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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修三)文档 UNIT 3 THE MILLION POUND BANK NOTE UNIT 3 PERIOD THREE WORD版含答案.docx

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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修三)文档 UNIT 3 THE MILLION POUND BANK NOTE UNIT 3 PERIOD THREE WORD版含答案.docx_第1页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修三)文档 UNIT 3 THE MILLION POUND BANK NOTE UNIT 3 PERIOD THREE WORD版含答案.docx_第2页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修三)文档 UNIT 3 THE MILLION POUND BANK NOTE UNIT 3 PERIOD THREE WORD版含答案.docx_第6页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家Period ThreeGrammar & WritingPart OneGrammar用适当的连接词填空1It depends on whether we have enough time.2He has heart disease.That is because he has been smoking too much.3The reason why he failed is that he was too careless.4Can you tell me where he lives?5He looked just as he had looked te

2、n years ago.6It sounds as if someone is knocking at the window.7Do you know who will hold the meeting?8Could you tell us when he will come?9The Chinese people are proud of what they have achieved in the past ten years.10Mary wrote an article on why the team had failed to win the game.11He demanded t

3、hat he should be sent to work there.12You may choose whatever topic you like to write your composition.宾语从句和表语从句一、宾语从句宾语从句在复合句中充当宾语。除谓语动词之后可接宾语从句外,介词以及某些形容词的后面也可以带宾语从句。1that引导的宾语从句that仅起引导作用,在从句中无句法功能,本身无具体意义,在口语和非正式文体中可省略,不引导介词的宾语从句(except that除外)。She took it for granted that you knew the matter.她想

4、当然地认为你知道那件事。The teacher recommended that we(should)read the novel.老师建议我们读那篇小说。相关链接:(1)引导宾语从句的连接词that一般可以省去,但是及物动词后面有两个或者以上的宾语从句时,只有第一个that 可以省略。He said (that) the text was very important and that we should write it down.他说这篇课文非常重要,我们应该写下来。(2)insist(坚决要求),suggest(建议),demand(要求),order(命令),propose(建议)等

5、词后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,其结构为“should动词原形”,should可省略。I suggest you (should) have enough sleep.我建议你睡足觉。2whether或if 引导的宾语从句从句的意思为“是否,能否”,这里的if 从句不可混淆于if(如果,假如)引导的条件状语从句。Do you know whether/if any decision has been arrived at?你知道决定是否已经作出了?相关链接:(1)后紧跟不定式或or not时,一般用whether而不用if。I wonder whether or not we should mak

6、e it clear that weve lost this game.我在想我们是否应该宣布我们已经输了这场比赛。(2)介词后的宾语从句须用whether引导,不可用if引导。It depends on whether you can do the work well.那取决于你是否能将工作做好。3连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句。连接代词有:who,whom,whose,what,which等;连接副词有:when,where,how,why等。I will tell you why I was late for the meeting.我会告诉你我为什么开会迟到了。相关链接:(1)宾语从

7、句一律用陈述语序。(2)在I/We think (believe,suppose,guess,expect,imagine等)后面的从句里,如果含有否定含义,往往需要把否定词由从句移到主句,这叫否定转移。I dont think you are fit for the job.我认为你不适合这项工作。二、表语从句在复合句中作表语的从句叫表语从句。1that引导的表语从句The fact is that he didnt even take the exam.事实上是他连考试都没有参加。What I particularly dislike about this lesson is that i

8、t is really boring.我特别不喜欢这课是因为它的确令人乏味。2wh类连接词引导的表语从句wh类连接词包括连接代词(who,whom,whose,what,which等)和连接副词(when,where,why,how等)。That is why he was late for an hour.那就是他迟到一个小时的原因。3as if,as though,because,as引导的表语从句as if/though引导的表语从句常用虚拟语气,也可用陈述语气。It looks as if we will be late.看起来我们似乎会迟到。The pencil seems as t

9、hough it were broken when it is partly put in the water.当把铅笔的一部分放入水中时,它看上去好像断了。That is because he didnt understand me.那是因为他不理解我。Things were not as they seemed to be.事情并不是看起来的那个样子。相关链接:使用表语从句时应注意的问题:(1)主句的主语是reason时,表语从句要用that,不能用because。The reason why he was dismissed was that he was careless and ir

10、responsible.他被开除的原因是他工作马虎,不负责任。(2)引导表语从句时可以用whether,不能用if。His first question was whether Tom had arrived yet.他的首要问题是汤姆是否已经到达。(3)如果主语是表示“要求、建议、命令”的名词,如suggestion,advice,order等,其后的表语从句常用虚拟语气,从句谓语用“(should)动词原形”。My suggestion is that we (should) walk home instead of taking a taxi.我的建议是走着回家,而不坐出租车。.用适当的

11、连接词填空1I know nothing about the young lady except that she is from Beijing.2Someone is knocking at the door.Please go and see who it is.3I wonder whether or not she can come on time.4Why not try your luck in the city,Bob?Thats where the best jobs are.5Choosing a right dictionary depends on what you w

12、ant to use it for.6The trouble is that I have lost his address.7He got caught in the heavy traffic.That was why he was late.8Elephants have their own way to tell whether an object is rough or smooth.完成句子1That is what I want to do(我想要做的事情)2The bus I took was broken on the way.This was why I was late(

13、我来晚的原因)3He didnt tell me when we would meet again(我们什么时候会再见面)4Could you tell me how I can get to the museum(我如何才能到博物馆)?5I believe he can finish the task on time(他能按时完成这项任务)6He doesnt understand what you have just said(你刚才说的话)7He didnt tell me he was coming to see me(他要来看我)8The problem is whether he

14、will tell us the truth or not(他是否会告诉我们实情)Part TwoWriting写作目标Writing a scene for a play常用句式1It/The story happened in/at.(地名) on/in. (日期)2.(人名) is very kind/cruel/rich/generous/mean,but.3One fine day in spring.4.(人名) is on the way to.5After several days.6The play is adapted from.典例展示根据下面提示,编写一幕戏剧,介绍亨利

15、带着一张百万英镑的支票去理发的过程。亨利正走在大街上,看见了一家理发店,于是决定去理他的长头发。理发匠用粗鲁的态度接待了他,亨利坐在椅子上等待,理发匠问他是否付得起理发的费用。理发结束后,亨利出示了一张百万英镑的钞票,理发匠十分吃惊,并告诉他欢迎随时光临。联想词汇1理发have ones hair cut2以一种粗鲁的态度in a rude manner3笑容满面wear a big smile4担心worry about5送出去show.out范文展示(Henry is walking down the street when he sees a sign for a barbers sho

16、p.He decides to have his hair cut.)HHenryBBarberH:Good afternoon.Id like to have my hair cut,if I may.(The barber looks at Henrys hair and continues cutting another mans hair.) Er,Id really like a haircut.As you can see,its much too long.B:(in a rude manner) Yes,I can see that.Indeed,I can.H:Fine,we

17、ll,Ill have a seat then.(He sits in one of the chairs.The barber turns to look at Henry.)B:Its quite expensive here,you know!Are you sure you can pay for it?H:Yes,I think so.(After his hair is cut,the barber tells Henry how much he must pay.Henry shows the barber the million pound bank note.)B:Why.,

18、Mr.(looks shocked)H:Adams.Henry Adams.Im sorry,I dont have any change.B:Oh,no,no.Please dont worry!(wearing a big smile) Nothing to worry about!Nothing at all!Please comeback whenever you like.It will be my honour to serve you!(showing Henry out with a bow).阅读理解APeople spend a lot of money in their

19、daily lives.Working people spend their money on transportation to and from work,and on various expenses throughout the day.Most people enjoy shopping and buy many things that they need and want.They buy sports equipments,go to sporting events,and do many things that cost money.However,many Americans

20、 dont pay cash or write checks for these things.More and more people pay for things with credit cards.Credit cards are small rectangular(长方形的) plastic cards.Banks give these cards to their customers.When a customer buys something at a store,he shows his card at the store.This authorizes(委托) the stor

21、e to charge the bank for the customers purchase.The bank collects all the charges for each customer.Then once a month the bank requires the customer to pay all the charges for that month.The bank doesnt force the customer to pay the full amount.It allows the customer to pay for charges in several pa

22、yments over a period of time.However,the bank requires the customer to pay interest(利息) on the unpaid part of the charges.In this way the bank allows customers to buy things that they can not afford at one time.People can use the cards to buy what they want and pay for it over a period of time.They

23、also do not need to carry a lot of money.1How do Americans pay for what they buy?They .Aeither pay cash or write checksBare allowed to use credit cardsCpay cash,write checks or use credit cardsDneither pay cash nor use credit cards答案C解析细节理解题。由第一段倒数第二句可知,许多美国人不用付现金、签支票的方式购物。本段最后一句又告诉我们“越来越多的美国人使用信用卡”

24、,可知付现金、签支票的方式还是有的,故选C项。2A credit card is a .Akind of money Americans are interested inBspecial type of check used by Americans to buy what they needCsmall rectangular plastic card used as moneyDdollar made of paper答案C解析细节理解题。由第二段前半部分可知,信用卡是长方形的小塑料卡片,银行把这些卡片给客户。当客户在商店购物时,只要出示本人的信用卡,这就授权商店向银行收取客户的购物款。

25、3In using credit cards,people .Acan get what they want and need when they have no moneyBcant get things at a store if they can not afford at one timeCdont need to carry a lot of moneyDdont need to pay what they want答案C解析细节理解题。由短文第三段最后一句可知C项表述正确。其他选项明显错误。4How often does the bank require its customer

26、to pay all the charges of that month?AOnce a month.BOver a long period of time.CThe sooner,the better.DThe moment he has plenty of money.答案A解析细节理解题。从第二段第六句可知,银行每月要求客户一次支付当月的所有费用。BAbraham Lincoln was born into poverty 200 years ago.At any other time and place,this lowly origin would have dictated his

27、 future,but in Lincolns case,his selfdetermination and force of will made it possible for him to secure his seat in his countrys history.He has become a role model in the selfmade America.If you want to learn about somebody who didnt quit,look no further.Abraham Lincoln had two business ventures fai

28、led,and the second one made him bankrupt,so he had to spend the next 17 years of his life paying for the debt.He also lost 8 different elections.It seemed that he had never done things right at the first time:the first time he ran for state legislature for Congress,for land officer,for Senate,all of

29、 these failed,and the first time he sought the vicepresidential nomination,he got less than 100 votes nationally.But he never found it too shameful to carry on his mission.Then later in 1860,on such a rough road,he made it to the White House.He lived up to his famous saying,“Always bear in mind that

30、 your own determination to success is more important than any other.”He could have quit many timesbut he didnt and because he didnt quit,he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of America.One important way Lincoln influences present society is that we look back on his life as a role

31、model for future generations.Lincolns high character influences us because we compare presentday politicians to the example Lincoln set.A major influence Lincoln has on the United States today is simply through the good example he set when it came to honesty,persistence and leadership.5According to

32、the first paragraph,which of the following statements is TRUE?ALincoln was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.BLike Lincoln,a poor origin leads to a bright future.CAmerica is considered selfmade because of Lincoln.DSelfdetermination and will contributed to Lincolns success.答案D解析细节理解题。根据第一段第二句中的“.

33、but in Lincolns case,his selfdetermination and force of will made it possible for him to secure his seat in his countrys history.”可知是林肯的决心和意志力促成了他的成功。故选D。6What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?AHow Lincoln made his way to the White House.BLincoln suffered various failures.CLincoln was a man who never qui

34、t.DLincoln once lost two business ventures.答案C解析段落大意题。根据第二段第一句“If you want to learn about somebody who didnt quit,look no further.”可知林肯是个不放弃的人。故选C。7Which is the correct order of what happened to Lincoln?aHe was paying off his debt.bHe failed in the run for land officer.cHe got less than 100 votes na

35、tionally.dHe stuck to his mission.eHe went bankrupt.Abecda BeabcdCacebd Ddeabc答案B解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段的内容可知选B。8What is the function of Lincolns famous saying in Paragraph 2?ATo tell us that determination is the most important to success.BTo attract readers attention.CTo show why Lincoln was able to carry

36、on in hard times.DTo summarize Lincolns story.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句“Then later in 1860,on such a rough road,he made it to the White House.He lived up to his famous saying.”可知这句话是为了表明为什么他能渡过难关。故选C。.语法填空A:Id like 1.to send this parcel to Australia.B:Certainly.Could you put 2.it on the scales,so I can c

37、heck the weight.A:Sure.Its not very heavy.B:Thats 850 grams.The cost 3.depends(depend) on how you would like to send it.A:I see.What are the options?I suppose airmail is faster and 4.more expensive than surface mail.B:Thats right.5.Sending(send) it by airmail will cost twelve dollars and sending it

38、6.by surface mail will cost eight dollars.A:How long will it 7.take to get there?B:Airmail should take four or five days and surface mail should take about two 8.weeks(week)A:In 9.that case,Ill send it by airmail.Id like to send it as a 10.registered(register) parcel.B:No problem.Thats one dollar ex

39、tra.A:Theres thirteen dollars.B:Theres your receipt.Goodbye.短文改错One day,I went to the railway station to buy a ticket to my aunt.When I got there,I told that the ticket had all been sold out.Just then a man came up and said with a strongly Zhejiang accent that he had a spare ticket.I didnt know that

40、 whether I could believe him or not.After hesitate for a while,I decided to take it.So as soon as the man left,I began to regret.If he was not honest,what shall I do?On a third day,I went to the station to see my aunt away.As I was waving goodbye to her,I saw the man sitting next to my aunt,smiling

41、at me.答案One day,I went to the railway station to buy a ticket my aunt.When I got there,I told that the had all been sold out.Just then a man came up and said with a Zhejiang accent that he had a spare ticket.I didnt know that whether I could believe him or not.After for a while,I decided to take it.

42、 as soon as the man left,I began to regret.If he was not honest,what I do?On third day,I went to the station to see my aunt .As I was waving goodbye to her,I saw the man sitting next to my aunt,smiling at me.书面表达请根据下面的汉语提示编写两个场景的戏剧。很久以前有一个女孩,很善良,对周围的人很好。一天,她救了一只病得很重的青蛙,并给它盖了房子,她和青蛙幸福地生活在一起。一天夜里,有一个强

43、盗闯进女孩的房间,是青蛙叫醒了女孩,女孩大喊,邻居们赶来赶走了强盗,女孩对大家很是感激。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当发挥,以使行文连贯。参考范文Long long ago,there was a kind girl living in a small village,who was very friendly to everyone.One day,she met a frog on her way home,which was badly ill.The girl took the frog home and saved it.Later,the girl built a small

44、 house for the frog and they lived happily together.But one evening,a robber broke into the girls house and wanted to kill the girl.knowing it,the frog jumped onto the girls bed and woke her up.The girl shouted for help.When her neighbours heard the girls shout,they came immediately and drove the ro

45、bber away,which made the girl feel grateful for the frog and the neighbours.Period ThreeGrammar & WritingPart OneGrammar用适当的连接词填空1It depends on whether we have enough time.2He has heart disease.That is because he has been smoking too much.3The reason why he failed is that he was too careless.4Can yo

46、u tell me where he lives?5He looked just as he had looked ten years ago.6It sounds as if someone is knocking at the window.7Do you know who will hold the meeting?8Could you tell us when he will come?9The Chinese people are proud of what they have achieved in the past ten years.10Mary wrote an articl

47、e on why the team had failed to win the game.11He demanded that he should be sent to work there.12You may choose whatever topic you like to write your composition.宾语从句和表语从句一、宾语从句宾语从句在复合句中充当宾语。除谓语动词之后可接宾语从句外,介词以及某些形容词的后面也可以带宾语从句。1that引导的宾语从句that仅起引导作用,在从句中无句法功能,本身无具体意义,在口语和非正式文体中可省略,不引导介词的宾语从句(except

48、 that除外)。She took it for granted that you knew the matter.她想当然地认为你知道那件事。The teacher recommended that we(should)read the novel.老师建议我们读那篇小说。相关链接:(1)引导宾语从句的连接词that一般可以省去,但是及物动词后面有两个或者以上的宾语从句时,只有第一个that 可以省略。He said (that) the text was very important and that we should write it down.他说这篇课文非常重要,我们应该写下来。(

49、2)insist(坚决要求),suggest(建议),demand(要求),order(命令),propose(建议)等词后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,其结构为“should动词原形”,should可省略。I suggest you (should) have enough sleep.我建议你睡足觉。2whether或if 引导的宾语从句从句的意思为“是否,能否”,这里的if 从句不可混淆于if(如果,假如)引导的条件状语从句。Do you know whether/if any decision has been arrived at?你知道决定是否已经作出了?相关链接:(1)后紧跟不定式或o

50、r not时,一般用whether而不用if。I wonder whether or not we should make it clear that weve lost this game.我在想我们是否应该宣布我们已经输了这场比赛。(2)介词后的宾语从句须用whether引导,不可用if引导。It depends on whether you can do the work well.那取决于你是否能将工作做好。3连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句。连接代词有:who,whom,whose,what,which等;连接副词有:when,where,how,why等。I will tell y

51、ou why I was late for the meeting.我会告诉你我为什么开会迟到了。相关链接:(1)宾语从句一律用陈述语序。(2)在I/We think (believe,suppose,guess,expect,imagine等)后面的从句里,如果含有否定含义,往往需要把否定词由从句移到主句,这叫否定转移。I dont think you are fit for the job.我认为你不适合这项工作。二、表语从句在复合句中作表语的从句叫表语从句。1that引导的表语从句The fact is that he didnt even take the exam.事实上是他连考试都

52、没有参加。What I particularly dislike about this lesson is that it is really boring.我特别不喜欢这课是因为它的确令人乏味。2wh类连接词引导的表语从句wh类连接词包括连接代词(who,whom,whose,what,which等)和连接副词(when,where,why,how等)。That is why he was late for an hour.那就是他迟到一个小时的原因。3as if,as though,because,as引导的表语从句as if/though引导的表语从句常用虚拟语气,也可用陈述语气。It

53、looks as if we will be late.看起来我们似乎会迟到。The pencil seems as though it were broken when it is partly put in the water.当把铅笔的一部分放入水中时,它看上去好像断了。That is because he didnt understand me.那是因为他不理解我。Things were not as they seemed to be.事情并不是看起来的那个样子。相关链接:使用表语从句时应注意的问题:(1)主句的主语是reason时,表语从句要用that,不能用because。The

54、 reason why he was dismissed was that he was careless and irresponsible.他被开除的原因是他工作马虎,不负责任。(2)引导表语从句时可以用whether,不能用if。His first question was whether Tom had arrived yet.他的首要问题是汤姆是否已经到达。(3)如果主语是表示“要求、建议、命令”的名词,如suggestion,advice,order等,其后的表语从句常用虚拟语气,从句谓语用“(should)动词原形”。My suggestion is that we (shoul

55、d) walk home instead of taking a taxi.我的建议是走着回家,而不坐出租车。.用适当的连接词填空1I know nothing about the young lady except that she is from Beijing.2Someone is knocking at the door.Please go and see who it is.3I wonder whether or not she can come on time.4Why not try your luck in the city,Bob?Thats where the best

56、 jobs are.5Choosing a right dictionary depends on what you want to use it for.6The trouble is that I have lost his address.7He got caught in the heavy traffic.That was why he was late.8Elephants have their own way to tell whether an object is rough or smooth.完成句子1That is what I want to do(我想要做的事情)2T

57、he bus I took was broken on the way.This was why I was late(我来晚的原因)3He didnt tell me when we would meet again(我们什么时候会再见面)4Could you tell me how I can get to the museum(我如何才能到博物馆)?5I believe he can finish the task on time(他能按时完成这项任务)6He doesnt understand what you have just said(你刚才说的话)7He didnt tell

58、me he was coming to see me(他要来看我)8The problem is whether he will tell us the truth or not(他是否会告诉我们实情)Part TwoWriting写作目标Writing a scene for a play常用句式1It/The story happened in/at.(地名) on/in. (日期)2.(人名) is very kind/cruel/rich/generous/mean,but.3One fine day in spring.4.(人名) is on the way to.5After s

59、everal days.6The play is adapted from.典例展示根据下面提示,编写一幕戏剧,介绍亨利带着一张百万英镑的支票去理发的过程。亨利正走在大街上,看见了一家理发店,于是决定去理他的长头发。理发匠用粗鲁的态度接待了他,亨利坐在椅子上等待,理发匠问他是否付得起理发的费用。理发结束后,亨利出示了一张百万英镑的钞票,理发匠十分吃惊,并告诉他欢迎随时光临。联想词汇1理发have ones hair cut2以一种粗鲁的态度in a rude manner3笑容满面wear a big smile4担心worry about5送出去show.out范文展示(Henry is w

60、alking down the street when he sees a sign for a barbers shop.He decides to have his hair cut.)HHenryBBarberH:Good afternoon.Id like to have my hair cut,if I may.(The barber looks at Henrys hair and continues cutting another mans hair.) Er,Id really like a haircut.As you can see,its much too long.B:

61、(in a rude manner) Yes,I can see that.Indeed,I can.H:Fine,well,Ill have a seat then.(He sits in one of the chairs.The barber turns to look at Henry.)B:Its quite expensive here,you know!Are you sure you can pay for it?H:Yes,I think so.(After his hair is cut,the barber tells Henry how much he must pay

62、.Henry shows the barber the million pound bank note.)B:Why.,Mr.(looks shocked)H:Adams.Henry Adams.Im sorry,I dont have any change.B:Oh,no,no.Please dont worry!(wearing a big smile) Nothing to worry about!Nothing at all!Please comeback whenever you like.It will be my honour to serve you!(showing Henr

63、y out with a bow).阅读理解APeople spend a lot of money in their daily lives.Working people spend their money on transportation to and from work,and on various expenses throughout the day.Most people enjoy shopping and buy many things that they need and want.They buy sports equipments,go to sporting even

64、ts,and do many things that cost money.However,many Americans dont pay cash or write checks for these things.More and more people pay for things with credit cards.Credit cards are small rectangular(长方形的) plastic cards.Banks give these cards to their customers.When a customer buys something at a store

65、,he shows his card at the store.This authorizes(委托) the store to charge the bank for the customers purchase.The bank collects all the charges for each customer.Then once a month the bank requires the customer to pay all the charges for that month.The bank doesnt force the customer to pay the full am

66、ount.It allows the customer to pay for charges in several payments over a period of time.However,the bank requires the customer to pay interest(利息) on the unpaid part of the charges.In this way the bank allows customers to buy things that they can not afford at one time.People can use the cards to b

67、uy what they want and pay for it over a period of time.They also do not need to carry a lot of money.1How do Americans pay for what they buy?They .Aeither pay cash or write checksBare allowed to use credit cardsCpay cash,write checks or use credit cardsDneither pay cash nor use credit cards答案C解析细节理解

68、题。由第一段倒数第二句可知,许多美国人不用付现金、签支票的方式购物。本段最后一句又告诉我们“越来越多的美国人使用信用卡”,可知付现金、签支票的方式还是有的,故选C项。2A credit card is a .Akind of money Americans are interested inBspecial type of check used by Americans to buy what they needCsmall rectangular plastic card used as moneyDdollar made of paper答案C解析细节理解题。由第二段前半部分可知,信用卡是

69、长方形的小塑料卡片,银行把这些卡片给客户。当客户在商店购物时,只要出示本人的信用卡,这就授权商店向银行收取客户的购物款。3In using credit cards,people .Acan get what they want and need when they have no moneyBcant get things at a store if they can not afford at one timeCdont need to carry a lot of moneyDdont need to pay what they want答案C解析细节理解题。由短文第三段最后一句可知C项

70、表述正确。其他选项明显错误。4How often does the bank require its customer to pay all the charges of that month?AOnce a month.BOver a long period of time.CThe sooner,the better.DThe moment he has plenty of money.答案A解析细节理解题。从第二段第六句可知,银行每月要求客户一次支付当月的所有费用。BAbraham Lincoln was born into poverty 200 years ago.At any ot

71、her time and place,this lowly origin would have dictated his future,but in Lincolns case,his selfdetermination and force of will made it possible for him to secure his seat in his countrys history.He has become a role model in the selfmade America.If you want to learn about somebody who didnt quit,l

72、ook no further.Abraham Lincoln had two business ventures failed,and the second one made him bankrupt,so he had to spend the next 17 years of his life paying for the debt.He also lost 8 different elections.It seemed that he had never done things right at the first time:the first time he ran for state

73、 legislature for Congress,for land officer,for Senate,all of these failed,and the first time he sought the vicepresidential nomination,he got less than 100 votes nationally.But he never found it too shameful to carry on his mission.Then later in 1860,on such a rough road,he made it to the White Hous

74、e.He lived up to his famous saying,“Always bear in mind that your own determination to success is more important than any other.”He could have quit many timesbut he didnt and because he didnt quit,he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of America.One important way Lincoln influences

75、 present society is that we look back on his life as a role model for future generations.Lincolns high character influences us because we compare presentday politicians to the example Lincoln set.A major influence Lincoln has on the United States today is simply through the good example he set when

76、it came to honesty,persistence and leadership.5According to the first paragraph,which of the following statements is TRUE?ALincoln was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.BLike Lincoln,a poor origin leads to a bright future.CAmerica is considered selfmade because of Lincoln.DSelfdetermination and

77、will contributed to Lincolns success.答案D解析细节理解题。根据第一段第二句中的“.but in Lincolns case,his selfdetermination and force of will made it possible for him to secure his seat in his countrys history.”可知是林肯的决心和意志力促成了他的成功。故选D。6What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?AHow Lincoln made his way to the White House.BLincol

78、n suffered various failures.CLincoln was a man who never quit.DLincoln once lost two business ventures.答案C解析段落大意题。根据第二段第一句“If you want to learn about somebody who didnt quit,look no further.”可知林肯是个不放弃的人。故选C。7Which is the correct order of what happened to Lincoln?aHe was paying off his debt.bHe faile

79、d in the run for land officer.cHe got less than 100 votes nationally.dHe stuck to his mission.eHe went bankrupt.Abecda BeabcdCacebd Ddeabc答案B解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段的内容可知选B。8What is the function of Lincolns famous saying in Paragraph 2?ATo tell us that determination is the most important to success.BTo attra

80、ct readers attention.CTo show why Lincoln was able to carry on in hard times.DTo summarize Lincolns story.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句“Then later in 1860,on such a rough road,he made it to the White House.He lived up to his famous saying.”可知这句话是为了表明为什么他能渡过难关。故选C。.语法填空A:Id like 1.to send this parcel to Austr

81、alia.B:Certainly.Could you put 2.it on the scales,so I can check the weight.A:Sure.Its not very heavy.B:Thats 850 grams.The cost 3.depends(depend) on how you would like to send it.A:I see.What are the options?I suppose airmail is faster and 4.more expensive than surface mail.B:Thats right.5.Sending(

82、send) it by airmail will cost twelve dollars and sending it 6.by surface mail will cost eight dollars.A:How long will it 7.take to get there?B:Airmail should take four or five days and surface mail should take about two 8.weeks(week)A:In 9.that case,Ill send it by airmail.Id like to send it as a 10.

83、registered(register) parcel.B:No problem.Thats one dollar extra.A:Theres thirteen dollars.B:Theres your receipt.Goodbye.短文改错One day,I went to the railway station to buy a ticket to my aunt.When I got there,I told that the ticket had all been sold out.Just then a man came up and said with a strongly

84、Zhejiang accent that he had a spare ticket.I didnt know that whether I could believe him or not.After hesitate for a while,I decided to take it.So as soon as the man left,I began to regret.If he was not honest,what shall I do?On a third day,I went to the station to see my aunt away.As I was waving g

85、oodbye to her,I saw the man sitting next to my aunt,smiling at me.答案One day,I went to the railway station to buy a ticket my aunt.When I got there,I told that the had all been sold out.Just then a man came up and said with a Zhejiang accent that he had a spare ticket.I didnt know that whether I coul

86、d believe him or not.After for a while,I decided to take it. as soon as the man left,I began to regret.If he was not honest,what I do?On third day,I went to the station to see my aunt .As I was waving goodbye to her,I saw the man sitting next to my aunt,smiling at me.书面表达请根据下面的汉语提示编写两个场景的戏剧。很久以前有一个女

87、孩,很善良,对周围的人很好。一天,她救了一只病得很重的青蛙,并给它盖了房子,她和青蛙幸福地生活在一起。一天夜里,有一个强盗闯进女孩的房间,是青蛙叫醒了女孩,女孩大喊,邻居们赶来赶走了强盗,女孩对大家很是感激。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当发挥,以使行文连贯。参考范文Long long ago,there was a kind girl living in a small village,who was very friendly to everyone.One day,she met a frog on her way home,which was badly ill.The girl

88、took the frog home and saved it.Later,the girl built a small house for the frog and they lived happily together.But one evening,a robber broke into the girls house and wanted to kill the girl.knowing it,the frog jumped onto the girls bed and woke her up.The girl shouted for help.When her neighbours heard the girls shout,they came immediately and drove the robber away,which made the girl feel grateful for the frog and the neighbours.- 19 - 版权所有高考资源网


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