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2013-2014学年高二英语(牛津译林版选修7)同步训练:单元检测一 (WORD版含答案).doc

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1、单元检测(一)第卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What does the man usually do on Sundays?AHe often does some reading.BHe often goes shopping.CHe often goes swimming.2What is the probable relationship between the tw

2、o speakers?ABoss and employee.BSalesman and customer.CFriends.3How much will the man spend?A$34. B$44. C$68.4What is the man?AA waiter.BA taxi driver.CA conductor.5Where was the man last weekend?AIn his sisters.BAt home.CIn the street.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选

3、项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6When does the man call?AIn the morning.BAt lunch time.CIn the afternoon.7Who is the man speaking to?ADr.Anderson.BA hotel manager.CA medical receptionist.8Whats the problem of the man?ASomething is stuck in his ears.

4、BHis ears are ringing.CHes in great pain.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9Where are the two speakers?AAt a hotel.BAt a restaurant.CIn a bank.10How much does the man pay for his meals?A90 dollars.B180 dollars.C150 dollars.11What do you think is the man going to do after paying for his bill?AFind Room 207.BHave a mea

5、l for free.CLeave this place.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12Where is the man now working?AIn a library.BIn a new factory.CIn a bookstore.13What can we know about the mans old job?AHe was better paid.BHe could read when he was free.CHe was busier.14What does the woman ask the man to do?AVisit her friend coming f

6、rom the USA.BVisit her and have dinner with her family.CHave dinner together in a restaurant.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15Why did not the woman go to college?AShe didnt pass the exam.BShe wasnt interested in college.CShe couldnt afford college education.16What job does the woman say she did?AShe was a bus con

7、ductor.BShe was a shop assistant.CShe was a housekeeper.17What did the woman think of her friends college life?AIt was busy.BIt was wonderful.CIt was dull.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18Where does the speaker give the talk?AAt Bridgetown Castle.BIn a university.COn a bus.19How many points of interest has the s

8、peaker mentioned?A2. B4. C3.20What do you know about Sir Henry?AHe baked bread every Sunday afternoon.B His wife died before the castle was finished.CHe had the castle built in England.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21All our efforts will certainly lead t

9、o_more peaceful and more advanced world,_place where everyone enjoys his life and freedom.Athe;a Ba;theCa;a Dthe;the22Sorry,Ann.Im afraid that I cant go to the magic show by David Copperfield with you._Who knows when he will be back here next time?AIt doesnt matter. BDo as you like.CWhat a shame! DT

10、ake it easy.23He is such a(n)_ person that all of us can believe in him.Aunbelievable BvaluableCstable Duncomfortable24The system has been designed to give students quick and easy _ to the digital resources of the library.Aaccess BpassageCway Dapproach25I wasnt blaming anyone;I_said errors like this

11、 could be avoided.Amerely Bmostly Crarely Dnearly26As we all know,_ sunshine and rainfall are bringing the crops on nicely.Aacute Baccurate Cauthentic Dample27What you have acted shows the position is not _ for someone like you.That is to say,you have lost the chance.Asuitable BnecessaryCpossible Dc

12、omfortable28She _ up the toy train and let it run across the room.Awrapped BwoundCmade Drounded29You should _ these bad habits.Aget yourself rid of Brid yourself ofCget rid of yourself with Drid of yourself with30_is obvious that reading in bed does great harm to your eyes.AThis BThat CThey DIt31I a

13、gree with most of what you said,but I dont agree with _.Aeverything BanythingCsomething Dnothing32It was _ back home from work.Anot until midnight did he goBuntil midnight that he didnt goCnot until midnight that he wentDuntil midnight when he didnt go33The flowers_ sweet in the botanic garden attra

14、ct the visitors to the beauty of nature.Ato smell BsmellingCsmelt Dto be smelt34You should try to get a good nights sleep_much work you have to do.Ahowever Bno matterCalthough Dwhatever35_ homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest.ASo much BToo muchCToo little DSo little第二节完形填空(共

15、20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。An Opportunity Disguised(伪装) as a ProblemOne day,I once received a note from Gwen,a youth coach.She learned that Bill,a close friend who coached another team,_36_ about the age of some of his gymnasts to increase their chances of winni

16、ng.She knew her kids would _37_ that Bills athletes were in the wrong age division and would be _38_,but she didnt know what to do.She didnt want to _39_ Bill as a friend and was afraid that blowing the whistle would ruin her _40_ in the closeknit gymnastics community.Lets start by recognizing that

17、ethical problems _41_ in two forms.Some are problems of discernment(洞察力),where its difficult to _42_ whats right.Others are problems of discipline,where its _43_ what should be done but doing so is difficult.Gwens problem fell into the discipline category.Bills action was clearly wrong,and she had a

18、 responsibility to _44_ it.She couldnt let her kids _45_ by looking the other way just because it was _46_ to stand up for whats right.As Edmund Burke _47_ it,“All that is necessary for evil to triumph(胜利) is for good people to do nothing.”Gwen could confront Bill to give him a chance to _48_ the pr

19、oblem.If he didnt,she had to _49_ him.Yes,this would _50_ destroy their friendship,but the _51_ in their values had already made that inevitable.It was also likely that some colleagues would take Bills _52_.There will always be a split between those who _53_ and those who dont.Still,if Gwen was a co

20、ach,she was a teacher.Her problem was a great _54_ in disguise.Doing the right thing when its personally _55_ is the best possible way to teach moral courage.36A.knew Blied Casked Dquestioned37A.recognize Bhope Crefuse Dagree38A.pleased Bamazed Cupset Dinterested39A.treat Blose Cadmire Dconsider40A.

21、reputation Benjoyment Cpurpose Dbusiness41A.take Bbring Cdivide Dcome42A.combine Bdetermine Cchange Darrange43A.clear Bdoubtful Csimple Dnormal44A.satisfy Bprevent Cdrop Dsupport45A.down Baway Cout Dalone46A.easy Blucky Cgood Dhard47A.got Bmade Cput Dmeant48A.fix Bunderstand Craise Dremember49A.leav

22、e Breport Cseek Dforget50A.merely Bhighly Cprobably Dsuddenly51A.gap Breason Cduty Dpoint52A.decision Bplace Cchoice Dside53A.count Bcheat Cdefeat Dhelp54A.opportunity Bexplanation Cchallenge Dcondition55A.helpful Bcostly Crewarding Dsensible第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最

23、佳选项。AHundreds of trash trucks across California are rumbling down city streets using clean fuel made from a dirty source:garbage.The fuel is derived from rotting refuse that San Francisco and Oakland residents and businesses have been discarding in the Altamont landfill since 1980.Since November,the

24、 methane gas created from the 240acre landfill has been sucked into tubes and sent into an innovative facility that purifies and transforms it into liquefied(液态的) natural gas (LNG)Almost 500 Waste Management Inc.garbage and recycling trucks run on this new source of environmentally friendly fuel ins

25、tead of dirty diesel(柴油)“Weve built the largest landfilltoLNG plant in the world;this plant produces 13,000 gallons of LNG a day,” says Jessica Jones,a landfill manager for Houstonbased Waste Management.“It will take 30,000 tons of CO2 a year from the environment.”Altamont is one of two California l

26、andfills making LNG;the other is a smaller facility about 40 miles south of Los Angeles.Other natural gas facilities are being planned by Waste Management at some of the 270 active landfills nationwide,and the number could grow quickly as communities seek to reduce greenhouse gas pollution.Landfills

27、 have plenty of the ingredients to produce methane.Bacteria break down the food scraps,paper,lawn trimmings and other organic waste dumped there.Over time,the material ferments(发酵),releasing methane and other gases.About 50 percent of the gas emitted from landfills is methane.It is 21 times more eff

28、ective than CO2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere,the EPA says.“Methane is the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide,” Tom Frankiewicz,program manager for EPAs Landfill Methane Outreach Program in Washington,says in an email.“Methane is also the main component of natural gas,so

29、by capturing and using methane as an energy source you will get an even bigger bang_for_the_buck.”56What would be the best title for the passage?AA new way to deal with garbage in CaliforniaBThe advantage of liquefied natural gasCThe fuel of California garbage trucks coming from garbageDEnvironmenta

30、lly friendly trucks in California57Which of the following is NOT a step to turn garbage into LNG?AMix the methane gas with other natural gases.BBacteria break down the garbage.CThe material ferments.DSuck the methane gas into tubes and purify it.58Methane is a kind of gas that _.Ausually exists in l

31、andfillsBcan add to greenhouse effectCcant be turned into a useful energy sourceDis not as effective as CO2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere59The underlined part “bang for the buck” in the last paragraph probably means _.Aproblem BshareCreward DvictoryBBusy senior managers need no longer waste tim

32、e in showering themselvesan Australian company has invented a suit that can be worn while they wash.The suit has been specially designed so that it can be cleaned under the showerhead.There is no need for soaking (浸泡),dry cleaningor even soap.The Japanese market has taken a liking to the “shower sui

33、t”,described as “revolutionary” by its owner Australian Wool Innovation (AWI),which is the research and marketing body that represents Australian woolgrowers.Orders have been placed for 170,000 of the woolen suits.“The suit could be worn in the shower,although it was probably better to hang it on a

34、clothes hanger and carry it instead,”AWI corporate affairs spokesman Stephen Feighan said.“The idea is that you hang it up and then.you give it a spray (喷雾),and its dry the next morning,” Mr.Feighan said.A Japanese researcher working for AWI invented the suit by combining three technologies.The secr

35、et is the best lining (内衬),which allows the suit to dry quickly.“The shower suit attracted busy corporate people,particularly those who often traveled or stayed up late,”Mr.Feighan said.The airline industry was also interested.Mr.Feighan confessed he had not worn one of the suits yet,or tried to was

36、h it in the shower,because they were cut to fit Japanese figures.AWI believes that the shower suit will spread from the Japanese market through Europe and India.Mr.Feighan hoped the suit,made from local wool,would be available in Australia in 12 to 18 months time.60What is the writing purpose of the

37、 article?ATo introduce a newlydesigned shower suit.BTo help the white collars arrange their life more sensibly.CTo provide suggestions on saving time in bath.DTo praise AWI for its important achievement.61Which is TRUE about the suit according to the passage?AIt can spare the owners trouble of soaki

38、ng,dry cleaning and applying soap.BIt is of the quality of fast dry for its best cloth.CIt is not suitable for hanging.DIt has attracted more orders than any other suit.62The suit draws the attention from all the following groups EXCEPT _.Acorporate people who are always on the goBpeople on occasion

39、al business tripsCthe airline industryDpeople burning the midnight oil63Which of the following has much to do with Mr.Feighan?AThe invention of the suit.BThe tryon of the suit.CThe combination of the three technologies on the suit.DThe popularization of the suit and best wishes for it.CJane Austen (

40、17751817),one of Englands most famous novelists,was never publicly recognized as a writer during her lifetime.Jane Austen was born in Steventon,Hampshire and the second daughter and seventh child in a family of eight.She was mainly educated at home,benefiting from her fathers library.Her closest fri

41、end was her only sister,Cassandra.Though Austen lived a quiet life,she had unusual access to the greater world,mainly through her brothers,Francis and Charles,officers in the Royal Navy,who served on ships around the world and saw action in the Napoleonic Wars.As a child Austen began writing comic s

42、tories,now referred to as the juvenilia(少年时代作品)Her first mature work,written when she was about 19,was a novella(中篇小说),Lady Susan,written in epistolary(书信体的) form.This early fiction was preserved by her family but wasnt published until long after her death.In her early twenties Austen wrote the nove

43、ls Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice,one of her bestknown novels,which was finished in 1797.When Austen was 25 years old,her father retired,and she and Cassandra moved with their parents to Bath.During the five years she lived in Bath,Austen began one novel,The Watsons,which she never co

44、mpleted.In 1811,Austen published Sense and Sensibility,which identified the author as “a Lady”Pride and Prejudice followed in 1813,Mansfield Park in 1814,and Emma in 1815.For some reason,all of them were published not using her name.Austen began writing the novel that would be called Persuasion in 1

45、815 and finished it the following year,by which time,however,her health was beginning to fail.Austen died on July 18,1817 because of her illness and a few days later she was buried in Winchester Cathedral.64How did Jane Austen get her education when she was young?AShe studied at home in her fathers

46、library.BShe was taught by her two brothers.CShe studied in a private school.DShe was taught by her sister.65All the following were completed by Jane Austen EXCEPT _.ALady Susan. BPersuasion.CThe Watsons. DEmma.66We can learn from the last paragraph that _.Athe Austens moved to Bath for the benefit

47、of Janes healthBJane Austen felt upset because her novels werent recognizedCSense and Sensibility was published using the name of Jane AustenDPride and Prejudice was published sixteen years after it was completed67What would be the best title for the passage?AJane Austens Early LifeBJane Austens Gre

48、at WorksCWay to Success for Jane AustenDA Brief Introduction to Jane AustenDThere are many challenges students face when learning to use a dictionary.All of these problems,and more,can be resolved by effective training.Finding the right entry(词条)The first challenge is find the word in the dictionary

49、.For many words this is quite straightforward,but for others it is a frustratingly complex task.Often the form of the word that the student wants to look up may not appear in the dictionary where they expect it.For example,walked,or incomprehensible may be found under the headwords walk and comprehe

50、nd.Many students would instantly recognize that walked would appear under the entry walk,but may not know that incomprehensible might appear under comprehend.This is particularly difficult when the meaning is figurative or idiomatic.Finding the right meaningMany words have several meanings such as b

51、ank or duty.Research strongly suggests that once the word form has been found many students usually only select the first of several meanings as the correct answer,and ignore the rest.However,if the meaning senses are very different,as with the several meanings of bank,then the students will find th

52、e correct entry quite easily,but if the meaning senses are quite similar,or are nuances of the same broad meaning,then finding the right nuance can be very difficult.Making sense of the entryDictionaries contain a lot of information such as grammatical and phonological information,which can be offpu

53、tting because they can seem like yet another foreign language to learn.Moreover,there may not be enough information in the entry to help the students find what they want as there is not enough space to put all the information about a word in a dictionary.This can lead to frustrations on the part of

54、the student.The grammatical information in the dictionary may help a student to use the word,for example,by saying that the word requires a direct object,but the student does not always know which direct object goes with it.Fortunately,this information can often be found in the Oxford Word finder.68

55、On the whole,the passage mainly tells us _.Athe ways students use a dictionaryBthe challenges students face when using a dictionaryChow many entries there are in a dictionaryDthe different meanings of the words in the dictionary69According to the passage,under which entry may the word “unbelievable”

56、 appear?ABelieve. BUnbelieve.CBelievable. DUnbelievable.70What does the underlined word “nuances” in Para.3 probably mean?ADifferent uses.BSlight differences.CObvious differences.DFamiliar situation.71Why doesnt all the information about a word put in the dictionary?ABecause people cant know all abo

57、ut a word.BBecause some of the information about a word is useless.CBecause space in a dictionary is limited.DBecause different words have different meanings.ENineteenyearold Christopher Paolini has always loved adventure books.In fact,he plotted out his first book,Eragon,when he was just fifteen! E

58、ragon is selling more copies than most of the Harry Potter books.A reporter from Whos News talked to this young author about his books and how he ended up being one of the bestselling authors of all time!Reporter:_Christopher Paolini (CP): I love fantasy.I love the sense of awe and wonder that you a

59、lways get at the end of a great book or movie.Eragon was an attempt to express that.When I was about twelve,I read a book called Jeremy Thatcher,Dragon Hatcher.Its about a young boy who went into a mysterious shop and bought a dragon egg that ended up hatching.It stuck in my head.Eragon was an attem

60、pt to see what I could do with the idea myself.Reporter: Where else do you get your ideas?CP: Im definitely influenced by authors who have a fairly inventive use of language,imaginative worlds and a sense of wonderauthors who write about things that other people dont.Reporter: What was the hardest t

61、hing about writing Eragon?CP: Probably the editing because I wasnt used to it.It was a kind of shock doing it.But also I was having to learn a huge amount about grammar and commas and other things Id never paid much attention to before.Id say that editing and writing are pretty much equal in difficu

62、lty.My raw writing is a lot more professional now than it ever was before because of everything I learned through the editing process.Reporter: How do you avoid becoming frustrated with the writing process?CP: Write about what you enjoy the most or what touches you the most; otherwise youll never be

63、 able to survive a booklength project.Reporter: Anything else youd like to share with our readers?CP: Before I wrote Eragon,I spent an entire month plotting out the entire story so I wasnt writing blindly.That helps.I really poured my heart and soul into it. Its not just an adventure story: it is ab

64、out Eragon trying to work out who we are,why we are here and how we can live honorably.72The reporters first question is most likely to be “_”AWhats the most interesting thing about Eragon?BWhat inspired you to write Eragon?CHow has your writing improved after Eragon?DHow long did it take you to wri

65、te Eragon?73What does the underlined word “that” refer to in the third paragraph?AA story.BThe sense of awe and wonder.CAn idea.DA great book or movie.74What does Paolini find as difficult as writing?APlotting out the story.BGrammar and commas.CThe editing process.DThe creative use of language.75Whi

66、ch of the following BEST indicates Paolini devoted himself completely to writing Eragon?A“Write about what you enjoy the most or what touches you the most.”B“Eragon was an attempt to see what I could do with the idea myself.”C“I spent an entire month plotting out the entire story.”D“I really poured

67、my heart and soul into it.”第卷第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。With the business units expanding globally,excellent leadership has played a significant role in the success of companies.One of the key team members in any corporate company is the ge

68、neral manager.A general manager is a requirement in every industry.A general manager is expected to look into the matters related to the human resources.Precisely said,a general manager looks after the training needs of the employees.He also has to actively participate in the performance evaluation

69、of the employees.In addition,a general manager acts as liaison(联络) between the management and the employees.Some of the responsibilities of the general manager include monitoring the performance and achievements of the employees.The general managers also direct people to various goals and targets.Hi

70、ring good middle level managers is another important duty of general managers.Besides these,keeping a record and check of the firms growth is also done by the general managers.Depending on the kind of business,the educational requirements of the general managers vary significantly.Generally,people w

71、ith college degrees work up their way to managerial positions,but that happens in case the employee joined the company from its beginning and remained with the firm for a long time.However,as the business environment has become extremely challenging,many firms now hire management trainees with gradu

72、ate or post graduate degrees in managementrelated subjects like finance,economics,management,etc.Since the past few years the trend of hiring Masters in business administration has increased.A general manager needs to handle different situations,so he should have many skills.For example,he should ha

73、ve all the basic leadership skills and can make his teammates perform better.A good manager should have the knowledge of effective time management and can plan the future steps for the growth of the company.In order to make a team perform well,a good manager should be able to motivate the team for t

74、heir tasks.So,if you have plans to enter into the corporate world,you have to start early and reach the position of a general manager,which will further open the doors for senior managerial positions.TitleGeneral manager jobThemeA general manager is 76._ in every industry because of his excellent le

75、adership.77._Looking into the matters related to the human resourcesTaking 78._ of the training needs of the employeesTaking an active part in 79._ the employees performanceBridging the management and the employeesMonitoring the performance and 80_ of the employeesDirecting people to various goals a

76、nd targetsHiring good middle level managersKeeping a record and check of the firms growth81._ requirementsCollege degreesGraduate or post graduate degrees in 82._ subjectsMasters in business administration83._ neededHaving all the basic leadership skills to 84._ his teammates performanceKnowing how

77、to manage time 85._Planning the future steps for the growth of the companyMotivating the team for their tasks第二节书面表达(满分25分)有调查表明,很多中学生玩电脑游戏成瘾。因此,某英文报就“中学生该不该玩电脑游戏”这个主题开展征文活动。请你用英语写一篇短文,发表你的看法,向该报社投稿。你的短文至少包括以下要点:1你认为中学生该不该玩电脑游戏;2说明你的理由。注意:词数120左右。参考词汇:成瘾become addicted to_答案 1A2.A3.C4.B5.B6.C7.C8.B

78、9A10.C11.C12.C13.C14.B15.C16.B 17B18.C19.C20.B听力材料Text 1M:I usually do some reading instead of going shopping on Sundays.W:But I enjoy going swimming.Text 2W:Im sorry,sir.I didnt finish the job as required.M:Oh,no,Sally,dont say sorry.Anyway youve tried your best.Text 3M:Have you got a single room f

79、or two nights?W:Yes.You can have a room facing the sea.M:Whats the price?W:$34 a night with a shower.Text 4M:This is River Street.What number do you want to go?W:Let me get off there in front of that tree.Thats fine.Text 5W:I thought you were going to see your sister on 4th Street last weekend befor

80、e you left for London.M:I intended to,but at the last minute she called me to say that last weekend was inconvenient.So I stayed at home together with my family.Text 6W:Good afternoon,Dr.Andersons office.M:Hello,my name is John Cramer,and I am hoping I can come in today to see the doctor.W:Are you a

81、 patient of Dr.Anderson?M:Well,no,I am in town at a conference.And the manager of the hotel where I am staying suggested that I call you.W:What seems to be the problem?M:Well,Ive got something ringing in my ears.W:Are you in any pain or is there any discharge?M:No discharge,just a slight earache.W:T

82、he doctor will be busy at the hospital until tomorrow morning.So the earliest time you could see her would be tomorrow morning at ten.M:Ill come in then if its OK.W:That will be fine.In the meantime you should try to take it easy.Text 7W:Good morning,sir.Can I help you?M:Id like to pay my bill now.W

83、:Your name and room number,please?M:Jim Baker,Room 207.W:Yes,Mr.Baker.Have you used any hotel services this morning?M:No,I havent used any this morning.W:Fine.This is your bill,Mr.Baker.Two nights at 90 dollars each,and here are the meals that youve had at the hotel.That makes a total of 330 dollars

84、.M:Can I pay by credit card?W:Certainly.May I have your card,please?M:Here you are.W:Thanks.Please sign your name here.Text 8W:Hi,Tom.I havent seen you for a long time.How are you?M:Fine,thank you,Sandy.W:How are you getting along with your work in the company?M:I no longer work there.I changed my j

85、ob a week ago.W:Oh,did you?Where are you working now?M:In a bookstore.W:Do you like your new job?M:Yes,very much.I am not as busy as I was.And I can do some reading when Im free.Also I am paid better than I was before.W:I am glad to hear that.What about coming to my house this Saturday and having su

86、pper with my family?My elder brother has just come back from the USA.He will be very glad to see you.M:Id love to.Thatll be very nice!See you then.Text 9M:Juliet,you chose not to go to college.Why?Was it about money?W:Well.I dont want to sit here and say I was too poor to go to college.But the fact

87、is that we didnt have the money,though my mum probably could have made enough somehow.I probably could have worked harder at school and gotten better grades.So it is really a pity that I didnt get to go to college.I had a wish to go back to school every other week.It wasnt just my path.M:At the time

88、 did you feel that you were missing something?W:My best friend went off to university and I just remember every time I talk to her.It all sounded so fun and so great.Here I was selling tennis shoes and getting on the bus every day to work in town.We both thought the others life was so much more exci

89、ting.I was trying hard to make enough to pay for my own flat every two months and that seemed so exciting to her.And she would talk about studying for finals,and going to parties,and I thought,God,she was so perfect.Text 10Good morning,ladies and gentlemen,and welcome to our tour.Now we are on the w

90、ay to some points of historical interest in the city.If you look out of the window on your right,you will see the Grange,one of the oldest buildings in the city.It was built 200 years ago,and still has most of the old furniture.Perhaps the most interesting thing is that every Saturday afternoon,you

91、can come and watch them bake bread the way it was done 200 years ago.On your left is a university building.This university building is just 125 years old.Well be stopping in a quarter of an hour at Bridgetown Castle.It was built by Sir Henry Pellet for his young wife.He bought almost all of the buil

92、ding materials from England.Notice the beautiful glass windows.Unfortunately,Sir Henrys young wife became ill and died before the castle was completed.Sir Henry became so unhappy that he left the castle and returned to England.No family members ever lived there.21C22C23C24A25A26D27A28B 29B30D31A32C3

93、3B34A35A36B37A38C39B40A41D42B43A44B45A46D47C48A49B50C51A52D53B54A55B56C57A58B59C60A61A62B63D64A65C66D67D68B69A70B 71C72B73B74C75D76required77.Responsibilities78.care79.evaluating80achievements81.Educational82.managementrelated83Skills84.improve85.effectively参考范文According to a survey,many students be

94、come addicted to computer games and some even play computer games for a long time without sleeping and bathing.From my point of view,I am strongly against students playing computer games too long because it causes many disadvantages.First,students addicted to computer games cant concentrate on their

95、 study and therefore they fall behind other students and their scores get worse and worse.Second,spending too much time playing computer games instead of taking exercise will do harm to the students eyesight and make their body in bad condition.Third,some computer games are full of violence,blood and sex,and students may imitate and do something bad.In conclusion,students should try to keep off computer games.They should make full use of their time to study hard and take more exercise for the sake of their future.


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