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《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 23 PERIOD 5(北师大版选修八课标通版).doc

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《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 23 PERIOD 5(北师大版选修八课标通版).doc_第1页
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《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 23 PERIOD 5(北师大版选修八课标通版).doc_第8页
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1、Unit 23 Conflict Period FiveCommunication Workshop 课时精练(北师大版选修8,课标通用)时间:30分钟.单词拼写1Before you climb up the ladder,make sure that it is s_.2His income is not enough to meet the_(开销)of his family.3I know little of the players so my choice of them for the team will be_(随意地)4A doctor shouldnt give away_(

2、秘密的)information about patients.5The organization is planning to_(赞助)many charity activities for the poor.6The country has to i_food from other countries.7The army refused to take in the young man for he was physically_(不健壮的)8We_(打算)to go to Australia next year.9Sharing activities can_(加强)the bond be

3、tween family members.10He who p_(拥有) such luxuries is never from a poor family.答案1.stable2.expense3.arbitrary4.confidential5sponsor6.import7.unfit8.intend9.strengthen10possesses.完成句子1用这个自行车锻炼了一个月后,感觉好像是我一点儿也没有锻炼。After using the bike for a month _ I have done no exercise at all.2事实上,尽管我严格按照说明书操作,但我使用

4、自行车越多,我的体重似乎增加得越多。In fact,_ I use the bike,_ I seem to put on,_ the instruction manual carefully.3我很担心,以致于我去看了医生,医生告诉我不要担心,因为我的心跳很正常。I was _ I went to see the doctor,who told me not to worry _ my heart beat was perfectly normal.4如果在接下来的三周之内我得不到令人满意的答复,我将采取进一步的行动。_ I receive a positive reply within t

5、he next three weeks,I _.答案1.it is as though2.the more;the more weight;despite following3.so worried that;as4.Unless;intend to take further action.单项填空1When you are home,give a call to let me know you_ safely.Aare arrivingBhave arrivedChad arrived Dwill arrive 解析句意:你到家时打个电话给我,让我知道你已安全抵达。从语境看,打电话时对方已安

6、全抵达,因此从句要用现在完成时态。答案B2Nobody knows for sure who possessed the ancient flower vase.In other words,nobody knows for sure who is_ the flower vase. Ain possession of Bin the possession ofCon the possession of Don possession of解析句意:没有人确切地知道这个古老的花瓶是谁的。A项in possession of拥有,主语通常是人;B项 in the possession of 为某人

7、所拥有,主语通常是物;C、D两项介词搭配错误。答案A3Difficulties and hardships have _ the best character of the young geologist.Abrought in Bbrought outCbrought up Dbrought about解析句意:困难和艰辛已经把这个年轻的地质学家最好的品性展现了出来。bring in“引入,赚进”;bring out“使显现,使表现出”;bring up“抚养,提出”;bring about“导致,引起”。答案B4The building around the corner caught f

8、ire last night.The police are now_ the matter.Agetting through Bworking outClooking into Dwatching over解析句意:拐角处的大楼昨晚着火了,警察正在调查这件事情。get through“通过,接通”;work out“算出,制定出”;watch over“照看,监督”;look into“调查”,符合句意。答案C5Nowadays,people sometimes _ their waste to make it easier for it to be reused.Aset out Bgive

9、 out Csort out Drun out解析句意:近来,人们有时把垃圾分类来让它更容易循环利用。set out“动身,出发”;give out“散发,发出”;sort out“挑选出,整理”;run out“用完,耗尽”。答案C6I have got a headache.No wonder.You_in front of that computer too long.Awork Bare workingChave been working Dworked解析句意:我有点头疼。难怪。你在电脑前工作时间太长了。由句意可知: 在电脑前是长时间持续的动作,have been working为现

10、在完成进行时态,既表动作的延续性又可用来表示说话人的态度,在本句中表说话者责备的态度。答案C7Look,it is a bit cloudy.It looks as if it _.Ais going to rain Bwould rainChad rained Drained解析句意:看,有点阴天。好像要下雨了。考查as if引导的表语从句,天要下雨,是与阴天这一事实相符的,用陈述语气。而且这一动作表将来,故A项符合语境。答案A8The computer programs are a puzzle to me.The more I think of them,_.Athe more ques

11、tions I think of to askBI think of more questions to askCthe more questions do I think of to askDthe more questions I think of to be asked解析句意:计算机程序对我来说是个迷惑。我考虑得越多,就能想起更多的问题去问。the more.the more.句型,意为: 越就越,仅是一种形式上的倒装,the more提至句首,主谓并不倒装,故排除B、C两项;A项 the more questions I think of to ask实质上就是: I think o

12、f more questions to ask。主语是动作的发出者,故用主动形式作定语,故排除D项。答案A9_well prepared a gymnast is,he still needs a lot of luck in performing.AWhatever BAlthough CNo matter DHowever解析句意:无论一个体操运动员准备得多充分,在比赛中仍然需要很多运气。此处howeverno matter how“无论多么”,引导让步状语从句。答案D10Did you go to the party last night?Yes.And Id rather_.It wa

13、s so_.Anot go;bored Bnot have gone;excitingCnot have gone;boring Dgo;interesting解析句意:你去参加昨晚的晚会了吗?是的。不过,我宁愿不参加。那太没意思了。考查句式would rather do。参加晚会是发生在过去的事情,故用完成时have done,结合第二个空意思:枯燥,令人心烦,排除A、B、D三项。答案C11The day I had been looking forward to_at last.Acoming BcomeCcame Dto come解析句意:我一直盼望的那一天终于到来了。I had bee

14、n looking forward to为定语从句,修饰先行词the day。在空格处缺少谓语动词,故选C。答案C12_ many times,he finally understood it.ATold BTellingCHaving told DHaving been told解析句意:在被告知很多次之后,他最终弄明白了。考查分词用来作状语,主语he与动词tell是被动关系,而且从句动作发生在主句动词之前,故用现在分词的完成时,故选D。答案D13Police are now searching for a woman who is reported to_since the flood h

15、it the area last Friday.Ahave been missing Bhave got lostCbe missing Dget lost解析句意:警察正在搜寻一位女士,据报道,自从上周五洪水袭击该地区后,她就失踪了。who is reported to用来作定语修饰a woman,可转化为:a woman is reported to,结合时间状语since the flood hit the area last Friday可知应用完成时态,而have got lost不与时间段连用。答案A14The scientist was rewarded by the gover

16、nment for_ such a great contribution to the country.Amake BmakingCbeing made Dhaving made解析句意:那个科学家因对国家做出了巨大的贡献而被政府授奖。介词for后应跟动名词,可排除A项;而做出了巨大的贡献是发生在主句动作之前故用having made。答案D15Peter,where did you guys go for the summer vacation?We_busy with our work for months,so we went to the beach to relax ourselve

17、s. Awere Bhave beenChad been Dwill be解析句意:彼得,你们这些年轻人去哪里过暑假了?几个月以来我们一直在忙工作,因此我们去海边放松了一下。由句意可知“忙工作”是发生在去度假之前,而度假这一动作是发生在过去,因此应用过去完成时态。答案C.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。_1_To respect something means to hold something in the highest regard and to treat something with honor. Can you think of s

18、omething or someone that you respect? Think about the reasons why you respect someone or something. In order to be successful in this class,it is important to be guided by the four rules of respect.Respect yourself. Give yourself every opportunity to be successful. _2_ Be prepared to learn. Work har

19、d. Do your own work. You have the power to be your own best friend or your worst enemy. _3_ Everybody has a right to learn. Dont interfere with that right by disturbing class in any way. Work quietly and do not disturb others. Listen when others are talking,and raise your hand so as not to interrupt

20、. Dont put down or discourage the ideas of others,even when they may be different from your own. Respect your teachers. _4_ Let the teacher be your guide. Pay attention to what the teacher is speaking and ask questions when you dont understand. Follow directions. Stay in your seat. Never leave the c

21、lassroom until the class is dismissed. Respect your school. Take pride in your school; treat the school building as if it were your own home. Follow the school rules listed in your student agenda(议程). (Be on time. No eating or drinking. Leave jackets,hats and electronic devices in lockers. Use appro

22、priate language.) _5_ Classroom rules are necessary for our right to learn and success!ARules of respectBRespect your classmates.CCome to classroom on time every day.DDevelop a good habit of studying.EAs long as you respect others,they can respect you.FTeachers teach because they want to help studen

23、ts learn.GThese rules exist to help create the most possible learning environment for you. 1.解析主题型。 从第一段的最后一句话“In order to be successful in this class,it is important to be guided by the four rules of respect.”及下文介绍的四个规则可知本文主要讲尊重的几个方面的要求,故选A。答案A2解析 承上启下型。因本段的主题是尊重你自己,所以内容就应该是尊重自己该做的事情。C与D项都与个人有关。但从下

24、文的“Be prepared to learn.”来看,C项更合适。答案C 3解析主题型。从本段内容来看,都是尊重班级里其他人该做的事情。B与E项与其有关。但是本段没有介绍其他人会尊重你的内容,且作为段落主题,B项更简练。答案B4解析承上启下型。只有本项与教师有关。答案F5解析本段介绍了学校的规则,故G项适合。答案G.书面表达假如你是李华,不久前,你在一家商店买了一台电脑,但当你把它带回去时,却发现出了问题,为此你写信给经理投拆。要点包括:1.进行投诉;2.描述问题;3.要求赔偿。注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3参考词汇:投诉complaints赔偿金compens

25、ation根据提示,组句成篇1我写信给你,对昨天下午在你店买的电脑进行投诉。2我把它拿到办公室后发现电脑无法正常关机。3我点击关机按纽时,看起来电脑没有任何反应。4很明显,在卖电脑之前,你们没有仔细检查过。5我坚决要求你们给我一个满意的答复。_【参考范文】Dear manager,I write this letter to you to make some complaints about the computer I bought in your store yesterday afternoon. Theres something wrong with it. That makes me

26、 extremely unhappy.The computer cannot be properly shut down when I got it back to the office. When I click the shutdown button, it seems that the machine gives no response. And Im so annoyed with it.Its obvious that you didnt carefully examine the machine before you sold it. I think your store should take full responsibility for selling me the defective machine. I insist that you give me a satisfactory reply. I do want you to give back my money as soon as possible.Sincerely yours,Li Hua


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