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本文(《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(外研版选修六)配套文档:单元检测卷(二) WORD版含解析.docx)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(外研版选修六)配套文档:单元检测卷(二) WORD版含解析.docx

1、单元检测(二)第一卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What are the speakers talking about?AA singer.BA song.CLove.2What is the possible relationship between the speakers?AMaster of crosstalk and audience.BMother and so

2、n.CTeacher and student.3Where is Mr.White at present?AAt Jinjiang Hotel.BAt home.CAt a restaurant.4What does Jane like watching?AStandup comedies.BSports games.CCartoons.5Which of the following is TRUE about Lilys chemistry teacher?AHe is not popular with every student.BHe doesnt laugh often.CHe is

3、a good chemistry teacher.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6What kind of car does the man want to buy?AA car of the latest model.BA secondhand car.CA new car.7If a car is sold at 160,500

4、 yuan,how much would the man have to pay with the womans help?A160,450 yuan.B144,450 yuan.C154,450 yuan.8How will the man contact the woman?ABy making a phone call.BBy sending an email.CBy following her.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9What fast food does the man often eat?AHot dogs.BSandwiches.CPancakes.10Where do

5、es John have lunch on Sundays?AAt home.BAt the school canteen.CIn the restaurant.11Why doesnt John have meals at school?ABecause the school canteen is too crowded.BBecause it takes more time to eat at school.CBecause he doesnt think the food is nice.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12Where does the conversation tak

6、e place?AIn a shop.BAt school.CIn the street.13What did the driver do?AHe broke the traffic rule.BHe hit a kid on the head.CHe stopped in the middle of the street.14What will the man do with those who break traffic rules?AHe will write an article about them and send it to the local newspaper.BHe wil

7、l bring them to the attention of the public.CHe will make them drive by the rules.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15Whose birthday is it today?ASusans boyfriend.BMarks girlfriend.CSusans father.16When will the party begin?AAt 715.BAt 645.CAt 615.17How will the man go to Marks flat?ABy bus. BBy subway. CBy bike.听第1

8、0段材料,回答第18至20题。18What did the rich man give the beggar?AA lot of money.BPray from God.CHis devotion.19How did the rich man feel about his money at home?ASad. BProud. CAngry.20Why did the beggar think of the man as a beggar?ABecause he was happy with whatever he had.BBecause he didnt want to give his

9、 money away.CBecause he was always begging for more money.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21There is no doubt _ those who work hard will succeed sooner or later.Aif BwhetherCwhy Dthat22You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of _.Adate Bsha

10、pe Corder Dbalance23The radio is too loud;please tell her to _.Aturn it down Bturn down itCturn off it Dlook it up24How long _ you _?For ten years.We _ in 1998.Adid;marry,marriedBhave;got married;were marriedChave;been married;got marriedDwere;married;married25As soon as the party came into _,they c

11、hanged the law.Aforce BstrengthCpower Dposition26In the past the root of this plant was said _ magical power which could cure baldness.Apossessing Bto be possessedCto possess Dto have possessed27Was it _ she heard _ really made her frightened?Awhat;that Bit;thatCthat;which Dwhat;/28The hurricane las

12、ted more than ten hours,_ great damage to this area.Acaused Bto have causedCto cause Dcausing29If you are worried that the tickets will be sold out,you can buy a ticket _.Ain a row Bahead of timeCon time Din time30If you want children to study hard,you must _ their interest instead of their sense of

13、 duty.Aappeal to Blook intoCgive rise to Dgo in for31The teacher _ the exam papers to the class.Adonated BprintedCclassified Ddistributed32The thief broke in,trying to open the safe but _.Ain no way Bin vainCwithout effect Dat a loss33_ in 1864 in Geneva,Switzerland,the agreement was intended to pro

14、tect the wounded soldiers and limit human sufferings in time of war.ASigning BSignedCHaving signed DBeing signed34The girl sat there quite silently with her eyes _ on the wall.Afixing Bto be fixingCfixed Dto be fixed35The prince _ a spell on by the wicked witch.Aput BmadeCwas put Dwas made第二节完形填空(共2

15、0小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。This world seems to be full of talent.But not many of us are multitalented (多才多艺的)We cannot do all things well and we cannot do most things at all.But we all have our _36_.Talented as the great theoretical physicist was,_37_ Albert Einst

16、ein experienced feelings of inadequacy (不足)In 1952 Einstein was _38_ the first presidency of the new nation of Israel.He _39_ it down with this statement,“I am _40_ moved by the offer from our State of Israel (to serve as president),and at once saddened and _41_ that I cannot accept it.All my life I

17、 have dealt with objective matters,hence (因此) I lack both the _42_ aptitude (天赋) and the experience to deal properly with people and to exercise _43_ functions.For these _44_ alone I should be unsuited to _45_ the duties of that high office.” (The Einstein Scrapbook,Johns Hopkins University Press,20

18、02)Dr.Einstein knew plenty about the _46_ of the universe,but this wise and insightful man also knew that he _47_ the necessary political skills for such a(n) _48_ position.Is there really any _49_ in knowing our limitations?We should _50_ on what we can do well and the world will be better.We may o

19、r may not _51_ it,but we have the capacity to do some things well.In fact,very well.Few of us will ever be _52_,but we can still _53_ meaningfully to life.And when we know _54_ we can do and decide to do that _55_ thing,we just might discover we are


21、ill46A.natureBjudgmentCweaknessDmovement47A.absorbedBdesertedClackedDguaranteed48A.admiringB. demandingCemployingDsupplying49A.trustBluckCpossibilityDshame50A.relyBfocusClookDtake51A.recognizeBbelieveCmasterDdeclare52A.humanBmanagerChistoryDEinstein53A.contributeBconnectCadjustDserve54A.howBwhatCwhy

22、Dwhen55A.generalBcreativeCparticularDastonishing第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。AOne of the Summers Best Blockbusters,10 July,2009Author:Vince27 from CanadaHarry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince is the sixth movie in the Harry Potter series,and it is the gre

23、atest one yet. The movie mixes comedy,romance,drama,and adventures into one,and makes it so marvelous and fun to watch. The acting in this film is more mature and better in quality than in the earlier ones. The trio, Emma Watson,Rupert Grint,and Daniel Radcliffe are amazing in their roles and pull t

24、hem off well. David Yates gives his best directing in his career to date, and does an amazing job of telling the storyline of JK. Rowlings fantastic book. The visual effects are so well done and look so real. Although the movie has cut out many things in the book, it is still a great film that most

25、people will enjoy!Key Points Missing! 12 July, 2009Author:zvette929 from the United StatesIf you love the series like I do,you will know that in every movie they have to cut parts of the book out. For those that have not read the book this movie will impress. I understand the need to cut the movie i

26、n order to fit it into a realistic time frame. In doing so, it seems as if they cut key parts in order to allow for more comedy. They also cut out a large action scene at the end of the movie. Another problem is, although there is not as much violence as previous movies the overall film includes adu

27、lt content that in my opinion warrants the PG13 rating. Do not misunderstand me. I recommend seeing the movie as it is enjoyable._,15 July, 2009Author:cernan from the United StatesHarry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince is a big challenging novel to adapt to the big screen. Initially I had low expecta

28、tions for Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince, but after seeing the movie, I think it is the best in the series and the adaptation is a great success. When youre adapting a 600page book into a twoandahalfhour film,its inevitable that certain things will get cut.The Best Book.The Worst Movie! 19 Ju

29、ly,2009Author:infernodx from the United KingdomThis film is so awful compared to the book that I cant believe people love it. The book is a million times better and Im hugely disappointed. They have added poor scenes and taken away integral parts of the book. Huge parts of the story have been missed

30、. Pointless scenes have been added to make it appeal to a wider audience.I feel it totally unnecessary as Harry Potter appeals to probably the widest audience of any book. If I were JK. Rowling I would have asked the producers some serious questions.56The director of the movie Harry Potter and the H

31、alfBlood Prince is _. ADaniel Radcliffe BJ.K.RowlingCDavid Yates DEmma Watson57All the four persons mention that _.Amany parts in the book have been cut out in the filmBthe book is much better than the movieCDaniel Radcliffe is more mature than in the earlier onesDthe visual effects are good and rea

32、l 58Who made the negative comment about the movie?AVince27. BInfernodx.CCernan. DZvette929.59We can infer that _.Aa film rated PG13 is only designed for childrenBa film rated PG13 is not suitable for children under 13Czvette929 doesnt think the movie is worth seeingDHarry Potter and the HalfBlood Pr

33、ince is especially popular with the older peopleBMr. and Mrs. Smith had always spent their summer holidays in New Jersey in the past,staying in a small inn at the foot of a hill.One year,however,Mr. Smith made a lot of money in his business,so they decided to go to London and stay at a really good h

34、otel while they went touring around that famous city.They flew to London and arrived at their hotel late one evening.They expected that they would have to go to bed hungry,because in that small inn in New Jersey,no meals were served after seven.They were therefore surprised when the man who received

35、 them in the hall asked whether they would take dinner there that night.“Are you still serving dinner?”asked Mr. Smith.“Yes,certainly,sir,”answered the man.“We serve it until half past nine.”“What are the times of meals then?”asked Mr. Smith.“Well,sir,”answered the man.“We serve breakfast from seven

36、 to half past eleven in the morning,lunch from twelve to three in the afternoon,tea from four to five,and dinner from six to half past nine.”“But that hardly leaves any time for us to see the sights of London!”said Mrs. Smith.60Mr. and Mrs. Smith had _ in the past.Aoften stayed in a quite good hotel

37、Boften stayed in a small innCtravelled to many placesDmade a lot of money61They decided to go to a really good hotel because _.Ait was said to be quite a good oneBthey were tired of small innsCit was near many places of interestDthey now had enough money62When they got to the hotel,_.Ano meals were

38、served after sevenBdinner was still being servedCthere were no visitorsDthe waiters were asleep63When Mrs. Smith learned the times of meals at the hotel,she might have felt _.Ahappy BgladCdisappointed DangryCOn the road with friendsI picked up my two best friends and we were off on a road trip.I had

39、 just returned to America from a year abroad in China.So,naturally I wanted to take a trip to Canada.Montreal,the second largest city in Canada,is a fourhour drive from my home in New Hampshire.We felt a thrill as we crossed the border into Canada.It was the first time I had ever driven across an in

40、ternational border.We turned on the radio to try and find some Canadian stations.After dropping off our bags at our hotel,we were immediately walking down the famous St.Catherines street.While we walked two things surprised us:how cold it was and how well everyone dressed.The streets of Montreal are

41、 like a fashion show.Both men and women look like they stepped out of the pages of a magazine.All of that fashion has to keep them warm since Montreal is so cold.Last year it broke the record for snowfall in North America.To hide from the cold we went into a small diner because we wanted to order Po

42、utine,a very popular snack in Montreal.It is French fries covered in cheese and brown gravy (肉汁)It is delicious.However,we had a hard time ordering the dish since the official language of Montreal is French.It is actually the fifth largest Frenchspeaking city in the world.But since the rest of Canad

43、a speaks English,plenty of people were there to help.We spent the rest of the weekend going to the historical churches and monuments in Montreal.But at night wed head to the very modern dance clubs and bars.Montreal is a city that sits between the past and the future and the traveler can choose whic

44、hever direction he wants to go in.64_ surprised the author when he was in Montreal according to the passage.AIts cold weather and welldressed citizensBIts delicious snack and beautiful streetsCGenerosity and kindness of the citizens thereDIts beautiful streets and welldressed citizens65How do you un

45、derstand the sentence “Both men and women look like they stepped out of the pages of a magazine” in Paragraph 4?AThe men and women are really fashion models of a magazine.BThe portraits of the men and women are printed in the magazine.CThey are so welldressed that they look like models of a magazine

46、.DThe men and women like to copy characters in magazines.66Which of the following cant we conclude from Paragraph 4?AThe author and his friends couldnt wait to explore the city.BThe author wasnt used to the weather of Montreal.CThe citizens from Montreal care much about what they wear.DMontreal ofte

47、n holds fashion shows.67What can we infer from the passage?AThe author often went to China for a visit.BThe people they met in the diner were kind and helpful.CAll the people in the diner were locals.DThe author went to Montreal on business.DThere are many differences between America and China.The b

48、iggest difference is traffic rules.In America there are too much more cars than in China.But there are much fewer traffic jams and accidents in America than in China.We hardly see traffic police in the street,but all cars obey strictly traffic rules,and people hardly find that a car does not obey tr

49、affic rules in the street.About American traffic rules,there are many better terms,such as:1Stop line:There are stop lines in all crossing without traffic light (some have two stop lines and others have four stop lines)All cars must stop while meeting the stop line.2Traffic light:There is traffic li

50、ght in the crossing of the road.Cars may almost turn every direction.The traffic light can give signal step by step including uturn.There is a kind of middle lane of turning left.When a car wants to turn left in the road,he may enter into the middle lane of turning left and give a signal of turning

51、left.When he thinks being safe,he may turn left.In many conditions the order of passing is also given very specifically.If people want to change lane or turn,they must look behind and think being safe.Only so,they may do it.3.Specific item:Such as parking,there are three kinds of lines (their colors

52、 are white,blue or red) in the roadside.Every line may park different kinds of cars.There are many streets in some residential areas,and there is a kind of rule that any car cannot park at any time or any period time.In every parking,there are some special positions for invalid people.4About the pri

53、ority of passenger and car:At any case,passengers have the priority to cars.And only after passengers have passed the road and gotten the top of sidestep,cars may go ahead.In general,traffic rules of America are very specific,convenient,safe and humanizing.68Which of the following is NOT the reason

54、why we can hardly see traffic police in the street in American?ATraffic police are not very necessary because few cars break traffic rules.BThe traffic is very clear and there are few traffic jams and accidents in the street.CThere are so many cars in the street that the traffic police cant be seen.

55、DThe effective traffic rules play an important part in the road safety.69Why is there a middle lane of turning left on the road?AIt is designed for the cars that want to turn left.BIt is very safe to drive there.CIt is very convenient for the traffic police to find the cars that break the rules.DThe

56、 cars that want to turn left can easily give a signal of turning left.70Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?AThere are more traffic jams in China.B. In America,all cars in the crossing must stop when they meet the stop line.CIn America,any car cannot park in the street

57、s in some residential areas.DIf people want to turn,they can obey the guide of the traffic police.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。One fine afternoon I was walking along Fifth Avenue,when I remembered that it was necessary to buy a pair of socks._71_A boy clerk who could

58、 not have been more than seventeen years old came forward.“What can I do for you,sir?”“I wish to buy a pair of socks.”His eyes glowed._72_“Did you know that you had come into the finest place in the world to buy socks?” And he began to haul down from the shelves box after box,displaying their conten

59、ts for my delectation.“_73_”“I know that,” said he.“But I want you to see how beautiful these are.Arent they wonderful?” There was on his face an expression of pride as if he were showing to me the mysteries of his religion._74_ I looked at him in amazement.“My friend,” said I,“If you can keep up th

60、is zeal and excitement day after day,in ten years you will own every sock in the United States.”My amazement at his pride and joy in salesmanship will be easily understood by all who read this article._75_And when finally some clerk does deign to notice you,you are made to feel as if you were interr

61、upting him.AI turned into the first sock shop that caught my eye.BIn many shops the customer has to wait for someone to wait upon him.CThere was a note of passion in his voice.DThey always serve you with enthusiasm.EIt was enthusiasm and excitement that made him work without feeling tired.FI became

62、far more interested in him than in the socks.GHold on!Im going to buy only one pair!第二卷第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只

63、允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Im eighteen years old and I live in small village in the Peak District,not far from Nottingham.I grow up in this village,so I know everyone here.Thats the problemthe problem is that theres nothing to do and nobody of my age to do it with!At the moments I travel into Nottingham

64、every day to the shop as I work.Theres a bus at 730 in the morning or the last bus back in the evening is at 530.From September,therefore,Im going to stay in Nottingham by my aunt and uncle when my cousin joins the Navy.I can using his room.Im really looking forward to live in Nottingham.第二节书面表达(满分2

65、5分)下边这组图画讲述的是上星期日发生在你和你父亲之间的故事。请根据情节发展把故事叙述完整,并适当增加能使故事得到升华的句子。词数100左右。_答案1B2.B3.C4.C5.A6.C7.B8.A9.C10.A11.C12.C13.A14.B15.A16.B17.B18.A19.B20.C听力材料Text 1M:What a nice song!Do you know the name of the song?W:Because I Love You.Shakin Stevens sings it.Text 2W:Do not listen to the crosstalk any longer

66、.Have breakfast and get going or you will be late for school.M:No hurry.It is Sunday today.Text 3W:Hello,this is Mrs.Clinton at Jinjiang Hotel.Is Mr.White there?M:No,he is out to dinner.Ill be glad to take a message.Text 4M:Jane,do you enjoy watching standup comedies?W:Not really.I prefer to watch c

67、artoons.What about you,Paul?M:I am fond of watching sports games.Text 5M:I hear a teacher who likes laughing is popular with his students.W:I dont quite agree with you.My chemistry teacher often laughs but I dont like him.M:May I know the reason,Lily?W:He doesnt make me laugh.Text 6M:I need to buy a

68、 new car.You got any ideas?W:You could try my company.It seems to have fair prices.M:How many types of cars do you sell?W:Oh,I dont know exactly.But we have the latest model.M:Can you cut down the price for me?W:Not much.About 10 per cent off.M:Thats fine.W:We always have good followup service.Here

69、is my phone number and my email address.You can contact me in either way.M:Thank you so much.I will call you when I have made up my mind.Text 7W:Good morning,John.Where do you usually have your meals?M:Well,I often eat fast food in restaurants outside the school.W:What kind of fast food do you usual

70、ly eat?M:Let me see,hamburgers,pancakes,pizza,fish and chips.W:Oh,can you tell me how often you eat fast food?Every day?M:Er,at least four days a week,but not usually at the weekends.I often have meals at home at weekends.W:Why dont you have meals at school?M:Food there is more expensive and it does

71、nt taste nice.W:But I know teachers have meals at the school canteen,too.M:Well,I guess their dishes are better than ours.W:But Mrs.White,your head teacher told me that yours are as good as theirs.And the dishes are of necessary nutrition.M:Well,I will try some from next Monday.W:Why not today?Text

72、8W:How about that?M:What?What happened?W:Did you see what that guy did?M:No,I was looking the other way.W:He made a Uturn right in the middle of the street and almost hit a kid on a bicycle.M:Drivers get crazier every day!W:Right.Nobody wants to drive by the rules any more.M:I will take my video cam

73、era here tomorrow and take pictures of those who break the traffic rules.W:So what?M:I will send them to our local newspapers or put them online.W:Will that help?M:Lets wait and see.Text 9M:Hello,Susan.I really like your new dress and hairstyle.W:Oh,thanks.I think its time for a change.M:I dont work

74、 tonight.Shall we go to a movie?W:Oh,no.I am about to have a surprise party for my boyfriend tonight.Its his birthday.Why dont you come?M:Well,I.W:Come on.My boyfriend Mark has got a lot of friends.Itll be great fun.M:All right.What time and what place?W:We are meeting at his flat at a quarter to se

75、ven.M:Where is his flat?W:At 99 King Road.M:Great.Ill take the subway and it wont take long.W:I am looking forward to your coming.M:Thank you for inviting me.See you later.W:See you.Text 10A beggar was praying silently.A rich man was deeply moved by his devotion.He offered the beggar a bag of gold.“

76、I know that you will use the money for Gods sake.Please take it.” “Just a moment,” the beggar replied.“Im not sure if it is right for me to take your money.Are you rich?Do you have more money at home?”“Oh,yes.I have at least one thousand gold pieces at home,” the man said proudly.“Do you want a thou

77、sand gold pieces more?” asked the beggar.“Why not?” said the man.“And more?” asked the beggar.“Of course.” said the man.The beggar pushed the bag of gold back to the man.“I am sorry,but I cannot take your gold,” he said,“A rich man cannot take money from a beggar.”“How can you call yourself a rich m

78、an and me a beggar?” the man said angrily.The beggar replied,“I am rich because I am happy with whatever I have.You are a beggar because no matter how much you own,you are not pleased and beg for more.”21DThere is no doubt that为固定搭配,意为:那 是毫无疑问的。22B句意为:你一直坐着我的帽子,现在它已经严重变形了。out of date过时的,陈旧的;out of s

79、hape变形的,走样的;out of order秩序混乱的;out of balance失去平衡的。23Aturn down关小,调低,宾语为代词时,放在介词之前。24Cmarry为非延续性动词,不能跟表示一段时间的时间状语连用。表示结婚多长时间了,用be married;表示结婚动作用get married。25C句意为:这个政党一上台,就改了这项法律。come into power上台;掌权。26C句意为:在过去据说这种植物的根具有神奇的功效,能治愈脱发。 said to do sth.,主语the root与possess之间为主谓关系,故选C。27Ait

80、at为强调句型;what引导表语从句,同时作heard的宾语。28D考查ing形式作结果状语。causing作结果状语表示自然而然的结果;to cause作结果状语表出乎意料的结果,由题意可知应选D。29Bin a row排成一排;on time按时;in time及时;ahead of time提前。由句意知选B。30Aappeal to吸引;look into 调查;give rise to引起,导致;go in for 参加。31Ddonate.捐赠;赠送;print打印;发表,不与to连用;classify分发;distribute分发;分配。根据句意可知选D。32Bin no way

81、怎么也不,一点也不;in vain白费力气;without effect没有作用;at a loss不知所措。句意:小偷闯进来,竭力打开保险柜,但那是白费力。33B主语agreement与sign是被动关系,因此选B。34C考查with的复合结构。句意为:那个女孩静静地坐在那儿,眼睛死死地盯着墙壁。fix ones eyes on sth.,即eyes和fix为动宾关系,应用过去分词形式表被动。因此选C。35Ccast/put a spell on sb.对某人施魔法。36D根据前文提到的我们不能做好所有的事和有许多事情我根本就做不了,再结合空格前表示转折意义的But可知这里应该是指我们每个人

82、都有自己的“天赋(gifts)”。37C然而Einstein也曾感到自身的不足。38B此处构成offer sb. sth.搭配,再结合40空后的by the offer可知答案。39C从后文可知爱因斯坦拒绝出任以色列总统。turn down在此处意为“拒绝”。40C尽管他拒绝担任以色列总统,但对此他仍深受(deeply)感动。41A从and前的平行词saddened可知只有“惭愧的(ashamed)”符合语境。42C这里指缺少“与生俱来的(natural)”的资质(即天赋),即不适合当总统。43B爱因斯坦认为自己缺乏天赋和经验来行使“官方的(official)”职能。44B这里指拒绝接受总统职

83、位的原因。45D指履行总统的职责。fulfill意为“完成,履行”。46A作为一个伟大的物理学家,他当然对宇宙的“本质(nature)”十分了解。47C从前文提到的原因和but转折可知他“缺少 (lack)”必要的政治上的才能。48B爱因斯坦认为总统是一个“很费心的(demanding)”职位。49D知道自己的不足真的会令我们感到“羞耻(shame)”吗?50B知道自己的不足,然后“把精力集中在(focus on)”自己能做好的事情上。51A指我们可能认识到也可能没有“认识到(recognize)”这个道理,即上一段最后两句提到的道理。52D根据上文可知应该是我们很少有人能成为爱因斯坦,但我们

84、仍然能对生活做出有意义的贡献。53A从上题分析可知,此处contribute to意为“对有贡献”。54B当我们知道自己能做什么由于宾语从句we can do缺少宾语且空格处还引导宾语从句,故用what。55C显然我们应该找出自己的长处,做好自己能做的事情。that particular thing指我们发现自己能做的那件事。56C细节理解题。根据“David Yates gives his best directing in his career to date.fantastic book.”可知哈利波特与混血王子这部电影的导演是David Yates。57A细节理解题。根据“Althou

85、gh the movie has cut out many things in the book.”/“I understand the need to cut the movie.”/.“its inevitable that certain things will get cut.”/“Huge parts of the story have been missed.”等信息可知他们四人都提到了电影删去了原著中的许多内容。 58B推理判断题。根据标题“The Best Book. The Worst Movie!可以判断这位网名叫infernodx的观众对这部电影评价不佳。59B推理判断题

86、。根据“.the overall film includes adult content that in my opinion warrants the PG13 rating.”可知zvette929认为整个电影包含了一些只适合成年人观看的内容,从而认为应把这部电影定为PG13等级。反过来推理,被定为PG13等级的电影应该不适合13岁以下的孩子观看。60B由第一段第一句可知,他们过去度假时常住在一个小客栈里。61D由第一段第二句可知,史密斯先生做生意赚了一些钱。62B文中对话暗示。63C由文章最后一句可知。64A细节理解题。根据文章第四段第二句“While we walked two thi

87、ngs surprised us:how cold it was and how well everyone dressed.”可知答案为A。65C句意理解题。题干所提之句意为“无论男士还是女士,他们看起来就像是从杂志的书页上走出来的一样”。故C项切题。66D推理判断题。根据文章第四段可推知A、B、C三项正确,故本题选D;从第四段推不出蒙特利尔经常举办时装节这一结论。67B推理判断题。根据倒数第二段最后一句可推知B项切题。68C细节理解题。由第一段可以看出,在美国很少发生交通阻塞和交通事故,所有司机都遵守交通规则,良好有序的交通规则对保障交通畅通起了重要作用。因此没有必要设置那么多交通警察。C

88、项只是陈述事实,而非原因。69A细节理解题。由第三段即第二条内容可以看出,左拐的汽车要先进入这条通道并且向其他车辆发出拐弯信号。因此这条线路是供左拐的汽车使用的。70A推理判断题。由第一段中的“But there are very fewer traffic jams and accidents in America than in China.”可以判断A项正确;由第二段可以判断B项不对;由第四段可以判断C项不对;由第四段中的“If people want to change lane or turn,they must look behind and think being safe.”可

89、以判断D项不对,司机想拐弯要向后看,而不是遵守交通警察的指挥。71A72.C73.G74.F75.BIm eighteen years old and I live in small village in the Peak District,not far from Nottingham.I up in this village,so I know everyone here.Thats the problemthe problem is that theres nothing to do and nobody of my age to do it with!At the I travel i

90、nto Nottingham every day to the shop I work.Theres a bus at 730 in the morning the last bus back in the evening is at 530.From September,Im going to stay in Nottingham my aunt and uncle when my cousin joins the Navy.I can his room.Im really looking forward to in Nottingham.【参考范文】Last Sunday,my fathe

91、r together with me was fishing by the lake.I was watching him with great interest.My father got many fishes soon.After a while,I said to my father that I wanted a fish to play with.Father agreed with me,then he pulled out the fishing rod and caught a lovely small fish,which he gave to me.Although I was so pleased,I couldnt help taking pity on it.We should protect the animals around us including the little one.Deep in thought,I put the fish back into water.How happy I was then!

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