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2013届高三一轮英语课时作业 MODULE 6ANIMALS IN DANGER(外研版必修5陕西专用).doc

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1、.单项填空1The young man_in studying paid no attention to the outside world.AinvolvedBinvolvingCto be involved Dbeing involved2What a pity!Ive not got a ticket for the football match.Dont worry.Itll be broadcast_.Alive BlivelyCalive Dliving3Weve ate all the apples.Theres none_on the plate now.Aleaving Bl

2、eftCremained Dforgot4Oh,my God!Its a sea of cars.How can you_your car?Thats easy.Mine is colored differently from any other one.Acatch BspotCpick Dget5Can I sit here?Sorry.It has been_.Areserved BdeservedCpreserved Dserved6The new house really wasnt_all the expense involved.Aworthy BworthwhileCworth

3、 of Dworth7The business was_by the grandfather of the present boss.Aput up Btaken upCset up Dbuilt up8_maths is concerned,Tom is the best student in our class.AAs long as BAs soon asCAs for DAs far as9The students entered the classroom,smiling and_,and_down to have their lessons.Atalked;sat Btalking

4、;sittingCtalking;sat Dtalked;sitting10To his disappointment,the opinion he had stuck_out wrong.Ato turn Bto turningCto turned Dto be turned11Near the table_a poor dog,who desired to satisfy his hunger with_fell from the table.Alaid;something Blay;thatClaid;that Dlay;what12Can I watch the football ma

5、tch on TV tonight,Mum?_you finish all the homework first.AIf only BOnly ifCEven when DNot unless13Brad was Janes brother!_he reminded me so much of Jane!ANo doubt BAbove allCNo wonder DOf course14Youre_your time trying to persuade him;hell never join us.Aspending BwastingClosing Dmissing15Many count

6、ries are increasing their use of natural gas,wind and other forms of_.Aenergy BsourceCpower Dmaterial.句子翻译16现在看韩剧成为一种时尚。_17看!有一位老人站在树下读报。(There be)_18你能替我临时照看一下我的孩子吗?_19在山东人们以小麦为主食;而在湖南,人们以大米为主。_20He succeeded in rescuing the animal that is in danger._.完形填空Volunteer victimsA man who dined regularly

7、in his favorite restaurant complained about the bread.It wasnt_21_,he said,that other restaurants served lots of_22_.But here he got only one piece.So the next time he came in,they_23_him four pieces.He still said it wasnt_24_.For his next visit they put a large basket of bread on the table.But stil

8、l he_25_,“The other restaurants give all the bread you can_26_”They decided to be_27_for him the next day.They had_28_an enormous loaf of bread.It was six feet long and two feet wide.Four people carried the loaf to his_29_.They plopped(使掉下) it down in front of him.It took up half the table and_30_ov

9、er both sides.The chef stood back to see_31_the customer would react.He looked over the loaf and_32_,“So,were back to one piece again,arent we?”Like this man,we volunteer to be_33_.We believe life is unfair and people are_34_.We think everyone should know just how_35_things are and we feel obliged t

10、o tell them.The problem is that life sometimes is unfair,_36_the greater truth is that people can decide whether they are victims or_37_.Happy people have learned that they cannot always_38_their circumstances,but they can often decide how they will_39_.What life means to us is determined not so muc

11、h by what life brings to us as by the_40_we bring to life;not so much by what happens to us as by our reaction to what happens.You were born to be a victor! You were meant to be happy!21.A.cheap BexpensiveCfair Dpossible22A.bread BfruitCsoup Dpudding23A.sold BservedCbought Dprepared24A.plenty Bdelic

12、iousCsuitable Denough25A.disagreed BdisapprovedCpraised Dcomplained26A.eat BproduceCbake Dconsume27.A.useful BreadyCsorry Danxious28A. arranged BorganizedCprepared Dordered29A.home BofficeCtable Dcounter30A.got BfellCswung Dhung31A.how BwhatCwhen Dwhy32A.shouted BwhisperedCcommented Dyelled33A.suffe

13、rs BlosersCassistants Dvictims34A.different BuntrustworthyCcruel Dimpatient35A.terrible BniceChard Dfantastic36A.and BbutCeven Dif37A.champions BconquerorsCfighters Dvictors38A.adjust BmatchCcontrol Ddirect39A.respond BignoreCevaluate Dcooperate40A.meaning BattitudeCapproach Dmanner.阅读理解Every family

14、 with kids has seen its share of arguments,shouting and complaining.It turns out that all that conflict serves an important purpose in the development of children.Saying“no” followed by a bad temper,just may be an unavoidable part of growing up.And thats a good thing.These are the first steps toward

15、 independence.Even young children have to challenge their parents sometimes.Studies have shown the following:Although stressful,conflict is beneficial for children.Learning to manage conflict is necessary for a childs development.Conflicts during the preschool years occur because children desire mor

16、e attention than parents can or should give.If you understand why conflict occurs,it can minimize the conflicts between you and your children.Conflict is a childs attempt to develop a sense of self and how he or she learns to express his or her needs and ideas.Parents develop and drive this independ

17、ence by putting children to the outside world both formally and informally.Conflict can grow out of different opinions or might just be a way to blow off steam (发脾气)In rare situations,constant conflict between parents and children can indicate a deeper emotional problem.Consult your doctor if this s

18、eems to be your situation.Its important to offer your child choices,which should be determined by age and developmental level.The more responsible a child is,the more choices he or she gets in reward.You can threaten your child with punishment,but often offering a choice will better improve angry si

19、tuations.Consequences and rewards should have some meaning to your child.Often a childs adverse(敌对的) reaction when he or she hears the word “no” can be avoided by giving the child an explanation as to why you have refused his or her request.41The intended readers of this passage are_.Adoctors Bteach

20、ersCparents Dchildren42By saying “thats a good thing” in Paragraph 1,the author means_.Achildren try being independentBchildren behave politelyCparents control their feelings wellDparents understand their children43If a 3yearold boy challenges his parents angrily,according to studies,he may_.Afeel b

21、eing overlooked by his parentsBget tired of staying at homeCbe worried by the outside worldDwant to avoid going to school44In most cases,the conflict between parents and children_.Aleads to misunderstandingBdoesnt really mean a deep emotional problemCis an important choiceDinvolves visiting doctors4

22、5What can be concluded from the passage?AThe more conflicts your family has,the better your child develops.BChildren enjoy giving their opinions by challenging their parents.CMost parents would rather punish their children than reward them.DCommunication can reduce conflict between parents and child

23、ren.课时作业答案.单项填空1Ainvolved in studying作后置定语修饰the young man。句意为“潜心学习的年轻人不关心外面的世界”。2Alive可以作副词,表示“实况地,以实况形式地”。句中应填的是一个副词,且表示“实况地”。lively生动的,活泼的;alive在句中作后置定语、表语或补足语;living活着的,在使用中的。3B句意为:“我们吃了所有的苹果,现在盘子里一个也没剩下。”此处考查There is.left结构。4B考查动词辨析。catch抓住;spot认出;pick摘,捡;get得到。只有spot符合句意。5A考查动词辨析。reserve预订;dese

24、rve应得,值得;preserve保护,维护;serve服务,端上,根据句意,应选A。6D考查同义词辨析。句意为:这座新房子确实不值这么多的花费。be worthmoney (cost/expense)意为“值多少钱(花费)”。worthy/worthwhile均无此用法,C项不存在。7C考查动词短语的辨析。put up意为“建造或搭起一个具体事物”;take up意为“着手干,占(时间、空间)”;set up意为“建立,开办”;build up意为“增强,加强”。8D考查固定短语。句意为:就数学而言,汤姆是我们班最棒的学生。as far as sth.is concerned意为“就某事而言

25、”,as long as意为“只要”,as soon as意为“一就”,as for意为“至于”。9C考查现在分词作状语和并列谓语的用法。句意为:同学们说着笑着走进了教室,接着坐下上课。第一个空与smiling并列,作伴随状语,选talking;第二个空与entered是并列谓语,选sat。10C考查定语从句和turn out的用法。句意为:让他失望的是,他原来坚持的主张被证明是错误的。stick to的宾语为opinion,故he had stuck to才构成定语从句,后面再接句子的谓语动词turned out,不能用被动语态。11D句意为:桌子旁躺着一只可怜的小狗,它渴望用桌子上掉下来的

26、食物来解除它的饥饿。lie作“躺”讲时,其过去式、过去分词是lay,lain;lay作“下蛋,放置”讲时,其过去式、过去分词是laid,laid,因此从B、D两项里选。with是介词,介词后的宾语从句缺主语,所以选what。综合考虑,应选D项。12B考查句式结构。句意为:妈妈,今晚我能看电视上的足球赛吗?只要你先完成所有的家庭作业。only if是条件句的强调形式,意为“只要”;if only意为“要是该多好”,后面跟虚拟语气;C、D两项均不符合题意。13Cno doubt毫无疑问;above all重要的是;of course当然。14B句意为“你试图说服他,是在浪费时间。他不会加入我们的”

27、。waste time (in) doing sth.浪费时间做某事;spend time (in) doing sth.花费时间干某事。lose失去;miss错过,不符合题意。15A从常识可知,natural gas与wind都是能源,所以选择energy。source源泉;power能力,权力;material材料,均不符合题意。.句子翻译16Now watching South Korean soup opera comes into fashion.17Look!There is an old man standing under the tree reading a newspape

28、r.18Could you keep an eye on my baby for a moment?19People feed on wheat in Shandong while rice in Hunan.20他成功地拯救了那只面临危险的动物。.完形填空21C根据后面可知其他的餐馆提供很多,而他在这个餐馆里只得到一片,所以他认为是不公平的。22A结合第一句话中的“bread”可知选A。23B此处表示这个餐馆给他提供了四片面包。24D从下文可知这里表示他还认为不够。25D从下文所说的话可知此处表示他仍然抱怨。26A其他的餐馆,顾客能够吃多少就提供多少。27B这里表示餐馆想为这个人做好准备。2

29、8C通过前面的“to be ready for”可知是为这个人准备了一个很大的面包。29C从后面的“It took up half the table”可知是把面包送到桌上。30D这里形容面包之大,垂在了桌子的边沿。31A厨师要看看顾客会有怎样的反应。32C根据上下文的语境,可知这里使用comment表示评论比较合适。33D从后面的“whether they are victims”知道这里用victims。34B根据前面的“life is unfair”可知这里表示人们是不值得信任的。35A结合前面的victims,unfair和untrustworthy可知此处选A。36B此处与前句“生活

30、有时是不公平的”构成转折关系。37D我们可以选择成为victims或者是victors。从后句“Happy people have learned that.”可获得提示。38C根据后面的“but they can often decide”可知这里表示快乐的人虽然不能控制环境,但是可以决定自己的反应。39Arespond是对前面不能够控制的环境的反应。40B这里表示我们对待生活的态度是重要的。.阅读理解41C全文围绕父母和孩子的矛盾展开,并着重向父母们分析了孩子产生抵触情绪的原因、意义等,因此C项正确。42A只有A项解释针对性地照应了下文,即“These are the first steps toward independence.”。43A根据“Conflicts during the preschool years occur because children desire more attention than parents can or should give”可知A项正确。44BB项与文中“In rare situations,constant conflict.”语义一致。45D从该文末段可知,父母针对性的解释可以避免和孩子产生摩擦,因此D项推论成立。


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