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《三维设计》2013高一英语教师用书课下作业:UNIT 3 SECTION Ⅰ语言点一应用落实(北师大版必修1).doc

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《三维设计》2013高一英语教师用书课下作业:UNIT 3 SECTION Ⅰ语言点一应用落实(北师大版必修1).doc_第1页
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《三维设计》2013高一英语教师用书课下作业:UNIT 3 SECTION Ⅰ语言点一应用落实(北师大版必修1).doc_第2页
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1、.用所给词的适当形式填空1After (graduate) Helen went into accountancy (会计工作)答案:graduation2Ive seen Jana with them on several (occasion)答案:occasions3It had become a (traditional) in our hometown to stay up all night on New Years Eve.答案:tradition4There were twelve of us, (include) me and Tom.答案:including5Its Dads

2、 birthday and were going out for a meal to (celebration)答案:celebrate6The president is the most (power) man in America and probably the world.答案:powerful7Beyond the glittering street was (dark)答案:darkness8We (decorate) the Christmas tree with gifts and lights.答案:decorated.单项填空1Many audiences listened

3、 to his speech very attentively from the very beginning to the end, my parents _.AincludedBcontainingCincluding Dbesides解析:句意:包括我父母在内的很多听众从头到尾仔细地倾听了他的演讲。一方面,my parents 是被包括在很多听众整体中的,因此用 included 或者 including。而所填词在 my parents 后,因此选 included。答案:A2He has _ the army for five years according to his fathe

4、r.Ajoined Bjoined inCserved Dserved in解析:“参军”可以用 join the army,但 join 是终止性动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语 for five years 连用; serve in the army 表示“在军队服兵役”,符合题意。答案:D3It is the _ of TV that can make a person suddenly famous.Apower BenergyCforce Dstrength解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这就是电视的力量,它能让一个人突然间走红。energy “能量”;force “强迫力;武力、暴力”

5、;strength “力量,力气”;power “能力,影响力,权力”。故选A。答案:A4On one _, he let out a secret of his company and was punished. Aoccasion BtimeCchance Dtimes解析:句意:有一次,他泄露了公司的秘密并受到了惩罚。 occasion “某次的时候”;at one time “曾经,一度”。C、D两项均无与 on 搭配的情况。答案:A5A great number of houses were_ in the earthquake in Japan.Adestroyed Binjure

6、dChurt Ddamaged解析:句意:日本地震中大量房屋被摧毁了。destroy“破坏,毁坏”符合句意。injure“受伤;受损害”;hurt“伤害”;damage意为“损坏”,但其损坏的程度要比destroy轻,通常还可以进行修复。答案:A6During the National Day, the streets were _ with coloured flags.Adecorated BfilledCcovered Dinvolved解析:句意:国庆期间,大街上挂满了彩旗。 decorate “装饰”,符合题意。 fill “填满,充满”;cover “覆盖”;involve “卷入”。答案:A7People like to eat sweet dumplings on the Lantern Festival, which _ in hot water.Awere served BservedCare served Dserves解析:句意:元宵节人们喜欢吃在水里煮的元宵。which引导非限制性定语从句,which代指sweet dumplings, 故谓语动词应用复数形式;sweet dumplings与serve间是被动关系,且从主句看,从句应用相应的一般现在时,故选C。答案:C


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