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《名师一号》2015高考英语(人教版)一轮基础练夯实:必修5 UNIT 3 LIFE IN THE FUTURE.doc

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1、名师一号 高考总复习 模块新课标 新课标版英语基础一练夯实练基础小试牛刀.词汇知识1(2014武穴中学月考)Watching her wonderful performance, we couldnt imagine that Jane first _ the dance in her early twenties.A. took away B. took overC. took up D. took in答案与解析C句意:看着简精彩的表演,我们无法想象,在她二十出头时第一次开始从事舞蹈表演的情景是怎样的。take up“从事”,符合句意。take away“拿走;夺去”;take over“

2、夺取;接管”;take in “接纳;吸收”。2Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _ of exercise.A. limit B. lackC. need D. demand答案与解析B句意:健康问题和不良的饮食习惯与缺乏锻炼有密切关系。根据句意可知此空应为“的缺乏或短缺”之意, a lack of exercise“缺乏锻炼”。limit“限制”; need“需要”; demand“要求”。3(2014孝感中学)I used to cook in the microwave oven, bu

3、t Ive _ to gas ring for convenience because there has been often a power failure in our neighbourhood recently.A. devoted B. pointed C. attended D. switched答案与解析D句意:我过去用微波炉烹饪,但是因为我们社区最近经常停电,为了方便,我已经改用天然气灶。switch to“转入;转变”,符合句意。devote to“致力于”; point to“指向”; attend to“照料”。4(2014湖北部分重点中学)As a candidate

4、, you must try to make a good _ on everyone if you want to win the election.A. decision B. situation C. impression D. position答案与解析C句意:作为一个候选人, 如果你想赢得选举,你必须设法使每个人对你有一个好印象。impression“印象”,符合句意。decision“决定”;situation“形势”; position“位置”。5I remember you mentioned the same thing on a _ occasion.A. late B.

5、previousC. precious D. future答案与解析B句意:我记得你在以前的一个场合曾提到过这件事。previous“以前的”。late“迟到的”; precious“宝贵的”; future“将来的”。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Interviewer: Hi, Bill, can you tell me how it _6_ (happen)?Bill: Well, I _7_ (climb) the Mountain Alps. Suddenly the weather became really bad. Th

6、ere was lots of snow and the temperature was 30 degrees _8_ zero. We got _9_ (catch) and we spent five days in the mountain.Interviewer: So what happened? Someone found you, right?Bill: Yes, _10_ then we were very sick. I couldnt move my legs because _11_ the extreme cold. I spent two months in the

7、hospital and finally the doctor removed my legs.Interviewer: Im sorry to hear that. But you are trying to live _12_ active life.Bill: Thats right. In fact, I decided _13_ (make) some new legs for myself. I realize that no one has to be physically disabled. We can use modern technology _14_ (help) us. Interviewer: And you built these great new legs. Can you go _15_ (climb)again?Bill: Sure.答案6.happened7.was climbing8.below9caught10.but11.of12.an13.to make14.to help15.climbing3


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