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2013届高三英语(江西专版)一轮综合能力训练卷 6.doc

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1、综合能力训练卷(六)第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1All the organizations involved have sent urgent _ to government, asking for extra funding.Aappeals BrepliesCconsultation Dcontracts2My father gives me five hundred yuan a month which I think can_ all my expe

2、nses. Ameet Bcontain Cinclude Dcover3When a new disease breaks out, experts must _ what to do in the fastest way.Afigure out Btake outCpoint out Dmake out4What a pity! I missed meeting my friend at the airport because my car was _ in the traffic jam.Abroken up Bheld upCkept back Dkept up5Unemploymen

3、t is on the increase. A growing number of young people, _, are finding themselves out of work.Ain case Ball in allCin particular Das a result6It is obvious that talking about something behind others is what everyone will not _.Acome up with Bput up withCkeep up with Dcatch up with7The government _ t

4、o the country to pay more attention to A/H1N1 flu.Aappealed BsuggestedCcalled Dexplained8Our English teacher is our favorite. Shes kind and humorous, but _, she is strict with us.Ain other words Bon the other handCafter all Din all9The bell rang and every student had to_their examination papers.Agiv

5、e up Bgive awayCgive out Dgive in10His sacrifices for the country were never officially_, which made all of us feel discouraged.Aacknowledged BappealedCrecommended Devaluated11How many people are still leading _ life under _ poverty line in the world?Perhaps one fourth.Aa; the Ba; aC/; / Dthe; /12Th

6、e computer system _ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.Abroke down Bbroke outCbroke up Dbroke in13To catch up with the times, we must keep ourselves _of the current news.Awarned BinformedCconvinced Daccused14What a pleasant _ these trees give us!Why not stop and enjoy th

7、e cool air?Ashade Bshadow Cpicture Dscene15Perhaps we should give up.Nobody can _ the change of situation. Apredict Bpresent Cprepare Dprefer 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I was tired and hungry after a long day of work. When I walked into the livingroom, my 12yearold

8、son looked up at me and said, “I_16_you.” I did not_17_what to say, and I just stood there, looking_18_at him. My first_19_was that he_20_need help with his homework. Then I asked, “What was that all_21_?”“Nothing,” he said, “My teacher said we should tell our parents we love them and_22_what they s

9、ay.”The next day I called his teacher to_23_more about what my son said and how the other parents had reacted( 反应). “Most of the fathers had the_24_response as you did,” the teacher said, “When I first_25_that we try this, I asked the children_26_they thought their parents_27_say. Some of them thoug

10、ht their parents would have heart trouble.”Then the teacher_28_, “ I want my students to know that feeling love is an important part of_29_. Im trying to tell them its too bad that we dont express our feelings. A boy_30_tell his father or mother he loves him or her.” The teacher understands that som

11、etimes it is_31_for some of us to say something that is good for us to say.That evening when my son_32_to me, I took him in my arms and held on for an_33_moment, saying, “Hey, I love you,_34_.” I dont know if saying that made_35_of us healthier, but it did feel pretty good.16A.hate Blove Clike Denjo

12、y 17A.realize BrecognizeCknow Dfind 18A.away Bfor Cdown Don19A.thought BmeaningCnews Dreason20A.must Bshould Ccould Dwould21A.for Bwith Caround Dabout22A.test BknowCunderstand Dsee23A.talk to Bchat withCfind out Ddo with24A.same Bdifferent Cusual Dunusual25A.allowed Bagreed Cplanned Dsuggested26A.ho

13、w Bwhether Cwhen Dwhat27A.would Bwill Ccould Dcan 28A.explained BpreparedCinformed Ddeveloped29A.study Bwork Chealth Dbody30A.might Bcan Cshould Dneed31A.easy BdifficultCcrazy Dsilly32A.turned Bshouted Cwent Dcame33A.extra BordinaryCinteresting Dimportant34A.either Btoo Calso Dagain 35A.all Beither

14、Cnone Dneither第二部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AEven plants can run a fever, especially when theyre under attack by insects or disease. But unlike human, plants can have their temperature taken from 3,000 feet awaystraight up. A decade ago, adopting the infrared(红外线)scanni

15、ng technology developed for military purposes and other satellites, physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under stress. The goal was to let farmers precisely target pesticide(杀虫剂)spraying rather than rain poison on a whole field

16、, which invariably includes plants that dont have pest problems.Even better, Paleys Remote Scanning Services Company could detect crop problems before they became visible to the eye. Mounted on a plane flown at 3,000 feet at night, an infrared scanner measured the heat emitted by crops. The data wer

17、e transformed into a colourcoded map showing where plants were running “fevers”. Farmers could then spotspray, using 50 to 70 percent less pesticide than they otherwise would.The bad news is that Paleys company closed down in 1984, after only three years. Farmers resisted the new technology and long

18、term backers were hard to find. But with the renewed concern about pesticides on produce, and refinements in infrared scanning, Paley hopes to get back into operation. Agriculture experts have no doubt the technology works. “This technique can be used on 75 percent of agricultural land in the United

19、 States, ” says George Oerther of Texas A & M. Ray Jackson, who recently retired from the Department of Agriculture, thinks remote infrared crop scanning could be adopted by the end of the decade. But only if Paley finds the financial backing which he failed to obtain 10 years ago.36Plants will send

20、 out an increased amount of heat when they are_.Afacing an infrared scannerBsprayed with pesticidesCin poor physical conditionDexposed to excessive sun rays37In order to apply pesticide spraying precisely, we can use infrared scanning to_.Aestimate the damage to the cropsBdraw a colourcoded mapCmeas

21、ure the size of the affected areaDlocate the problem area38Farmers can save a considerable amount of pesticide by_.Aresorting to spotsprayingBtransforming poisoned rainCconsulting infrared scanning expertsDdetecting crop problems at an early stage39The application of infrared scanning technology to

22、agriculture met with some difficulties_.Aits high costBthe lack of official supportCthe lack of financial supportDits failure to help increase production40Infrared scanning technology may be brought back into operation because of_.Afull support from agricultural experts Bgrowing concern about the ex

23、cessive use of pesticides on cropsCthe forceful promotion by the Department of AgricultureDthe desire of farmers to improve the quality of their produceBNuclearpowered aircraft carriers are considered one of the most important marine weapons in the 20th century. So far, only two countries in the wor

24、ld, the USA and France, have ever produced them. But these fearful fighting machines are about to enter Asia.The US Navy said last month that one of its nine nuclearpowered aircraft carriers will be sent to Japan to replace the diesel(柴油)powered carrier Kitty Hawk in 2008. In an agreement on October

25、 30, the two countries also planned to level up their military (军事的) cooperation and the USA called for Japan to take a larger role in alliance military moves.It will be the first time that a nuclearpowered carrier is based in Japan. Bombed by US forces in World War at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan

26、is the only world country to have been attacked by a nuclear weapon. Therefore, the citizens are highly sensitive to where nuclearpowered weapons are based.“A radiation leak at Yokosuka would kill 100,000 people as far away as Tokyo, and could cause billions of dollars in damage,” said Masahiko Goto

27、, leader of a protest group in Yokosuka. His group has collected more than 300,000 signatures of people across Japan opposed to the nuclear carrier.The 44yearold Kitty Hawk, the US Navys oldest active ship, has been based in Yokosuka since 1998. It had returned to the US to be decommissioned in 2008

28、. The new carrier, yet to be unveiled,_will travel faster, be capable of supporting longer operations and carry with it the Navys most modern technology.Experts pointed that this change is not only to strengthen the USJapan military alliance but also to keep the military power of China and North Kor

29、ea within limits. However, even Japanese experts dont believe that the two countries are threats to the region.“There is no need for Japan to have a nuclear carrier as defense,” said Tetsuo Maeda, an international relations professor at Tokyo International University. He said that the change of ship

30、 indicates an increased military capability in the region, much more than what is needed.41With such a formidable weapon to enter its country, Japanese citizens _.Aare aware of its benefits to the countryBare anxious about its potential danger Care curious about the advanced technology Dare against

31、where the carrier will be based42The replacement of the aircraft carrier is intended to_.Aset up a kind of base in Japan Bstrengthen the USJapan military allianceCshow Japans greater military capability Dget rid of the dated marine weapon43.From the story, we learn that_.Ano other countries except t

32、he USA and France possess aircraft carriersBJapan has long planned to increase its military capability with new weaponsCJapan will be the first country in Asia to have a nuclear aircraft carrierDJapan will be the third country to produce a nuclearpowered aircraft carrier44The underlined word “unveil

33、ed” in the fifth paragraph probably means_.Aperfected Bdiscussed aboutCproduced Dbrought to view45By his remark in the last paragraph, the professor means that_.Ahe is quite confident of their military defenseBhe is completely opposed to a new nuclear carrierCwhat is needed is far more than a nuclea

34、r carrierDit is unnecessary to guard against the two countriesCChina_is_going_green. In order to reduce air pollution and oilshortages, automobile manufacturers have announced their plans to develop hybrid vehicles (混合燃料汽车) for the Chinese market. Toyotas hybrid car Prius will be ready to drive in C

35、hina this week. Lets have a look at the new car.Any vehicle is a hybrid when it combines two or more sources of power. Hybrid cars run off a rechargeable battery and gasoline. Hybrid cars have special engines, which are smaller than traditional gasoline engines. They run at 99 percent of their power

36、 when the car is cruising (匀速行驶). A specially designed battery motor provides extra power for running up hills or when extra acceleration is needed.Step into a Prius, and turn on the engine. The first thing you notice is how much quieter it is than a traditional car. At this point, the cars gasoline

37、 engine is dormant (休眠). The electric motor will provide power until the car reaches about 24 km/h. If you stay at a low speed, you are effectively driving an electric car, with no gasoline being used, and no waste gas gives off.The onboard(车载的) computer makes the decision about when to use a gas en

38、gine, when to go electric, and when to use a combination of the two. If you go over 24 km/h, when you step on the gas pedal (油门), you are actually telling the computer how fast you want to go.The electronic motor recharges automatically using a set of batteries. When driving at high speed, the gasol

39、ine engine not only powers the car, but also charges the batteries. Any time you use the brake, the electric motor in the wheels will work like a generator and produce electricity to recharge the batteries. As a consequence, the cars batteries will last for around 200,000 miles.46The author writes t

40、his passage mainly to_.Ateach people how to drive a hybrid car Bintroduce a new kind of “green” car Cshow how to save their gasoline when driving a car Dannounce plans to develop hybrid vehicles for China47The first sentence probably refers to _.Athere will be more and more green land in ChinaBChina

41、 is still young and lacking experience CChinas new cars are combinations of different green modelsDChina has started producing environmentally friendly cars48Which of the followings is NOT true?AThe hybrid cars reduce air pollution and oilshortages.BThe cars gasoline engine doesnt work until it reac

42、hes about 24 km/h.CThis kind of car is completely controlled by an onboard computer.DA specially designed battery motor provides extra power when needed.49What is the most important feature of hybrid cars?AThey are powered by both a rechargeable battery and gasoline.BThey are much quieter than tradi

43、tional cars.CThey only use 99 percent of their power to run up hills.DThey have smaller engines than traditional gasoline ones.50What can we conclude from the story?AThe batteries can be recharged at any time you want.BUsing the brake suggests that the gasoline engine should work.CThe batteries will

44、 last for 200, 000 miles without being recharged.DThe gasoline engine charges the batteries as well as powers the car.DAs civilization proceeds in the direction of technology, it passes the point of supplying all the basic essentials of lifefood, shelter, clothes and warmth. Then we are faced with a

45、 choice between using technology to provide and fulfill needs which have now been regarded as unnecessary or, on the other hand, using technology to reduce the number of hours of work which a man must do in order to earn a given standard of living. In other words, we either raise our standard of liv

46、ing above that necessary for comfort and happiness or we leave it at this level and work shorter hours.I shall take it for granted that mankind has, by that time, chosen the latter alternative. Men will be working shorter and shorter hours in their paid employment. It follows that the housewife will

47、 also expect to be able to have more leisure in her life without lowering her standard of living. It also follows that human domestic servants will have completely ceased to exist. Yet the great majority of the housewives will wish to be relieved completely from the routine operations of the home su

48、ch as scrubbing the floors or the bath of the cooker, or washing the clothes or washing up, or dusting or sweeping, or making beds.By far the most logical step to relieve the housewife of routine is to provide a robot which can be trained to the requirements of a particular home and can be programme

49、d to carry out half a dozen or more standard operations, when switched by the housewife.51.As civilization develops in the direction of technology,_.Athe basic essentials of life must be suppliedBit is important to supply the basic essentials of lifeCit is no longer so important as it was in the pas

50、t to supply all the basic essentials of lifeDit is not necessary to supply the basic essentials of life52According to the author, we are faced with_.Athe choice of providing and fulfilling our needsBthe choice of using technologyCthe choice of earning a standard of livingDa choice between using tech

51、nology to provide and fulfill needs to reduce the number of working hours53What alternative will mankind have chosen in future?ATo leave our standard of living at this level and work shorter hours.BTo raise our standard of living.CTo fulfill needs which have been regarded as unnecessary.DTo lower ou

52、r standard of living and work shorter hours.54Now most housewives wish to_.Astop doing their houseworkBdo more housework to improve their lifeCget rid of the heavy burden of their houseworkDdo only simple and light housework55It can be inferred that robots will be invented _.Ato take the place of ho

53、usewivesBto help manage a familyCto do the routine of housework instead of humanDto provide the daily necessities for man第三部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写在横线上(请注意问题后的词数要求)。Every year in the first week of my English class, some students inform me that writing is too hard. T

54、hey never write, unless homework requires it. They find the writing process painful and difficult. How awful it is to be able to speak in a language but not _, especially English, with its rich vocabulary. Being able to speak but not write is like living in a large house but never leaving one small

55、room. When I meet students who think they cant write, I know as a teacher my duty is to show them the rest of the rooms. My task is to build fluency and accuracy while providing the opportunity in any writing activity to enrich the moral and emotional development of my students. One great way to do

56、this is by having students write in a journal in class every day.Writing ability is like strength training. Writing needs to be done daily, just like exercise; just as muscles grow stronger with exercise, writing skills improve quickly with daily practice. I often see a rise in students confidence a

57、fter only a few weeks of journal writing.Expressing oneself in writing is one of the most important skills I teach to strengthen the whole students. When my students practice journal writing, they are practicing for their future professional lives. They build skills so that some day they might write

58、 a great novel, a piece of news, or the perfect love letter.56What is the authors purpose of writing the passage? (no more than 15 words)_57What is the skill the author teach to improve as one of all students abilities? (no more than 8 words)_58Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no

59、 more than 5 words)_59List at least three advantages students benefit from the journal writing according to the text. (no more than 10 words)_60What does the word “it” (Line 3, Paragraph 1) probably refer to? (no more than 2 words)_第二节书面表达(满分25分)假如你是李华。你的美国笔友Mike即将随其父母来中国,并在中国度过中秋节。他来信向你询问有关中秋节的习俗,请

60、你根据以下要点写信告诉他。要点如下:1历史悠久。2中国人独有的传统节日。3家庭团圆。4共进晚餐。5吃月饼。6赏月。要求:1.词数120左右。2可适当添加细节。3开头已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mike,Im glad to know that you are coming to China with your parents and spend the MidAutumn Day here. _综合能力训练卷(六)第一部分第一节1A考查名词辨析。句意:所有相关的组织都迫切恳求政府,寻求额外的资金。appeal意为“呼吁;恳求”;符合句意。reply回复;consultation咨询;con

61、tract合同,契约。2D考查动词辨析。句意:我父亲每月给我五百元,我认为足以支付我所有的费用。cover意为“足以支付、够付”,符合语境。meet虽有“支付”之意,但没有足够之意,故不能选;contain包含;include列入,包含。3A考查动词短语辨析。句意:当一种新的疾病爆发时,专家必须尽快弄明白做什么。figure out弄明白,符合句意。take out取出,除去,扣除;point out指出;make out理解,辨认。4B考查动词短语辨析。句意:多么遗憾呀!我错过了去机场接朋友,因为我的车子因交通拥挤耽搁了。hold up意为“拦住,耽搁”,符合语境。break up破裂,解散

62、;keep back保留,隐瞒;keep up保持。5D考查介词短语辨析。句意:失业人数在增加。因此,许多年轻人发现他们失去了工作。as a result结果,因此;符合句意。in case免得,以防;all in all总的来说,大体而言;in particular尤其,特别。6B考查动词短语辨析。句意:很明显,在人背后说东道西是每个人都难以容忍的。put up with忍受;符合句意。come up with提出,想出;keep up with跟上;catch up with赶上。7A考查动词辨析。句意:政府呼吁国家多注意甲型H1N1流感。appeal意为“呼吁”,符合句意。suggest

63、建议;call叫,喊;explain解释。8B考查介词短语辨析。句意:我们的英语老师是我们最喜欢的人。她善良且幽默,但是另一方面,她对我们很严格。由but可知,这里是说相反的方面,on the other hand(另一方面)有此用法,故选B项。in other words(换句话说)一般是对前文进行解释说明;after all毕竟;in all(总共,合计)作总结时使用。9D考查动词短语辨析。句意:铃声响了,每个学生不得不上交他们的试卷。give in意为“上交,递交”,符合语境。give up放弃;give away赠送,泄露;give out分发,耗尽。10A考查动词辨析。句意:他为国家

64、的牺牲从未得到官方的承认,这使得我们所有的人感到心灰意冷。acknowledge承认;appeal呼吁;recommend推荐;evaluate评价。11A考查冠词用法。lead/live a/anlife是固定搭配,如lead an easy life过闲适的生活。第二个空特指贫困线,应用 the。故选A项。12A考查动词短语辨析。句意:当他在网上查信息时,计算机系统突然出故障了。break down意为“(机器等)坏掉,出故障”,符合语境。13B考查动词辨析。句意:为了跟上时代,我们必须使自己了解当前的新闻。这四个词都可以与of搭配, warn sb. of sth.警告某人某事;info

65、rm sb. of sth.通知某人某事;convince sb. of sth.说服某人相信某事;accuse sb. of sth.指控某人某事。14A考查名词辨析。本句指的是这些树所形成的阴凉,故用shade,和下文的the cool air吻合。shadow指阴影。15A考查动词辨析。句意:“或许我们应该放弃。”“形势的变化谁也无法预测。”predict意为“预言,预测”,符合句意。present意为“赠送”;prepare意为“准备”;prefer意为“更喜欢”;均不合题意。第二节本文主要讲述了孩子的老师让孩子表达对父母的爱,作者了解了老师的意图后,也对儿子表达了对他的爱,这样做让作

66、者感觉很好。16B此处考查原词复现,由第二段的“ tell our parents we love them ”可知孩子应该是说“我爱你!”17C由后文作者与儿子的对话及第三段作者致电给老师“about what my son said and how the other parents had reacted”可知作者一时不知道(know)说什么好。18C由常识可知,孩子比大人矮且与前面的look up相对,因此作者应该是俯视着(look down)儿子。19A“我”的第一个想法(thought)是20A此处应该表肯定的推测,故选A项。21D衔接前文,此处作者应该是问儿子都是一些关于(abo

67、ut)什么的作业。22D此处是指看(see)父母的反应。23C作者打电话给老师是为了弄清楚(find out)儿子所说的话及其他父母的反应。24Athe same as为固定搭配。句意:大部分父亲作出了和你一样的反应。25Dwe try this用了虚拟语气,只有D项有此用法。26D此处宾语从句中少宾语,故选D项。27A由thought可知后需接过去式,再由句意可知此处应该是表示“父母会(would)说什么”,构成过去将来时,而不是指能力,故不选C项。28A老师应该是对此事作出解释,故选A项。29C由最后一段最后一句中的“of us healthier”可知此处应该是说是“健康的重要组成部分”

68、。30.C一个男孩应该(should)告诉父母他爱他们。31B由语境可知,有时要说出“我爱你”是很难的(difficult)。32D儿子应该是朝“我”走来(came)。33A此处应该与以前相比,“我”额外(extra)多花了时间抱住他。34B此处是对儿子头一天说的“I love you”作出回应,故说“我也爱你”。A项常用在否定句中,C项通常放在句中。35B由全文知道,此处指父亲和儿子两者都,故选B项。第二部分A36C细节理解题。由第二段 “an infrared scanner measured the heat emitted by crops.The data were transfor

69、med into a colourcoded map showing where plants were running fevers”可知,植物在发“高烧”,也就是说,植物在“身体状况”不佳时才会散发热。37D推理判断题。由第二段末尾“showing where plants were running feversFarmers could then spotspray,”可知,用红外线扫描的目的是确定有问题的区域,以使农民有针对性地喷洒杀虫剂。38A细节理解题。由第二段最后一句“Farmers could then spotspray, using 50 to 70 percent les

70、s pesticide than they otherwise would(采取点喷,农民们可以节省平时用量的50%至70%的杀虫剂)”可知。39C细节理解题。由第三段的第一句“The bad news is that Paleys company closed down in 1984,after only three years.Farmers resisted the new technology and longterm backers were hard to find.”可知,红外线扫描技术应用于农业遇到了一些问题,原因有两个:一是农民对新技术的抵制;二是难以找到长期的赞助商。还有

71、一处明显的提示出现在文章的最后一句“But only if Paley finds the financial backing which he failed to obtain 10 years ago”,从该句提供的信息同样可以反推出10年前的情形。40B细节理解题。由第三段 “But with the renewed concern about pesticides on produce, and refinements in infrared scanning,Paley hopes to get back into operation.”可知B项正确。B41B细节理解题。由第三段“J

72、apan is the only world country to have been attacked by a nuclear weapon. Therefore, the citizens are highly sensitive to where nuclearpowered weapons are based.”及第四段可知B项正确。42B细节理解题。由第二段的内容可知。43C推理判断题。由第一段及第三段第一句话“It will be the first time that a nuclearpowered carrier is based in Japan.”可知。44D词义猜测题

73、。根据上下文提供的语境可推测,unveil意为“揭开面纱,使得显露出来”。45B推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,这位教授的意思是反对核动力航母(驻扎日本)。C46B主旨大意题。通读全文可知,作者想要介绍一种新型环保的汽车。47D句意理解题。通过阅读第一段可以知道,中国现在对环境问题非常重视,通过生产环保型汽车改善环境。故选D。48C推理判断题。由第二、三、四段可得出答案。49A细节理解题。通读全文,尤其是第二段的第一句“Any vehicle is a hybrid when it combines two or more sources of power.”可知。50D细节理解题。从最后

74、一段的第二句话可以知道答案。D51C细节理解题。由第一段的第一句“it passes the point of supplying all the basic essentials”可知选C。52D细节理解题。由文章第一段第二句可知。53A推理判断题。从第一段最后一句和第二段第一句判断,人类所选择的是使我们的生活水准停留在这种水平上并且使工时缩短。54C细节理解题。由第二段第三句“这就意味着家庭主妇也将有望在生活中能有更多的闲暇,而又不至于降低她们的生活水准”可知选C。55C推理判断题。通过最后一段及全文可推知。第三部分第一节【语篇解读】 本文介绍了一位老师如何有效地提高学生的写作能力。56T

75、o introduce an effective way of improving students writing ability.综观全文以及其主题句即第二段最后一句“One great way to do this is by having students write in a journal in class every day.”可知本文主要介绍了一种提高学生写作能力的有效的方法。57How to express oneself in writing.由第四段第一句“Expressing oneself in writing is one of the most important

76、 skills I teach to strengthen the whole students.”可知答案。58to write in it句子填空题。由设空所在句子“How awful it is to be able to speak in a language but not ”以及下一句“Being able to speak but not write ”可知空处应该填“写作”或“用写作表达自己”。59writing ability/confidence /fluency and accuracy /students future profession(任选其三)归纳表达题。由最后

77、两段中的以下句子“ writing skills improve quickly with daily practice. I often see a rise in students confidence after only a few weeks of journal writing.”,“ they are practicing for their future professional lives.”可知答案。60Writing.代词指代题。由划线词的前一句“ writing is too hard.”可知答案。第二节One possible version:Dear_Mike,_I

78、m_glad_to_know_that_you_are_coming_to_China_with_your_parents_and_spend_the_MidAutumn_Day_here.The MidAutumn Day is a traditional festival with a long history which is celebrated only by Chinese people. It falls on August 15th of the Chinese lunar year, when people of a family get together and enjoy

79、 the dinner together. After that they eat mooncakes, which stands for the spirit of the festivalunity.Often, if the weather permits, they will go out of the house to enjoy the bright moonlight, talking about something pleasant. It is one of the most important festivals for Chinese people.I wish you a pleasant journey and Im sure you will like our traditional MidAutumn Day.Yours, Li Hua


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