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《名校》2022届天津市南开区高三一模英语试题 含答案.docx

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1、20212022学年度“三月高考”南开区模拟考试试卷高三英语笔试本试卷分第1卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共130分,考试用时100分钟,第I卷1至12页,第II卷13至16页。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名,准考证号填写在答题卡上,并在指定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答卷时,考生务必将答案涂写在答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。祝各位考生考试顺利!第I卷注意事项:1. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需修改,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。2. 本卷共55小题,共95分。第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项

2、填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。例:Stand over there_ youll be able to see it better.A.orB.andC.butD.while答案是B.1. _?Will you please get me some medicine so that I can have a good sleep?A.How are you feelingB.So whatC.Is there anything wrongD. Can I help you2. The_on Sarahs face told

3、me that she got annoyed.A. confidenceB. expressionC. appearanceD. impression3. -I have a few more questions for you.Why do you want to leave so_?I have to catch the last bus.A. poorlyB. badlyC. easilyD. far4. When I started off trying to_being shy, I decided to do little steps at a time, including p

4、racticing smiling and saying hi to people.A. go overB. get overC. turn overD. take over5. There was no sign of a break-in, so the thieves_someone on the inside helping them.A.might haveB.should have hadC.could haveD.must have had6. The biggest challenge at the initial phase was to persuade people to

5、 work for me,_was totally outside my experience.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. who7. Most notable of these is Chinas discovery of an ice-like substance,_as fire ice, under the South China Sea.A. knowingB. to be knownC. having knownD. known8. Increased light pollution globally means that the starry nights

6、that once inspired artist such as Vincent van Gogh_much more difficult to observe over the past century.A. becomeB. have becomeC. becameD. are becoming9. _food delivery services bring convenience, they let students form some lazy habits.A. AsB. BecauseC. WhileD. Whatever10. Paul has always regretted

7、_harder at school when he was young.A. not having studiedB. not being studiedC. not studyingD. not to study11. Please tell me_you would like to have your coffee-black or white?A. whatB. whereC. whichD. how12. -May I take this seat?-_. A. I dont mindB. Go aheadC. It doesnt matterD. Do it please13. I

8、shall_the loss of my laptop computer in the newspaper, with a reward for the finder.A. informB. advertiseC. announceD. publish14.You can only realize how hard this job is_you really experience it.A. unlessB. untilC. whenD. before15._the vast knowledge that we have accumulated, there are still many u

9、nsolvednatural mysteries out there.A. ButB. DespiteC. Instead ofD. Within第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,将短文内容补充完整。It started with a dogwood(山茱英)tree.I was in Ohio when my mother died on a cold day in February, and everything was 16 .A few weeks into my gr

10、ief (悲痛),my uncle suggested planting a tree in her 17 .He had visited my parents decades before during a California spring.They drove down a neighborhood street 18 blooming(盛开的)dogwood trees and ever since, the 19 of a dogwood reminded him of my mom.We planted the dogwood in May. Its gray trunk was

11、as thin as my mothers arms.It lay in the 20 much like her ashes(骨灰)would settle on the rocky soil of the Rocky Mountains five years later.Planting a living thing to 21 her hard life that ended too soon soothed(抚慰)my heart.This tree would be a symbol of her, something I could 22 despite all Id lost.M

12、y mother could make anything 23 .She possessed not just green thumbs but green hands and a nature that could raise anything but 24 .As a young adult, I was never good at cultivation(培养)opportunities, relationships, flowers. 25distance and poor health,my relationship with my mom never got the 26 to b

13、lossom like Id hoped.But my moms dogwood grew. Its 28 pushed into the hard soil;its white blossoms 29 like stars every June. This tree gave me hope that life goes on 29 the past.Soon I began buying other plants. Without explanations, these plants 30 thrived(旺盛)under my care. And I grew, too, learnin

14、g how to 31 them. So many lessons that nature already knew, that my mother must have known but didnt have time to 32 , I applied to my own life.A part of me believes this is my mothers 33 she gave to me after death - the ability to encourage and celebrate 34 where there was none, to make flowers app

15、ear out of dirt. It is her reminder to find the good in whatever Im 35 , and a promise that wherever she is, it is beautiful.Though she has been gone for more than 14 years,I can still find her in my garden.16. A. ColdB. colorlessC. falseD. delicate17. A.companyB. favorC. memoryD. place18. A.lined w

16、ithB. made ofC. flooded withD. loaded with19. A.existenceB. sight C. heightD. wonder20. A.airB. heavenC. waterD. ground21. A.honorB. protectC. valueD. claim22. A.live up toB. adapt toC. hold on toD. catch up to23. A.appearB. riseC. applaudD. grow24. A herselfB. itselfC. themselvesD. myself25. A. Far

17、 fromB. Because ofC. In face ofD. Apart from26. A. seasonB. chanceC. situationD. moment27. A. branchesB. seedsC. rootsD. leaves28. A. failedB. smeltC. remainedD. exploded29. A. in spite ofB. in case ofC. in regard toD. in addition to30. A. properlyB. slightlyC. frequentlyD. suddenly31. A. tendB. pro

18、tectC. waterD. appreciate32. A. learnB. shareC. draw D. apply33. A. lessonB. secretC. giftD. letter34. A. traditionB. holidaysC. victoryD. life35. A. TakenB. handedC. remindedD. convinced第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A,B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。AOne of the aspects that requires more research

19、when planning your journey to learn English in the United States is your accommodation choice. After all, this will be the place where you will rest after school hours and after having fun in your host city, as well as where you will relax, study, eat, shower. And be sure of something choosing the r

20、ight accommodation can even help you improve your English language skills!TALK English Schools offers different accommodation options so you can choose the best alternative according to your personality and preferences, the time you plan to spend studying in the United States and, most importantly,

21、the one that best fits your budget.HomestayHomestay is one of the most popular and economic options for international students. You will occupy a bedroom in an American family home, having a real cultural experience and practicing English outside the classroom. Families participating in the TALK Hom

22、estay Program are selected, for their convenience of access from home to school via public transportation. In exchange for your accommodation in a safe and comfortable environment, you will participate in family activities, contribute to house chores (家务活) and get involved with the local community.D

23、ifferent meal plan options are available. It is such a rich experience that its very common for students to keep a good relationship with their host families even after returning to their home country.Student ResidenceGaining or securing your independence and sharing your experiences with other stud

24、ents of different nationalities are some of the advantages of student residences. These accommodations are usually closer to schools,eventually within walking distance, and you can share your room with one or two people-sharing expenses will help you save for more fun times during your stay!Other gr

25、eat advantages of residences are comfort and practicality. Some offer furnished(带家具的) studio apartments with kitchen, TV and the possibility of enjoying the amenities (便利设施) of common spaces such as laundry, pools, bike racks.36. Who is the passage mainly intended for?A. International students in th

26、e USA.B. TALK English Schools staff.C. English learners in the USA.D. Foreign students who want to study at TALK English Schools.37. According to the passage, what is the primary factor for the students to choose a perfect accommodation?A. Their personality and preferences.B. Their ability to pay.C.

27、 The length of time in the USA.D. Conditions of residence.38. What can we learn from Para.3 and Para.4?A. Homestay students will share bedrooms with host families.B. Homestay families will provide pick-up service.C. Homestay students must take part in daily activities of the host family.D. Homestay

28、is cheaper than Student Residence.39. What facilities are likely to be provided in Student Residence?A. A kitchen and a laptop.B. A swimming pool and a washing machine.C. A bicycle and a TV set.D. A cupboard and a suitcase.40. Which of the following is the passage taken from?A. A technical instructi

29、on book. B. A university newspaper.C. A residency contract. D. A language school website. BYasmin, a two-year-old from Bodmin, Cornwall, the UK, was playing with a toy in a local park on Sunday when a bird grabbed it away. Her father, Matthew Blanchard, said the gull(鸥)“dived in and grabbed” the dol

30、l, named Baby, when Yasmin dropped it while walking.The gull eventually dropped the toy on the roof of a nearby school and it was rescued from there by some workers.Mr.Blanchard said: “Yasmin was happily playing on the swings and taking her baby down the slide. There were lots of seagulls in the par

31、k, and she managed to drop the baby as she was walking up the hill.The seagull took the opportunity and dived in and grabbed it.”Mr.Blanchard said Yasmin was “crying” as other gulls joined in, fighting for the toy. “I thought once it realised it wasnt food it would let it go, but then all the other

32、seagulls thought it had some food on it, so they all dive-bombed the baby dolly,” he added.One of the gulls got hold of the doll and took it up onto the roof of a nearby school, where it eventually dropped it.“I had to get her out of the park because she was so upset,” Mr.Blanchard said.“I convinced

33、 her that somebody would be able to get it down for her another day, but I couldnt see any way of us getting it back.” Mr.Blanchard said his daughter was so upset she talked about nothing else over the following days.The family contacted Bodmin Town Council who sent a worker to get the doll back on

34、Tuesday enabling a reunion between Yasmin and Baby that evening. “It was just a small gesture which meant a lot to Yasmin. She was over the moon when she got that baby back and she hasnt let it go since.” Mr.Blanchard said.Marie Tonkin-Couch,the council receptionist who dealt with the request,said:

35、“The member of staff was a bit surprised when we asked them to go and get the doll, but it was an easy rescue as they just needed to climb up a ladder.” Ms Tonkin-Couch said she had not heard of a gull stealing someones toy before. “It was nice to be able to get it back to her when you have kids, yo

36、u know how precious toys are to them. It was a happy ending.”41. Yasmin cried out because_.A. she saw lots of seagulls around herB. baby was taken away by seagullsC. she dropped her toyD. some seagulls grabbed her food42. what can we learn from Paragraph 3?A. Mr.Blanchard fought against the seagulls

37、 for the toy.B. The seagulls finally gave up on the doll.C. The seagulls dive-bombed Yasmin for food.D. There was some food on the doll.43. How did Mr.Blanchand comfort his daughter?A. By taking her to school workers for help.B. By promising her to get the toy back.C. By convincing her that the doll

38、 would come back on its own another day.D. By constantly talking to her about the incident.44. The underlined part “over the moon” in Para. 5 probably means _. A. on the jumpB. out of her sensesC. over the topD. in high spirits45. What was the response of the school staff to the request to rescue Ba

39、by?A They thought it was funny.B.They were confused.C.They could hardly believe it at first.D. They felt annoyed.CA world-champion body builder has no more muscles than does a 90-pound person who is physically weak. So what makes him so strong? What other qualities does he need?Muscles are made of t

40、housands of stringy fibers-a number that is fixed during childhood-which contract(收缩)when doing work. Strength does not depend on the number of fibers but on the function of their thickness and how many of them contract at the same time.Exercise actually damages the muscles. During the recovery stag

41、e, the muscle fibers increase in size. Exercise also trains more muscle fibers to work at one time. If a muscle is weak or untrained, for example, only 10 percent of its fibers will contract, whereas up to 90 percent of the fibers in a weight lifters biceps(二头肌)will contract.Aside from the strength,

42、 two other factors go into making an athlete: fitness and endurance. Fitness is related to the condition of the heart. During exercises,there is an increase in the amount of blood returning to the heart from the muscles. A typical volume for a runner at rest is about 5 quarts a minute, compared with

43、 30 quarts during a vigorous trial(运动测试). This greater volume means more work for the heart-a muscular balloon that expands and contract is to take in blood and push it out. Like any other muscle, the heart enlarges and gets stronger with routine exercise.Endurance, or the length of time muscles can

44、 work, depends in part on how much fuelin this case sugar-the muscles can store. A muscle that is continually exercised until it runs out of sugar tends to store more when it refuels at the next meal. And more sugar can translate into greater endurance the next time the muscle is put to the test.46.

45、 What determines the strength of a world-champion body builder?A. The thickness of fibers and the number of those contracting contemporarily.B. The number of fibers and the amount of exercise he does at the same time.C. The function of fibers and their thickness.D. The function of fibers and their r

46、ecovery.47. What effect does exercise have on muscle fibers according to the passage?A. It helps fibers more easily to contract.B. It makes fibers increase quickly in size.C. It makes more fibers weak or untrained.D. It helps more fibers to work at one time.48. What does the author mean by saying “t

47、his greater volume means more work for the heart ”?A.The heart bears the task of making more blood during a vigorous trial.B. The heart needs to bear the fast heart beating during a vigorous trial.C. The heart takes in more blood and pushes it out during a vigorous trial.D. The heart enlarges and be

48、comes stronger routinely during a vigorous trial.49. What could be inferred from the last paragraph?A. The more sugar muscles store, the thicker the fibers in them become.B. The more sugar a muscle consumes, the less it tends to store next time.C. The more sugar the muscles of an athlete store, the

49、longer time they can work.D. The amount of sugar in muscles largely depends on when they refuel at the nest meal.50. What could be the best title for the passage?A. Strong Heart and World-championB. Strength, Fitness and EnduranceC. Body Building and MusclesD. Resources of StrengthDMy generation-peo

50、ple born after 1990-are accustomed toall-in-platformlife, where we use mobile apps of different platforms to do almost everything in life.For instance, I ordered a cup of coffee on Monday using an online delivery app. Then, I called a taxi by tapping on the app of a ride-booking service. Next, I bou

51、ght some necessities on shopping platform Taobao.That done, I moved on to various other online destinations to get my daily fix of music, reading, social networking and so forth.Platforms now play an increasingly important role in almost all aspects of day-to-day life, not just in economic and polit

52、ical processes. Consumption and social interaction are closely linked to platforms now.But, I began to get confused recently. I thought I was being treated differently. My friend and I called a taxi at the same time on a ride-hailing platform(打车平台)and found that for the same destination,the prices w

53、ere different. The price indicated on my phone was higher. One of the potential reasons could have been that I regularly use the ride-hailing platform and have a higher ranking while my friend doesnt use it that often. So,the ride-hailing platform offers discounts to newbies like her, to attract and

54、 have such customers.Chinas latest efforts in regulating monopolistic or improper market behavior are of great significance in protecting consumers lawful rights.“The essence of platform-based monopoly(垄断)is that a large number of users are gathered on only a select few platform companies,leading to

55、 uneven data gathering different platforms. But in China some platforms use their own data and traffic (流量) to expand capital in a disorderly way,” said Wang Yong, deputy director of the Institute of Economics at Tinghua University.Date monopoly also brought another inconvenience for comumers -platf

56、orms block links to each other. For instance, link to WeChat Pay of Tencent is not available on Alibubas Taobao while there is no Alipay link on JD apps payment options.Last year, Meituan was charged with preventing customers from using Alipay as a payment option on Meituan apps and platforms.In Jul

57、y, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched a six-month special rectification(专项治理)for the internet industry, asking platform operators to stop blocking each others link.“More efforts should also be made to strike a good balance between personal information protection and interco

58、nnectivity between platforms Companies are being encouraged to further develop data encryption(加密)technology so that the data are available but not visible.”51. What is the authors purpose in writing Para.2? A. To offer some tips on using apps on mobile phone.B. To share his experience with mobile a

59、pps.C. To further explain what is all-in-platform life.D. To help readers familiarize themselves with mobile apps.52. What could be inferred from Paragraph 4?A. The author encountered so called “big data price discrimination”.B. The author and his friend were treated differently by taxi drivers.C. D

60、ue to the authors higher ranking,the platform offered him a cheaper price.D. The ride-hailing platform offers discounts to regular customers.53. The purpose of the platforms blocking each others links is_.A. to gather personal informationB. to expand capitalC. to protect consumers rightsD. to use th

61、eir data and traffic wisely54.What is the authors attitude towards data monopoly?A. Sympathetic.B. Approving.C. Critical.D. Grateful.55.What does the passage focus on?A. Data monopolies and the inconvenience they bring to mobile app life.B. Mobile apps have greatly changed our lives.C. How to protec

62、t personal information on mobile apps.D. Platforms have impacted every aspect of our daily lives.第II卷注意事项:1.用黑色墨水的钢笔或签字笔将答案写在答题卡上。2.本卷共6题,共35分。第三部分:写作得分第一节:阅读下面短文,按照要求用英语回答问题。(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)I love beautiful scenery as much as others do,but I have always focused downwards wherever I walk. I love f

63、inding unexpected treasures - the habit likely goes back to my childhood. Even today, I engage in this obsession while walking the dog up and down the river park, Don Valley.In January 2019, a few days after an unusually heavy snowfall, I was struggling through the Don Valley as usual with my dog. S

64、now days are not the best for treasure hunting, so I was surprised to see a shiny gold beneath the snow near the bottom of a hill. I carefully took out a ring decorated with a Cartier logo.I walked into the local coffee shop neartby to see if anybody had reported lost jewelry. Sadly,they had no news

65、,so I headed home to print up flyers(传单) to post around the neighborhood. I also tried a local Facebook group.I waited and waited but nobody called to lay claim to my small treasure.After putting it on the shelf, I eventually forgot all about it. That is, until many months later when our daughter Ka

66、tie came back home for holiday. She happened to see the ring when reaching a book.With far better eyesight, she soon noticed the tiny letters on the inside of the ring that read,Omar and Yoshi. It was so obviously important to them. I promise to do whatever I could to track down this couple.We searc

67、hed through years of wedding notices but there was nothing on record for those two names. Frustrated(感到沮丧),I began to give up hope, then had one last thought: why not call Cartier stores in the city? I called one store. An understandably confused gentleman listened to my story, went silent for a mom

68、ent and then stated that the ring was totally untraceable(无迹可寻的). He apologized, and I was about to hang up when he suddenly asked if I had found a name on the ring. I told him just the first name, Omar.“Omar?” he said excitedly. “Omar and Yoshi?”After nearly a whole year, I finally made it to retur

69、n my small treasture to Omar andYoshi.56. What does the underlined word in Para.I mean? (1 word)57. What is the main idea of Para.2? (no more than 15 words)58. Why didnt the author find the names on the ring? (no more than 10 words)59. How did the author find the owner? (no more than 5 words)60. Wha

70、t do you think of the author? Please explain. (no more than 20 words)第二节:书面表达(满分25分)61.假设你是晨光中学的李津。下周你校将开展主题为“My favourite traditional Chinese festival”的英语演讲比赛,请你根据以下提示撰写一篇演讲稿:(1)你最喜欢的一个中国传统节日;(2)介绍该节日的特色;(3)阐述你喜欢该节日的原因(如:意义、感受等)。注意:(1)词数不少于100;(2)可适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯;(3)开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。Hello, everyone! Its my honor to speak here. Today I want to talk about my favorite traditional Chinese festival.答案:学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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