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《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 5 PERIOD 4(北师大版必修二广东专用).doc

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《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 5 PERIOD 4(北师大版必修二广东专用).doc_第1页
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1、Unit 5 Rhythm Period Four Lesson 4 Lets Dance 课时精练(北师大版必修2,广东专用)时间:40分钟.完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。“Happy lst day of kindergarten!” Max ran into the bedroom a few minutes before 6 am. “Yes, it is!”I rolled over, picked my boy up and _1_him between my wife and I with the effortlessn

2、ess that seemed to _2_every pound hed picked up since his first day of preschool.We _3_a few last minute kindergarten questions before Mia woke up and ran into the room to join us. We did our best to ignore the tickticktock that had been missing all _4_, but soon enough we knew it was time to roll o

3、ut of bed and into the important day. I did my best to _5_ for the children and we all piled into the car and _6_toward school.We attended to Mia first, finding out who her 7was and then walking her to a new and slightly changed routine. We told her we were _8_and wished her well on her first day of

4、 2nd grade. We then crossed the campus to stand in line with the nineteen other parents, _9_their fiveyearolds into the arms of another.“I think my teacher will like me,” Max stood _10_between us.“Your teacher is going to love you,” we both _11_.Ten minutes later, at about 909, on September 9, we we

5、re waving _12_ to our boy who, I believe we would both agree, had never looked so _13_.The day _14_ a little too fast and soon enough it was time to pick up Max from his first short day. He jumped out of class, even _15_ than when we had left him. After we picked up Mia, her hand fell into her broth

6、ers and the two of them started singing and dancing. He is a fearless explorer and she is a clever adventurer who had been there before.【解题导语】 本文从一位家长的角度,真实地描写了孩子第一次上学的情景。文章虽然波澜不惊,但真实感人。1Afollowed BremovedCgave Dset答案D儿子上学的第一天非常兴奋,一大清早就跑到爸妈卧室。根据前面I rolled over, picked my boy up可知,作者和妻子还在床上,所以应该是把孩子抱

7、上床放到自己和妻子之间。set“放置”,符合语意。2Amiss BignoreClose Dforget答案B根据前面的with the effortlessness可知,作者把儿子抱上床很轻松,毫不费力。实际上这有很深的寓意:儿子即将上学,要独自面对世界,他身上的担子就重了,爸爸就是要做给儿子看,这些重量算不了什么,是可以忽略不计的。ignore忽视;miss错过;lose丧失;forget忘记。故选B。3Aoffered BcancelledCexchanged Dconsidered答案C在姐姐Mia醒来跑进卧室之前,我们就幼儿园里的事情交谈了一会儿。exchange交流,故选C。4As

8、ummer BwinterCautumn Dspring答案A我们努力去忽略时间(tickticktock意为“时钟的嘀嗒声”),然而今天是儿子上学的第一天,很快我们就意识到是时候起床去迎接这重要的一天了。从倒数第二段可知,开学是在秋天,那么沉浸于欢乐之中忘了时间应在夏天。5Aprepare BwaitCleave Ddrive答案A作者尽力为孩子们做好准备。6Awalked BranCheaded Dmarched答案C根据前面的we all piled into the car可知,是开车去学校,因此用headed“朝(某方向)行进。”march“齐步走,行进”,不符合语境。故选C。7Ar

9、oommate BteacherCclassmate Dheadmaster答案B到校的第一件事当然是先找老师。8Aproud BgladCafraid Dashamed答案A孩子二年级开学的第一天,为了给她鼓励和支持,我们告诉孩子我们为她感到自豪。故选A。9Adriving BthrowingCforcing Dhanding答案D20位家长站成一排,小心翼翼地,手把手地把孩子交到老师的手中。故选D。10Ashouting BcryingClaughing Dsmiling答案D根据上一句I think my teacher will like me.说明孩子有自信,根据最后一段第二句可知,

10、此时孩子是高兴的,但也不可能大声笑。故选D。11Aagreed BhopedCbegged Dadvised答案A孩子尽管有自信,但毕竟太小,还是想寻求父母的鼓励。此处实际上表明的是作者和妻子齐声回答,给孩子支持。agree“同意,赞同”,符合语境。故选A。12Afists BgoodbyeChello Darms答案B把孩子交到老师手里之后就要和孩子说再见了。wave goodbye to sb为固定短语,向某人道别。故选B。13Asmall BfunnyCbig Dtall答案C孩子能不吵不闹地去读书,还充满信心,父母感到高兴,看到孩子离去的身影,觉得他长大了。tall指具体的身高。故选C

11、。14Astood up Bstood byCsped up Dwent by答案D根据下文的内容可知,是“时间过得很快”。go by“(时间)过去,消逝”。speed up(使)加快速度;stand by袖手旁观;stand up站立,经受得住。故选D。15Astronger BhappierCsadder Dweaker答案B根据上一句he jumped out of class可知,孩子第一天在学校过得非常快乐。故选B。.语法填空阅读下面短文,并将答案填写在标号为1625的相应位置。Experts say that creativity by definition means going

12、 against the tradition and breaking the rules.To be creative, you must dare to say“no”, and_16_(brave)express your own ideas and take pride in_17_makes you unique.But does our society encourage children to break the rules?Im afraid_18_answer is no.The famous film director An Lee recalls his fathers

13、disappointment with him when he was young._19_a small child, he would pick up a broom and pretend_20_(play)guitar for the entertainment of family guests.Then, when he studied film in college, he would tire_21_out in practice just for a performance tour.His father, _22_always hoped that he would get

14、a PhD and become a professor, _23_(react):“What is all this nonsense?!”But it later turned_24_that it was exactly his courage to “rebel”(叛逆)and to express his own ideas_25_marks his films with distinct creativity.【解题导语】 文章通过An Lee小时候的独特行为解释什么是创新,以及有创新思维人的种种“离奇”表现。16bravely空白处应用副词形式修饰后面的动词express。17w

15、hattake pride in后是宾语从句且从句缺少主语,应用what引导。18theanswer是特指对前句所提问题的答案,故前用定冠词the。19Asas a small child当他还是个孩子的时候, as是连词,连接名词(短语),表示时间。20to play/to be playingpretend to do sth或者pretend to be doing假装(正在)做某事。21himselftire是及物动词,此处应用主语的反身代词作它的宾语,tire oneself out精疲力竭。22whowho引导非限制性定语从句,对先行词(His)father附加说明,who代替先行

16、词在句中作主语。23reacted这里写Lee在读大学时父亲对他乐此不疲地参加巡回演出排练的反应,故用过去时。24outturn out是固定短语,意思为:结果是。25thatthat引导定语从句,修饰 ideas;在定语从句作主语。.阅读理解UK residents take over 40m holidays abroad and more than 100m overnight stays in this country each year.Choices made about where to go,how to get there and what to do while there

17、 can either benefit or harm the environment.While on holidayMany of the things you can do to be greener on holiday will be the same things you can do at homebut there are also some extra things,too,like avoiding gifts made from endangered species.Here are some suggestions:Making the most of locally

18、produced food and drink,and local activities and attractions will support people in the area you are visiting and reduce the need for further environmental impact from transport.Switching off any air conditioning,heating and lights when youre not using your accommodation will help reduce climate cha

19、nge effects.Try not to waste watersome countries suffer from water shortages and saving water can help avoid damage to natural habitats.Endangered speciesSome gifts and foods available in some countries can be made from endangered plants or animals,for example,animal skins,ivory,orchids,caviar,or co

20、ral.Check before you buy,but if in doubt avoid animal and plant gifts.More details of the types of products to avoid and illegal trade hotspots can be found on the Souvenir Alert webpage.Making a positive contribution to the place you are visitingThere are ways in which your holiday can help support

21、 local people and the environment:There are many opportunities to volunteer and help with projects that conserve and improve habitats and nature reserves.When you are away,or if you are looking for somewhere to visit in the UK,you can support projects or attractions which protect wildlife,such as na

22、ture reserves and conservation projects.【解题导语】 本文是应用文。文章介绍在海外旅行时,怎样保护环境,选择绿色活动。26If given a title to the passage,a best possible one would be_.ATravel Abroad:Dont Harm the EnvironmentBHolidays:Greener choicesCHolidays Abroad:What to Do and What Not to DoDTravel Abroad:Minimise Environmental Impact答案

23、B文章标题题。第一段中“在海外旅行时,怎样保护环境”Choices made about where to go,how to get there and what to do while there can either benefit or harm the environment是本文的主题句。27The Souvenir Alert webpage gives you information about_.Asouvenirs availableBforbidden souvenirsCwhere to trade souvenirsDall types of products答案B细

24、节理解题。B项forbidden souvenirs与原文中“非法旅游纪念品”交易的含义最接近。28What can you do to help reduce climate change effects?ADont waste water.BMake the most of locally produced food and drink.CSave electricity.DDont go around too much.答案C细节理解题。从第一部分第二条Switching off any air conditioning,heating and lights.的信息可知,省电会减少对气候

25、变化的影响。29We can infer from the passage that_.Agreen holidays have been accepted by most peopleBit is not so easy to make a green holidayCnature reserves need the most volunteer workDnot every one can tell an illegal souvenir答案D推理判断题。从第二部分Check before you buy,but if in doubt avoid animal and plant gif

26、ts可得到答案,并不是所有人都能分辨非法旅游纪念品。30Which of the following is TRUE?AThe things you do on holiday cant be greener than that you do at home.BFew gifts and foods can be made from endangered plants or animals.CYou can find more details of the types of products to avoid and illegal trade hotspots on the Souvenir Alert webpage.DIf youre looking for somewhere to visit in the UK,you can consult your teacher.答案C从第二部分最后一句“More details of the types.webpage”可得到答案。


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