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《名校》福建省诏安县桥东中学2014-2015学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家桥东中学2014-2015学年下学期期中考试高一年段英语试卷第一部分:听力试题第二部分: 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. He passed the exam yesterday. Thats great. We will hold a party to_ it. A. prevent B. celebrate C. winD. defend 22. The rain is heavy now. I _ arrive a bit late

2、. If so, could you wait for me for a moment?A. can B. must C. need D. might23. Middle school students should be given enough sleeping time, _they are busy preparing for all kinds of exams. A. even soB. as though C. as ifD. even if24._ reminds me_ your father is the way you speak. A. That; toB. What;

3、 of C. Whether; toD. Why; of25. What do you think of his opinion?No one has given me _ piece of advice.A. a betterB. a best C. the bestD. the better26Ill look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little _.Await Btime Cpatience Drest27 What do you think of last nights lecture? _ speaking,

4、 I thought it was rather boringA. RealB. GeneralC. FairD. Honestly28Your ability has never been in doubt the question is _ you are prepared to work hard.A. that B. whether C. if D. how29His parents died in the strong earthquake, and he was _ by the old man.A. grown upB. taken upC. fed upD. brought u

5、p30_,dear!Things wont be as bad as you think. There certainly will be chances for you.AHurry up BLook up CCheer up DMake up31I had no idea when World War _,so I turned to my teacher for help.Abroke down Bbroke out Cbroke in Dbroke away32.I am sure that _ you said is wrong.A. which B. what C. this D.

6、 how33. I thought I was going to fail the exam, but I passed _.A. above all B. after all C. in all D. first of all34He is said to be very rich, but I dont understand why he is always _.A. in uniformB. in fashionC. in troubleD. in rags35. Lets go to a movie after work, OK? _A. Not at all. B. Why not?

7、 C. Never mind. D. What of it?第二节完型填空Billy,a hardworking student,is fourteen years old and in the ninth grade. He has a parttime job that _36_ him up every morning at five oclock,when most people are still sound _37_ .He is a newspaper boy.Each morning,Billy leaves the house at 515 to go to the _38_

8、 where the newspapers always are. The newspapers were _39_ to the corner by truck at midnight. He always takes a wagon(小推车) to _40_ them.In the winter it is still dark _41_ he gets up every day,but during the rest of the year it is _42_.Billy must send the newspapers to the houses of people on his_4

9、3_ in all kinds of weather. He tries to put each paper on the porch(门廊) where it will be _44_ from wind,rain or snow. Sometimes his customers give him tips,_45_ him very excited.Billy earns about $70 per month through hard _46_,and he is saving some of the money to go to _47_,where he has always bee

10、n longing to go. Besides that,he _48_ the rest of the earnings on records and clothes. Once a month,he has to collect the _49_at night since many of them work during the day. That is when he is _50_ so that he is full of excitement. Luckily,he gets _51_ supported by his family. Sometimes,when Billy

11、is sick,his brother offers to deliver(递送) the newspapers for him. Once,his father was too _52_ to help.Billy has seventy customers now,but he doesnt feel _53_ about the number.He dreams that he will get _54_ customers as possible some day._55_,he might win a prize for being an outstanding newspaper

12、boy. He wants to win a trip to Europe,but he will be happy if he wins a new bicycle.36A. wakes Btakes Cgets Dpicks37A. asleep Bawake Cwake up Dsleepy38A. corner Bstreet Croom Ddepartment39A. given Baddressed Chanded Ddelivered40A. carry Bbring Csend Dload41A. which Bwhile Cthat Dwhen42A. short Bblac

13、k Clight Dlong43A. road Bway Croute(投递路线)Dpath44A. protected Bstopped CkeptDprevented45A. making Bletting Cleading Dcausing46A. attempt Bjob Cwork Dstruggle47A. abroad Bschool CcollegeDhospital48A. costsBspends CpaysDuses49A. paperBmoney CnewspapersDrecords50A. depressedBenergetic CsatisfiedDmoved51

14、AveryBgreat CgreatlyDa lot of52A. likely Breluctant CtriedDwilling53A. satisfied Bpleasant CcontentedDhappy54A. many moreBas much Cas manyDmuch more55A. If that BIf so CBesides DWhats more第三部分: 阅读理解 (共20小题; 每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AEveryone needs friends. We all like to feel c

15、lose to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh and do things with. Surely, there are times when we need to be alone. We dont always want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.No two people are the same. Sometimes friends dont get along well, which doesnt mean

16、that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will go on being friends. Sometimes friends move away, then we feel very sad. We miss them much, but we can call them and write to them. Maybe we would never see them again, and we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much

17、we like new people when we get to know them. Families sometimes name their children after a close friend. Many places are named after men and women, if they are friendly to people in a town. Some libraries are named this way. So are some schools. We think of these people when we go to these places.T

18、heres more good news for people, if they have friends. These people live longer than those people if those dont have friends. Why? It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares, if someone cares about you, you take better care of y

19、ourself.56. The first paragraph tells us _. A. none needs friends B. we always need friends around us C. making friends is the need in peoples life D. we need to be alone57. Which of the following is what the writer doesnt say in the passage? A. People are happy when their friends leave them. B. Peo

20、ple may never see their friends after their friends move away. C. People can know their friends in different ways. D. People like their friends very much if they get to know them.58. Which of the following is the most probable place people name after friendly people? A. A house. B. A room. C. A libr

21、ary. D. A village.59. If people have friends, they would live longer, because _. A. they feel happier and healthier B. they get a lot of help from their friends C. they take better care of themselves D. both A and C60. This passage tells us _. A. that people are all friends B. that people need frien

22、ds C. how to get to know friends D. how to name a placeBThe best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes youll get your words mixed up (混合) and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things too q

23、uickly and you cant understand them. But if you keep your sense of humor , you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make. Dont be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. Its better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they dont understan

24、d what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is: Dont be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes. 61. The writer thinks that the most important thing for you to learn a language is_. A. reading B. practising C. talking about it D. listening62. What should yo

25、u do in learning English? A. Try to make some mistakes. B. Avoid making any mistakes. C. Remember as many new words as you can. D. Use it as often as you cam63. If people laugh at the mistakes you make, you should _. A. be angry with them B. be angry with yourself C. not care D. believe you are righ

26、t64. When you make a mistake, you should_. A. never make any mistakes again B. tell others not to make the same mistake C. punish yourself for making it D. keep your sense of humor65. The story tell us: _. A. It is normal that we make some mistakes in learning English B. Everyone must make mistakes

27、C. We can avoid making mistakes in learning a language D. Laughing can help one learn English wellCCan you remember the day when you spoke your first word? If you can, you are unusual. Try to imagine what first few months of your life were like. I am sure you just spent most of your time eating, sle

28、eping and crying. As you grow older, you were awake more of the time. It took your parents more time to play with you and talk to you. You watched and listened curiously. You began to know that people made certain sounds to go with certain things. Then you began to try making the sounds you heard. A

29、nd step by step you were able to make the right sound for one thing. On that day you came to understand the secret of language. The secret is that a certain sound means a certain thing. One sound might be as good as another. But it is no good as a word unless everybody agrees on its meaning. Only wh

30、en a group of people use the same set of sounds of things, can they understand each other. Then, and only then do these people have a LANGUAGE. After you found the secret of language, you learned words. Some of the words meant things, such as BOOKS, CHAIRS and SHOES. Some words meant doing things, s

31、uch as GO and SWIM. And other words describe things, such as GOOD and DIRTY. Soon you learned to put words together to express ones idea, such as 1 want to go out and play with my friends. This is language. By means of language people can communicate. So we say languages are means of communication.6

32、6. can remember the day when_. A. One; he spoke his first word B. No one; he spoke his first word C. Most people; they spoke their first words D. None; they spoke their first words67. When you were a little baby, you_. A. made sounds to let people know that you wanted to eat B. spent most of your ti

33、me playing with your parents C. could not hear any sound around you D. spent most of your time eating, playing and crying68. The secret of language is that_. A. one sound might be as good as another B. people can understand each other C. a certain sound is for a certain thing D. there is a special s

34、ound for each person69. You could learn words_. A. before you knew what the language was B. after you knew what the language was C. if you knew the secret of the languageD. when you were a baby70. The aim in using language is . A. to get everything one wants from others B. to say what one wants to k

35、now C. to share ideas, opinions, news, etc with one anotherD. to make oneself understood by othersDYou may have noticed that the worlds population is not evenly distributed(分布) around our planet. There are some countries where people seem to be living nearly on top of each other because conditions a

36、re overcrowded. Then there are others where it seems that hardly anybody lives. What influences this unequal distribution of people? There are specific advantages and disadvantages of *diving in a certain area.The two main factors that influence peoples choice of location are climate and resources.

37、Climate is the usual weather conditions in a region. Areas that have bad weather are generally less deal as places to live in. The north and south poles at the top and bottom of the world may be beautiful in their rugged, natural way, but the disadvantage of the bitterly cold and windy conditions us

38、ually keeps people away. When it comes to climate, warm conditions and a normal amount of rainfall are advantages that attract people.Natural resources are things that we get from nature that help us survive. Each region offers different resources, and therefore attracts different groups of people.

39、People who enjoy the beach can make their living by catching and selling the oceans many fish and other sea creatures. Those who prefer farming can take advantage of rich soil(土壤) in valleys near rivers. Some people are willing to accept the disadvantages of the terrible conditions of deserts or mou

40、ntains in order to take advantage of the resources like oil or woods.71. The underlined part “on top of ”in the first paragraph most likely means_.A. very close to B. on the highest part ofC. in control of D. on the surface of 72. What are the main factors that influence the distribution of people?A

41、. Resources and oceans. B. Climate and rivers.C. Climate and resources. D. Warm conditions and rainfall.73.The writer thinks many people dont live near the north or south pole because _.A. they cant get enough food thereB. they natural sights there dont attract peopleC. the unpleasant weather keeps

42、them awayD. the length of nighttime is too short or too long74. Why do people go and live in valleys near rivers?A. The temperature isnt too low in winter.B. the resources like oil can bring them much money.C. People can make their living by catching and selling fish.D. Its easier for people to grow

43、 plants or keep animals.75. The purpose of the example in the last paragraph is to tell us _.A. people cannot survive in cold conditionsB. different resources attract different groups of peopleC. People usually prefer living at the seaside to living in mountainsD. a normal amount of rainfall is nece

44、ssary for people to live in the desert班级 姓名 座号 准考证号: (密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题) 桥东中学2014-2015学年下学期期中考试高一年段英语试卷答题卡请用2B铅笔将所选的选项涂黑完成下列句子(每空1词,每空1分)If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might (搞恶作剧) them.2.I am (期待) seeing my parents as soon as possible.3.He could not have Yong Hui (做坏事不受惩罚) tel

45、ling people lies.4.-You are quite free now, I think.- (与此相反),I have tons of things to do.5.I dont think you will be (及时) for the meeting. December 10, 2007Dear James, Nice to hear from you again. Best wishes, Yours sincerely, Jessie书面表达题目在背面 座位号书面表达(满分20分)假设你叫Jessie,你的加拿大笔友James 想了解一下你将要参加的2007年全国中学

46、生英语冬令营的有关信息,请你根据下面的海报给他写一封信,谈谈有关情况和活动意义,并邀请他参加你们的活动。回信的日期:2007-12-10Welcome to our winter camp 2007营址:大连活动时间:2007年12月底,共4天参加人员:来自全国各地的英语爱好者 中国,美国,英国和澳大利亚的英语老师活动内容:举行英语演讲比赛 观看学生表演;游览大连风景名胜; 交流学习英语的经验;注意:1书信必须包括以上提供的内容要点,可以适当增加细节,使内容连贯;2词数:100字左右; 参考词汇:表演 : performance n. 英语冬令营:English Winter Camp英语演讲

47、比赛:English speaking competition桥东中学2014-2015学年下学期期中考试高一年段英语试卷答案1-5CCABC 6-10AABAC 11-15CBABA 16-20BBCAC21-25BDDBA26-30CDBDC31-35BBBDB36-40CAADA41-45DCCAA46-50CCBBC51-55CDDCB56-60 CACDB 61-65 BDCDA 66-70 BDCBC 71-75ACCDB完成句子1.play a trick on 2.looking forward to 3.getting away with 4.On the contrary

48、5.in time 第三节:书面表达(满分20分) One Possible version: December 10, 2007Dear James,Nice to hear from you again! As you know, this winter vacation, at the end of December, 2007, we English-lovers from all over the country will go to a four-day English Winter Camp in Dalian. Some English teachers from China,

49、 the USA, England and Australia will join us. In the camp, we will have an English speaking competition, watch some wonderful performances given by the students and visit some places of interest in Dalian. Besides, we will exchange our English learning experience and talk about our colorful school life in English. I think this winter camp will greatly improve my spoken English and I will make some new friends there. I do hope you will come and join us.Best wishes, Yours sincerely, Jessie高考资源网版权所有,侵权必究!


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