they can find comfort in songs.DBecause music can express their mood well.51If we want to have our muscle relaxed,wed better choose _.Arock and rollBsome exciting songsCsome light musicDclassical songs52The basic motor abilities do not include_.Apushing BcastingCse

43、izing Dleaping第二节根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项多余选项。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)Hi,Bob! Weve been working hard at our lessons for a fortnight._53_Okay! What do you suggest?_54_ I hear Hamlet is on at the National Theater.Is that so?Why not?(Scanning a newspaper.)Oh,me! Theres no performance at the Nation

44、al Theater this weekend.So we have to go to the cinema instead._55_Let me see.Um.Gone With the Wind.It is on at six cinemas on Saturday night.That sounds interesting.Which is the nearest?Ah,The Royal,I think.What time does the film start?Why dont we go to the 1830 show?_56_But we wont have enough ti

45、me for dinner.Do you want to go to the earlier or the later show?Ah._57 _Then,theres the 2030 show.Thats okay.I think.AI fancy going to the later one.BHow about seeing a play?CWhat do you think of a basketball match?DWhats on?ESo why dont we take it easy this weekend?FI want to go to the earlier sho

46、w.GIt is convenient for us,I think.第卷(非选择题,共54分)第三部分写作(共两节,满分54分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。此行错一个词:在错的词下画一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。I began to

47、learn English in reading and listening.58._My study were limited by the poor conditions.59._As I paid more attention to read,I found that60._it didnt take me long at all remember a large61._quantity of words and sentence structures.This62._rapid increase in the number of words I know made63._it is p

48、ossible for me to read books in English.64._My reading ability was great improved.65._Now,I have come to know that things about the66._culture,society,history and people of America or England.67._第二节书面表达(满分39分)高中阶段的学习紧张而繁忙。有同学向班主任提建议:课间,在教室里播放音乐。同学们对此意见不一。假设你是小明,请根据下面内容,向你班主任客观反映同学们的看法,并谈谈你自己的看法。大多数

49、同学认为部分同学认为播放音乐能活跃气氛课间时间太短,播放音乐达不到效果能使大脑放松,减轻学习带来的疲劳课间需要的是安静,而不是嘈杂的声音注意:1.词数100左右;2开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数;3短文包括所有内容要点,并且行文连贯。参考词汇:气氛atmosphere;疲劳tirednessDear headteacher,Recently we have carried out the practice to play music during the class break,and the students have had different opinions about it._ _

50、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yours,Xiao Ming答案1D2A3C4C5D6C7D8A9C10B11A12A13D14B15A16B17C 18A19C20A21C22B23B24C25C26B27A28D29C30B31A32A33B34D35C36A37A38B39A40B41B42D43C44B45D46C47D48D49B50D51C52A53-57EBDGA 58inby59.werewas60.readreading61all后加to62.63.knowknew64.去掉is65greatgreatly66.去掉that67.orand参考范文Dear

51、_headteacher,Recently_we_have_carried_out_the_practice_to_play_music_during_the_class_break,and_the_students_have_had_different_opinions_about_it.The opinions mainly fall into two groups.Most of us agree that music should be played.As we know,music can produce a lively and happy atmosphere.Besides,m

52、usic brings us relaxation after hard study,which reduces the tiredness.But on the other hand,some students dont think so.In their opinion,they cant get the expected result by playing music,as the break between classes is too short.What is needed during the break is peace instead of the noise produced by music.In my opinion,I agree with the first view.Music can make us enjoy the beauty that music can bring to us.We can deal with the relationship between studies and music.Yours,Xiao_Ming


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