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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)课时作业:UNIT 18 BEAUTY PERIOD FOUR WORD版含解析.docx

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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)课时作业:UNIT 18 BEAUTY PERIOD FOUR WORD版含解析.docx_第1页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)课时作业:UNIT 18 BEAUTY PERIOD FOUR WORD版含解析.docx_第2页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)课时作业:UNIT 18 BEAUTY PERIOD FOUR WORD版含解析.docx_第3页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)课时作业:UNIT 18 BEAUTY PERIOD FOUR WORD版含解析.docx_第4页
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1、Period FourLesson 3Poetry.语境填词1We dont have e_ supply of water so it is necessary to save it.2Tim,it is f_ outside. Youd better put on more clothes or you will get a bad cold.3The company has sixty trucks for c_ vegetables to the wholesale market.4It is a _(浪漫的) love story between the young couple.5

2、Through the window that night, I saw a _(模糊的) figure climbing the tree.6My father is too stout to b_ himself to pick up the key lost on the ground.7Its _(不像,非的特征) Mary to be late because shes usually on time.8She has great _(钟爱) for her husband and children.选词填空1It was what he did _ what he said tha

3、t annoyed me.2Tom waved until the car was _.3Would you like to _?4He seems to have quite _.5Please _ the radio,or I cant hear it clearly.6Mary had already _ in a corner where she could watch.完成句子1He went abroad _(希望能找份好工作)2The children were _(安稳地睡在床上)3And then,_(一瞬间),I heard the _(踏步和摩擦声) on the roo

4、f.4His beard and moustache _(像雪一样白)5He didnt speak a word and _(径直去工作)6He _(梦想着过上好日子) one day.佳句翻译与仿写1Eyes raised,I see the moon so bright.翻译_仿写所有的问题解决了,我们很高兴。_2Down came stout Stanta.翻译_And up the chimney he rose.翻译_And away he flew.翻译_仿写(1)门开了,老师进来了。_(2)又伤心又恼怒,她冲出去了。_.单项填空1They have _ arguments wh

5、ich disturb the neighbors.Asteady BshabbyCendless Ddizzy2Janet used to take part in labor in that village,_?Aused she Bdid sheCdidnt she Dshould she3It is good for your body to _ yourself backward every now and then,especially for those who are always working in the offices.Abend BrewardCpat Dscratc

6、h4The country life he was used to _ greatly since 1979.Achange Bhas changedCchanging Dhave changed5Through the fog,we saw the _ outline of a crowd and we had no idea about what had happened.Aridiculous BawkwardCapparent Dvague6There used to be a quiet village,_?Ausednt there Bused thereCusednt it Du

7、sed it7She stood on the side of the highway until her son was out _ sight.Ainto Bfrom Cthrough Dof8After that,when I began to feel angry at someone,I _ remember his words and become calm.Acould Bshould Cwould Dused to9A mother can _ her meaning to her baby by body language.Aconvey Bobtain Cupgrade D

8、refresh10Henry and Bady _ to the parties at the Trade Union every Saturday.Aare used to go Buse to goCwould go Dshall go.阅读理解It seems that beauty and women are twins. Am I joking? No,I am not. Observe yourself. Ads on fashion flood TV screens, radio programs, magazines, newspapers,and the streets. W

9、hether they have realized or not,women are besieged by a sea of fashion. They are taught to think that without beautiful clothes they will grow old and lose their charm. So who dares to neglect dressing up at the cost of their appearance and youth?But I do not agree with the opinion that women have

10、to show their minds through their looks. The richness of their mind proves to be more beautiful and attractive than their looks. A woman who has experienced many troubles and may be called “aunt” or “granny” can still maintain her beauty if she has such excellent qualities as knowledge, ability, a k

11、ind heart, great courage, concern for others, etc.In addition, old and young, beautiful and ugly are relative concepts. People who keep a young mind will never feel old. Curious about new things and eager to learn more, they keep up with the tide. Plainly dressed women may have a type of beauty, whi

12、ch is pure and real.Reading and learning are the best way to keep one youthful. Good books are fertile soil which can feed the flower of ones heart and looks.1Which of the following do you think is the best title for this passage?AThe Concept of YouthBWhat Is Beauty?CBeauty and WomenDWhat Is Fashion

13、?2The underlined word “besieged” may mean _.Abelonged to BbesideCdrew Dsurrounded3“So who dares to neglect dressing up at the cost of their appearance and youth?”means _.Ano one dares to notice that dressing up needs moneyBno one dares to fail to care for her appearance and youth with dressing upCev

14、eryone dares to notice that dressing up needs moneyDeveryone does not dare to fail to care for her appearance and youth with dressing up4Whats the writers attitude of this passage?AHe thinks that richness is beautiful.BIts impossible to be old if you keep a young mind.CThe richness of the mind is re

15、ally beautiful.DAn old lady can keep her beauty if she has rich knowledge.短文改错Last summer I go to America and studied at a language school.I had many wonderful experience,but I also had a sad one.One day,the school held party,where I invited to talk about Tianjin.After that they asked me a lot of th

16、ings about China.But I couldnt explain them with English clearly.I felt sadly.I learnt a lesson from this experience.I have already studied English for eight years,I cant use it very good.I must work hard to improve my spoken English so that I will not be able to communicate freely with foreigners.I

17、 hope I can be a bridge between China and others countries in the future.名词分词/不定式/介词短语/形容词/副词,在句中作状语。1时间许可的话,我们就去游泳。Time permitting,well go swimming.2一个陌生人闯了进来,手里拿着枪。A stranger broke in,gun in hand.3由于眼镜坏了,她看不见黑板上的字。Her glasses broken,she couldnt see the words on the blackboard.答案.1.endless2.freezin

18、g3.conveying4.romantic5.vague6.bend7.unlike8.affection.1.rather than2.out of sight3.look around4.turned around5.turn up6.settled herself.1.in the hope that he could get a good job/in the hope of getting a good job2.sleeping safe in their beds3.in an instantstepping and scratching4.were as white as t

19、he snow5.went straight to work6.dreams of living a happy life.1.举头望明月。All the problems settled,we felt very happy.2圣诞老人下来了。他爬上了烟囱。他飞走了。(1)The door opened and in came the teacher.(2)Sad and angry,out she rushed.1.C句意为:他们没完没了的争吵打扰了邻居。endless无止境的;steady稳定的;shabby蹩脚的;dizzy头晕目眩的。C项最合适。2Cused to do结构的反意疑问

20、句可为usednt主语或didnt主语。3A从“.yourself backward every now and then”看出空白处要填入“向后弯腰”,bend(弯曲)符合题意。reward奖赏;pat轻拍;scratch抓。4Bhe was used to作定语修饰the country life,本句缺少的是谓语动词,依据下文since可知用现在完成时态。5D根据句意“透过雾,我们看到人群的模糊轮廓,不知道出了什么事”看出空白处要填入vague(模糊的)而不是apparent(明显的)。ridiculous荒谬的;awkward笨拙的。6A依据反意疑问句前肯定后否定的原则,排除B、D项,

21、there be 结构的反意疑问句,用there,故选A项。7D句意为:她站在路边,直到儿子走远了。out of sight在视野之外。8Cwould表示经常性、习惯性的动作,在此意为“总会,总是”。9A从her meaning to her baby by body language看出空白处应该填入“传达”;convey传达,表达。obtain得到;upgrade升级;refresh(使)精神振作。10C依据句中有时间状语every Saturday可知用would表示过去习惯性、经常性的动作,不可用used to。.1.B主旨大意题。文章第一段指出生活中到处宣扬时装对于女人的重要。第二段

22、提出自己的观点:丰富的精神世界更能增添美丽与吸引力。第三段又指出有一颗年轻的心就永远不会觉得老。文章最后一句说书籍是心灵与外貌之花的肥沃土壤。所以综览全文,主题是谈论什么是美。2D词义猜测题。根据上文可以判断出“women are besieged by a sea of fashion”的意思是“女人已经被包围在时装的海洋里了”。3B推理判断题。从文中第一段第五句“Ads on fashion flood TV screens,radio programs,magazines,newspapers,and the streets.(时装广告泛滥于电视、广播节目、杂志,报纸和街道)”得知,在这

23、种形势之下没有人敢不去打扮自己,不去在乎自己的外表,所以B项符合逻辑。4C推理判断题。文章第二段第二句已经明确提出自己的观点:“The richness of their mind proves to be more beautiful and attractive than their looks.”即丰富的精神世界比外表更能增添美丽与吸引力。.Last summer I to America and studied at a language school.I had many wonderful ,but I also had a sad one.One day,the school h

24、eld party,where I invited to talk about Tianjin.After that they asked me a lot of things about China.But I couldnt explain them English clearly.I felt .I learnt a lesson from this experience.I have already studied English for eight years, I cant use it very .I must work hard to improve my spoken English so that I will not be able to communicate freely with foreigners.I hope I can be a bridge between China and countries in the future.


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