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2013届高三一轮英语课时作业 MODULE 1LIFE IN THE FUTURE(外研版必修4陕西专用).doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家.单项填空1One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to _healthy eating habits.AgrowBdevelopCincrease Draise2Peoples political beliefs are often _ by what they read in newspapers.Amade BproducedCshaped Dtook3Henry,_ the light is _ when you leave the lab.All right.Abe sure;turned on B

2、make sure;turned offCsure;turning off Dmake sure;turning off4I have just had my watch repaired.How much did they _ for that?Acost BchargeCspend Dconsider5Is it true Jack _?Exactly.He damaged a very expensive machine.Agot fired Bgot a fireCget fired Dfired6There is no _ to what you can do if you try.

3、Anumber B wonderClimit Dmatter7It is difficult to _ what the longterm effects of the accident will be.Aensure BpredictClook forward to Dunderstand8Mr Smith will not be able to attend the meeting this Saturday,because he _ something important.Awill be doing Bwill doChad done Ddoes9 _ that middle scho

4、ol _ Beijing Normal University?As far as I know,it is.ADoes;belong to BIs;belonged toCDoes;attach to DIs;attached to10Earth Day is celebration of life and our planet.It is a reminder that we need to _ the world we live in and that we should learn to respect life and nature.Acare about Bthink ofCrefe

5、r to Dwatch out11These wild flowers are so special that I would do _ I can do to save them.Awhatever BthatCwhich Dwhichever12The design had to be given up at last.I know.Even experienced designers _ make mistakes.Acan Bought toCmust Dneed13Can the project be finished as planned?Sure,_ it completed i

6、n time,well work two more hours a day.Ahaving a day Bto getCgetting Dget14With a lot of difficult problems_,the newlyelected president is having a hard time.Asettled BsettlingCbeing settled Dto settle15Its a good idea.But whos going to_the plan?I think Tom and Greg will.Aset aside Bcarry outCtake in

7、 Dget through.句子翻译16你必须排除一切烦恼,好好休息一下。(rid)_17并不是所有的预言都变成现实。(come true)_18一些学生抱怨他们作业负担很重。(load)_19我必须打的,因我的车正在修理厂修。_20It is said that any reasonable request and suggestion raised during the breakfast will be taken good care of._.完形填空In 1883,a creative engineer,John Roebling,was inspired to build a sp

8、lendid bridge connecting New York with Long Island.However,experts throughout the world thought that this was_21_.Even so,Roebling could not_22_the idea in his mind.After much discussion,he_23_convince his son Washington,an upandcoming engineer,that the bridge in fact could be built.They hired their

9、_24_and began to build their dream bridge.Only a few months_25_the project was underway,a tragic onsite accident killed John Roebling and_26_injured his son,leaving him braindamaged and unable to move or_27_.Surely now the project would have to be_28_.Though Washington Roebling lay in his hospital b

10、ed,he was not_29_and his mind remained as_30_as it was before the accident.Suddenly an idea_31_him.All he could move was one finger,so he_32_the arm of his wife with that finger,_33_to her that he wanted her to call the engineers again.Then he used the same method of tapping her arm to tell the engi

11、neers what to do.For 13 years Washington tapped out his_34_with one finger until the bridge was_35_completed.Perhaps this is one of the best examples of neversaydie attitude that_36_a terrible physical disability and achieves an impossible_37_.Often when we face difficulties in our daily lives,our p

12、roblems seem very small_38_what many others have to face.The Brooklyn Bridge shows us that even the most_39_dream can be realized with_40_no matter what the chances are.21.A.impossible BunnecessaryChard Dexcellent22A.recognize BacceptCignore Dbelieve23A.attempted to Bsought toCfailed to Dmanaged to2

13、4A.family BcrewCclass Dteam25.A.since BbeforeCafter Dwhen26A.severely BslightlyCpoorly Dhardly27A.work BsayCeat Dtalk28A.continued BabandonedCinterrupted Daccomplished29A.defeated BhurtCfrightened Ddestroyed30A.sharp BbroadCnoble Dadvanced31A.beat BoccurredChappened Dhit32A.waved BfeltCtouched Dheld

14、33A.appealing BspeakingCindicating Dadvising34A.orders BinstructionsCsuggestions Dmovements35A.quickly BpartlyCeventually Dslowly36A.overcomes BacquiresCfights Dremoves37A.award BfortuneCstatus Dgoal38A.combined with Bseparated fromCcompared to Dconcerned about39A.primary BdistantClifelong Dgood40A.

15、determination BknowledgeCconfidence Dstrength.阅读理解People turn to magic (魔力) chiefly as a form of insurancethat is,they use it along with actions that actually bring results.For example,hunters may use a hunting charm (咒语)But they also use their hunting skills and knowledge of animals.The charm may g

16、ive hunters the extra confidence they need to hunt even more successfully than they would without it.If they shoot a lot of game (猎物),they credit the charm for their success.Many events happen naturally without magic.Crops grow without it,and sick people getwell without it.But if people use magic to

17、 bring a good harvest or to cure a patient,they may believe the magic was responsible.People also tend to forget magics failures and to be impressed by its surface successes.They may consider magic successful if it appears to work only 10 per cent of the time.Even when magic fails,people often expla

18、in the failure without doubting the power of the magic.They may say that the magician made a mistake in reciting the spell or that another magician cast a more powerful spell against the magician.Many anthropologists (人类学家) believe that people have faith in magic because they feel a need to believe

19、in it.People may turn to magic to reduce their fear and uncertainty if they feel they have no control over the outcome of a situation.For example,farmers use knowledge and skill when they plant their fields.But they know that weather,insects,or diseases might ruin the crops.So farmers in some societ

20、ies may also plant a charm or perform a magic rite to ensure a good harvest.41From the passage,we can learn that the writer of the passage may be_.Aa hunterBa farmerCa magician Dan anthropologist42Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?AMagic and HuntingBMagic and FarmingC

21、Why Magic Works?DWhy People Believe in Magic?43The underlined word “spell”( Paragraph 2 ) most likely means_.Amagic words Bmagic eventsCwords or expressions Dmagicians44People believe in magic because_.Amagic powers are greater than natural powersBmagic can turn dreams into realityCthey are not sure

22、 of themselvesDmagic can bring good results45Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?AEven though magic fails,believers in magic will explain the reason.BBelievers in magic usually overstate the power of magic.CPeople use magic to reduce their uncertainty and give them

23、 extra confidence.DMagic can solve problems people cant deal with in a natural way.课时作业答案.单项填空1B句意为“人们保持健康最好的方法之一就是养成健康的饮食习惯”。develop在此处意为“形成,养成”。2C句意为:人们的政治信仰常常是在他们所读报纸的影响下形成的。make 做,使;produce 生产;shape 使成型,塑造;take 拿走。3BA项中的turned on 与题意不符;C项中 sure 不能引导祈使句;D项中的 turning off 与语态不符。4B考查词语辨析。charge (mon

24、ey) for sth.是固定搭配,意为“索要的费用”。5A句意为:杰克被解雇了是真的吗?Jack 与 fire 是被动关系,get 充当系动词,构成被动语态。6C句意为:如果你努力,没有做不成的事。limit限制,限定,后常接介词 to,其他不合题意。7Bensure 确保;predict 预言;预料;look forward to 盼望;understand 理解,弄懂。句意为:很难预测这次事故会有什么样的深远影响。8A将来进行时表示“(开会时)他将在做一件很重要的事”。9D从答语 it is 知道上文助动词为 is,而 belong to 无被动语态。句意为:那所中学附属于北京师范大学吗

25、?据我所知,是的。10A后一句的意思是:这提醒我们要关注我们所居住的世界,而且我们应该学会尊重生命和自然。care about 关注。11Ado 后接宾语从句,宾语从句缺少宾语,whatever 引导宾语从句,在从句中作宾语,相当于 anything that.。12Acan 表示理论上的可能性,意思为“可能,有时会”。13B动词不定式短语作目的状语,表示“为了”。well work two more hours a day 说明每天加班两小时的目的是及时完成这个项目,故选B。14D由题意可知,问题还没有解决,而是“有待于解决”,故用动词不定式表示将来。15B本题考查短语辨析。carry ou

26、t a plan执行计划;set aside 把置于一旁;take in吸收,欺骗;get through通过,穿越。.句子翻译16You must get rid of all your worries and have a good rest.17Not all the pridictions have come true.18Some students complain that they are loaded with so heavy homework.19I have to go to work by taxi because my car is being repaired at

27、 the garage.20据说任何合情合理的在早餐期间提出的请示和建议都将被认真考虑。.完形填空【语篇解读】 本文通过Washington Roebling的故事告诉我们:只要有决心就能获得成功。21A从上文的however和下文可知,其他专家认为这项工程困难太大,不可能完成,故impossible正确。22C由上下文可知,John Roebling认为工程是可以完成的,所以不愿放弃,故C项符合文意,此时,应特别注意空前的否定词not。23D由下文可知,父子二人共同开始这项工程,说明John Roebling说服了儿子,只有managed to能表达这一含义。24Bcrew指“(有专门技术的

28、)一组工作人员”,而建设桥梁这样的工作正需要这样的人,所以crew为正确答案。其他选项与文意不符。25C由下文可知,工程刚开始不久就发生了事故,故after最符合文意。26A由下文leaving him braindamaged and unable to move可知,儿子Washington Roebling伤势严重,故选A。27D由下文Washington Roebling用敲打手指的方法来传递信息,可知事故使他失去了行走及说话能力,故选D。注意say为及物动词,要有宾语,因此可以排除。28B由文意可知,既然工程的两位工程师都无法指挥,那么工程应该放弃了,故B项正确。29A由上下文可知,

29、儿子Washington身体受到极大创伤,但(精神)没有被厄运打败,故defeat正确。30Asharp可以用来指人的头脑、眼睛等敏锐,由上下文可知,Washington身在医院,但头脑仍十分敏锐,所以能成功地指挥工人完成桥梁建设。其他选项与文意不符。31D由上下文可知,Washington无法走动和说话,但他想到可以用手指来传递信息。hit表示“使 (某人) 突然想起”;occur to也可表达此意,但要注意把介词to丢掉是错误的。32C由上下文tapping her arm可知,Washington开始用手指轻敲妻子的胳膊来传递信息,所以C项正确。33C由文意可知,Washington是想

30、“告诉”妻子如何去做,indicating符合此意。34B由文意可知,Washington作为桥梁的工程师,“指挥”完成了工程,所以instructions正确。35C由上文可知,工程浩大而困难,但最终他们完成了,此处只有eventually能表示此含义。36A由上文可知,Washington身残志坚,克服了重重困难完成了工程。正是这种永不言弃 (neversaydie) 的精神,使其克服了身体的残疾,所以A项最符合文意。37D由文意和achieves可知,Washington达到了一个原本不可能实现的目标,故goal正确。38C由文意可知,作者通过此事告诉读者,在很多情况下,我们的问题和其他

31、人面临的问题相比是微不足道的,故compared to正确。39B由上下文可知,即使是看起来不可能实现的梦想只要有决心就会实现,故distant正确。40A这个故事告诉我们要想成功,要有顽强的决心,故determination符合文意。.阅读理解【语篇解读】本文科学地分析了人们相信魔法的原因。41D推理判断题。为什么有些人相信魔法呢?魔法真的灵验吗?这些人相信魔法是因为他们缺乏自信。作者以科学眼光分析了这种社会现象,应该是一位人类学家。42D标题概括题。全文主要介绍了人们为什么相信魔法。43A词义猜测题。同形异义词需要根据上下文语境确定其具体意义,不可受原先熟悉词义的约束。文中第二段的“spell”与“拼写”无关而是指“咒语”,相当于上文的charm。44C细节理解题。根据第三段第二句话,当人们无法控制情况的后果时,就可能转向魔法来减轻自己的恐惧或不安,可知人们缺乏自信。45D细节理解题。D项意为:咒语可以解决人们用自然方式不能解决的问题。由文章内容可知,咒语只是人们解决问题时的一种寄托和心理安慰,并不能真正地帮助解决问题,故D项表述错误。 5 版权所有高考资源网


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