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2018年高中人教版英语选修七学案:UNIT 5 TRAVELING ABROAD PERIOD TWO .docx

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1、Period TwoLearning about Language & Using Language.重点单词1apology n道歉;谢罪apologize vi.道歉;谢罪2seminar n(专题)研讨会3bachelor n获学士学位的人;未婚男子4routine n常规;日常事务;adj.通常的;例行的5optional adj.可选择的;随意的option n选择;选择权6drill vi.&vt.钻(孔);n.钻;钻机7agent n代理人;经纪人agency n代理8geographical adj.地理(学)的 geography n地理(学)9parallel adj.平行

2、的;相同的;类似的10abundant adj.丰富的;充裕的abundance n丰富;充裕11govern vt.&vi.统治;支配;管理 governor n统治者,管理者government n政府12destination n目的地.重点短语1bachelors degree学士学位2day in and day out日复一日3travel agent 旅行代理人;旅行代办人4out of the question不可能的;不值得讨论的5settle in(迁入新居、更换工作后)安顿下来.好句积累1In the high plains area is Lake Titicaca,t

3、he highest lake in the world,on which boats can travel.在高原地区有的的喀喀湖,这是世界上海拔最高的湖,湖上可以行船。2It is a popular tourist destination as it is close to the famous Inca ruins of the city of Machu Picchu.这儿是旅游的热点,因为它离马丘比丘城著名的印加遗址很近。3Spend the day visiting the ruins of this ancient Inca city before catching the t

4、rain back to Cuzco.白天参观这座古印加城的遗址,然后乘火车返回库斯科。4A fullday stay with a local family gives you an opportunity to learn more about their life.有一整天的时间待在当地居民的家里,这样你会有机会更多地了解他们的生活。课文阅读理解1Peru consists of .Aa narrow coastal beltBhigh,flat plains in the southeastCthe Andes Mountains running parallel to the coa

5、stDall the above答案D2Cuzco is popular with tourists because .Ait was once the capital of PeruBit is close to the famous Inca ruins of the city of Machu PicchuCit is in the high mountainsDit is near the high mountains答案B3 once governed much of South America.AEngland BSpainCIndia DGermany答案B4Which of t

6、he following is TRUE?ALake Titicaca is not the highest lake in the world.BThe Uros Indians houses are made of land plants.CTour 3 can take the travelers from the Andes into the lowlands of the Amazon Jungle.DYou can enjoy the sunrise over the Andes on Tour 1.答案D1Sara acknowledged her mistake and mad

7、e an apology immediately.莎拉承认了错误并且立刻道歉。归纳拓展(1)apology n道歉;谢罪make an apology to sb.for.因向某人道歉(2)apologize vi.道歉,认错apologize to sb.for (doing) sth.因(做)某事向某人道歉语境助记(1)Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience we have caused.若有不便,敬请谅解。(2)Youd better make an apology to her as soon as possible.你最好尽

8、快向她道歉。(3)I must apologize for not being able to meet you.我因没有接你而向你道歉。 题组训练(1)用适当的介词填空Have you made an apology to him for breaking his MP5?Yes.I did yesterday.(2)句型转换I apologized to her for stepping on her toes.I made an apology to her for stepping on her toes.2Peru has abundant plants from desert gr

9、asses to vast areas of jungle.秘鲁有着多种多样的植物,从沙漠中的草到大片的丛林。归纳拓展(1)abundant adj.丰富的,充裕的be abundant in.很丰富(2)abundance n大量,丰富an abundance of大量的in abundance大量,富足语境助记(1)We have abundant proof of her guilt.我们有充足的证据证明她有罪。(2)Sichuan is abundant in wildlife.四川野生动植物很多。(3)At the feast of New Years Eve there is an

10、 abundance of food and drink.除夕的晚宴上有丰盛的食品和饮料。题组训练(1)句型转换China is rich in natural resources.China is abundant in natural resources.(2)完成句子Last year there was an abundance of rain and the trees were abundant in fruits.去年雨量充沛,果树果实累累。Fruit and vegetables grow in abundance on the island.该岛盛产水果和蔬菜。3Its ou

11、t of the question.这是不可能的。归纳拓展out of the question不可能的;不值得讨论的out of question毫无疑问without question毫无疑问beyond question毋庸置疑in question讨论中的,有疑问的语境助记(1)Another trip abroad this year is out of the question.今年再度出国是绝无可能的。(2)Its out of question that he will win the match.毫无疑问他会赢得比赛的胜利。(3)Her honesty is beyond q

12、uestion.她的诚实是毋庸置疑的。题组训练(1)句型转换Its impossible to leave the country without a passport.Its out of the question to leave the country without a passport.(2)完成句子He is,without question,a very clever boy.他无疑是一个非常聪明的孩子。Its out of the question for them to buy a new flat now because they havent found a job.因为

13、他们还没找到工作,买新房子是不可能的。The existence of global warming is still in question.关于是否存在全球变暖的问题仍在讨论中。4things you can do to help him/her settle in为了帮他/她安顿下来你能做的事情归纳拓展settle in(迁入新居、更换工作后)安顿下来settle (oneself) down to sth.安下心来做某事settle down平静下来;舒舒服服地坐下,躺下;定居语境助记(1)We only moved house last week and we havent sett

14、led in yet.我们上星期才搬的家,还没安顿下来呢。(2)She didnt settle in London until graduation from Cambridge University.直到从剑桥大学毕业后她才在伦敦定居。(3)He was so upset that he couldnt settle down to his research.他那么烦躁,无法静下心来进行研究工作。题组训练单句语法填空(1)It was two oclock before I could finally settle down to the book.(2)Do come and see u

15、s when weve settled in.(3)Im glad to learn that youve settled down in Boston.5In the high plains area is Lake Titicaca,the highest lake in the world,on which boats can travel.在高原地区有的的喀喀湖,这是世界上海拔最高的湖,湖上可以行船。归纳拓展此句是一个主从复合句,主句是一个倒装句,on which引导非限制性定语从句。句中the highest lake in the world是Lake Titicaca的同位语。i

16、n the high plains area为介词短语作表语提前。此句是个倒装句,正常语序应为:Lake Titicaca,.is in the high plains area.(1)英语中,当表语为形容词、分词、副词、介词短语,主语比较长且主语是名词时,为了保持句子平衡,常把表语放在句首,引起句子全部倒装。构成句型“形容词(分词、副词、介词短语)地点状语be动词主语”。(2)here,there,up,down,in,out,away,off等表处所、方位的副词放在句首时,若句子的主语为名词,谓语为be,lie,stand,come,go等表示“存在,位于”或“位置移动”的单个不及物动词,

17、这时句子全部倒装。语境助记(1)In the middle of the hall was standing a tall young man.在大厅中央站着一个高个子的年轻人。(2)Autumn coming,down fall the leaves.秋天来了,叶子落了。(3)Out rushed the boy to welcome the pop star.这个男孩冲出去欢迎这位歌星。题组训练(1)完成句子On the wall hang two pictures.两幅画挂在墙上。Along the road stand rows of trees.路边是一排排的树。(2)单句改错At

18、the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River Chongqing,one of the ten largest cities in China.语境填词A根据汉语或首字母提示,写出所缺单词1Mark longed to escape from the same old familiar routine(常规)2We will not,however,treat this project as an extracurricular or optional(随意的) activity.3Spain is still our

19、 most popular holiday destination.4Which Party will govern this country?5They are searching London for an agent(代理人)B填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或所提供单词的正确形式6They must choose between two evenly matched candidates for governor(govern)7Sometimes giving from our need instead of our abundance(abundant) is just what

20、we need to do!(2015全国)8Wait until the children have settled down before you start your lesson.9From the map we can see that this line is parallel to that one.10It is said that this town is abundant in watermelons.选词填空11Her uncle chose to settle in the countryside.12If you are late,you should make an

21、 apology to the teacher either at the time or after class.13That scientist was devoted to the study day in and day out and finally he achieved success.14The plane flew parallel to the coast.15If you keep on eating like this,losing weight is out of the question.完成句子16It is universally/generally ackno

22、wledged that Taiwan is a part of China.台湾是中国的一部分,这是大家公认的。17Once losing this chance,you cant easily find it.一旦失去这次机会你就很难找回。18Up jumped the cat and caught the mouse.那只猫跳起来捉住了老鼠。19As it rained that day,they put off the meeting.由于那天下大雨,他们取消了那次会议。20They have gone to Nanjing,where they will stay for a wee

23、k.他们到南京去了,将在那里呆一周。.阅读理解Good afternoon,and welcome to England.We hope that your visit here will be a pleasant one.Today,I would like to draw your attention to a few of our laws.The first one is about drinking.Now,you may not buy alcohol(酒) in this country if you are under 18 years of age,nor may your

24、 friends buy it for you.Secondly,noise.Enjoy yourselves by all means,but please dont make unnecessary noise,particularly at night.We ask you to respect other people who may wish to be quiet.Thirdly,crossing the road.Be careful.The traffic moves on the left side of the road in this country.Use pedest

25、rian crossings(人行横道) and do not take any chances when crossing the road.My next point is about litter (throwing away waste material in a public place)It is an offence(违法行为) to drop litter in the street.When you have something to throw away,please put it in your pocket and take it home,or put it in a

26、 litter bin.Finally,as regards smoking,it is against the law to buy cigarettes or tobacco(烟草) if you are under 16 years of age.Id like to finish by saying that if you require any sort of help or assistance,you should contact your local police station,who will be pleased to help you.Now,are there any

27、 questions?21The main purpose of this speech would be to .Adeclare the laws of different kindsBgive advice to travellers to the countryCprepare people for international travelDinform people of the punishment for breaking laws答案B解析写作意图题。文章介绍了英格兰的五项法律,要求旅游者加以注意,目的是给到该地的旅游者提供建议。故选B。22How many laws are

28、there discussed in the speech?AThree. BFour.CFive. DSix.答案C解析细节理解题。文中主要提到了关于drinking,noise,crossing the road,litter以及smoking五项法律。故选C。23What can we learn from the speech?AYou may not buy cigarettes or tobacco unless you are above 16 years of age.BYou cant make noise except at night.CBecause the traff

29、ic moves on the left side of the road,you must use pedestrian crossing when crossing the road.DIn this country,if you are under 18 years of age,you may not buy alcohol,but your friends can buy it for you.答案A解析细节理解题。由倒数第三段“.it is against the law to buy cigarettes or tobacco(烟草) if you are under 16 ye

30、ars of age.”可知答案选A。24The underlined word “contact” in the seventh paragraph means “ ”Akeep in touch with BreportCget in touch with Djoin答案C解析词义猜测题。如果你需要任何帮助,你应该联系你所在地的派出所,他们将很高兴帮助你。get in touch with与取得联系,与contact意思一致。故选C。.七选五A group of happy,highperforming individuals is not a team.Even if each of t

31、he people is highly motivated and wants to do great work,you will still need to spend time actively developing a sense of unity and cooperation to create a truly teamoriented(团队精神的) environment. 25 Building a team takes time. 26 We will review the building blocks of a team environment,so you can wor

32、k on this aspect of your role over time.Successful teams have some common attributes(品质) you can encourage and develop as you work with the members of your group. 27 Making them clear to every member of your group is a great first step toward developing a teamoriented culture.All effective teams ope

33、rate on the basis of trust. 28 Each member on your team needs to see consistent(一致的) behavior patterns from you and their colleagues over time to be able to believe a certain person will act in a certain way. 29 While having these discussions can be great for your teams creativity,you want to ensure

34、 they remain within respectful communication.Challenging another team members view can help refine an idea and make it more perfect.You should encourage everyone to contribute to the discussion.ABuilding a great team needs a lot of skills.BA healthy team will have debates,and sometimes even heated d

35、iscussions.CYour aim is to encourage your team members to work together.DYou cant expect to achieve success quickly.EYou will need to show these values through your actions as well as your words.FTherefore,working with others is not the same as being mutually(相互地) supportive and dependent on one ano

36、ther.GTrust is based on pattern recognition.答案25.F26.D27.E28.G29.B.语法填空Mr.Johnson lived in the woods with his wife and children.He owned 30.a farm,which looked almost abandoned.31.Luckily(lucky),he also had a cow which produced milk every day.He sold or exchanged some of the milk in the towns nearby

37、 32.for other food and made cheese and butter for the family with what 33.was left(leave)The cow was their only means of support,in fact.One day,the cow was eating grass when it began to rain 34.heavily(heavy)While making great efforts to run away,she 35.fell (fall) over the hill and died.Then the J

38、ohnsons had to make a living 36.without the cow.In order to support his family,Mr.Johnson began to plant herbs and vegetables.Since the plants took a while to grow,he started cutting down trees 37.to sell (sell) the wood.38.Thinking(think) about his childrens clothes,he started growing cotton too.Wh

39、en harvest came around,he was already selling herbs,vegetables and cotton in the market where people from the town met regularly.Now it occurred to him 39.that his farm had much potential and that the death of the cow was a bit of luck.短文改错This term we have a new English teacher,Mr.Zheng,which often

40、 says,“A good teacher should be a person who does all that he can make himself unnecessary.” At the beginning,we all felt puzzling at his words,but gradually we came to accept Mr.Zheng as a greater teacher.Above all,he has a special way to make ourselves interested in his class.Besides,he always gav

41、e us some advice on what to learn English better.“The purpose of learning a foreign language,” he said,“are to be able to use it freely in our daily life.Try your best to practice English both in and out of class,you will surely make a great progress.”答案This term we have a new English teacher,Mr.Zhe

42、ng, often says,“A good teacher should be a person who does all that he can make himself unnecessary.” At the beginning,we all felt at his words,but gradually we came to accept Mr.Zheng as a teacher.Above all,he has a special way to make interested in his class.Besides,he always us some advice on to

43、learn English better.“The purpose of learning a foreign language,” he said,“ to be able to use it freely in our daily life.Try your best to practice English both in and out of class, you will surely make a great progress.”.微写作写作素材1就教育而言,他们的学业要求和我们的很不同。2他们不必天天忙于家庭作业。3他们可以用充分的证据去反驳老师。4难怪有些中国的学生很难适应。提示

44、:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。补全短文40As far as education is concerned,their 41.academic requirements are quite different from ours.They neednt 42.be occupied with homework 43.day in and day out.They even can 44.contradict the teachers with abundant evidence.No wonder some Chinese students find it hard 45.to fit in there.


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