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1、福建省三明第一中学2019-2020学年高二英语下学期周练试题2M7U1 1. 换句话说,他不是你可以依赖的人。_ _ _, he is not a person you can rely on.2. 当你新到一个国家时,你必须使自己适应新的风俗习惯。When you go to a new country, you must _ _ _ new manners and customs.3. (1) 医生切除了他的扁桃腺。The doctor _ _ his tonsils.(2)你应当删除掉这些不重要的细节。You should _ _ the unimportant details.4.

2、等我爬到山顶的时候,已经是上气不接下气了。By thetimeIgottothetopofthe hill,I wasquite_ _ _.5. 总而言之,我们无法一直取悦每个人。_ _ _,wecannotpleaseeveryoneallthe time.6. 别呆坐着,来帮一帮我。Dont _ _, come to help me.7. 教师不仅要教书,也要引起学生兴趣。Ateachershouldentertain_ _ _teach.8. 他在很多方面都比其他人强。Hefar outclassestheothers_ _ _.9. 我小时候他经常取笑我。He often _ _ _

3、me when I was young.10. 不必对此介意。_ _about that.11. 祝你在新的工作岗位上一切顺利! _ _ _inyournewjob!12. (1)中方哪些领导人将与他会见?WhichChineseleaderswill_ _him?(2) 他读大学的时候遇到一些困难。He _ _ some difficulties when he was in college.M7U2 13. 你充分检验了这个新理论了吗? Have you _ _ this new theory?14. 他转过身看到了那个警察。He _ _ and saw the policeman.15.

4、 我喜欢一个人呆着。I love _ _ _.16. 你给你爸爸打电话了吗?Have you _ _ your dad?17. (1) 每天留出一些时间用于听力。_ _sometimeeach daytolisten.(2) 当你阅读本书的时候,把你的答案放在旁边。_ _youranswersasyouread throughthis book.18. 那些画总共花了他240元。The paintings cost him 240 yuan _ _.19. 他们的计划注定要失败。Their plan _ _ _ fail.M7U3 20. 今年夏天我要到父亲的农场去帮忙。I will _ _

5、on my fathers farm this summer.21. (1) 我很清楚他的问题。I _ _ _ his problem.(2) 我意识到她在发抖。I _ _ _ she was trembling.22. 为什么不把它上下颠倒呢?Whynotturnit_ _?23. 看到那只耗子她简直要吓死。Seeing the mouse, she _ almost _ _ _.24. 这个科学家去年去了南极洲。The scientist went to _ _ last year.M7U4 25. 昨天我收到他的来信。Yesterday I _ _ _.26. 他渴望成为一名医生。He

6、_ _ _ be a doctor.27. 他前几天访问了欧洲。He visited Europe _ _ _.28. 火辣辣的太阳可使你的皮肤很快变干燥。Hot sun can soon _ _ your skin.29. 干旱期间,河流都干涸了。(用过去时)During the drought the river _ _.30. (1)他们就是那些在你有需要时会帮忙的人。Theyaretheones whohelp you outwhenyouare_ _.(2) 她需要休息。Sheis_ _ _a rest.M7U5 31. 身体能自行调节以适应气温变化。The body _ _ _ c

7、hanges of temperature.32. 你正在取得进步,坚持下去。Youre making progress. _ _ _.33. 大多数从外国来的人似乎适应这里的生活方式。Most people who come from other countries seem to _ _ _ the way of life here.34. 就他而言,他不赞成这个计划。_ _ _ _ _ _, he was not in favor of the plan.35. 她忙于各种工作。She _ _ _ all kinds of work.或 She _ _ (_) doing all kin

8、ds of work.36. 黛拉为了存钱买詹姆士的圣诞礼物,天天努力工作。 Della worked hard _ _ _ _ _to save money for James Christmas present.37. 他是一名旅行代办人。He is a _ _.38. 叫他来帮我们是不可能的。Asking him to help us is _ _ _ _.39. 我们两人都需要适应一下新婚生活。Both of us have to _ _ our new married life.M8U1 40. 毕业之后他仍然靠父母生活。He still _ _ his parents after

9、graduation.41. 我们用词句来表达思想。We express our thought_ _words42. 我们靠所得来谋生,但靠给予来创造生活。Wemakealivingby what weget,butwe_ _ _bywhat wegive.43. 我希望好天气会继续下去。I hope the good weather will _ _.44. 请背对背站着。Stand_ _ _,please.45. 我们将和另一家公司合作。We will _ _ _ another company.46. 他们用白漆标出了网球场的界线。They _ _ the tennis court w

10、ith white paint.47. (1) 我们俱乐部计划吸收20名新会员。Our club plan to _ _ 20 new members.(2) 我几乎听不懂老人说了什么。I could hardly _ _ what the old man said.(3) 他用一套谎言蒙骗了那个女孩。He _ the girl _ with his story.48. 她在那个网站找到好多好文章。She found _ _ _ good articles on that website.49. 她向经理申请一份办事员的工作。She _ _ the manager _ a job as cle

11、rk.M8U2 50. 你的努力最终会有回报的。Your efforts will _ _ in the long run.51. 他们看起来是那么地沮丧。They looked so _ _.52. 我们支持你的意见。We _ _ _ _ your opinion.53. 他注定要成为一个王。He _ _ _ be a king.54. 她的话让我刻骨铭心。Her words were _ _ _ _55. 我会时不时去看看那株植物。I would look at the plant _ _ _ _.56. 神拥有毁灭和给所有生物重新带来生命的能力。God has the ability t

12、o destroy and _ all creatures _ _ _.57. 我们的力气没有白费。Our efforts were not _ _.58. 这个图书馆是四十年前建的但仍然状况良好。The library was built forty years ago but is still _ _ _.M8U3 59. (1) 我晚些时候再给你打电话。Ill _ you _ later.(2) 那首歌唤起了我的童年回忆。The song _ _ my childhood memory.60. 我偶尔会去那个书店看书。I will read in the bookstore _ _ _.

13、61. 他开始着手调查那个案子。He _ _ _ the case.62.我想尝试一些非常规的事情。Iwanted todosomethingoff the _ _.63. (1) 跳水运动员从高台跳板上一头扎进水池里。The diver _ _ the pool from the high diving board.(2) 他躲进小胡同躲避警察的追捕。He _ _ an alley to escape from the police.(3) 她一直在钻研中国文学。She has been _ _ the Chinese literature.64. (1) 詹姆斯马上就回来,别挂断电话。Ja

14、mes will be back at once_ _(=dont _ _).(2) 用手紧紧抓住,我来拉你上来。_ _ with your hands, I will lift you up.65. 这个机器有故障。The machine is _ _ _.66. 他的电话是忙音,我打不通。His phone is busy now and I just cant _ _.67. 如果他来电话,告诉他我将给他回电话。Ifhecalls,tellhimIll_ _.68. 萨姆着手提高衬衫厂的效率了。Sam_ _ _improveefficiencyat theshirtfactoryM8U4

15、 69. 他做了些伪装因此他的敌人谁都没有认出他来。Heis_ _sononeofhisenemiescouldrecognizehim.70. 她冒充成一位有经验的工人。She _ _ _ _ an experienced worker.71. 你是在上海认识他的吗? Did you _ _ _ in Shanghai?72. 一般来说,他周一不会来俱乐部。_ _, he will not come to the club on Mondays.73. 从他的成就来说,他值得我们尊敬。_ _ _ his accomplishments, he is worth our respect.74.

16、 “为什么呢?”医生惊讶地问。“Whaton earth for?”asksthe doctor_ _.75. 客人到的时候,带他们进来。When the guests arrive, _ them _.76. 请再说一次。Please say it _ _.77. 我们需要棉被。We are _ _ _ quilts.78. “收音机出了什么问题?声音越来越小。” “Whats wrong with the radio? The sound keeps _ _.” M8U579. 不顾大多数人民的反对,新的税法强行通过了。The new tax laws got through _ _ th

17、e opposition of the majority of the people.80. 我最多在那儿呆五天。Ill stay there for five days _ _.81. 她把胡萝卜切碎放入锅中。She _ _ the carrots and put them in the pot.82. 我受够了你的抱怨。I _ _ _ _ your complaints.83. 在构思这个计划时我们应展望遥远的未来。When we design this plan, we should _ far _ into the future.84. 那不过是几十年前的事。That _ _ only a few decades.


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