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《名校推荐》广东省广雅中学高中英语必修一:U4语言点复习练习 .doc

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《名校推荐》广东省广雅中学高中英语必修一:U4语言点复习练习 .doc_第1页
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《名校推荐》广东省广雅中学高中英语必修一:U4语言点复习练习 .doc_第3页
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2、.快速火车36.成为头条1.The city was hit by an earthquake yesterday.2.right away/at once/in no time3.Water pipes burst4.burst into tears/burst out crying5.national event6.as if/as though7.at an end8.lie in ruins9.the injured/dead10.survive (in) the earthquake11.dam made of bricks12.on track/off track13.Its no

3、 use doing.14.culture shock15.electric shock16.shocking news17.rescue team18.be trapped in trouble19.electric fan20.electronic dictionary21.bury oneself in homework22.coal mine23.shelter survivors from harms24.a number of people25.a large amount of water26.the news titiled “miners were buried”27.a b

4、ar of chocolate28.cause damage to29.be frightened by.30.congratulate sb. on sth.31.a fair judge32.judging from his physical appearance33.a sincere friend34.express ones opinion35.express train36.make headlines二、单词表词汇词性变化1.suffer _(n.)2.survive_(n.幸存,生存) _(n.幸存者)3.injure_(n.)4.destroy_(n.) _(adj.)5.f

5、righten_(adj.令人害怕的) _(adj.感到害怕的)6.judge_(n.判断)7.sincere_(n.)8.express_(n.) _(adj.)9.cycle_(n.)1.suffering2.survival/survivor3.injury4.destruction/destructive5.frightening/frightened6.judgement7.sincerity8.expression/expressive9.cyclist三、课本短语句型翻译P26-271.臭气从裂缝中发出2.鱼缸/鱼塘3.明亮的光/黑暗的角落4.水管爆裂5.似乎到了世界末日6.坚硬

6、的岩石7.被置于无家可归的境地8.铁轨9.被困于废墟中10.并非所有希望都破灭了11.淡水12.文章概要1.smelly gas came out of cracks2.fish bowl/fish pond3.bright light/dark corner4.water pipes burst5.It seemed as if the world was at an end.6.hard rocks7.be left homeless8.railway tracks9.be trapped under ruins 10.All hope was not lost.11.fresh wate

7、r12.a summary of passageP30-311.一群评委2.为你骄傲3.纪念那些地震中的死者4.在那特殊的一天5.向到场者表达我的谢意6.地震后不久7.地震灾区8.筹款1.a group of jjudges2.be proud of you/take pride in you3.honour those who died in the earthquake4.on that special day5.express my thanks to those who are present6.shortly after the earthquake7.earthquake-hit

8、area8.raise moneyP62-631.地球被划分为一系列移动板块2.回避问题3.快速浏览新闻标题4.分发作业5.扑灭一场大火6.试验这些想法7.列出大纲1.Earth is divided into a series of moving plates.2.avoid questions3.go through titles of news4.hand out homework5.put out a fire6.try out these ideas7.work out an outlineP64-651.把水管安装在墙上2.卧室里的物品3.最有可能伤害我们4.被固定到桌子上5.水暖

9、器外壳6.不到一个小时7.尽管看起来很令人震惊8.他们彼此帮助1.fix water pipes to walls2.objects in the living room3.be most likely to hurt us4.be tied/stuck to table5.water heater case6.within one hour7.amazing as it seemed8.they help one another/each other四、 课本句型翻译1.(部分否定)人没有到齐。/一个人都没到。/他们两个没到齐。/他们两个都没到。2.(虚拟语气)我感觉我好像到了天堂。3.(t

10、hose who指代一类人)命运会眷顾那些努力的人。4.(倒装句【否定词放句首】)没有哪一座城市在历史上被如此完全地被毁灭过。5.(倒装结构【尽管.】)尽管他是一个孩子/尽管他跑得很快/尽管他已经走了10公里1.Not everyone arrives./None of them arrives./Both of them dont arrive./Neither of them arrives.2.I feel as if I were in paradise.3.Fate will favour those who are hardworking.4.Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed.5.child as he is/fast as he runs/10 miles as he has walked


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