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《名校》天津市耀华中学2018届高三年级英语统练(五) .doc

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1、耀华中学2018届高三年级英语统练(五) 出题人:李艳丽 审题人:邱慧敏本试卷共100分,考试时间为100分钟答卷前,请务必将自己的姓名、考号、座位号填写在答题卡上的相应位置。答卷时,务必将答案涂写在答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。考试结束后,将答题卡和答题纸收回。第一部分:英语知识运用I听力(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)第一节:听下面5段材料。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并涂在答题卡的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What are the speakers doing? A.

2、 Having dinner.B. Having a class. C. Reading.2. What do we learn from the conversation? A. The train is crowded. B. The train is late.C. The train is on time. 3. How does the woman suggest the man prepare for Professor Yangs lesson? A. Review the details of all her lessons. B. Focus on the main poin

3、ts of her lectures. C. Talk with her about his learning problems.4. What does the woman imply?A. The Edwards are quite well-off. B. The Edwards should cut down their living expenses. C. Itll be unwise for the Edwards to buy another house.5. What is the woman doing?A. Making suggestions. B. Making ex

4、cuses.C. Making requests.第二节:听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并涂在答题卡的相应位置。听每段材料前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题(每小题5秒钟), 听完后, 你将有5秒钟时间回答各个小题。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话, 回答第68题。6. What has the man been engaged in? A. Preparing for the final exams. B. Preparing a speech report. C. Writing an article.7. What wi

5、ll the man do this evening? A. Go on working. B. Go to a concert. C. Go to see a movie.8. When will the woman meet the man? A. At 6:00B. At 6:30C. At 7:00听下面一段对话, 回答第911题。9. What is the relationship of the speakers?A. Classmates.B. Co-workers.C. Waiter and diner.10. Where does the conversation take

6、place? A. At McDonalds.B. At Kentucky Fried Chicken.C. At an Italian Fast Food restaurant. 11. What have the speakers ordered? A. Spaghetti, coffee, Coke and iced water. B. Pizza, chicken salad and iced water. C. Soup, hamburger and cola.听下面一段对话, 回答第1215题。12. Whats the probable relationship between

7、the speakers? A. Colleagues. B. Teacher and student.C. Classmates.13. What does the man work for? A. Money.B. Experience.C. Fun.14. When will the woman leave for home? A. Tonight.B. Tomorrow.C. Two days after.15. Where will the woman go two days after? A. America.B. Japan.C. China.II. 单项填空(共15小题:每小题

8、0.5分, 满分7.5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。16. I always take care when writing papers on the computer. You mean it! One cannot be too _ working on it. A. nervousB. sureC. anxiousD. careless17. The new law has come into effect, and _ number of endangered animals is on _ increase now. A.

9、the; the B. a; the C. the; / D. a; /18. Everybody was touched _ words after they heard her moving story. A. withoutB. beyondC. ofD. in19. The father put the medicine in a top drawer to make sure it would not be _ to the kids. A. accessibleB. relativeC. acceptableD. sensitive20. The government should

10、 get even tougher with drug dealer. _. It helps to build up a safe society. A. I couldnt agree more B. Thats not the point C. That all depends D. Lets find some of action21. The incomes of skilled workers went up. _, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall. A. MoreoverB. ThereforeC. MeanwhileD. Ot

11、herwise22. As a new diplomat, he often thinks of _ he can react appropriately on such occasions. A. whatB. whichC. thatD. how23. He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he _ it differently. A. should expressB. would expressC. could have expressed D. must have expressed24. Shell never forg

12、et her stay there _ she found her son who had gone missing two years before. A. thatB. whichC. whereD. when25. To tell the truth, the accident and the damage _ resulted in frightened me so much that I almost gave up driving ever since. A. thatB. itC. D. what26. With no agreement _, both sides agreed

13、 to spend another day _ the main problems. A. to reach; to discuss B. reached; discussingC. reaching; discussing D. reached; to discuss27. Excuse me, a reporter from a newspaper _ all day. Could you speak to her now? A. phonesB. has phonedC. has been phoningD. phoned28. The driver was not _ for the

14、traffic accident, was he?_. It was the pedestrians fault. A. blamed ; YesB. to blame ; NoC. blame ; YesD. blaming ; No29. How long do you think _ the computer company brings out a new product? A. it will be beforeB. will it be until C. will it be whenD. it will be that30. Im surprised to hear that S

15、ue and Paul have _. So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them. A. broken upB. finished upC. divided upD. closed up第二部分 英语语言能力提升I完形填空 (共20小题:每小题1.5分, 满分30 分)Nick was not the kind of boy I had expected to spend my summer with. I was hoping to have a 31 the summer before my busy sen

16、ior year, but my mother asked me to do her a 32 . One of her colleagues needed a full-time 33 . “You planned to volunteer at the local hospital, why not volunteer to 34 Nick instead?” Then she told me that this six-year-old boy was not a 35 child.Nick was a lovely little boy who suffered from many d

17、isorders. Normal day-care centers would not 36 him. As a baby, he had serious ear infections which left him with equilibrium (平衡) problems.He couldnt 37 or run properly. I was 38 if I was to take the job when my mother 39 , “Dont you want to be a nurse in the future? I doubt if you even have the 40

18、.”Then I told her I was 41 for the job.The day started at 7:00 a.m. Nick was my wake-up call! With so much energy and very little 42 , he was quite a mix. At the park, when he saw all the other children play on the jungle gym and swings, the boys face 43 upHow he wished he belonged to the group of h

19、is age! You would think it would be 44 to get a child to go down a slide. Believe me, it wasnt! It took a lot of time. But with patience and support, Nick took one step up the slide each day. We worked together to face his 45 and gradually he got closer to taking the slide of his life.Halfway throug

20、h the summer, he 46 it to the top of the slide. With my arms holding him tightly, we flew down the slide! I waited for his 47 . After realizing that he was safe and sound, he gave me a big 48 and asked, “May I go down again, alone?”I had never been happier in my life when I saw this little child cli

21、mb the ladder and enjoy what other children 49 for granted.This 50 child taught me that being a nurse means respect, kindness and patience.31. A. grade B. course C. project D. relaxation32. A. service B. favor C. business D .trade33. A. nurse B. waitress C. guard D. guide34. A. protect B. assist C.

22、attend D. comfort35. A. normal B. naughty C. clever D. happy36. A. admit B. receive C. accept D. adopt37. A. speak B. play C. stand D. walk38. A. hesitating B. wondering C. questioning D. doubting39. A. suggested B. argued C. challenged D. commented40. A. energy B. courage C. faith D. time41. A. eag

23、er B. sorry C. grateful D. ready42. A. awareness B. balance C. knowledge D. control43. A. delighted B. cheered C. lit D. shut44. A. demanding B. simple C. interesting D. flexible45. A. fears B. worries C. chances D. situations46. A. climbed B. got C. managed D. made47. A. laughter B. reaction C. ans

24、wer D. greeting48. A. kiss B. clap C. welcome D. surprise49. A. play B. do C. take D. enjoy50. A. miserable B. smart C. lucky D. specialII阅读理解 (共20小题:每小题1.5分, 满分30 分)AA straight-A student got a C in her cooking class and didnt like it. She didnt like it so much that her dad filed a complaint in fede

25、ral court about it. He said that the teacher, who is white, discriminated against his daughter, who is black. He hoped to have her grade changed from a C to an A and asked for unspecified financial damages(赔偿金).Virginia Brown is in the ninth grade at Ashley High School. Since her first year in schoo

26、l, she had had perfect attendance and all her grades had been As. Virginias father said her heart was broken when she got the C.“She cried the whole weekend,” he said. “She wouldnt come out of her room. My little girl hasnt been so upset since her cat was run over by a car when she was 6 years old.”

27、Virginia is a model student and is the class president. Shes on the swim team, the volleyball team, and the track team. She also belongs to the chess clubThe home economics teacher is 28-year-old Jessica Smith. This is her first year teaching. Ms. Smith said that discrimination was absolutely not th

28、e issue. “Some of my best friends are African-Americans,” she said. “This isnt a black and white problem. Everybody in America wants to charge everybody else. Im going to charge them with defamation(诽谤)of character and whatever else my lawyer comes up with.”The school principal(校长)said that he suppo

29、rted Ms. Smith 100%. He said that Virginia was an excellent student who would have no problem getting into the best universities even with a C in cooking. “She wont have any difficulty finding a great university, but she might have problems finding a husband,” he laughed. “Shed better look for a man

30、 who likes to eat out a lot.”51. Virginias father filed a complaint in federal court because he thought _.A. his daughter was upset about her gradeB. the teacher looked down upon his daughterC. his daughter took too many courses at schoolD. the school was not fair to excellent students 52. Which of

31、the following cannot be used to describe Virginia?A. She always gets As in her courses.B. She is equal to her position in the class.C. She does with her weakness properly.D. She is keen on school activities.53. The fifth paragraph implies that Jessica Smith _.A. doesnt give pupils right gradesB. is

32、not good at cooking herselfC. likes making friends with blacksD. intends to fight back in court54. The principal spoke jokingly to show that _.A. it will be hard for Virginia to find a husbandB. universities care little about cooking courseC. even top students have their weak pointsD. Virginia shoul

33、d try to learn to cook well55. What can we infer from the passage?A. Virginias grade will be changed to an A. B. Virginia is probably poor at cooking.C. Mr. Brown is sure to win in the end. D. Jessica Smith will be removed from her job.BI dont want to write a story about girls! I dont know anything

34、about girls, Louisa May Alcott told her publisher, Mr. Niles. But she was desperate for money. She seemed to be the only one in her family who could make any money. Niles had asked her to write about something she knew, instead of the romantic adventure stories she had been writing. So I plod away,

35、Alcott wrote, though I dont enjoy this sort of thing. It was 1867, and the horrible Civil War was over. Now Alcott could turn her energy to making money. Alcott wrote a simple story of life in her family, their pillow fights on Saturday nights and the amateur (业余的) plays they performed. Our experien

36、ces may prove interesting, though I doubt it. (Good joke, she wrote years later.) Her book described her days growing up with four sisters in a family that had no money. She sketched (勾画) a loving mother who took time to be interested in each child, and she told of the death of a beloved sister. She

37、 portrayed her family and friends in her book Little Women. Finally, in July of 1868, she finished writing. With a sigh and a headache, she sent off all 102 handwritten pages of her book. Niles thought the book was dull, and so did Alcott. But when she received her copies of the book, Alcott thought

38、 it seemed better than expected. Not a bit sensational, she wrote, but simple and true. We really lived most of it. Niles asked some girls to read Little Women, and they loved it. In three months, all the copies of Little Women had sold. It was already time to print more books! Niles thought he coul

39、d sell three or four hundred more copies. An honest publisher and a lucky author made a dull book into a golden egg for an ugly duckling, Alcott wrote in 1885. Later, with a great sigh of relief, she was able to write, Paid off all the debts! Now I feel that I could die in peace. If my head holds ou

40、t, Ill do all I once hoped to do.56. Which of the following would be used to describe Alcotts book? A. Funny. B. Boring. C. Magic. D. Skillful.57. In which order did the following happen? a. Alcott began writing Little Women b. Niles asked Alcott to write about girls c. Alcott wrote romantic adventu

41、re stories d. Alcott performed plays with her sisters e. Niles was not pleased with Alcotts work. A. a, b, e, d, c B. d, c, a, b, eC. c, b, e, d, a D. d, c, e, b, a58. When she handed her first writing in, Niles was _. A. sure of her success B. happy about her work C. unsatisfied with the work D. un

42、pleased with the publisher59. Alcott took up writing as a job due largely to _. A. love B. poverty C. interest D. encouragement60. We learn from the story that, after Little Women sold out, _. A. Alcott wrote another book B. some girls started to read the book C. Alcott paid off all her bills D. Nil

43、es published hundreds of books girls likedCIn this age of Internet chat, videogames and reality television, there is no shortage of mindless activities to keep a child occupied. Yet, despite the competition, my 8-year-old daughter Rebecca wants to spend her leisure time writing short stories. She wa

44、nts to enter one of her stories into a writing contest, a competition she won last year.As a writer I know about winning contests, and about losing them. I know what it is like to work hard on a story only to receive a rejection slip from the publisher. I also know the pressures of trying to live up

45、 to a reputation created by previous victories. What if she doesnt win the contest again? Thats the strange thing about being a parent. So many of our own past scars and dashed hopes can surface.A revelation (启示) came last week when I asked her, “Dont you want to win again?” “No,” she replied, “I ju

46、st want to tell the story of an angel going to first grade.”I had just spent weeks correcting her stories as she spontaneously (自发地) told them. Telling myself that I was merely an experienced writer guiding the young writer across the hall, I offered suggestions for characters, conflicts and endings

47、 for her tales. The story about a fearful angel starting first grade was quickly “guided” by me into the tale of a little girl with a wild imagination taking her first music lesson. I had turned her contest into my contest without even realizing it.Staying back and giving kids space to grow is not a

48、s easy as it looks. Because I know very little about farm animals who use tools or angels who go to first grade, I had to accept the fact that I was co-opting (借用) my daughters experience.While stepping back was difficult for me, it was certainly a good first step that I will quickly follow with mor

49、e steps, putting myself far enough a way to give her room but close enough to help if asked. All the while I will be reminding myself that children need room to experiment, grow and find their own voices.61.What do we learn from the first paragraph?A. Children do find lots of fun in many mindless ac

50、tivities.B. Rebecca is much too occupied to enjoy her leisure time.C. Rebecca draws on a lot of online materials for her writing.D.A lot of distractions compete for childrens time nowadays.62.What did the author say about her own writing experience?A. She did not quite live up to her reputation as a

51、 writer.B. Her way to success was full of pains and frustrations.C. She was constantly under pressure of writing more.D. Most of her stories had been rejected by publishers.63.Why did Rebecca want to enter this years writing contest?A. She believed she possessed real talent for writing.B. She was su

52、re of winning with her mothers help. C. She wanted to share her stories with readers.D. She had won a prize in the previous contest.64.The author took great pains to refine(to improve) her daughters stories because _.A. she believed she had the knowledge and experience to offer guidanceB. she did no

53、t want to disappoint Rebecca who needed her help so much C. she wanted to help Rebecca realize her dreams of becoming a writerD. she was afraid Rebeccas imagination might run wild while writing65.Whats the authors advice for parents?A. A writing career, though attractive, is not for every child to p

54、ursue.B. Children should be allowed freedom to grow through experience.C. Parents should keep an eye on the activities their kids engage in. D. Children should be given every chance to voice their opinions.DWhen it comes to intelligence, human beings are the top dogs of the animal kingdom. But in re

55、cent years, scientists have been documenting surprising intelligence and emotional depth in animals ranging from honeybees to elephants. Here are some amazing examples.Artistic Monkey BusinessJanet Schmid, director of the Little River Zoo in Norman, Oklahoma, learned a lot about the intelligence of

56、capuchin monkeys. She and her husband adopted a young male, named Bailey. The capuchin particularly liked taking car rides, insisting that he insert the key and ride in the front passengers seat. Now Bailey has become a devoted painter. He uses brushes to create colorful, abstract paintings, and pre

57、fers not to be disturbed.Prairie Dog SoundThrough a variety of birdlike sounds, prairie dogs warn each other of approaching creatures. They demonstrate a surprisingly complex communication system. In his 25 years of study, Slobodchikoff, a professor of biology, has recorded them pronouncing ten noun

58、s including hawk, deer and coyote, a number of adjectives to identify color, size and shape, and even some verbs to indicate speed.In an ongoing study, Slobodchikoff learns that their brain contains a very extensive vocabulary. He once used his best prairie dog sound to say coyote, and they just loo

59、ked at him in anger as if he had said a bad word.One African grey parrot Alex is said to have the cognitive abilities of a five-year-old child. Alex can identify 50 different objects, seven colors, five shapes, quantities up to six, and the concepts of bigger, smaller, same and different.Also Alex i

60、s considered to make reasoned decisions. During an experiment, researchers gave Alex different-colored blocks in sets of two, three and six. When asked which color group had five blocks, Alex replied, “None.”And he answered the same in repeated tests. Obviously, he interpreted the concept of “none”

61、as an absence of quantity all on his own. Thats a lot like a high school student answering questions on a quiz show.66. Which of the following is true?A. Bailey is as clever as a child of five. B. The prairie dog loves taking car rides.C. The capuchin monkey is fond of painting. D. Alex develops a c

62、ommunication system.67. The underlined word “coyote” in Paragraph 4 refers to .A. a verbB. an animal C. a warningD. an adjective68. The African grey parrot Alex can .A. answer questions on a quiz showB. understand the figure “7”C. identify five colors and seven shapesD. apply the concept of “none” c

63、orrectlyEHOW TO BOOKBooking opens for Beckett Shorts on 8 SeptemberBY TELEPHONEFor credit card bookings. Calls are answered.BOX OFFICE01789 295623 9am8pm(MonSat)0541 541051(24 hours, 7 days, no booking charge).BY FAXFor credit card bookings. Please allow at least 48 hours for reply, if required.BOX

64、OFFICE01789 261974 or 01862 387765BY POSTPlease enclose (附上) a cheque or credit card details together with an SAE or add 50p to the total amount to cover postage. Please send to the Box Office, RST, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6BB.Booking opens for all other plays on 19 September.IN PERSONBOX OFFICEFS

65、T hall, 9:30am8pm(MonSat)(6pm when theatres are closed)OVERSEAS BOOKINGThe easiest method of payment is by credit card. You can also pay by Eurocheque(up to 500)with your card number written on the back.PAYING FOR YOUR TICKETSCREDIT CARDSWe accept Visa, Master Card, American Express and Diners Club.

66、 Please give the card number, name and address of cardholder.CHEQUESCheques and postal orders should be payable to Royal Shakespeare Theatre.69. In which of the following ways of booking does one probably have to pay extra money?A. In person B. By telephone C. By fax D. By post70. What is a useful n

67、umber to call at l1am Sunday?A. 01789 295623 B. 0541 541051 C. 01789 261974 D. 01862 387765第三部分 语法专项练习(共15小题:每小题0.5分, 满分7.5分)71. Mr. White promised to help me and _ the next day.A. neither he did B. so he did C. neither did heD. so did he72. Among these books _ a dictionary that his father gave him

68、as a birthday present.A. have includedB. is included C. has includedD. are included73. He must be helping the old man to water the flowers, _? A. is heB. isnt he C. must heD. mustnt he74. Ill pay a visit to Hong Kong. Would you mind keeping an eye on my house?Not at all. _.A. Id rather notB. Id be h

69、appy C. Ive no time D. Id like to75. He told this to somebody else, not realizing that he _.A. didnt supposeB. was not supposedC. didnt suppose toD. was not supposed to76. She says she doesnt want to visit me again.Well, she _.A. is toB. does toC. is to visitD. is to do77. So difficult _ it to work

70、out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice. A. I did findB. did I findC. I have foundD. have I found78. Ants are the most common life form on earth. _ tiny, their combined weight is greater than that of the combined weight of all humans.A. Though B. Even so C. Even though D. As if79. It wa

71、s not until dark_ he found _ he thought was the way to solve the problem. A. that; what B. that; that C. when; what D. when; that 80. Was it in front of the market_ the road accident happened yesterday? A. where B. that C. which D. why81.If _, the bird flu would produce a powerful poison that would

72、kill the patients.A. not treat B. not treated C. untreated D. Both B and C82. Most of the top leaders expressed a common desire at the UN conference, _that different cultures _ coexist with tolerance.A. the one ; must B. the one ; should C. the one ; must D. one ; / should83. _, he does get annoyed

73、with her sometimes.A. Although much he loves her B. Much as he loves herC. As he loved her much D. Much although he loves her 84. What did she want to know , Tom ? She wondered we could complete the experiment.A. when was it B. it was when that C. it was when D. when it was that 85. Do you think the

74、y have as many books as theyve described? Well, in my opinion, they have few books, if .A. some B. any C. none D. many 第四部分 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,并按照题目要求用英语回答问题。The world is moving so fast these days that if you do not have the right education, you could get left behind. Technology touches ev

75、ery part of our daily liveseven the fast food industry relies on computer assisted systems to speed things to their customers. If you cannot figure out the computer at your local fast food shop, where will that leave you? Once upon a time, you could have a good life with nothing more than a high sch

76、ool diploma, but those times are gone now. Competition for even the lowest level jobs is fierce, and most employers will give the edge to that extra education now. Jobs that never required a degree before now will certainly be given to the most educated candidate as markets grow tighter and tighter.

77、Education is not only important on the job front, however. Recent studies show that continually learning will keep your brain more healthy. The more active you keep your brain now, the more active it will remain in the long run. It does make sense if you think about it: if you start jogging, your bo

78、dy feels healthier after a while and will actually long for exercise. The same could probably be said for your brain: make it work to learn something new, and it will continually seek out the stimulation (刺激) of new information to keep itself sharp. Education is important for your sense of self and

79、self-esteem. If you allow yourself to think that you are poorly educated, you therefore deserved an old car, small house and poor life. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and take charge of your own fate. Realize that you are a different person now and evaluate why you did so poorly in the past. Was it

80、 because you just could not learn, or because you did not want to focus on your education at that time? You are an adult now and will be more focused and goal driven. Never say no to education, never say no to yourself.86. Why does the author mention “the fast food industry” in the first paragraph?

81、(no more than l0 words)87. How can you make your brain sharp according to this passage? (no more than 10 words)88. What does the underlined phrase “give the edge to” mean?(no more than 3 words)89. What should you do to stop feeling sorry and take charge of your fate? (no more than 20words)90. In you

82、r opinion, why is education very important?(no more than 15 words)86. _87. _88._89._90. _2018届高三年级英语统练(五)参考答案听 力: 1 5 ABBCB 6 10 CBCBC 11 15 ACBBA单项填空:16 20 BABAA 21 25 CDCDB 26 30 BCBAA完形填空:31 35 DBACA36 40 CDACB41 45 DBCBA46 50 DBACD阅读理解:51 - 55BCDCB56 60 ADCBC61 - 65DBCAB 66 - 70CBDDB 语 法:71 75 B

83、BBDD 76 80 ABAAB 81 - 85 DDBDB阅读表达:86. To show technology touches all aspects of our life Or: To tell us technology touches every part of our life. Or: Technology affects our daily life in every aspect. Or: To tell us that we cant break away from technology.87. By making it work to learn something n

84、ew. Or: By making use of it to learn something new.88. Prefer/Value/Favor/Like/Pay attention to/Focus on. 89. Realize that you are a different person now and evaluate why you did so poorly then. Or: You should know you have changed now, and can do much better than ever before.90. Because education can help us find good jobs and build up our confidence. Or: Because we can achieve our goals through the right education. Or: Because we can achieve our goals with education. Education can change our fates and realize our dreams.


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