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1、备战2011届高考英语(通用版)一轮复习专题01 定语从句【A组:基础过关】1 The English play _ my students acted at the New Years party was a great success.A. for which B. at which C. in which D. on which2 Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, _, of course, made the others envy him.A. who B. that C. what D. whi

2、ch【解析】这是一句非限制性定语从句,关系代词指代整个句子Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others,且从句中行为动词made是主动语态,因此选择which。【答案】D3 If a shop has chairs _ women can park their men, women will spend more time in the shop.A. that B. which C. when D. where4 Women _ drink more than two cups of coffee a day hav

3、e a greater chance of having heart disease than those _ dont.A. who ; 不填 B. 不填 ; who C. who ; who D. 不填; 不填【解析】审明句意:每天和多于两杯咖啡的女性比那些没有改习惯的女性得心脏病的可能性要大得多。 在本题中的who都是引导定语从句,指代人,在定语从句中做主语,所以都不能省略。【答案】C5 The Beatles, _ many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool.A. what B. that C. how D.

4、as【解析】本题考查在实际语境中对于非限制性定语从句的应用能力。as引导定语从句,在从句中做remember的宾语,指代的是the Beatles“披头士乐队”。what引导名词性从句,在句中做主语宾语或表语,that引导限制性定语从句, how引导名词性从句。【答案】D6. Some pre-school children go to a day care center,_ they learn simple games and songs.A. then B. there C. while D. where7 The book was written in 1946, _ the educ

5、ation system has witnessed great charges. Awhen Bduring which Csince then Dsince when【解析】在本题中用since when引导定语从句。因为句中的谓语has witnessed是现在完成时,所以要用since when。when指代上文中的in 1946,表示“这本书是1946年写的,从那以后,教育体制发生了巨大变化”。 【答案】D8. Was it in the waiting room _ only allows mothers-to-be to enter that you lost your wall

6、et? A. / B. where C. that D. when 【解析】在考查定语从句的时候利用疑问句的特殊结构来干扰学生的正确选择比较常见。遇到这类定语从句时,最好的办法是先把疑问句还原成陈述句,然后判断谁是先行词,再看关系词在定语从句中所充当的成分,最后确定正确答案。在这个定语从句中的先行词是room, that在定语从句里做主语。【答案】C 9.Obama, _ life was once hard when he was young, were elected President of American. A. for whom B. who C. to whom D. / 【解析

7、】这是一个非限制性定语从句,还考查到了“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。根据句子意思需选择介词for, 从而构成be hard for Obama. for的宾语是指人,这时就只能用whom。【答案】A 10. _ has been announced, our government will take more measures to make the falling economics recover as soon as possible.A That B As C It D What【解析】这是一句非限制性定语从句,关系代词指代整个句子we shall have our final e

8、xams next month,且位于句首,因此选择as。在定语从句中都可以作主语和宾语。但注意as 引导的定语从句可置于句首,而which不可。【答案】B 11. Lee Yu chun was titled as the top thin beauty in Ansia , _ caused a lot of disagreements in the field of entertainment.A. that B. which C as D it 12 There were so many attractions in Disney Park. After lunch we came t

9、o a place, _ stood a big tower. A. which B. that C. / D. where 【解析】在本句中为了保持句子平衡,句子用了倒装语序。倒装的使用使定语从句的结构变得较为特殊,对于这种情况,应先把倒装语序还原成正常语序,这样句子结构就比较清晰了。这里是非限制性定语从句解释前面的the place.【答案】D13 A political advisor suggested giving out red pockets to the whole nation directly to encourage economics,_I believe is of

10、great value. A that B. / C. which D. why【解析】在考查定语从句时会利用插入语或状语的添加来增加试题的难度。常见的插入语有:I think (suppose, expect, believe, imagine), in my opinion, to tell you the truth等。做这类题目时我们可以先删去插入语或状语,找出句子的主干。在该句中先行词是discovery,which是在引导非限制性定语从句,在句子里做主语。【答案】C 14 Is this the website_ you want to have _ into your files

11、 to help you learn English? A. who; to add B. that; add C. whom; adding D. that; added【解析】非谓语动词是英语中难度较大的语法项目之一,因而在定语从句中加入非谓语动词会增加考查定语从句的难度。对这类题目最有效的办法就是将句子还原。本句还原后应是:You want to have the website added into your files to help you learn English.先行词是the website, 因为在定语从句里做宾语,所以可以用that, which或者省略,但是第二个空只

12、能用added, 因为还考查到了have something done, 这里是网站被添加到收藏夹。【答案】D15 We have heard of many cases _ some citizens ,especially some famous people, have suffered because personal information had been leaked.A. why B. which C. as D. where【B组:能力突破】(山东省济南市2010届高三年级第一次模拟考试英语试题)The time is drawing near food raised in

13、space will directly benefit humans below.Awhere Bwhen Cwhether Dwhy【答案解析】B考查定语从句。语意:在太空种植的食物直接使地球上的人类受益的时刻快要来了。when引导的定语从句修饰先行词the time。(浙江省金华十校2010届高三上学期期末考试(英语)You will have to wait for one more week, the manager will be back from his trip.Aafter Bwhile Cwhen Dsince【答案解析】C考查定语从句。先行词为表时间的one more w

14、eek,故用when引导定语从句,且在从句中作状语。(浙江省金华十校2010届高三上学期期末考试(英语)American women usually identify their best friend as someone they can talk frequently.Awho Babout which Cas Dwith whom【答案解析】D考查定语从句。with whom引导定语从句,修饰先行词someone,with与talk构成固定搭配,表示“与交谈”。( 2010年安徽省“江南十校”高三联考英语试题)The film started to get boring, at _ p

15、oint I left the cinema accompanied by my twin sister. A. this B. that C. the D. which【答案解析】D考查定语从句。定语从句的先行词是前面整个句子,当先行词为句子时,用关系代词which或as,此处关系词前有介词at,只有which符合条件。( 2010年安徽省“江南十校”高三联考英语试题)When did your cousin begin to show his interest in medicine?It was a Saturday _ she noticed her uncle experimenti

16、ng on a frog in his lab. A. that B. what C. when D. which(2010临洮县高三上学期阶段性质量检测试题) The number 9.11 is a special number, , I think, that will be remembered by the Americans forever.Awhat Bit Cwhich DoneD。句意:91l是一个特殊的数字,一个让美国人终身难忘的数字。此题里面有插入语I think,先把它去掉,这样,余下的好像就是一个非限定性定语从句了,其实后面有三种正确的形式为,one that,and

17、 it,which。故选D。(2010沂南一中高三上学期阶段性质量检测试题)Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at theexact moment_.Awhich they are happening Bwhen they are happeningCwhich they happen Dthey have happenedB。句意:电视机使得我们第一时间看到所发生的一切。此题考查定语从句。先行词为at the exact moment。故选B。(2010兰州市西固区高三12月月考) We went through a peri

18、od _communications were very difficult in the rural areas. Awhich Bin which Cwhose Dwith whichB。句意:我们经历了在偏远的乡下交流不便的时期。此题考查介词后的定语从句。in which=in the period。故选B。(2010西安市周至县高三上学期期中统考英语)。Footy is a mix of soccer and rugby, a sport players hold the ball and run with it.Awhere Bwhich Cwhen DthatA。句意:Footy是

19、足球和橄榄球结合在一起,运动员控球跑的体育运动项目。此题考查定语从句。但在定语从句中,有主语players和宾语the ball等,可见要选择的是连接副词,表示in the sport的意义。故选A。(2010福建省“华安、连城、永安、漳平一中,龙海二中泉港一中”六校联考上学期第三次月考) Youll have to wait for two hours, is, about 11:30, the medical report will come out.The doctor said to me. A、that, when B、which, that C、that, before D、whi

20、ch, when(2010菏泽市牡丹区高三年级第五次月考) The letter he has been waiting_is from his former head teacher. A、for which B、for C、for it D、for whomB。句意:他一直在等的那封信是来自于他的前班主任的。此题看起来好像是一个介词后的宾语从句,实际上只要认真分析句子结构就知,The letter is from his former head teacher是主句,he has been waiting for是定语从句,其连词that充当介词for的宾语,所以省略了。故选B。(2010

21、大庆实验中学高三第三次月考) If the speed _ you drive your car is beyond the limit, you will be punished. Aby which Bat which Cfor which Dof which B。句意:如果你开车的速度超过限制,你就将受到惩罚。此题考查介词后的定语从句。这类从句的介词受后面的动词的影响,固定短语为drive at the speed。故选B。(2010长葛市第三实验高中第四次考试)一 So you know Della?Yes, it was last week _ I surfed the Intern

22、etA. that B. when C. why D. whomB。句意:看来你认识Della?对啊,我是在上周上网的时候认识她的。此题很容易看成强调句,实际上是一个定语从句。完整的句子是it was last week when I surfed the Internet that I knew Della故选B(2010北京市朝阳区重点中学高三上学期第四次月考) Janes father has bought a nice sports car, _ we all know it.A. as B. which C. that D. and D。句意:简的父亲买了辆非常漂亮的跑车,这点我们都

23、知道。咋看起来,好像考的是非限定性定语从句。可实际上后面这个句子有主语we和宾语it,是个完整的句子,所以是并列句。故选C。(2010诸暨中学高三期中考试英语试卷) Every time he tries to break a record, he reaches a point _ he feels he cannot physically do any more.A. what B. which C. where D. when二、完形填空 Dean could hear the voices from around 40 feet below him“Dont give up,Dean!

24、”Uncle Jim shouted encouragingly“You can do it!”“Youre almost there,”Kurt called as he pulled on the (1) that ensured his cousins safety Kurt and Dean had just Uncle Jim (2) a climbing wall at a community gym in Canterville,TexasThe wall,made of concrete and crushed granite(碎石),looked just like a sa

25、ndstone cliffDespite his (3) of heights,Dean had volunteered to be the (4) to climb the new wall. Dean heard his cousin and uncle (5) him on from below,but he didnt replyHe was (6) the 1ast section of the artificial rock wall to determine an approach for scaling itHe (7) he was only a few feet from

26、the top (8) if he failed to concentrate on what he was doing,he could fall Dcan (9) Kurt to serve as his belayer,which is the person who controls a climbers safety ropeWhilc Dean (10) ,Kurt took the slack(part of a rope that is not tight)out of the safety rope that was attached to the (11) of the wa

27、llIn that case,if Dean started to slip,he would fall only a few feet (12) the rope caught himHowever,Dcan didnt want to fall even a few feet;he was too close to his (13) As Dean held on to the rock face,calculating each move with great (14) ,Uncle Jim and Kurt watched intently (15) ,with a burst of

28、energy,Dean climbed over the last outcropping and shouted,“I did it!” Uncle Jim and Kurt (16) wildlyDean smiled broad,and then grew (17) gain Falling to the ground was the (18) part for him, and his uncle and cousin knew itThe last time Dean had scaled a climbing wallit had taken 15 minutes for him

29、to get the (19) to come downAs the others watched in expectation,Dean (20) his tense muscles,took a deep breath,and backed over the edgeIn seconds he had dived more than 40 feet to the gym floor(1) A1adder Brope Cnet Dhelmet(2) Apaint Brepair Cfit Dmove(3) Athirst Bfear Cinterest Danxiety(4)Astronge

30、st Bbest Cyoungest Dfirst(5) Aurging Bcomforting Cpushing Dcalming(6) Asearching Banalyzing Cstudying Dtesting(7) Afelt Bnoticed Cwished Dknew(8) Aso Bor Cbut Dfor(9) Atrusted Bequipped Cpromised Dwarned(10) Astopped Bdropped Cclimbed Drested(11) Atop Bend Cback Droot(12) Aas Buntil Cbefore Dwhile(1

31、3) Ahope Bmind Cgoal Didea(14) Acare Bpleasure Cpain Dpressure(15) AGradually BSuddenly CEventually DImmediately(16) Acheered Bsucceeded Cdanced Dapplauded(17) Atired Bquiet Cpatient Dexcited(18) Afastest Bscariest Cbusiest Dhardest(19) Acourage Binformation Cmessage Dattention(20) Aprepared Bpulled

32、 Cmoved Drelaxed【文章大意】迪安和库尔特帮助叔叔在体育馆安装了攀岩之后,自告奋勇地第一个攀岩。在叔叔和库尔特的鼓励下,在克服重重困难,精心计算后,他成功地登项。短暂的欢呼和喜悦之后,迪安平静下来,调整状态,放松自己,又成功地落地。 (1) B【解析】考查名词的用法。从下文可知库尔特是把着绳子,确保迪安在攀岩时的安全,故选B。本题简单。(2) C【解析】考查动词的用法。从下旬的“new wall”可知,库尔特和迪安刚刚帮助叔叔吉姆在体育馆里安装了攀岩,fit“安装”,故选C。本题中等难度。(3) B【解析】考查名词。根据情境可知,爬到上面是挺吓人的,所以“尽管恐高,迪安还是自告奋

33、勇地第一个爬这座墙”,故选B。本题简单。(4) D【解析】考查数词的用法。从“new wall”可知,安装完后,迪安是第一个自告奋勇爬这座新墙的人,故选D。本题简单。(5) A【解析】考查动词的用法。从上文叔叔的鼓励可知,他的堂兄和叔叔是在极力鼓动他往上爬,故选A。本题稍难。(6) C【解析】考查动词的用法。从上下义可知,堂兄和叔叔在劝说时迪安没回答以及距顶端才有几英尺,可以推断迪安在研究采用什么方法攀登最后一段,故选C。本题稍难。(7) D【解析】考查动词的用法。在研究之后,他知道距顶端只有几英尺距离,故选D。本题简单。(8) C【解析】考查连词的用法。距顶端虽然只有儿英尺,但是如果没集中精

34、力,他就有可能失败,前后形成转折含义,故选C。本题简单。(9) A【解析】考查动词的用法。从下文的“迪安开始继续往上爬”可知迪安相信作为控制绳子安全的库尔特,否则那么高他不会继续爬,故选A。本题稍难。(10) C【解析】考查动词的用法。当迪安往上爬的时候,库尔特抓住连接墙的顶端的安 (14) A【解析】考查名词的用法。马上就要登顶,为了防止下滑,迪安仔细地计算每一次的行动,故选A。本题中等难度。(15) C【解析】考查副词的用法。从下文的“climbed over”可知迪安是爬过了墙,最终成功了,故选C。本题简单。(16) A【解析】考查动词的用法。从迪安微笑,可知他成功了,所以库尔特和叔叔是

35、欢呼,故选A。本题简单。(17) B【解析】考查形容词的用法。从下文可知,迪安在想往下爬,上一次他爬上去时,他花了15分钟获得勇气,所以这次他是变得安静了,故选B。本题稍难。(18) B【解析】考查形容词的用法。从下义的“tense! muscles”可知迪安还是比较紧张的,再从上次他花了15分钟获得勇气下来,可知往下落地的过程也是挺可怕的,故选B。本题中等难度。(19) A【解析】考查名词的用法。从花了15分钟才下来,可知迪安是在恢复勇气,故选A。本题简单。(20) D【解析】考查动词的用法。从下文的“他做了深呼吸”,可知迪安是在放松自己,放松肌肉,才能成功落地,故选D。本题中等难度。三、阅

36、读理解New York, NY MondayHumidity43%Pressure30.27 inVisibility10 milesWindCurrent ConditionsTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayHi56/1356/1359/1558/1454/12Lo42/647/850/1046/845/7Mostly sunnySunny to partlycloudySome sunshinegiving way tocloudsA couple ofmorning showersSun mixingwith high cloudsOther

37、LocationsPlaceConditionsTemperatureHumidityPressureChicagoOvercast45/768%30.12 inLondonPartly Sunny55/1358%29.77 inLos AngelesClear52/1125%29.99 inSan FranciscoClear42/684%30.1 inTokyoRain50/1087%29.83 in68. The current temperature in New York isA. 47 B. 43 C. 13 D. 869. How far can we see clearly a

38、t the most in New York on Monday?A. 10 miles B. 15 kilometers C. 30.27 inches D. 43 meters70. It will rain in New York on .A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Friday D. Saturday71. has the fourth lowest temperature on Monday.A. Chicago B. New York C. Tokyo D. San Francisco【文章大意】 文章以图表形式告诉读者纽约以及其他一些城市的天气情况。68D

39、事实细节题。文章开头的Current Conditions中提到纽约温度现在是8,可知D项正确。69A事实细节题。文中第一个表格中提到Visibility是10英里,由此可知A项符合题意。When he was still a child, Iwatakes father was lost at sea off Hawaii. With no food, his family was forced to move to Japan, where Iwatake joined the army during the war. He lost a brother when the bomb fel

40、l on Hiroshima.But over all the time one thing has remained unchanged.His parents bought a Christmas tree in 1937, and his family brings it out every Christmas since then, even when doing so meat risking arrest. “This tree was a shining light, because it was a symbol of unity in my family, Iwatake s

41、aid as he and his wife put the final touches on the tree, which is about 3 foot tall. They took it out once again this year, “We have put this tree up every year for 70 years.Though he considers himself Buddhist, Iwatake was raised in a Christian tradition. He still keeps a photo of the tiny wooden

42、church in Mauri where he and his five brothers went to church services and Sunday school.Christmas was always a special time.His father worked at a store, and Iwatake remembers the day he came home with a tree. It was nothing all that special, just metal and plastic, the kind of decoration that can

43、easily be placed on a table, or in a corner somewhere. He got a string of lights, too, the kind with the big bulbs (灯泡).Soon after, his father died in a fishing accident. His body was never found.Iwatakes mother had relatives in Japan, and took Iwatakes younger brothers there. Iwatake stayed behind

44、to graduate from high school. In 1941, six months before Pearl Harbor (珍珠港), he moved to Japan as well. “Things were bad, he said. “There were war clouds hanging everywhere.56What caused the death of Iwatakes father?AAn accident.BLake of food.CThe war in Pear Harbor.DThe bombing in Hiroshima.57The C

45、hristmas tree is so dear to Iwatake because .Ait was bought in 1937Bit was loved by his fatherCit helps to keep the house brightDit brings back a good memory of his family58What can we infer from the passage?ANothing has changed in Iwtakes house since 1937.BIwatake stayed in Hawaii alone for some ti

46、me.CThe war made the author and his wife sad.DHe finished high school in Japan.【文章大意】1watake有着苦难的童年,但那棵长久保留下来的圣诞树成了他人生中最美好的回忆和最宝贵的财富。56A细节理解题。从倒数第二段的Soon after,his father died in a fishing accident可以知道,他父亲在一次捕鱼事故中丧命,所以答案选A项。57D推理判断题。从全文推断,特别是从第二和第三段可知,对于1watake来说,虽然童年有很多苦难,但是1937年他父母买的那棵圣诞树给他带来了美好的回

47、忆。所以答案选D项。58B推理判断题。从最后一段中的1watake stayed behind to graduate:from high school可知,1watake的母亲带着弟弟们去了日本之后,他一直留在夏威夷直到高中毕业。所以答案选B项。四、书面表达(江苏省江浦高级中学2010届高三上学期期中考试)假定你班在“珍爱生命,拒闯红灯”教育活动中,召开了一次主题班会。请你根据下表中的内容,用英语写一篇短文。行人闯红灯的危害. 妨碍交通,影响车辆的正常行驶。. 容易引发事故,危及他人和自身的生命安全。 (自己设想)对行人闯红灯的处罚措施. 批评教育,让其意识到闯红灯的危害性。. 当场给予警告

48、并罚款。 (自己设想)注意:1.内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯;2.词数:150左右。参考词汇: (行人);jay-walk .v(乱穿马路) ;reprimand .v(批评,训诫)_ One possible version:Recently we held a class meeting to discuss the problem of pedestrians crossing the street while the traffic light is red. As we can see, some pedestrians dont obey traffic rules and jay

49、-walk frequently. This blocks traffic, seriously affects drivers and causes accidents to happen, endangering the safety of pedestrians and drivers alike. In a word, jaywalking produces negative effects and does not help to develop good social behavior. It is really a pity to see all this in our soci

50、ety, and to deal with the situation, the government has taken some measures. When caught jaywalking, pedestrians are reprimanded so that they will become aware of the dangers of doing this, or they are fined on the spot. Sometimes the traffic police will report jaywalkers to their workplace and expose them to the public. However, it will still take a long time to stop pedestrians from jay-walking.高考资源网()来源:高考资源网版权所有:高考资源网(www.k s 5 )版权所有:高考资源网()版权所有:高考资源网()


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