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1、2015四川省邻水中学高考英语阅读理解一轮练习(2)及答案阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Feeling blue about the world? “Cheer up,” says science writer Matt Ridley.” The world has never been a better place to live in, and it will keep on getting better both for humans and for nature.”Ridley calls himself a rational optimis

2、trational, because hes carefully weighed the evidence; optimistic, because that evidence shows human progress to be both unavoidable and good. And this is what hes set out to prove from a unique point of view in his most recent book, The Rational Optimist. He views mankind as a grand enterprise that

3、, on the whole, has done little but progress for 100,000 years. He backs his findings with hard facts gathered through years of research. Heres how he explains his views. 1) Shopping fuels inventionIt is reported that there are more than ten billion different products for sale in London alone. Even

4、allowing for the many people who still live in poverty, our own generation has access to more nutritious food, more convenient transport, bigger houses, better cars, and, of course, more pounds and dollars than any who lived before us. This will continue as long as we use these things to make other

5、things. The more we specialize and exchange, the better off well be. 2) Brilliant advancesOne reason we are richer, healthier, taller, cleverer, longer-lived and freer than ever before is that the four most basic human needsfood, clothing, fuel and shelterhave grown a lot cheaper. Take one example.

6、In 1800 a candle providing one hours light cost six hours work. In the 1880s the same light from an oil lamp took 15 minutes work to pay for. In 1950 it was eight seconds. Today its half second. 3) Lets not kill ourselves for climate changeMitigating(减轻) climate change could prove just as damaging t

7、o human welfare as climate change itself. A child that dies from indoor smoke in a village, where the use of fossil-fuel(化石燃烧) electricity is forbidden by well-meaning members of green political movements trying to save the world, is just as great a tragedy as a child that dies in a flood caused by

8、climate change. If climate change proves to be mild, but cutting carbon causes real pain, we may well find that we have stopped a nose-bleed by putting a tourniquet(止血带) around our necks. 1. What is the theme of Ridleys most recent book? A. Weakness of human nature. B. Concern about climate change.C

9、. Importance of practical thinking. D. Optimism about human progress.2. How does Ridley look at shopping? A. It encourages the creation of things. B. It results in shortage of goods.C. It demands more fossil fuels. D. It causes a poverty problem.3. The candle and lamp example is used to show that.A.

10、 oil lamps give off more light than candlesB. shortening working time brings about a happier lifeC. advanced technology helps to produce better candlesD. increased production rate leads to lower cost of goods4. What does the last sentence of the passage imply? A. Cutting carbon is necessary in spite

11、 of the huge cost.B. Overreaction to climate change may be dangerous.C. Peoples health is closely related to climate change. D. Careless medical treatment may cause great pain【参考答案】1-4 DADB阅读理解课堂练学案Passage Thirty-four (The Relationship between Brain Process with Mental Experience) By 1950, the resul

12、ts of attempts to relate brain processes to mental experience appeared rather discouraging. Such variations in size, shape, chemistry, conduction speed, excitation threshold, and the like as had been demonstrated in nerve cells remained negligible in significance for any possible correlation with th

13、e manifold dimensions of mental experience. Near the turn of the century, it had been suggested by Hering that different modes of sensation, such as pain, taste and color, might be correlated with the discharge of specific kinds of nervous energy, However, subsequently developed methods of recording

14、 and analyzing nerve potentials failed to reveal any such qualitative diversity. It was possible to demonstrate by other methods refined structural differences among neuron types; however, proof was lacking that the quality of the impulse or its conduction was influenced by these differences, which

15、seemed instead to influence the developmental patterning of the neural circuits. Although qualitative variance among nerve rigidly disproved, the doctrine was generally abandoned in favor of the opposing view, namely, that nerve impulses are essentially homogeneous in quality and are transmitted as

16、“common currency” throughout the nervous system. According to this theory, it is not the quality of the sensory nerve impulses that determines the diverse conscious sensations they produce, but, rather, the different areas of the brain into which they discharge, and there is some evidence for this v

17、iew. In one experiment, when an electric stimulus was applied to a given sensory field of the cerebral cortex of a conscious human subject, it produced a sensation of the appropriate modality for that particular locus, that is, a visual sensation from the visual cortex, an auditory sensation from th

18、e auditory cortex, and so on. Other experiments revealed slight variations in the size, number, arrangement, and interconnection of the nerve cells, but as for as psychoneural correlations were concerned, the obvious similarities of these sensory fields to each other seemed much more remarkable than

19、 any of the minute differences.However, cortical as diverse as those of red, black, green and white, or touch, cold, warmth, movement, pain, posture and pressure apparently may arise through activation of the same cortical areas. What seemed to remain was some kind of differential patterning effects

20、 in the brain excitation: it is the difference in the central distribution of impulses that counts. In short, Brain theory suggested a correlation between mental experience and the activity of relatively homogenous nerve-cell units conducting essentially homogeneous impulses through homogeneous cere

21、bral tissue. To match the multiple dimensions of mental experience psychologists could only point to a limitless variation in the spatiotemporal patterning of nerve impulses.1. Up until 1950, efforts to establish that brain processes and mental experience are related would most likely have been met

22、withA. vexation. . irritability. C. discouragement D. neutrality2. The author mentions “common currency” primarily in order to emphasize the A. lack of differentiation among nerve impulses in human beings. similarities in the views of the scientists.C. similarity of sensations of human beings.D. con

23、tinuous passage of nerve impulses through the nervous system.3. Which of the following theories is reinforced by the depiction of the experiment in lines 1619?A. Cognitive experience manifested by sensory nerve impulses are influenced by the area of the brain stimulated. Qualitative diversity in ner

24、ve potentials can now be studied more accurately.C. Sensory stimuli are heterogeneous and are greatly influenced by the nerve sensors they produce.D. Differentiation in neural modalities influences the length of nerve transmissions.4. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following e

25、xhibit the LEAST qualitative variation?A. Nerve cells. . Nerve impulses.C. Cortical areas. C. Spatial patterns of nerve impulses.Vocabulary1. mental experiences 精神感受2. discharge 释放3. negligible 微小的,可以忽略不计的4. manifold 多种多样的,多方面5. neuron 神经元/细胞6. neural (中枢)神经的(系统)7. qualitative diversity 质的多样性,量变的8.

26、disprove 反驳,反证9. homogeneous 相似的10. sensory nerve 感觉神经11. cortical 外皮的,皮质的12. cerebral cortex 大脑皮层13. locus 地点,区域14. psychoneural 精神神经15. heterogeneous 异源的,异种的,异体的16. spatiotenporal 时空的难句译注1. Such variations in size, shape, chemistry, conduction speed, excitation threshold, and the like as had been

27、demonstrated in nerve cells remained negligible in significance for any possible correlation with the manifold dimensions of mental experience.结构分析 句型为suchas 可as 具有关系代词作用,此处作从句中had been demonstrated 的主语。参考译文 神经细胞中所显示的诸如在尺寸,形状,化学,神经脉冲中传导速度,激发界限等方面的那种变化差异对多方面的精神感受可能有联系来说仍然意义不大。2. It was possible to de

28、monstrate by other methods refined structural differences among neuron types; however, proof was lacking that the quality of the impulse or its conduction was influenced by these differences, which seemed instead to influence the developmental patterning of the neural circuits.参考译文 有可能用其他办法来显示神经类型之间

29、细微的结构差异。可是,缺乏证据证实脉冲的或者其脉冲传导的质量受这些差别的影响。相反,这种质量看起来它却影响了中枢神经循环的进展模式。3. In one experiment, when an electric stimulus was applied to a given sensory field of the cerebral cortex of a conscious human subject, it produced a sensation of the appropriate modality for that particular locus, that is, a visual

30、 sensation from the visual cortex, an auditory sensation from the auditory cortex, and so on.结构分析 主从句。后面跟解释性同位语:that is 。参考译文 在一个实验中,当电刺激作用于有意识的人体大脑皮层的某个感觉部位,它对这个特定部位产生一种恰如其分的感觉道,也就是说,视觉来自视觉皮层,听觉来自听皮层,以此类推。4. Other experiments revealed slight variations in the size, number, arrangement, and intercon

31、nection of the nerve cells, but as for as psychoneural correlations were concerned, the obvious similarities of these sensory fields to each other seemed much more remarkable than any of the minute differences.参考译文 其他实验揭示了神经细胞在尺寸,数目,排列和相互联结上的细微变化。可是,就精神神经相互关系而论,这些感觉部位相互之间明显的相似性似乎比任何细微差异更为明显多。5. In s

32、hort, Brain theory suggested a correlation between mental experience and the activity of relatively homogenous nerve-cell units conducting essentially homogeneous impulses through homogeneous cerebral tissue.参考译文 总之,大脑理论说明精神感觉和相对相似的神经细胞单位的活动有关系。这种活动通过相似的大脑皮层组织传导的基本相似的脉冲。写作方法与文章大意 文章是对“大脑神经活动和精神感受关系的

33、探讨。”采用时空写法。先从1950年,探索两者关系的结果令人沮丧谈起。在临近本世纪转折时期,由赫林提出的不同的感觉态可能和某种神经能量有关。经过一系列理论和经验探索,最后得出大脑理论说明神经感受和相对相似的神经细胞单位活动有关的结论。这是一种通过相似的大脑结构引导相似脉冲的活动。答案祥解1. C. 令人失望。答案见文章的第一句话“到了1950年,大脑活动过程和精神感受有关系的实验结果看起来令人沮丧。”A. 令人恼火。 B. 激怒。 D. 中立。 均不对。2. A. 在人的神经脉冲中缺少变异(差别)。Common currency 本义是一般通用。这里的上下问决定了它的含义“无变异脉冲(普通脉冲

34、)”。第二段“虽然神经能量中的质变理论从没有受到严厉的驳斥,但这一学说被普遍放弃,而赞成其对立的观点;那就是:神经脉冲在质量沙锅内基本相似,并作为无变异脉冲(普通脉冲)经神经系统传送。”所以普通脉冲就是指神经脉冲无变异,在质量上基本相似。B. 科学家观点上的相似性。 C. 人类感觉相似性。 D. 神经脉冲连续不断通过神经系统。这三项和common currency 无关。3. A. 受刺激的大脑部位影响感觉神经脉冲所显示的认知感受。在第二道题译文下面“根据这一理论,不是感觉神经脉冲的质量决定它们所产生的各种有意识的感觉。而是由脉冲在大脑中释放的不同部位决定,并且有证据证明这一论点。”见难句译注

35、3。 B. 现在对神经潜力的质量变化可以进行更精彩的研究。 C. 感官刺激是异源的,并深受它们所产生的神经感觉(感受器)的影响。 D. 神经形态上的差异影响神经传递长度。4. B. 神经脉冲。这在第2题答案A中译注(即第二段)已有明确的答复。“神经脉冲在质量上基本相似。”A. 神经细胞。见难句译注2,“有可能用其他办法来显示神经细胞类型之间细微的结构差异。” C. 外皮区域(部位)。 D. 神经脉冲空间模式。见难句译注5和本文最后一句“为了和精神感受多样性吻合,心理学家只能指明神经脉冲时空模式上的无限差异。”这说明,它不是 “Least qualitative variation.”阅读理解阅

36、读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案。 How would you like to teach yourself, rather than have teachers? According to the UKs Department of Education and Skills, students will teach themselves in the schools of the future. This means that there will be no more problems such as finding enough teachers. Es

37、telle Morris, the UK Education Secretary, opened the 2002 Education Technology Conference in London recently. To start the conference, she presented a video showing a computergenerated model of the school of tomorrow. Greater use of computer technology and classroom assistants will help students dev

38、elop their own way of learning, Morris said. She added that this is a more exciting as well as a more interesting way of learning. At the same time, teachers will be “freed from their traditional role as the source of all knowledge”. Children of all abilities will “form the curriculum(课程)around thei

39、r individual needs.” They will “learn in their own time, at their own speed and in their own environment”. At home or at school, they will follow their learning programmes by looking at online libraries and watching lessons by world-class teachers and subject experts. Instead of going on field trips

40、, students will use virtual reality. If they dont understand something, they can ask other students“take part in virtual communities with learners with similar needs”or e-mail their teachers. They will hand in their work electronically to be “auto-marked”. The classroom of the future is fast becomin

41、g a reality. And the Department of Education will soon produce a guide to help schools adapt buildings for new technology, Morris said. These ideas are based on the UK governments plan to create an education system that provides students with a strong grounding of knowledge and skills at primary sch

42、ool level. And provides the chance for students to develop their individual skills at secondary school level.36. According to the UKs Department of Education and Skills, the school of the future will _.A. cause more problems such as being able to find enough teachersB. set no homework and no tests f

43、or studentsC. make good use of the computer technology and classroom assistantsD. enable students to learn by themselves without teachers提示:依据第一段最后一句排除A项;依据第七段最后一句排除B项;第七段说如果学生有问题,可向老师发e-mail,因而不可说without teachers,排除D项。C项与第三段内容一致,故为正确答案。答案:C37. Estelle Morris thinks that computer technology does goo

44、d to teachers in _.A. helping students develop their own way of learningB. enabling students to experience interesting and exciting ways of learningC. providing students with knowledge of all sortsD. not being considered the source of various knowledge提示:依据第四段判断正确答案为D项。答案:D38. If the students do not

45、 understand something, they can _.A. go on a field tripB. go to ask their teachers to help themC. send e-mail to ask for a teachers helpD. have a look at other learners homework答案:C 依据第七段“or e-mail their teachers”39. If s a student is under the UKs newly-developed education system,he will be _.A. pr

46、ovided with a basic knowledge from the beginningB. given more knowledge at primary school levelC. helped to use computers betterD. supplied chance to develop their basic skills答案: A 依据最后一段“that provides students with a strong grounding of knowledge and skills at primary school level”阅读理解 US Defense

47、Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is likely to visit China at an “appropriate” time this year, a senior Chinese military official said on Monday. Colonel Tu Qiming, director of the American and Oceania Affairs Bureau of the Foreign Affairs Office at the National Defense Ministry, made the remark during Sino

48、-US defense talks this week. This is the first ever “special defense policy dialogue” between the two defense ministries, according to the Chinese military. FRANCES Agriculture Ministry has confirmed(证实)the first case of mad cow disease detected in a goat last Friday. The goat killed in 2002 tested

49、positive for mad cow disease. It is the first case in the world of the fatal disease being found in an animal other than a bovine. The human form of mad cow disease causes brain-wasting, personality change, loss of body function, and ends in death. The European Commission has not advised any change

50、in farming and consuming goats, said the French Ministry in a statement published last Friday. MOBILE phone sales hit a new record in 2010, with some 684 million units sold around the world, the US research institute Strategy Analytics said on Thursday. The number represents an increase of 32 per ce

51、nt over 2003, when 571 million units were sold. Strategy Analytics predicts a more modest rise of 8 per cent for this year, to 735 million. Finnish cell phone provider Nokia stayed out in front in 2010, with sales of 207.6 million units, giving it a market share of 30.4 per cent. Motorola moved to N

52、o 2, just ahead of the South Korean company Samsung. SIX male penguins(雄企鹅)at a German zoo are proving stubbornly resistant to females brought in from Sweden to make them into breeding(繁殖).Of the ten male penguins at the zoo, six have formed into “homosexual” couples and have shown no interest in th

53、e females, making breeding an impossibility. So the zoo imported the four female penguins from Sweden last month, full of hope that the new arrivals could “turn” the males. But so far, the boys are remaining strictly with the boys.1. How many countries are mentioned in the pieces of news?A. Six. B.

54、Five. C. Three. D. Seven.提示:文中提到美国、中国、法国、芬兰、韩国、德国、瑞典。答案:D37. Which will probably reach the sales of 735 million units in 2010?A. Nokia. B. Motorola. C. Samsung. D. Cell phones.提示:571 million,684million,735 million均指手机销售总量。答案:D38. From the fourth piece of news we know that_.A. the scientists havent s

55、ucceeded in doing their experimentB. the scientists have successfully got six female penguins into breeding.C. the Sweden girls made the boys show interest in themD. German boys dont like Sweden boys提示:从show no interest和boys stay with boys可知试验没成功。答案:A39. Which of the following are the suitable headl

56、ines for the pieces of news?A. a. US Defense Secretary Visit Likely b. France Confirms “Mad Goat Case”c. Mobile Phone Sales d. Male Penguins and Female PenguinsB. a. US Defense Secretary Visit Likely b. France Confirms “Mad Goat Case”c. Nokia Stays on Top d. Birds of a FeatherC. a. Defense Policy Dialogue b. Mad Goat Diseasec. Mobile Phone Sales d. Importing Female PenguinsD. a. Sino-US Talks b. Mad Goat Casec. Motorolas Sales Reduced d. Boys and Girls提示:只有B能表达各则新闻的主旨,其中Birds of a Feather意为“物以类聚,鸟以群分”。答案:B。


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