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2020-2021学年高二英语上学期寒假作业4 Poems&A Healthy Life 新人教版.docx

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1、作业3必修五 Unit5-选修六 Unit1一、 单词拼写1. Some mushrooms contain a deadly p .2. My eyes were so (肿大的) I could hardly see.3. Lettie had never yet failed to return from town without some special t for him.4. I was writing my (签名) at the bottom of the page.5. Her eyes were t closed. 6. She writes a lot of (当代的)

2、music for people like Whitney Houston.7. Soy milk can cause a reactions in some children.8. We put some ointment and a (绷带) on his knee.9. It is v that parents give children clear and consistent messages about drugs.10. He will (呼吁) to the state for an extension of unemployment benefits.二、用适当的短语完成句子

3、1. I think an expression of thanks to our host would be _(适当的).2. After graduation, my brother went to Shenzhen, where his career _(突然开始成功).3. This deep tiredness makes it hard to imagine how to _(挤出) any more energy to take care of ourselves.4. Mr. Liu _(担任) the group leader while Mr. Zhang was ill

4、.5. We must _ our efforts _(把集中于) improving education in poor areas.6. Several artworks, which belong to this museum now, were _(被拥有) a famous family ever.7. She _(尝试) to get them on the telephone, but no one answered.8. On the one hand, a lot of people go to the US, but _(另一方面), a lot of people com

5、e back from there.三、翻译句子1.为了保持健康,我们都认为接近大自然至关重要。(虚拟语气)We all think it is vital that we _ nature in order to keep fit.2.去拿你的物理书;它就在小卧室你放的那个地方。(表语从句)Go and get your physics book; it is _ in the little bedroom.3.不要老是制造噪音。我宁愿你保持安静。(would rather)Dont always make noise. I _.4.无论刮风下雨,我们的老师总是第一个到校备课。(序数词+不定

6、式)Windy or rainy, our teacher is always _.5.很明显当地政府正努力帮助大学生就业。(evident)_ the local government is trying to help the graduates with employment.四、阅读理解ASunstroke is a condition that can quickly go from dangerous to deadly, especially if proper care isnt given immediately.Sunstroke, sometimes called hea

7、tstroke, is a result of the body temperature rising above the safe limit. This causes the bodys necessary functions to stop working.Its usually pretty easy to avoid sunstroke, as long as proper action is taken. In that case, you need to act as quickly as possible to return that persons body to a saf

8、e temperature. Here are a few tips to help treat sunstroke.Call for helpCall to get an ambulance as quickly as possible. This should be the first thing you do, especially if the sunstroke person has fainted(昏倒). Also, call for help from anyone nearby if youre in a public place. If theres no one arou

9、nd, call someone nearby if they can get there sooner than an ambulance. Ask everyone to bring you as much water as possible, if there isnt much nearby.Get the person to a cooler areaIf theres a building nearby, aim for that. Anywhere with plenty of air conditioners and water is perfect. If a buildin

10、g isnt available, bring the person to a well-shaded area.Get the water flowingIf the person is still conscious, get him or her to drink water. If theres a bathtub available, fill it with cool water and put the person in it. If your water supply is limited, you have to save it. Dampen a towel or shir

11、t and put it on the persons body. Focus on the face, neck, and chest.Fan the personGetting moving air over the person cools him or her down. Use anything, a towel or sheet, a shirt, your hands, or a piece of board. This is where having many people around really helps, as they can combine to fan the

12、entire body.1. When does a person get sunstroke?A. When the body doesnt function. B. When proper care is given immediately. C. When someone is exposed to the sun too long. D. When the body temperature goes up beyond what one can bear. 2. What is mainly discussed in the passage?A. The first aid for s

13、unstroke. B. The causes of sunstroke. C. The chief symptoms of sunstroke. D. The essential prevention of sunstroke. 3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?A. Call for assistance from others. B. Leave the sunstroke person in the shade. C. Put a wet towel on the persons face. D. Help t

14、he person take some medicine. 4. The text probably comes from _. A. a guidebookB. a book reviewC. a medical magazineD. an official documentBBenjamin West, the father of American painting, showed his talent for art when he was only six years of age. But he did not know about brushes before a visitor

15、told him he needed one. In those days, a brush was made from camels hair. There were no camels nearby. Benjamin decided that cat hair would work instead. He cut some fur from the family cat to make a brush.The brush did not last long. Soon Benjamin needed more fur. Before long, the cat began to look

16、 ragged(蓬乱). His father said that the cat must be sick. Benjamin was forced to admit what he had been doing.The cats lot was about to improve. That year, one of Benjamins cousins, Mr. Pennington, came to visit. He was impressed with Benjamins drawings. When he went home, he sent Benjamin a box of pa

17、int and some brushes. He also sent six engravings(版画) by an artist. These were the first pictures and first real paint and brushes Benjamin had ever seen. In 1747, when Benjamin was nine years old, Mr. Pennington returned for another visit. He was amazed at what Benjamin had done with his gift. He a

18、sked Benjamins parents if he might take the boy to Philadelphia for a visit.In the city, Mr. Pennington gave Benjamin materials for creating oil paintings. The boy began a landscape(风景) painting. William Williams, a well-known painter, came to see him work. Williams was impressed with Benjamin and g

19、ave him two classic books on painting to take home. The books were long and dull. Benjamin could read only a little, having been a poor student. But he later said, “Those two books were my companions by day, and under my pillow at night.” While it is likely that he understood very little of the book

20、s, they were his introduction to classical paintings. The nine-year-old boy decided then that he would be an artist.5. What is the text mainly about?A. Benjamins visit to Philadelphia.B. Williams influence on Benjamin.C. The beginning of Benjamins life as an artist.D. The friendship between Benjamin

21、 and Pennington.6. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 3 suggest?A. The cat would be closely watched.B. The cat would get some medical care.C. Benjamin would leave his home shortly.D. Benjamin would have real brushes soon.7. What did Pennington do to help Benjamin develop his talent?A. He

22、 took him to see painting exhibitions.B. He provided him with painting materials.C. He sent him to a school in Philadelphia.D. He taught him how to make engravings.8. Williams two books helped Benjamin to _.A. master the use of paintsB. appreciate landscape paintingsC. get to know other paintersD. m

23、ake up his mind to be a painter五、语法填空The customs and faith of a people have influenced art. Styles in Western art 1 (change) for many years. During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was 2 (represent) religious themes. During the Renaissance, new ideas and value gradually replaced those 3 (ho

24、ld) in the Middle Ages. People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude 4 life. One of the most important 5 (discover) during this period was how to draw things in perspective. If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able

25、to paint such realistic pictures. In 6 late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal, from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one. 7 (nature), these changes also led to new painting styles. Among the painters were the Impressionists, 8 were the first painters to work outdoors. In

26、a sense, without the Impressionists, many of modern art styles might not exist. On the one hand, some modern art is abstract; on the other hand, some paintings of modern art 9 (be) so realistic that they look like photographs. These styles are so 10 (difference) that no one can predict what painting

27、 styles will come into being in the future.一、单词拼写【答案】1. poison2. swollen3. treat4. signature5. tightly6. contemporary7. allergic8. bandage9. vital10. appeal二、用适当的短语完成句子【答案】1. in place2. take off3. squeeze out4. acted as5. concentrate;on6. in the possession of7. made an attempt8. on the other hand【解析

28、】1.句意:我想应该适当向我们的主人表示感谢。固定短语be in place:适当的。故填in place。2.句意:毕业后,我哥哥去了深圳,那里是他事业腾飞的地方。由上文went可知应用一般过去时,短语take off:起飞;突然开始成功,故填took off。3句意:这种极度疲倦让我们很难想象如何能挤出更多的精力来照顾自己。固定短语squeeze out:挤出;榨出。4.句意:张先生生病时,由刘先生担任组长。由后文was可知本句用一般过去时,固定短语act as:担任;担当,故填acted as。5.句意:我们必须集中力量改善贫困地区的教育。concentrate on:集中精力于,情态动

29、词后跟动词原形,故答案为:concentrate;on。6.句意:几件现在属于这个博物馆的艺术品曾经属于一个著名的家族。固定词组in the possession of:被某人占有,结合所给汉语可知答案为in the possession of。7.句意:她试图让他们接电话,但没有人接。句子用一般过去时态,make an attempt:企图,故答案为made an attempt。8.句意:一方面,很多人去了美国,但另一方面,很多人从那里回来。固定短语on the other hand:在另一方面,故答案为on the other hand。三、翻译句子【答案】1.(should)get c

30、lose to2. where you put it3. would rather you kept silent4. the first to get to school to prepare lessons5. It is evident that【解析】1.某些表示建议、请求、命令等主观意向的名词做主语时,其后的表语从句或同位语从句需用虚拟语气。that-clause句型中从句用(should)+动词原型,故可译为(should)get close to。2.本句为表语从句。“你放的那个地方”整句话做为be动词的表语,且从句中缺少地点状语,故用表地点的关系副词where引导,译为wher

31、e you put it。3.would rather后接从句时,从句常用虚拟语气。此处表示对现在的假设,从句中的谓语动词应用一般过去时。故答案为would rather you kept silent。4.当被修饰的词为序数词时,其后常用不定式作后置定语。故答案为the first to get to school to prepare lessons。5.在“It is+adj.+that.”句型中,It充当形式主语,that引导的从句为真正的主语。为了句子的平衡,将真正的主语移到后面,可以避免句子结构的头重脚轻,用于此句型的形容词有easy,hard,difficult,possible

32、,important,impossible,necessary,bad,interesting,surprising等。故答案为It is evident that。四、阅读理解A【答案】1-4 DADC【解析】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了中暑的危害以及中暑后的一些急救措施。1.细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句可知,当人体的体温超过所能承受的安全极限时,就会中暑,即D项正确。2.主旨大意题。文章首先介绍了何为中暑以及中暑的危害,结合第三段的最后一句“Here are a few tips to help treat sunstroke.”可知,下文讲述的是中暑时需要采取的急救措施,即A项正确。3

33、.细节理解题。根据Call for help下的“call for help from anyone”可知A项正确;根据“Get the person to a cooler area”中的第三句可知B项正确;根据“Get the water flowing”中的第二段的第二、三句可知C项正确;D项在文章中没有提到。4.文章出处题。文章主要介绍了中暑以及中暑后如何急救的相关知识,故有可能选自一本医学杂志,即C项正确。B【答案】5-8 CDBD【解析】本文属于记叙文,主要讲了美国绘画之父Benjamin在决定要成为一名画家之前的经历。5.主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了美国绘画之父Benjamin在成

34、为一名画家之前的生活以及Pennington对Benjamin在绘画道路上的一些帮助,故选C。6.句意猜测题。根据第三段“These were the first pictures and first real paint and brushes Be ever seen.”可知Benjamin在剪完猫的毛做刷子之后,就很快有了真正的刷子,故选D。7.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Mr. Pennington gave Benjamin materials for creating oil paintings.”可知Pennington为了帮助Benjamin培养绘画天赋,给他提供了一些绘画材料,

35、故选B。8.细节理解题。根据最后一段“While it is likely that he understood very little of the books, they were his introduction to classical paintings. The nine-year-old boy decided then that he would be an artist.”可知:这两本书帮助Benjamin坚定了自己成为一名画家的决心,故选D。五、语法填空【答案】1. have changed2. to represent3. held4. to/towards5. disc

36、overies6. the7. Naturally8. who9. are10. different【解析】本篇文章讲述了不同时期的绘画形式。1.考查动词的时态。由后面的时间状语for many years可知,这里用现在完成时,故填have changed。2.考查非谓语动词。根据语境并分析句子结构可知,这里应用动词不定式表目的,在句中作表语,故填to represent。3.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,those与hold之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,应用过去分词作定语,故填held。4.考查介词。attitude后常跟介词to/towards表示“对的态度”。故答案为to/towards

37、。5.考查名词。由“one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数”结构可知,空格处要填名词的复数形式,故填discoveries。6.考查冠词。in the late 19th century(在19世纪晚期)为习惯搭配。故答案为the。7.考查副词。这里修饰整个句子,应该用副词,故填Naturally。8.考查定语从句。先行词为the Impressionists,表示人,而且空格处引导的是非限制性定语从句并在从句中作主语,故填who。9.考查主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,主语的中心词是some paintings,故填are。10.考查形容词。分析句子结构可知,空格处作表语,故填形容词different。


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