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《三维设计》2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 必修三 UNIT 2 LANGUAGE 课时跟踪检测A卷 WORD版含解析.doc

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《三维设计》2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 必修三 UNIT 2 LANGUAGE 课时跟踪检测A卷 WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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《三维设计》2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 必修三 UNIT 2 LANGUAGE 课时跟踪检测A卷 WORD版含解析.doc_第8页
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1、Language课时跟踪检测A卷.单项填空1(2015合肥一中模拟)He is one of my previous students and always comes to see me whenever _.Ahe is convenientBhe will be convenientCit is convenient to himDit will be convenient to him2(2015常州中学3月月考)A medical team of PLA, _ of 30 people from the 302 Military Hospital of the PLA, has be

2、en sent to fight Ebola in Africa.AconsistsBconsistedCconsisting Dbeing consisted3(2015南京二模)As we can see, online shopping has made a great _ to the development of express delivery industry. Acontribution BprogressCinvention Dprotection 4(2015永州二模)The news that he _ in the election, which is broadcas

3、t repeatedly on the television, is not true. Ahas been defeated Bhad been defeatedCis being defeated Dwill be defeated5(2015徐州高三一模)If you find yourself in _ situation where there is no one to take _ control of an aggressive dog, you should try to leave the area slowly to avoid being attacked.Aa; the

4、 B. a; /Cthe; the Dthe; /6(2015江苏盐城高三入学考试)Finally, the young explorer, through a series of lucky accidents, arrived at _ was socalled the valley of death by the locals. Awhich BwhereCthat Dwhat 7(2015浏阳一中高三一模)His favorite food is fried snacks and soft drinks._ is no wonder that he was almost out of

5、breath after the 100meter race.AHere BItCAs DWhat8The Senior Three students are all working hard to get a qualification _ continuing to study in university. Asticking to Bleading toCturning to Dreferring to9(2015苏州高三调研) How was the journey? Tiring! All the seats in the train _. I stood all the way.A

6、were occupied Bwould be occupiedCwould occupy Dhad occupied10(2015杭州高三质检)The celebration will start soon. _, please remain seated.来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_KAHowever BBesidesCInstead DTherefore11(2015泰州高三质检)Though working outside, he is always _ about his aging mother at home.Asatisfied BconcernedCpleased Dexci

7、ted12(2015苏南高三联考)Today I put my foot in my mouth before my teacher, _ really made me _.Awho; embarrass Bthat; embarrassed Cwhich; embarrassed Dwhich; embarrassing13(2015连云港高三调研)All of a sudden, he stood directly,_ his ideas to the people present at the meeting.Ato represent BrepresentingCrepresented

8、 Drepresent14(2015安庆一中模拟)This type of MP4 sells well. _ any problems occur within 5 days after purchase, we _ it with a new one.AShould; would replaceBHad; replacedCWere; would replaceDWere; would have replaced15(2015黄山一检)Everyone wants to live in a beautiful, comfortable and livable place, but not

9、_ know where it is.Aall BsomeCeither Dboth.阅读理解A(2015苏南四市高三第一次联合考试)In the past, they were laughed at for being eggheads (书呆子) wearing glasses with a passion for the pointless. But now,being a member of their group has become a source of pride, with Collins online dictionary naming the term “geek” as

10、 UKs “Word of the Year” on December 16.“Geek” tops the list for 2013 because of its “positive makeover”, a spokeswoman for Collins Dictionary told The Scotsman newspaper.The word originally appeared in the 19th century as a variant (变形) of “geck”, meaning “a simpleton (傻瓜)”“In the 1980s, the word st

11、ill had a negative meaning, referring to someone who was boring and socially awkward. However, from the late 20th century, due to the increasing importance of technology in society, the word has come to mean a clever, switchedon and cool person,” noted The Scotsman.In September, the dictionary chang

12、ed the main definition of “geek” from “someone preoccupied with computing” to “a person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about a specific subject”“Geekis a great example of a word that has evolved from having a negative meaning to having a positive one.” Ian Brookes, consultant editor to C

13、ollins Dictionary told The Guardian. “This change in meaning represents a positive change in views of specialist expertise (专长;专业知识), and is a result of the influence of technology on peoples lives.”The Telegraphs John Bingham believes that the transformation of the word was helped along by the succ

14、ess of the US movie The Social Network, about the creation of the US website Facebook. “Commentators said the film showed that it had become fashionable to be a geek”,Bingham wrote.1The underlined word “makeover” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to _.AevolutionBresultCinfluence Drespons

15、e2When did the word “geek” begin to have a positive meaning?AIn the early 20th century. BFrom the 1990s.CIn the 1980s. DAt the end of 2013.3According to the article, “geek” now mainly refers to _.Asomeone who is addicted to computing and new technologyBsomeone who is boring and unfashionableCsomeone

16、 who is smart but awkward in social situationsDsomeone who is wellinformed and devoted to a certain field4What helped to transform the meaning of “geek” from negative to positive according to the article?aThe effect of technology.bThe news medias promotion.cThe influence of Collins Dictionary.来源:学#科

17、#网dThe popularity of The Social Network.来源:学科网ZXXKAa,b Bb,cCa,d Dc,dB(2015南京三校联考)Hong Kong,selfclaimed“world city of Asia”, is always proud of its residents high English proficiency.But if you expect people in this formerBritish colony to talk in a crisp British accent, then you may be disappointed.

18、Walk into a restaurant or a cafe in the citys trendy shopping area and eavesdrop on a nearby table of young professionals or teenage students, you will most likely wonder if you are in California instead of the concrete jungle that is Hong Kong.Due to their frequent exposure to US pop culture not to

19、 mention that many of them were educated in the US or local international schools many young Hong Kong residents, especially women, speak English with a rising tone at the end of a statement “Hi, my name is Michelle?” Linguistically, this is known as “uptalk” or “highrising intonation”This accent is

20、 also what Americans refer to as “Valleyspeak”. But as an English learner, you may want to think twice before committing yourself to picking up this accent.In the US,“Valleyspeak” is a mocking term originated in the early 1980s. It referred to the tone and speech pattern of “Valley Girls”, rich midd

21、leclass and uppermiddleclass young women living in the San Femando Valley in Southern California. Women who speak in this accent are often seen as spoiled, superficial and more interested in material pursuits than their intellectual development.But this stereotype is unfounded. As a recent New York

22、Times story shows, scholars have found that the rising tone is not exclusive (专有的) to young women.According to the researchers, rather than indicating insecurity, uptalk is often used to implicitly ask the listener to confirm that the speaker is being understood. Uptalk can also serve a strategic pu

23、rpose in which the speaker, anticipating an interruption by the listener, tries to prevent it by using a rising tone at the end of a statement.We neednt go into all the technical details. How people speak is influenced by many factors.We cant measure someones intellectual depth by their accent. But

24、social stereotypes, though unjustified, are powerful.Many English native speakers find uptalk annoying. Lake Bell, a US actress and director, was a strong voice in 2013 speaking against what she referred to as “sexy baby vocal virus”. Bell wrote, directed and starred in In a World last year, a movie

25、 about voiceover artists. She told NPR in an interview last July: “I cant have people around me that speak that way, and mainly because I am a woman, I grew up thinking a female voice should sound sophisticated and elegant, not a 12yearold little girl that is submissive (顺从的) to the male species.”As

26、 fond of US TV dramas as you may be, uptalk is probably the least desirable accent you want to pick up as an English learner.5You may be disappointed when people in Hong Kong dont talk in a crisp English accent in that _.AHong Kong is selfclaimed “world city of Asia”Bpeoples frequent exposure to US

27、pop cultureCHong Kong is not British colony any longerDpeople in Hong Kong are fond of US TV dramas6What does the underlined word “eavesdrop” mean in Paragraph Two?ATo listen secretly to a private conversation.BTo greet people and ask for information.CTo understand and remember information.DTo join

28、and enjoy a private conversation.7Which of the following is TRUE?AHow people speak is influenced by their intellectual depth.BLake Bell believes that uptalk sounds like a female voice.CUptalk can be used for a strategic purpose according to the researchers.DUptalk is only used by young women in Hong

29、 Kong and the US.8Whats the writers attitude towards English learners who want to pick up uptalk?ASupportive. BNegative.来源:Z。xx。k.ComCNeutral. DObjective.答 案.1.选C句意:他是我以前的一个学生,无论什么时候只要他方便,他就会来看我。在时间状语从句中用现在时表示将来,排除B、D两项;另外convenient作表语时不用“人”作主语。2选C句意:一支有30位来自解放军302军事医院的人组成的解放军医疗队已经被派往非洲去抗击埃博拉疾病。所填词作

30、medical team的后置定语。consist of“由组成”,该短语无被动语态。3选A句意:正如我们所看到的,网上购物对快递行业的发展做出了很大的贡献。contribution“贡献”;progress“进步”;invention“发明”;protection“保护”。4选A句意:电视里反复播出他落选的消息不真实。根据句意可知“被打败或落选”这一事情已经发生并完成,所以才在广播里播放,故用现在完成时的被动语态。5选B句意:如果你发现自己处于这样一种情形那儿有一只具有进攻性的狗且没人控制它,你应该尽量慢慢地离开,避免被攻击。第一空后的situation是抽象名词,但此处指后面提到的这种情形

31、,是抽象名词的具体化,故用不定冠词a; 第二空考查固定短语take control of“控制”。6选D句意:最后,这个年轻的探险者,一路逢凶化吉,最后来到一个被当地人称为死亡谷的地方。句中arrived at后是一个宾语从句,所填词在从句中作主语,故用what。7选B句意:他最喜欢的食物是油炸小吃和碳酸饮料,怪不得他在百米赛后累得气喘吁吁的。句中it代替that从句作形式主语。8选B句意: 高三年级的学生都在努力学习以取得在大学继续学习的资格。stick to“坚持”;lead to“导致,引起;通往”;turn to“求助,转向,查阅”;refer to“指的是;谈论;查阅”。9选A句意:

32、“旅途怎样?”“好累!座位满满的。我一直站着。”根据语境可知,所有的座位被占了,应用被动语态,故排除C、D两项;此处表示发生在过去的事实,故选A。10选D句意:庆祝会很快就要开始了,因此请就座。此处表示因果关系,应选择D。 therefore“因此”;however“然而”;besides“除此之外,而且”;instead“反而”。11选B句意:他虽然在外工作,心里却一直挂念家中的老母亲。be concerned about“对关心/挂念”,符合句意。be satisfied with“对满意”;be pleased with“对感到满意”;be excited about“对感到兴奋”。12

33、选C句意:今天在老师面前说错话真的很让我尴尬。第一空考查定语从句,先行词是前面的一句话,且是非限制性的,故用which; 第二空考查“make sb.形容词”用法,其中形容词作宾语补足语。embarrassed“尴尬的”;embarrassing“令人尴尬的”。13选B句意:他突然直接站起来向出席会议的人陈述自己的观点。因he与represent“陈述”是主动关系,故用现在分词作伴随状语。14选A此处描述将来不太可能发生的事,故条件状语从句和主句要用虚拟语气。结合选项可知,此题省略了连词if, 应把should提到句首,故选A。15选A句意:每个人都想要生活在一个美丽的、舒适的和宜居的地方,但

34、并不是所有人都知道这样的地方在哪里。根据but可知,此处表转折,故应选与not构成部分否定的代词,排除B、C两项;由前面的everyone可知应选A。.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。戴着瓶底眼镜的书呆子们曾经被嘲笑为无用的“geek”,然而时代在变化,咸鱼也有翻身的一天!科林斯字典给了这个词一个全新的、积极的含义。1选A词义猜测题。根据文章第一段的第二句和第三段前后对比可知,此处makeover意为“华丽转身”,与倒数第二段的第一句相呼应。2选B细节理解题。根据第四段的第一句和第二句对比可知,“geek”这个词实现意义上的华丽转身是在20世纪90年代。3选D细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的“a p

35、erson who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about a specific subject”可知,“geek”现在主要指那些博学的学者型人物。4选C细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的第一句可知,“geek”词义的华丽转身来源于电影The Social Network的成功和技术的进步。根据倒数第二段最后一句中的“is a result of the influence of technology on peoples lives”可知,这是科技进步对人们生活影响的结果。语篇解读:由于美国文化的冲击,很多年轻的香港女性说起了“uptalk”这种

36、口音的英语。这篇文章作者主要分析这种现象并建议大家不要讲这种口音的英语。5选B细节理解题。根据第三段第一句中的“Due to their frequent exposure to US pop culture.”可知,B项正确。6选A词义猜测题。根据下文“on a nearby table”以及他们的口音让人觉得置身于加州可推知,坐在附近的桌子上“偷听”他们讲话。故答案选A。7选C细节理解题。根据第八段第二句可知,A项错误;根据倒数第二段内容可知,B项错误;据第七段第二句中的“Uptalk can also serve a strategic purpose”可知,C项正确;D项文中没有提及。故答案选C。来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K8选B推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“uptalk is probably the least desirable accent you want to pick up as an English learner”可知,作者持否定态度。故B项正确。


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