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2013届新课标高三英语一轮复习课时检测 46.doc

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1、课时跟踪检测46(B7Unit 4).单项填空1In China, people over sixtyfive can enjoy some _ in public places as long as they can provide their identifications.AadvantagesBgoodCprivileges Dwelfare答案与解析:C句意:在中国,65岁以上的老人在公众场所能享受一些特权,前提是他们能提供与此相关的证明。privilege“特权,特别优待”。advantage“优点;长处”;good“好处;益处”;welfare“福利”。2The secretar

2、y should have all the _ documents ready before the meeting begins.Aconnected BfurtherCseparated Drelevant答案与解析:D句意:秘书在开会前需把相关的文件准备好。relevant documents“相关的文件”。connected“相连接的”;further“更进一步的”;separated“分离的;分开的”。3If most winners _ a days pay to the Hope Project, then it will be hopeful.Agive BpresentCdo

3、nate Dleave答案与解析:Cdonate“捐赠”,根据题意知应是“捐出一天的所得”,故选C项。give是一般用语;present指“正式地颁给某人或赠送礼物”;leave“留下”。4We didnt know you were in trouble at that time, _ we would have given you a hand.Atherefore BhoweverCotherwise Dthough答案与解析:Cotherwise是“否则”之意,暗含一种含蓄条件,其后的句子常采用虚拟语气。5The children helped to carry their mothe

4、rs _ from the shop to their house.Apurchases BmattersCcommodity Dgoods答案与解析:A句意:孩子们帮助他们的母亲从商店把购买的东西搬回家。purchase意为“购买的物品”为可数名词。6We want to encourage students to _ the running of the college.Ajoin BattendCparticipate in Dparticipate答案与解析:C句意:我们想鼓励学生参与学校的管理工作。participate“参加;参与”后接宾语时,需加介词in。join指“加入团体或组

5、织并成为其中一员”;attend“出席;参加”。7Because of the financial crisis this year, the company decided not to _ dividends (红利) to its shareholders.Avary BdisturbCdistribute Dcontribute答案与解析:C句意:由于今年的金融危机,公司决定不向股东发红利了。distribute“分发,分配”符合句意。8Dont you know your computer has been infected with viruses?Really, no wonde

6、r it hasnt _ as well as before.Aappeared BoperatedCmanaged Dcontrolled答案与解析:Boperate“运转”;appear“出现”;manage“经营,管理”;control“控制”。9Our company is _ a large number of talented people.Ain need Bin need ofCin place Din place of答案与解析:B句意:我们公司正需要大批优秀人才。in need of“需要”,符合句意。10Im sorry, I shouldnt have been so

7、rude to you.You _ your temper, but thats OK.Ahave lost Bhad lostCdid lose Dwere losing答案与解析:C从语境看,这里谈论的是过去的事情,故用一般过去时。you did lose your temper“你确实发脾气了”。11When the cheering _, the teacher continued his speech.Adied off Bdied downCdied out Ddied of答案与解析:Bdie off“相继死亡,先后死去”;die down“平息,变弱”;die out“灭绝,消

8、失”;die of“死于”,结合题意可知B项正确。12We must save every drop of water in case the lake near the city _.Adried up Bdries upCdries off Ddried off答案与解析:Bin case“万一,以防”,用来引导条件状语从句,通常用一般现在时表示将来,故排除A、D两项;dry off“弄干”;dry up“(河流、井等)干涸”,只有B项正确。13Ill _ you a car for your birthday if you fulfill the task ahead of time.A

9、buy BpurchaseCsell Dshop答案与解析:A句意:如果你提前完成任务,我会买辆车作为你的生日礼物。sell“卖”;shop“(到商店)买”,这两个词都不合句意;purchase不能接双宾语,故选A项。14Mr. Gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon. Dont you forget it?OK, I _.Awont BdontCwill Ddo答案与解析:A本题考查动词时态。根据上文的Dont you forget it?判断,此处应用将来时,是表示“我不会忘记的”,故选A项。15My came

10、ra can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.Atreated BadoptedCadjusted Dreminded答案与解析:Cadjust在此作不及物动词,意为“调节,使适应”,如The body adjusts itself to the change of temperature.身体能自行调节以适应温度的变化。本句中adjust是及物动词,如I must adjust my watch. Its slow.我必须调一下我的表。它走得慢了。.完形填空Isnt it amazing how one person,

11、sharing one idea, at the right time and place can change the course of your lifes history? This is certainly what happened in my life. When I was 14, I was a high school _16_ with learning disabilities.One day I met an old man, a bum (流浪汉). He asked me if I was running away from home, because I look

12、ed so _17_. Then he told me he had something grand to show me and _18_ with me. We walked to a downtown library.The bum first brought a couple of old _19_ and then started with a few _20_ that were very special and that changed my life. He said, “There are two things I want to _21_ you. Number one i

13、s to never _22_ a book by its cover, for a cover can fool you.”He followed with, “Ill _23_ you think Im a bum, dont you?”“Yes, I _24_ so, sir.”“Well, young man, Ive got a little _25_ for you. I am one of the _26_ men in the world. I have probably everything any man could ever want. But a year ago, m

14、y wife _27_, and since then I have been deeply _28_ on life. I realized there were certain things I had not yet experienced in life, one of _29_ was what it would be like to live like a bum on the streets. For the past year, I have been going from city to city doing just that. So, you see, dont ever

15、 judge a book by its cover, for a cover can fool you.“Number two is to learn how to _30_, for there is only one thing that people cant _31_ away from you, your wisdom.” He _32_ my right hand and put it upon the books hed _33_ from the shelves, the writings of Plato and Aristotles everlasting _34_ fr

16、om ancient times.His _35_ request was for me to never forget what he taught me.I havent.16A. assistant B. dropoutC. waiter D. dealer17A. tired B. oldC. familiar D. young18A. agree B. remainC. share D. talk19A. books B. storiesC. novels D. drinks20A. demands B. speechesC. lectures D. statements21A. s

17、cold B. remindC. teach D. confuse22A. read B. judgeC. open D. start23A. bet B. hopeC. wish D. decide24A. hope B. guessC. did D. wanted25A. enjoyment B. joyC. pleasure D. surprise26A. wealthiest B. healthiestC. happiest D. strongest27A. died away B. went outC. passed away D. gave out28A. looking B. i

18、nsistingC. depending D. reflecting29A. which B. thatC. where D. them30A. read B. writeC. recite D. recognize31A. get B. runC. take D. work32A. shook B. checkedC. examined D. grabbed33A. bought B. pulledC. lent D. sold34A. artists B. classicsC. treasure D. words35A. special B. strictC. supportive D.

19、parting答案与解析:本文通过作者的亲身经历告诉我们:在对的时间和对的地点某一个人的一句话可能改变你的一生。16B由“with learning disabilities”可知,答案为B项,dropout“辍学学生”。assistant“助手”;waiter“侍者”;dealer“经营者”,均不符合语境。17D他之所以问“我”是否是从家里跑出来的,最可能的原因是“我看起来年龄小”,且上文已经提到“我”是一个学生,因此答案为D项。18C既然是“he had something grand to show me”,那么应该是与我“分享”这件好东西,所以答案为C项,share sth. with

20、 sb.“与某人分享某物”。19A因为是在图书馆,因此他应该是拿了两本书,这也与下文“a book by its cover”相照应,所以答案为A项。20D依据语境可知,这里表示老人说的话非常特别,改变了“我”的一生。demand“要求”;speech“演讲”;lecture“讲座”;statement“陈述,声明”。从语境看,答案为D项。21C从下文内容看,这位老人是想通过自己的经历和体验来教育“我”,因此答案为C项,teach意为“讲授,教育”。22B由下文“dont ever judge a book by its cover”可知,答案为B项。23A依据语境可知,这里表示“我敢打赌,你

21、认为我是一个流浪汉,对不对?”,因此答案为A项,bet“打赌”,而不是hope“希望”,wish“但愿”,decide“决定”。24B联系上下文可知,此处表示同意对方的观点,故答案为B项。I guess so“我想是的”。I hope so“我希望如此”,不符合语境。25D从下文可知,老人是一位大富翁,而“我”认为他是一个流浪汉,所以老人认为应该是一件令“我”吃惊的事。enjoyment“乐趣”;joy“欢乐,高兴”;pleasure“愉快”;surprise“惊奇”,依据语境可知,答案选D项。26A由下文“I have probably everything any man could ev

22、er want.”可推知,答案为A项,wealthiest“最富有的”。27Cdie away“逐渐消失”;go out“熄灭”;pass away“去世”;give out“分发”。四个选项中,只有C项符合语境。28D此处是指一年前,流浪汉的妻子去世了,从那以后,他开始认真思考人生的意义。look on“旁观”;insist on“坚持”;depend on“依赖”;reflect on“认真思考”,依据句意可知,答案为D项。29A分析句子结构可知,此处应用which引导非限制性定语从句,其先行词为things。30A通过下文老人展示给“我”看的柏拉图和亚里士多德的经典名著可知,老人告诉“我

23、”的是要好好读书,因此答案为A项。31C此处是指因为只有一件东西别人无法从你这里取走,那就是你的智慧。get away“逃离”;run away“躲避”;take away“拿走”;work通常不与away搭配。依据语境可知,答案为C项。32Dshake ones hand表示“握手”,多用于见面时;check“核查”;examine“检查”,不符合语境。因此答案为D项,grab my right hand意为“抓住我的右手”。33B因为是“from the shelves”,所以应选B项,pull“抽出,拖,拉”。其他选项不符合语境。34B柏拉图和亚里士多德的作品显然是流传至今的“经典著作”

24、,因此答案为B项,classic意为“杰作,名著”。35D“.for me to never forget what he taught me”应该是老人临别时给“我”提出的要求,因此答案为D项。special“特殊的”;strict“严格的”;supportive“支持的”,均不符合语境。.阅读理解It is common for customers to buy things from vending machines (自动售货机). But recently, a vending machine in Londons Victoria Train Station attracted a

25、 lot of people to gather around. It turns out that a human being hiding behind the vending machine serves people. This vending machine is provided by a food company from the United Kingdom. The marketing manager said that they did so in the hope that every day busy people could get happiness from th

26、e communication with strangers.A unique homestyle theme restaurant is operated in Taiwan. There, waiters are dressed like nurses. There are also drinks on the table named after names of all kinds of medicines. After entering the restaurant, you can even request a wheelchair, in which the waiter coul

27、d push you.We all know the phrase “howling at the moon” is not a commendatory (褒义) term, but the British dairy farmer Rob Taverner does not think so. Every morning wearing a set of blue overalls and a pair of waterproof boots, he will play Tai Chi Chuan before his cows. He believes that animals are

28、very vulnerable to the influence of human emotions, and his performances also make cows feel happy to produce more milk.If girls wearing high heels dance or shop for a long time, their feet may have to endure a lot of tiredness and pain. Then what they might want most is to be able to change their s

29、hoes into a pair of flat shoes or sports shoes. Now it may be easy to do so in London. Recently, a famous sports brand provides a kind of new vending machine in London, which sells shoes to customers.It is possible to try clothes on before buying them, so how about trying cars before buying them? So

30、me automobile brand has built up a bay outside its Londons sale spot. There customers may ride in different vehicles before the purchase.Two Japanese macaques (猕猴) are employed by a Japanese Utsunomiyas dining room Kayabuki. One is the 12yearold Fuku, and the other is the 4yearold Yat. These two mac

31、aques work every day for 2 hours. They are wearing the speciallymade uniform, delivering hot towels and beers for customers.36According to the first paragraph, as a matter of fact, it is a _ that serves customers in the vending machine.Avending machine BpasserbyClive person Dbusy citizen37Of all six

32、 services, which country might take up most?AChina. BThe USA.CJapan. DThe UK.38Why has one automobile brand built up a bay outside its Londons sale spot?ATo attract more customers to buy vehicles.BTo make customers purchase new vehicles.CTo meet customers needs to try vehicles.DTo exhibit different

33、vehicles to customers.39We can infer from this passage that the six services through the world are _.Aold BcomfortableCnormal Dinteresting40If you enter the unique homestyle theme restaurant in Taiwan, you will find there are real _ in it.Anurses BmedicinesCdoctors Dwheelchairs答案与解析:本文属于说明性的文章。文章介绍了

34、当今全球最有趣的六种另类服务:英国售货机里藏真人为顾客服务,台湾餐厅服务生穿护士装,英国农夫对奶牛打太极拳提高了牛奶产量,伦敦推出新颖的自动售鞋机,伦敦某汽车品牌推出“试车间”,日本餐厅猕猴当服务员。36C细节理解题。由第一段中的信息句“It turns out that a human being hiding behind the vending machine serves people.”可知,在自动售货机里藏有一个人为广大顾客服务。故选C项。37D细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“This vending machine is provided by a food company fr

35、om the United Kingdom.”,第三段中的“but the British dairy farmer Rob Taverner does not think so”,第四段中的“Now it may be easy to do so in London.”及第五段中的“Some automobile brand has built up a bay outside its Londons sale spot.”可知,在六项另类服务当中,英国的服务占了四项,由此可知属于英国的服务在6项服务中数量最多。38C推理判断题。由文章第五段中的“It is possible to try

36、clothes on before buying them, so how about trying cars before buying them?”可知,这是为了满足顾客试车的需要。39D推理判断题。根据全文可知,这里主要讲述了全球六种有趣的另类服务。40D细节理解题。由文章第二段中的“There, waiters are dressed like nurses. There are also drinks on the table named after names of all kinds of medicines.”可知,A和B两个选项不符合文意,而C项在文章中未提及,故排除。由文中的“you can even request a wheelchair”可知,当顾客走进这家餐馆时,能看到的实物应该就是轮椅,故选D项。


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