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2013届高三英语一轮复习限时训练:UNIT4MAKING THE NEWS(新人教版必修5).doc

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2013届高三英语一轮复习限时训练:UNIT4MAKING THE NEWS(新人教版必修5).doc_第7页
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1、Unit 4(时间:40分钟满分:45分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1He _ to save the dying man,but failed.Amanaged BattemptedCrisked Dassisted答案B句意:他努力想把那个垂死的人救过来,但没有成功。attempt to dotry to do。而manage to do表示“做成某事”;risk doing“冒险做”。2When I visited her,she was _ in writing a lecture speech on Chinese History.Aabsorbing Bcon

2、centratedCdevoted Doccupied答案D动词辨析。be occupied in doing sth“集中精力”。其他三个词的用法为be absorbed in/ concentrate on/ devote.to,故在此处的结构不正确。3The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and _ him of speeding.Acharged Baccused Cblamed Dwarned答案B考查动词辨析。accuse sb of (doing) sth“指控某人做了某事”。句意:他开车回家时被警察拦住,指控他超速

3、驾驶。4We hired a boat _ we could go fishing on the weekend.Ain order to Bso as toCin order Dso that答案D后面是从句,所以排除动词不定式in order to和so as to,而in order后面跟从句要使用that。5I thought wed be late for the concert,but we ended up getting there ahead _ time.Aof Bin Cover Dfor答案A考查介词搭配用法。ahead of time“提前”。句意:我原以为会迟到,但

4、结果提前到了。6As we all know,newspapers,magazines and radios as well as television broadcasts can keep us _ about what is happening at home and abroad.Ainforming BinformedCto inform Dbeing informed答案B句意:众所周知,报纸、杂志、广播、电视能够让我们了解国内外正在发生的事情。keep sb.informed about/ of sth为固定结构,意为“使某人了解某事”。7The news that we all

5、 were looking forward to _at last three days later than we expected.Acome BcameCcoming Dbe coming答案B注意分析该句话的结构,the news 为主语,that we all were looking forward to为定语从句,所以此处缺少谓语动词。8Did you hear that Li Hua was robbed during his recent trip to South Africa? Yes,not only_ his money,but he was nearly kille

6、d.Ahe lost Bdid he loseChe had lost Dwas he lost答案B考查倒装结构。当否定副词位于句首时,含有否定副词的句子本身使用倒装结构。9Now all of us live in a situation_we compete with others to make progress.Awhy Bwhat Cthat Dwhere答案D句意:现在我们所有的人生活在相互竞争以取得进步的境况中。先行词为situation,从句中不缺少主语或宾语,而是缺少状语,故使用where。10Little _ that we were watching his every

7、 move,so he seemed to be going his own way in this business.Ahe realized Bhe didnt realizeCdidnt he realize Ddid he realize答案D考查倒装结构。当little,never,scarcely,no sooner.than等否定词用于句首时句子用部分倒装。11Jim went to answer the phone._, Peter started to prepare lunch.AMeanwhile BHoweverCWhile DInstead答案Ameanwhile在此

8、表示“与此同时”的意思。12Life insurance is not really betting although it can be compared to it.You pay the money just_.Ain time Bin case Cin return Din honor答案B考查介词短语。in case“以免;以防万一”。句意:买保险就是为了以防万一的。13The manager demanded that the work_ within three days.Awas finished Bhad been finishedCbe finished Dfinished

9、答案C句意:经理要求这项工作要在三天内完成。demand“要求”后面的宾语从句谓语动词使用should do形式,而should 可以省略。此处,“工作”和“完成”之间为被动关系,故使用被动语态。14. You_ part in the party in time.Sorry,I was delayed by the accident.Aare supposed to takeBhave supposed to takeCare supposed to have takenDsupposed to take答案Cbe supposed to have done表示“理应做某事而没做”,有虚拟的

10、含义。15Are you going to take part in the English contest to be held at the end of this term?_.AGo ahead BIts a pleasureCThat depends DI do答案CThat/ It (all ) depends.的意思为“看情况而定。”.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)I was 11:40 at night when we finished hairdressing._16_ to miss the time of our school closing the do

11、or,we quickened our steps.As we _17_ the door of the apartment building,we saw our headmaster standing outside._18_ smiles on our faces,we rushed towards the door guarded by a teacher._19_ the teacher could clearly see us.She shouted,“Where have you been?Why are you not answering my calls?Your _20_

12、have gone out to look for you.Now please call them back immediately!”Just then,in the dim moonlight,we saw two familiar _21_ moving slowly towards us.By their stature(身高),we _22_ they were our roommates.Finally,Linda,and Rosemary came back with a group of strangers.“What happened to you?Are you OK?”

13、Linda asked eagerly and _23_.Seeing Linda and Rosemary in pajamas and slippers,we all felt _24_,bowing our heads for our mistake.At the same time,we were _25_ the pure love we owned and the faithful friends we had.We were feeling very _26_.“We did not do this _27_.Maggie and Wendy didnt take their c

14、ellphones and my cellphone was uncharged._28_,we couldnt make any calls,”I _29_.The teacher cut me short,“It is too _30_.Please go back to your dormitory now.”As we were approaching our dormitory,we all tiptoed in order not to _31_ others sleep.But to our _32_,none of our roommates were asleep.They

15、were all sitting up worrying about us.Before closing my eyes,I thought a lot about this little _33_.It suddenly dawned on me that we are actually part of one big family.Whatever we do may _34_ others lives.I felt safe and satisfied,_35_ I knew my friends would always be there for me.【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。

16、作者和几个同学晚上外出很晚才回学校,这让老师和其他室友都很担心。这件事情让作者认识到,学校是一个大家庭,每一个人的行为都会影响到其他人的生活。16A.Deciding BFailing Cchoosing DFearing答案D考查具体语境中的动词辨析。根据下文中的“we quickened our steps.”可知,此处表示作者她们“担心”学校关门之前回不去。fail是“失败”之意,不符合语境。17A.approached BclimbedCopened Dlocked答案A考查具体语境中动词的用法。根据语境可知此处选A。当我们走近公寓楼的时候,我们看到校长站在门口。18A.Forgivi

17、ng BIgnoringCForcing DDiscovering答案C考查具体语境中动词的用法。作者她们在门口遇到了校长,所以她们脸上勉强露出微笑。19A.Strangely BGraduallyCObviously DSimilarly答案C考查具体语境中副词的辨析。老师就在门口,所以很“明显”,她能够清晰地看到作者她们。20A.parents BroommatesCteachers Dsisters答案B考查具体语境中名词的选择。根据第二段中的“they were our roommates.”等信息可以推知,此处指“室友”出去找作者她们了。21A.officials Bforeigne

18、rs Cfigures Drelations答案C考查具体语境中名词的辨析。由于晚上她们看不清楚,所以她们只能是看到两个熟悉的“人影”向她们走过去,也就是下文中提到的室友。22A.guaranteed BdeclaredCinsisted Drecognized答案D考查具体语境中动词的用法。通过判断身高,她们认出来那两个人是她们的室友。23A.fluently BanxiouslyCslowly Dfaithfully答案B考查具体语境中副词的辨析。根据语境和信息词“eagerly”可知此处应选B。anxiously意为“焦虑地”。24A.ashamed Bexcited Cpuzzled

19、Drelaxed答案A考查具体语境中形容词的用法。看到室友穿着睡衣和拖鞋出来寻找作者等人,作者她们感到很“羞愧”。25A.advancing BappreciatingCsacrificing Dexpressing答案B考查具体语境中动词的用法。根据语境可知应选B。看到眼前的一幕,作者等人因为她们所拥有的爱以及真诚的朋友而感到“感激”。26A.warm BangryCsoft Dconfident答案A考查具体语境中形容词的辨析。根据上文中提到的“pure love”和“faithful friends”等信息可以推知,作者等人都感到很“温暖”。27A.for free Bat riskCi

20、n vain Don purpose答案D考查具体语境中介词短语的选择。作者在向Linda和Rosemary说明情况,表明她们不是故意的。for free意为“免费”,at risk意为“冒风险”,in vain意为“白费力气”。28A.Therefore BHoweverCBesides DMeanwhile答案A考查上下文的逻辑关系。Maggie和Wendy没有带手机,而作者的手机又没电了,“所以”她们不能打电话。29A.paused BansweredCexplained Dshouted答案C考查具体语境中动词的辨析。根据上文作者所说的话可知,此处作者在解释自己的行为。30A.shor

21、t Blong Cboring Dlate答案D考查具体语境中形容词的选择。根据文章第一段中的“It was 11:40 at night”及“the time of our school closing the door”等信息可知,此处表示很晚了。31A.burst Bdisturb Ccatch Dget答案B考查具体语境中动词的辨析。作者等人蹑手蹑脚地走路,目的是不“打扰”其他人睡觉。32A.joy Bhope Csurprise Drelief答案C考查固定短语。根据下文中的“none of our roommates were asleep”可知答案。to ones surpris

22、e的意思是“出乎某人的意料”。33A.gift Bprogress Cincident Dproblem答案C考查具体语境中名词的辨析。在睡觉之前,关于这件小事作者想了很多。34A.affect Bsave Cimprove Dlead答案A考查具体语境中动词的选择。作者等人夜间晚归,惊动了老师、校长、室友等,所以作者认为:我们所做的任何事情都可能会影响到别人的生活。35A.fo r Bor Cso Dbut答案A考查上下文的逻辑关系。作者感到安全和满足,因为作者知道朋友总是和自己在一起。.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)When I was 13,my bedroom walls

23、 were covered with posters of the Monkees and Beatles.I wrote fan letters and daydreamed about meeting the objects of my affections.I begged my parents to attend every rock concert and watch every TV show featuring my favorite celebrities(名人);my friends and I discussed for hours all the things we wo

24、uld say and do when we met our favorite movie stars and pop singers.I drove my mother crazy!But after a few years,my obsession(迷恋)stars faded as I matured and gained the confidence to socialize with“real” boys.In the 35 years since I was a teenager,celebrity worship(崇拜)has increased among teens due

25、to the explosion of television celebrity gossip shows,and instant access to celebrity news on the Internet.Its no wonder that many teens are obsessed with stars when news programs often are filled with entertainment stories and the lives of celebrities.Celebrity worship syndrome(综合征)is now considere

26、d a personality disorder.While it is normal for teenagers to follow the lives of their favorite stars,parents should try to monitor everything their child finds interesting.Parents should take action if they suspect a teen is too obsessed with celebrities and showing little interest in school or wit

27、hdrawing from the family.When teens talk a lot about celebrities and view them as just means of entertainment,this is considered normal celebrity worship.However,when a teenager is obsessed with a star and often expresses a desire to have a close personal relationship with a celebrity or feels they

28、have a special connection to a star,this may be the time for concern.Recent studies have shown than teens who develop an unhealthy obsession with celebrities often suffer from low self confidence and depression.Teens who are overly obsessed with stars often have damaged relationships with their pare

29、nts.【解题导语】 对于青少年来说崇拜偶像是正常的,随着年龄的增长,对明星的迷恋会渐渐褪去。但如果过分沉迷于追星,会引起追星综合症。如果不给予重视,可能会引起更严重的问题。36The first paragraph is intended to tell us _.Aits normal for a teen to have celebrity worshipBcelebrity worship can cause serious problemsCparents neednt worry about celebrity worshipDcelebrity worship only exis

30、ts among teens答案A根据第一段第一句话“When I was 13,my bedroom walls were covered with posters of the Monkees and Beatles.”和最后一句话“But after a few years,my obsession stars faded as I matured and gained the confidence to socialize with real boys.”可知,随着年龄的增长,追星会随之减弱。所以,追星对青少年来说是正确的。故A项正确。37We learn from the secon

31、d paragraph that _.Ateens today are not so obsessed with celebritiesBthe author is surprised at celebrity worshipCthe media greatly contributes to celebrity worship todayDcelebrities expose their lives too much答案C根据第二段中“.due to the explosion of television celebrity gossip show,and instant access to

32、celebrity news on the Internet,”可知,应选C。38Parents should become concerned when their children _.Atalk a lot about celebrities with othersBput up celebrity posters in their bedroomsCask to go to their favorite stars concertDdesire a close personal relationship with their favorite star答案D根据文章倒数第三句话“How

33、ever,when a teenager is obsessed with a star and often expresses a desire to have a close personal relationship with a celebrity or feels they have a special connection to a star,this may be the time for concern.”可知,应选D。39The last paragraph implies that _.Aparents should not care too much about a ch

34、ilds celebrity worshipBcelebrity worship syndrome can be a serious problem if left overlookedCchildren can normally get out of celebrity worship when they are olderDchildren with celebrity worship usually have high opinion of themselves答案B根据文章最后一段可知,追星综合症现在被认为是一种个性障碍,如果被忽略可能会发展成为严重的问题。并举例说明那些过分沉迷于追星

35、的青少年已经伤害了跟父母的关系,故B项正确。40What is most likely to be talked about in the paragraph following the passage?AThe harm of celebrity worship syndrome.BMore signs of celebrity worship syndrome.CWhat to do with childrens celebrity worship syndrome.DWho will suffer most from celebrity worship syndrome.答案C文章最后一段提到,追星综合症现在被认为是一种个性障碍,应对这种情况予以重视。所以接下来最可能谈及如何解决追星综合症的问题。故C项正确。写作素材集锦单词1quicken加快2pajamas睡衣裤短语cut short打断句子It suddenly dawned on me that we are actually part of one big family.我突然明白我们确实是一个大家庭的一部分。


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