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江苏省扬州市田家炳实验中学高中英语选修六:M6U2 TASK .doc

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1、M6U2 Task Writing an article about problems and solutions科目高中英语教学对象高二学生课时1课时(45分钟)一、教案背景本课以听、说、读、写为主的写作课。旨在培养学生识别问题、解决问题的能力,进而提高写作能力。当今社会堵车现象比较严重,堵车占用紧急通道导致一男子未能及时送医而死亡,已在社会上引发热议,贴近生活,对学生有教育意义,容易激发学生的学习热情,易于展开讨论。二、学情分析本节课的教学对象是高二年级的学生,他们的智力发展趋于成熟,认知能力比刚入学时有了很大发展,逐渐能用英语来获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题。本班学生英语基础相对

2、而言较好。Happiness是学生都有话可说的话题,有幸福的人即有不幸的人,学生在学习生活中也有各种烦恼困扰,通过对课本内容的处理培养学生识别问题,解决问题的能力,进而识别社会现象,解决社会问题,完成写作。三、教材分析本单元的中心话题是“Happiness”,围绕“What is happiness to you?”,层层展开,并采用“任务型语言教学途径”,编排了一系列凸现“交际功能(What is happiness to you?)”的情境和问题,运用听说读写综合语言活动,让学生学会谈论什么是幸福,如何才能得到幸福,怎样去帮助不幸福的人等等。这些活动紧贴学生的生活实际,极具真实性,从而使学

3、生的个人经历成为课堂学习的有效图式,有助于学生对所获取的声音和文字英语信息的理解;有助于调动他们用英语表达自己的经验和感受兴趣和热情;有助于促进他们语言功能的运用;有助于提高他们为应用而主动学习和掌握语言知识(词汇和语法结构等)的兴趣。本课是高二选修六第二单元里的一篇写作课(Task),出自译林出版社出版的高中英语学生用书。在第一课Welcome to the unit和第二课The search for happiness(reading)里面初步接触和讨论了happiness, 而在Grammar部分也做了完成Task写作的知识储备。这一课Task是对happiness这个话题扩展和引申,


5、)、知识目标:让学生学会一些表达情感的词汇词汇:sad confused disappointed alone afraid短语:under a black cloud stuck/ caught between feel blue in very low spirits句式:I feel like They make/ It makes me feel I wish Im tired of(二)、能力目标1. 通过听说读写,提高学生识别问题和解决问题的能力。2. 提高问题解决型作文的写作能力。(三)、情感目标1. 学会关心社会热点,关注生命和安全,珍视生命。2. 提高道德素养,尊重法律法规。


7、,学会分享,学会合作,并有效地避免班额过大、不同学生之间知识水平和智力发展参差不齐,同时师生之间、学生之间的交际得不到充分发挥等问题。八、教学环境及资源准备牛津版教材高中英语课本选修六;多媒体教室;本课课件九、教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Lead-in (2minutes)Look at some photographsWhats your feeling on these photos? 看图片,试着自由表达情感通过观看十一假期旅行堵车的图片,贴近生活,易引发学生的共鸣,利于引导学生情感的表达。Step 2 Emotional vocabulary (3 minut

8、es)Words: sad confused disappointed alone afraidPhrases: under a black cloud stuck/ caught between feel blue in very low spiritsPatterns: I feel like They make/It makes me feel I wish Im tired of读词汇,并尝试记忆丰富学生情感词汇,为后文分析问题时情感的表达作词汇的储备。Step 3 Recognizing problems(8 minutes)I. Read the letter in Part A

9、on page 26 and find out what his problem is. Task 1: His main problem: He feels caught between _Task 2: Underline the negative languages used to describe the problem in the letter.Task 3: Listening:(Part B)Find out more about Ma Jies problem阅读课本材料,找出问题及情感;通过听力,找出原因通过对教材材料的处理,让学生学会识别问题,分析问题,为后面学生写作问题

10、解决型作文做能力储备。II. Watch the videoTask 1: What does this news talk about? Task 2: Whats your feeling about the video?Task 3: What caused the problem? (小组讨论,集思广益,为写作做素材收集)Task 4: Presenting Time (通过投影呈现各组的讨论结果,评选出最棒的一组,不仅能激发学生的积极性,也能在此过程中指导学生写作中的注意事项)看视频,找出问题,分析原因利用十一假期高速应急通道被堵,导致一名男子未能及时送医而死亡的新闻视频,引发学生热

11、议,并利用文本中学会的技能去识别问题,分析问题。Step 4 Discussing solutions: the problem in the video(7 minutes)Task 1: Wed better divide the big question into some smaller ones.Task 2: How to divide the big question into some smaller ones.Task 3: Discussion:Try to find out the best way to solve the problem in the video.(小

12、组讨论,尽可能多的收集解决办法)Task 4: Presenting solutions(通过学生上黑板展示,呈现学生讨论结果,拓宽学生解决问题的思路,并加以作文指导)学会分析问题的能力,并寻求视频中问题的解决办法发现问题即要处理问题,通过这一环节,教会学生如何根据成因提出切实可行的解决办法:大问题化成小问题。同时受到情感和道德教育,Step 5 Writing an article (23 minutes)Your writing had better include: A: What is the problem? Whats your feeling about it?B: What a

13、re the causes of the problem?C: Whats your opinion about the best way to solve the problem?l Useful phrases(选用)l Useful structures(句式仿照)根据讨论中所收集的素材及提示完成作文根据讨论过程中收集的素材,完成写作,并给与高级词汇和高级句型的指导,帮助学生完成并提高写作能力。Step 5 Homework(2 minutes)1. Read the vision and pay attention to the underlined words and sentenc

14、es.2. Finish Parts A and B in writing on page 105.朗读范文,并完成课后作业课堂小组活动延伸到课外,学生仍然可以互相合作,完成写作任务。该环节是本课所有环节的延续,使学生逐步运用课堂中所学到的技能,达到形成和提高写作能力与技巧的目的。十、板书设计M6U2 Task Writing an article about problems and solutionsSolutions: Group _: Group _: Group _:十一、教学反思本节课我通过多种不同形式的教学方法,设置形式多样的任务类型,充分体现了新课程背景下,把课堂让给学生,让学

15、生在自主、合作、探究的气氛中愉快度过,既顺利完成教学任务,又促进其情感教育。 教学作为一门永远未留下些许遗憾的艺术,在本课时的教学中有很多的地方值得我去反思:1. 由于学生的语言基础不扎实,在表达自己的看法和用英语进行讨论时,时有学生在讨论过程中夹杂着汉语,或有的学生不敢大胆的说出自己的看法,欲言又止,导致课堂气氛没有预想的那么热烈。2. 由于本堂课任务多,容量大,导致完成任务时间较紧,没有足够讨论和写作时间,今后应注意教学步骤的紧密衔接,充分体现教师主导、学生主体作用。授课详细步骤Step 1 Lead-in (2minutes)Look at some photographsWhats y

16、our feeling on these photos? (引出表达情感的词汇)设计意图:通过观看十一假期旅行堵车的图片,贴近生活,易引发学生的共鸣,利于引导学生情感的表达。Step 2 Emotional vocabulary (3 minutes)Words: sad confused disappointed alone afraidPhrases: under a black cloud stuck/ caught between feel blue in very low spiritsPatterns: I feel like They make/It makes me feel

17、I wish Im tired of设计意图:丰富学生情感词汇,为后文分析问题时情感的表达作词汇的储备。Step 3 Recognizing problems(8 minutes)I. Read the letter in Part A on page 26 and find out what his problem is. Task 1:His main problem: He feels caught between _Task 2: Underline the negative languages used to describe the problem in the letter.Ta

18、sk 3: Listening:(Part B)Find out more about Ma Jies problemCausesFrom his wishes: good at his studies and _; do both things wellFrom coach: Ma Jie has a special _; should be _ to give up other things in life; should _ on playing basketballFrom parents: sport cannot replace a good _; could get an _;

19、no guarantee to have a future like Yao Ming; more _ to study hard; prepare for a job in the _设计意图:通过对教材材料的处理,让学生学会识别问题,分析问题,为后面学生写作问题解决型作文做能力储备。II. Watch the videoTask 1: What does this news talk about? Main idea: _Task 2: Whats your feeling about the video?Task 3: What caused the problem?Discussion

20、: (Group work) Recognizing problems in the video(小组讨论,集思广益,为写作做素材收集)Causes1.2.3. Task 4: Presenting Time (通过投影呈现各组的讨论结果,评选出最棒的一组,不仅能激发学生的积极性,也能在此过程中指导学生写作中的注意事项)设计意图:利用十一假期高速应急通道被堵,导致一名男子未能及时送医而死亡的新闻视频,引发学生热议,并利用文本中学会的技能去识别问题,分析问题。Step 4 Discussing solutions: the problem in the video(7 minutes)Task

21、1: Wed better divide the big question into some smaller ones.Task 2: How to divide the big question into some smaller ones.For example: What caused the tragedy(悲剧) in the video?What are the results of the traffic jam?Causes: 1. traffic jamWhat caused the traffic jam? Solutions:How to avoid the traff

22、ic jam? 2. 3. .Task 3: Discussion:Try to find out the best way to solve the problem in the video.(小组讨论,尽可能多的收集解决办法)Task 4: Presenting solutions(通过学生上黑板展示,呈现学生讨论结果,拓宽学生解决问题的思路,并加以作文指导)Solutions: 1. 2. 3. 设计意图:发现问题即要处理问题,通过这一环节,教会学生如何根据成因提出切实可行的解决办法:大问题化成小问题Step 5 Writing an article (23 minutes)Your w

23、riting had better include: A: What is the problem? Whats your feeling about it?B: What are the causes of the problem?C: Whats your opinion about the best way to solve the problem?l Useful phrases(选用): 1. With the development/improvement of , .2. On the one hand, On the other hand, /For one thing,For

24、 another thing,3. Therefore, how to is worth paying attention.4. Firstly, Secondly,Thirdly,5. In a word,/As far as Im concerned,/On a personal note,6. First of all,/Whats more,/Last but not least,7. As a result, l Useful structures(句式仿照):1. Its high time that measures should be taken to do (虚拟语气)2.

25、I consider it necessary/important for us to do(it形式宾语)3. The earthquake broke out last year, making more people lose their homes. (v-ing 结果状语)4. It is not until we increase peoples awareness of protecting natural resources that we can live in harmony with nature. (强调句)5. The reason why we have to gr

26、ow trees is that they can provide free air for us .6. Faced with the problem, the government call on people to protect the environment from being polluted. (省略)7. Only when everyone realizes the important of protecting environment will we live a happy life. (倒装)设计意图:根据讨论过程中收集的素材,完成写作,并给与高级词汇和高级句型的指导

27、,帮助学生完成并提高写作能力。Step 5 Homework(2 minutes)1. Read the vision and pay attention to the underlined words and sentences.2. Finish Parts A and B in writing on page 105.设计意图:课堂小组活动延伸到课外,学生仍然可以互相合作,完成写作任务。该环节是本课所有环节的延续,使学生逐步运用课堂中所学到的技能,达到形成和提高写作能力与技巧的目的。授课教学案M6U2 Task Writing an article about problems and

28、solutionsTeaching aims:1. Knowledge aims: Learn some emotional vocabularyWords: sad confused disappointed alone afraidPhrases: under a black cloud stuck/ caught between feel blue in very low spiritsPatterns: I feel like They make/It makes me feel I wish Im tired of2. Ability aims:(1) By listening, s

29、peaking, reading and writing skills, to improve students ability of recognizing and solving the problems.(2) To improve students writing skills about problems and solutions.3. Affective aims:(1) To learn to care about social concerns and be concerned about peoples life and safety, then treasure live

30、s(2) To raise students moral ideas and obey laws and regulationsTeaching important and difficult points: 1. Enable students to improve the ability of recognizing and solving the problem2. Help students finish and polish up their writingTeaching methods:Task-based teaching methodTeaching Aids:Multipl

31、e-media, computer and blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead-inWhats your feeling on these photos? Step 2 Emotional vocabulary Words: sad confused disappointed alone afraidPhrases: under a black cloud stuck/ caught between feel blue in very low spiritsPatterns: I feel like They make/It makes me f

32、eel I wish Im tired ofStep 3 Recognizing problemsI. Read the letter in Part A on page 26 and find out what his problem is. Task1: His main problem: He feels caught between _Task 2: Underline the negative languages used to describe the problem in the letter.Task 3: Listening:(Part B)Find out more abo

33、ut Ma Jies problemCausesFrom his wishes: good at his studies and _; do both things wellFrom coach: Ma Jie has a special _; should be _ to give up other things in life; should _ on playing basketballFrom parents: sport cannot replace a good _; could get an _; no guarantee to have a future like Yao Mi

34、ng; more _ to study hard; prepare for a job in the _II. Watch the videoTask 1: What does this news talk about? Main idea: _Task 2: Whats your feeling about the video?Task 3: What caused the problem?Discussion: (Group work) Recognizing problems in the videoCauses1.2.3. Task4: Presenting TimeStep 4 Di

35、scussing solutions: the problem in the videoTask 1: Wed better divide the big question into some smaller ones.Task 2: How to divide the big question into some smaller ones.For example: What caused the tragedy(悲剧) in the video?What are the results of the traffic jam?Causes: 1. traffic jamWhat caused

36、the traffic jam? Solutions:How to avoid the traffic jam? 2. 3. .Task 3: Discussion:Try to find out the best way to solve the problem in the video. Task 4: Presenting solutionsSolutions: 1. 2. 3. Step 5 Writing an articleYour writing had better include: A: What is the problem? Whats your feeling abou

37、t it?B: What are the causes of the problem?C: Whats your opinion about the best way to solve the problem?l Useful phrases(选用): 1. With the development/improvement of , .2. On the one hand, On the other hand, /For one thing,For another thing,3. Therefore, how to is worth paying attention.4. Firstly,

38、Secondly,Thirdly,5. In a word,/As far as Im concerned,/On a personal note,6. First of all,/Whats more,/Last but not least,7. As a result, l Useful structures(句式仿照):1. Its high time that measures should be taken to do (虚拟语气)2. I consider it necessary/important for us to do(it形式宾语)3. The earthquake br

39、oke out last year, making more people lose their homes. (v-ing 结果状语)4. It is not until we increase peoples awareness of protecting natural resources that we can live in harmony with nature. (强调句)5. The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide free air for us .6. Faced with the probl

40、em, the government call on people to protect the environment from being polluted. (省略)7. Only when everyone realizes the important of protecting environment will we live a happy life. (倒装)Step 6 Homework1. Read the vision and pay attention to the underlined words and sentences.2. Finish Parts A and B in writing on page 105.Name _Writing an articleA: What is the problem in the video? Whats your feeling about it?B: What are the causes of the problem?C: What is your opinion about the best way to solve the problem?_ (Para 1)_(Para 2)_(Para 3)


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