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1、2013届高三一轮总复习考点提升训练英语试题集(六)一、单项选择21.【2012届河北省普通高考模拟】34. -Did you go to the fashion show last week? -I_,but I was fully occupied the whole week A. must go B. must have goneC. would go D. would have gone22.【2012届保定市高三第一次模拟】23. She_well let out the secret,for she looked very upset when seeing me.A. can

2、B. may C. must D. shall23. The company was named Gates Hall _ a man named James Gates. A. in need of B. in search ofC. with the help of D. in memory of24. It never _ me that he might be in trouble. A. happened to B. adjusted to C. belonged to D. occurred to25. - Can I pay the bill by cheque?- Sorry,

3、 sir. But it is the management rules of our school that payment be made in cash. A. shall B. need C. will D. can26. It is reported that Zhang Yimou _ Hollywood invitation. A. turns on B. turns overC. turns down D. turns off27. _ in the regulation that you should not tell other people the password of

4、 your e-mail account.A. What is required B. What required C. It is required D. It requires28. - Its a pity that Mr. Smith died last night. - Really? The police may never discover what _ that night, for he was the only eyewitness (目击者).A. happened B. took place C. was happened D. was taken place29. _

5、 untidily and speaking in a strange way, father must have appeared to the people present to be a silly old man. A. Dressing B. DressedC. Being dressedD. To be dressed30. As I arrived in Sydney, I wanted to see everything on my first day,_ I knew was impossible. A. that B. where C. when D. which31. -

6、 I bet someone stole my backpack. - Well, you _ have kept an eye on it. A. may B. can C. would D. should32. Kathy, make sure everyone knows the exact time for the meeting. -_.A. I can make sure B. I agree with you C. I will do D. Thats right33. We arranged to meet at 8:00, but she never _.A. turn do

7、wn B. turn off C. turn over D. turn up34. Mr. John was always _ the poor and the sick, often providing them with free medical care.A. tended by B. absorbed inC. reminded of D. concerned about35. Have you heard the story of “The Merchant of Venice”? No. When and where does the story _ ? A. take up B.

8、 take onC. take place D. take off 三、完形填空Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that I struggled with for most of my middle school years and a part of my high school years.At Riverview, 36 was usually a nightmare (噩梦) for me. As I 37 the dining hall, all the eyes would be fixed upon my bony figure. I

9、 would take my place at a table full of friends and 38 to enjoy a “normal” lunch. The 39 was that I would not always eat lunch, and that greatly 40 my friends. They would watch to make sure that I was eating properly, almost 41 food into my mouth.And then, I transferred to Madison High School. I dec

10、ided not to tell anyone at that school about my eating disorder since I had almost 42 by that time. Strangely, I stopped fearing lunch when I started at Madison. No one knew that I had an eating disorder, 43 they did not care what I ate. This 44 a huge amount of stress from my life. It was still har

11、d for me to eat in front of others, which is 45 for an anorexic, but I was able to put some of my 46 aside. I was thankful for the students at Riverview, but they knew me only as an anorexic. My friends cared about my health, but they 47 to care about me as a person. Truthfully, all I wanted was for

12、 them to 48 me and not to fix on my eating disorder. The students at Madison took the time to know who I 49 was. They had no idea that I had been an anorexic, so that a particular label (标签) did not 50 their opinions of me. I was finally 51 for my talents and achievements, not my failures. I was hon

13、ored as a good student. I was no longer afraid to show my true 52 . My days as an anorexic taught me many lessons that I would never 53 . They taught me about life and how to be a better friend. I learned about the joy of 54 tasks such as eating lunch. I appreciated the people who helped me to see t

14、hat there is more 55 life than having an eating disorder. 36. A. learningB. exerciseC. lunchtime D. homework37. A. left B. cleaned C. crossed D. entered38. A. tryB. offer C. remember D. stop39. A. purpose B. attempt C. problem D. excuse40. A. surprisedB. worriedC. puzzledD. bored41. A. allowing B. f

15、orcing C. providingD. dropping42. A. succeededB. lost C. recoveredD. quit 43. A. but B. unless C. so D. though44. A. liftedB. created C. causedD. developed45. A. seriousB. unbelievable C. relevant D. common46. A. fears B. desires C. beliefsD. doubts47. A. refusedB. failed C. pretended D. promised 48

16、. A. selectB. forgive C. love D. affect49. A. reallyB. probably C. eventually D. merely50. A. expressB. color C. share D. confirm51. A. determined B. identifiedC. envied D. recognized52. A. responsibilityB. personality C. appreciation D. ambition 53. A. forget B. reviewC. skip D. draw54. A. toughB.

17、complex C. specific D. routine55. A. duringB. to C. of D. through 四、阅读理解A When middle-aged Alex quit his job and made up his mind to become a self-employed writer, no one could tell for sure whether he would succeed or notHe found a cold storage room in a building, set up a used typewriter and settl

18、ed down to work After a year or so, however, Alex began to doubt himselfHe found it was difficult to earn his living by selling what he wroteBut Alex determined to put his dream to the testeven though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure is the shadowland (虚幻世界) of hope, and This any

19、one with a dream must learn to live there One day Alex got a call, We need an assistant, and were paying $ 6,000 a year $ 6,000 was real money in 1960 would enable Alex to get a nice apartment, a used car and more It Besides, he could write in his spare timeAs the dollars were dancing in Alexs head,

20、 something cleared his sensesHe had dreamed of being a writer ?full timeThanks, but no, Alex said firmly and swiftly, Im going to stick it out and write After Alex got off the phone, he pulled out everything he had: two cans of vegetables and 18 centsAlex put the cans and cents into a paper bag, say

21、ing to himself, Theres everything youve made of yourself so farIm not sure I ever felt so low Finally his work was published in 1970Instantly he had the kind of fame and success that few writers ever experienceThe shadows had turned into focus of attention Then one day, Alex found a box filled with

22、things he had owned years beforeInside was a paper bag with two cans and 18 centsSuddenly he pictured himself working in that cold storage roomIt reminds Alex, and anyone with a dream, of the courage and persistence (坚毅) it takes to stay the course (持续到底) in the shadowland 56Why did Alex give up his

23、 job? ABecause he didnt like the working conditions BBecause he couldnt earn enough to make a living CBecause he wanted to be a full-time writer DBecause he felt he had no potential in his job 57What did Alex express when he answered the call? AHe refused the job offer BHe was willing to give them a

24、 hand CHe expected them to pay him more money DHe would write in his spare time 58What kind of person is Alex? ADetermined BModest CShy DBrave 59Which of the following can summarize the passage best? ALook before you leap BTwo heads are better, than one CHold on to your dream, and it will come true

25、DA bird in hand is worth two in the bush B Drinking Water: Bottled or From the Tap(水龙头)? In America, people will include a case or two of bottled water when buying the weeks groceries(日用杂货) When they are going to a soccer game or activity, its common for them to grab a cold bottle of water out of th

26、e fridge with themIn fact, Americans buy more bottled water than any other nation in the world, about 29 billion bottles a year But all these plastic bottles use a lot of fossil fuels and pollute the environmentIn order to make all the 29 billion bottles, producers use 17 million barrels of crude oi

27、l, which is enough to keep a million cars going for 12 months So why dont people drink water straight from the tap? Some people have a strong belief that bottled water is better than water out of the tap, but thats not necessarily true the US, the local In governments make sure water from the tap is

28、 safeThere is also growing concern that chemicals in the bottles themselves may go into the water People love the convenience of bottled waterBut maybe if they realized the problems it causes, they would try drinking from a glass at home or carrying water in a reusable steel container instead of pla

29、stic Some argue that plastic bottle recycling can help Recycled bottles can be turned into items like carpeting or clothingUnfortunately, only one in six bottles is recycledThe rest make it to landfills (垃圾填坦场) or end as trash in other placesPlastic bottles take hundreds of years for them to disinte

30、grate Water is important for you, so keep drinking itBut think about how often you use water bottles, and see if you can make a change And yes, you can make a differenceRemember this: Recycling one plastic bottle can save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for six hours 60How many cars can

31、be kept going for a year by the crude oil used to make 29 billion bottles? A100 BI,000 C100,000 DI,000,000 61Why do Americans prefer bottled water? ABottled water is better than water from the tap BBottled water is cheaper than water from the tap CBottled water contains beneficial chemicals in it DB

32、ottled water is more convenient than water from the tap 62What does the underlined word disintegrate in the fifth paragraph probably meanABe well recycled BBecome less poisonous CBreak into small pieces DGo down below a surface 63The authors intention of writing this passage is to recommend American

33、s Adrink more water from the tap Bsend plastic bottles to landfills . Cuse water bottles to power light bulbs Dbuy bottles filled with water from the tap C Money is all surrounding usEvery day, we see it, use it, and it is on the tip of our tongueDid you ever stop to take into consideration where th

34、e money that you carry around every day comes from? Making new money is a very unique job and no easy taskIt has up to 65 steps When the money in circulation (流通) gets dirty and worn out, it is replaced with new money The old money is taken from banks and brought to places where it is destroyed Usua

35、lly, the old money is burnedThe burned money is replaced by new paper money If old money is being replaced, then new money is printed in a place called a mint(造币 厂) Large sheets 01 paper are printed with many pictures of some currency (流通货币) These large sheets are cut into individual billsThe indivi

36、dual bills are then put together in big stacks and then sent to banks Sometimes the mint will make a new bill with a new picture (portraits of statesman and places of interest are favoured) or a new colour. It is not easy for the government to make a new bill. It takes a long time, and there are man

37、y steps to go through before a new bill can be sent to banks, first, people m the government decide that a new kind of bill is needed Then, they ask and artist to design the new bill different artist cuts the new picture into a soft piece of metal called a A dieThe dies are made and put onto large p

38、rinting machinesThen, very special paper is used, which no one but the mint can haveAlong with this special paper, the mint also prints currency using special colours After the dies print the new currency onto the paper, the bills are cut, stacked, and sent off to the banks 64From the passage we kno

39、w that Abanks make new money Bit takes 65 procedures to make new moneyCmints decide what kind of bill is needed Dold money that is not used is forever stored in a special place 65We can infer from the passage that a die is _ Asomething for dead people Ba special machine that prints the money Ca spec

40、ial piece of paper that the money is made from Da piece of metal that puts the picture on the money 66Which of the following shows the right order of dealing with new money? New money is printed in a mint Bills are cut from large sheets of special paper New money is sent in large amounts to banks Th

41、e government decides to make new money A B C D 67Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? AThe reason for making new money BThe processes of making a new bill CThe amount of new money needed DThings usedto make new money or a new bill DNuclear weapons(核武器)were first developed in the U

42、nited States during the Second World War to be used against GermanyHowever, by the time the first bombs were ready for use, the war with Germany had ended and, as a result, the decision was made to use the weapons against Japan instead Hiroshima and Nagasaki have suffered the consequences of the dec

43、ision to the present day. The real reasons why bombs were dropped on two heavily populated cities are not altogether clear number of people in 1944 and early 1945 argued that the use of nuclear weapons would be A unnecessary, since American Intelligence was aware that some of the most powerful and i

44、nfluential people in Japan had already realised that the war was lost, and wanted to discuss a Japanese surrender (投降) It was also argued that, since Japan has few natural resources, a blockade (封锁) by the American navy would force it to surrender within a few Weeks, and the use of nuclear weapons w

45、ould prove unnecessaryIf a demonstration of force was required to end the war, a bomb could be dropped over an unpopulated area like a desert, in front of Japanese observers, or over an area of low population inside Japan, such as a forestChoosing this course of action might decrease the loss of fur

46、ther lives on all sides, while the power of nuclear weapons would still be adequately demonstrated(展示) All of these arguments were turned down, however, and the general agreement was that the quickest way to end the fighting would be to use nuclear weapons against the centres of population inside Ja

47、panIn fact, two of the more likely reasons why the decision was reached seem quite shocking to us now .68The meaning of the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 is that Athe two cities were badly damaged after they were bombed Bthe two cities suffered because Japan would not agree to end the war Cthe

48、terrible effects of dropping nuclear weapons on these cities can still be felt Dthe end of the war with Germany meant Hiroshima and Nagasaki, would suffer 69According to Paragraph 2, a blockade would have been successful because AJapan had to import most of its natural resources BJapan would not be

49、powerful enough to beat a blockade Can attack would probably destroy Japanese resources within a few weeks Dthe Americans could defeat Japans navy since it was short of resources 70The last paragraph tells that . Athe writer probably expects us hot to argue with his opinion Bthe nuclear bombs must h

50、ave been dropped on Tokyo, too Cthe real reasons for the decision may never have been made clear Dthe writer has not done much research on this subject to establish the facts 71What would probably be discussed in the paragraphs that follow? AThe reasons why Japan chose to surrender BThe writers atti

51、tudes towards the Japans surrender. CPeoples different opinions about dropping nuclear weapons onto the citiesDSome of the possible reasons for dropping nuclear weapons onto the cities E Beijing ? (13, July) China sent up a new data relay satellite (数据中继卫星), Tianlian I -02, on Monday at the Xichang

52、Satellite Launch Centre in South-western Sichuan provinceThe new satellite will promote the countrys satellite communication network for space docking (对接) The satellite was launched on a Long-March-SC carrier rocket at 11:41 pm, sources at the centre told Xinhua News Agency satellite separated from

53、 the rocket 26 minutes after its launch The and was then successfully delivered into a geostationary transfer orbit (地球同步转移轨道). Developed by the China Academy of Space Technology under the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, the satellite is the countrys second data relay satelliteTh

54、e first, Tianlian I -01, was launched on April 252008 The two satellites will form a network to improve communications between Chinas spacecraft and bases on Earth, according to the centreThey will also be used to help the nations first space docking, scheduled for the second half of this year As pl

55、anned, China will launch space module Tiangong-I (天宫 1 号) which was designed as a , platform that will dock with an unmanned spaceship, Shenzhou, for the countys first space-docking mission this year Two more Shenzhou spaceships will dock with Tiangong-I next year, and one will be manned by two or t

56、hree astronauts, according to China Manned Space Engineering Office, which was the main user of the Tianlian I series data relay satellites The new satellite can cover a greater area to track and command the countrys space vehicles m low-Earth orbits, such as manned spacecraft and remote sensing sat

57、ellites, from a higher position m outer spaceOnly three satellites of this kind are needed to form a global communication network, and China has two now Pang Zhihao, a researcher and deputy editor-in-chief of Space International, said The satellite could also equip astronauts with real-time communic

58、ations, which will benefit the county s future manned space flights, he said 72What is the main purpose to send up Tianlian I -02 ? ATo test the function of a Long-March-SC carrier rocket BTo carry some astronauts into space to do some research CTo send more information and clearer pictures to mobil

59、e phones on the earth DTo promote the countrys satellite communication network for space docking . 73From the passage we know Aone more such satellite is needed to form a global communication networkBthe satellite was developed by China Manned Space Engineering Office Cit was less than three years s

60、ince China launched its first date relay satellite of this kind Dthe satellite could help track and command space vehicles in orbits because its lower in position 74Which of the following is TRUE according to the news report? AShenzhou is a manned spaceship BTiangong- I will dock with three Shenzhou

61、 spaceships next year Cthe satellite is of great importance to Chinas space exploration Dchinas first a06 docking will be done in the second half of next year. 75The best title of the passage could be _ AChina Launched a New Space Shuttle BChinas Plan for Space Exploration CChinas Progress m Chinas

62、Space Exploration DNew Satellite Helps Chinas Space Exploration 五、书面表达中国的传统节日中秋节刚刚过去,你的美国笔友Mike请你在他们的校报上介绍一下中秋节的情况,请你根据下表写一篇短文。【写作内容】中秋节简介时间每年阴历八月十五日,是中国最重要的传统节日之一。范围中国及亚洲其它一些国家都会庆祝。象征人们认为月亮是团圆、运气、财富的象征,在那天会互相表达祝福。方式在那一天,人们通常回家与家人团聚,共聚晚餐。人们还会吃月饼,那是一种圆圆的饼,里面有肉、果仁、鸡蛋等。【写作要求】1)词数100左右2)不要逐字翻译,要组成一篇通顺连贯

63、的短文。【参考词汇】the lunar calendar阴历_参考答案21【解析】D考查虚拟语气。句意:-上周你看了时装表演吗?-我本想去的,但我一整周都很忙。22【解析】选B考查情态动词的用法。此处考查may well的用法,意为:不妨。句意:她不妨说出这个秘密,因为她看见我时她看起来很难过。23【解析】选D。这里指为了纪念一位名叫 James Gates 的人。in memory of 纪念;in need of 需要;in search of 寻找;with the help of 在的帮助下。24-25DA 26【解析】选C。句意:据报道张艺谋拒绝了好莱坞的邀请。turn on 打开;

64、turn over 翻倒;turn down 拒绝,调低;turn off 关上。27-30CABD 3133 DCD34 【解析】选D。由句意可知约翰经常关心穷人与病人。be concerned about 对关心;be tended by 由照看;be absorbed in 专心于;be reminded of 被提醒。35【解析】选C。答语后句句意:这个故事是在什么时间什么地点发生的?take place 发生;take up 占据,从事;take on呈现;take off 起飞,脱衣服。36-40 CDACB 41-45BCCAD 46-50ABCAB 51-55DBADB阅读理解

65、 A 56. C 细节题。根据第一段第一句和第三段可知答案。 57. A 事实判断题。根据第三段:“Thanks but no,” Alex said firmly and swiftly ,“Im going to stick it out and write.”可知答案。 58. A 推理判断题。根据全文尤其是最后一段可知答案。 59. C 主旨大意题。根据全文尤其是第二和倒数第二段可知答案 B 60.D 细节题。根据文章第二段可知答案。 61.D 推理判断题。根据第四段:People love the convenience of bottled water.可知很多美国人选择瓶装水是因

66、为图方便和自认为瓶装水比自来水更好。 62.C 词义猜测题。根据第五段和本句可知需要几百年才能把塑料瓶(自然地) 分解。 63.A. 写作意图题。结合全文可知作者希望人们能够从环保节能的角度出发,少喝瓶装水,多喝自来水。 C篇 64. B 事实判断题。由第二段: It has up to sixty-five steps 可知。 The dies are made and put onto large printing 65. D 推理判断题。 据上下文, 尤其最后一段: machines.和 After the dies print the new currency onto the pap

67、er 可知答案。 66. D 信息重组题。 对造钱的流程进行考查。 根据最后一段: First, people in the government decide that a new kind of bill is needed. 等可知答案。 67. C 细节题。A 项出现在第二段;B 项文章第二、三和四段均涉及;D 出现在第四段。可以 用排除法选出 C。 D篇 68. C 句意理解题。关键词是 suffered the consequences of the decision to the present day. 69 .A 推理判断题。根据第二段:It was also argued

68、that, since Japan has few natural resources, a blockade by the American navy would force it to surrender within a few weeks 可知答案。 70 .C 段落大意题。根据最后一段最后一句从 likely 和 seem 可知。 71. D 文章结构题。结合全文和最后一句话中的 reasons 可知 E 篇 72 .D.事实判断题。根据文章第一段可知答案。 73 .A 细节题。由倒数第二段可知。 74 .C. 推理判断题。A,B 和 D 为错误叙述,与事实不符合。文章着重强调该卫星

69、的重要性. 75 .D 主题概括题。全文阐述新卫星对中国太空事业发展的影响,如最后一段等。 五、One possible version:The Mid-autumn Festival, which is one of the most important traditional festivals in China, falls on August 15th of the Lunar calendar every year. Not only is it popular in China but it is also celebrated in many other Asian countr

70、ies. People believe that the moon is a symbol of reunion, luck and fortune, and it is a custom to express best wishes to the beloved ones at this particular time. On that day people usually go back home to have a family reunion, enjoying a large meal with their family. They will also eat moon cakes, which are round cakes with meat, eggs, nuts and other things inside. Sincerely yours,Wang Gang


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