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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修四)习题 UNIT 5 PERIOD THREE WORD版含答案.docx

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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修四)习题 UNIT 5 PERIOD THREE WORD版含答案.docx_第1页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家Period ThreeGrammar & WritingPart OneGrammar.给下列每个词加上不同前缀构成反义词1politeimpolite2believableunbelievable3honestlydishonestly4modestimmodest5regularirregular6comfortableuncomfortable7completeincomplete8correctincorrect9agreementdisagreement10Englishspeaking countrynonEnglishspeaking count

2、ry .完成句子 1A rickshaw was a twowheel (双轮) cart pulled by a barefoot(ed) (赤脚)man.2He had a lot of poor friends who did the lowpaid (工资低的) work.3Many peasants go to city to find highpaid (工资高的) work.4Is the bison (野牛) a warmblooded (热血的)or coldblooded (冷血的)animal?5Ghandi is a wellknown (有名的)political l

3、eader all over the world.构词法英语词汇的构成主要有三种方法:派生(Derivation):通过加前缀或后缀的办法构成一个新词。合成(Compounding):由两个或更多的词合成一个词。转化(Conversion):一个单词由一种词性转化为另一种或几种词性。构词法一:派生派生法又叫词缀法,它一般借助于词缀构成新词。由词缀法构成的词称派生词(derivative)。英语词缀分成前缀和后缀两种。加于词根前的叫前缀(prefix),加于词根后的叫后缀(suffix)。一般说来,前缀只是改变词的意义,并不改变其词类。如形容词unnatural (adj.不自然的,不近人情的)

4、,词义发生变化,而词类不变。后缀不仅改变词的意义,而且使单词由一种词类转变为另一种词类。如动词invent作“发明”讲,加上后缀or,变为inventor,作“发明者”讲,不仅词义发生变化,而且词性由动词变成了名词。然而,应当指出的是,某些词缀加在某些词前,也可能构成另一种词类。如force enforce(执行,实施,强调),large enlarge(扩大),rich enrich(使丰富,使肥沃,使充实)等。构词法二:合成合成法是把两个以上的词按照一定的次序排列成新词的方法。用这种方法构成的新词叫做复合词(compound words)。在整个英语发展过程中,合成法在构词方面起着积极的作

5、用,为英语增添和补充了大量的词汇。复合词的构词成分可由各种词类表示,而且组合不受英语句法在词序排列上的限制,比较灵活,复合词的构词材料多半由基本词汇提供。1复合名词(合成名词)常见的构成方法如下:名词名词。如:silkworm (蚕),bloodtest (验血);hearttrouble (心脏病)形容词名词。如:shorthand (速记)动名词名词。如:waitingroom (候车室);sleepingpills (安眠药)动词名词。如:pickpocket (扒手);breakwater (防波堤)名词动名词。如:handwriting(书法);sunbathing (日光浴)动词副

6、词。如:gettogether(联欢会);breakthrough (突破)副词动词。如:outbreak(爆发);downfall (垮台);withdraw(撤退)2复合形容词 复合形容词(合成形容词)最常见的构成方法如下:形容词名词ed。如:nobleminded(高尚的);goodtempered (脾气好的);ill/badtempered (脾气坏的);absentminded(心不在焉的);kindhearted (心肠好的);warmblooded (温血的);coldblooded (冷血的)形容词现在分词。如:goodlooking (好看的);easygoing (好说话

7、的)副词现在分词。如:hardworking (勤劳的);farreaching (深远的)名词现在分词。如:peaceloving(热爱和平的)名词过去分词。如:heartfelt(由衷的);stateowned (国营的);manmade (人造的);handmade (手工的)副词过去分词。如:wellknown (著名的);widespread (广泛流传的)形容词名词。如:highclass (高级的);largescale (大规模的);fulltime(专职的);parttime (兼职的)构词法三:转化法转换法是由一种词性转化为另一种词性的方法。(一)转换为名词1动词转换为名词

8、有大量动词可以转换为名词,这些转换的名词一般表示原来的动作或状态,意思没有太大变化,如下面的划线词:Let me have a try.我来试一试。We stopped there for a swim.我们在那儿停下来游了一会儿泳。这类名词常可和一动词构成短语,表示一个动作,如:have a look (chat,talk,wash,swim,rest,try,quarrel,smoke,lie,read,dream,run,fight,walk,ride,drink,laugh,dance,bathe,wish,win,fear,love,shave,debate,interview,ta

9、ste,etc.)make a study (guess,visit,call,survey,jump,slip,change,search,stay,start,answer,reply,remark,fight,arrest,appeal,purchase,sacrifice,demand,show,deal,attempt,attack,advance,etc.)2形容词转换为名词部分形容词特别是表示颜色的形容词常可转换为名词;某些形容词如old,young,poor,rich,wounded,injured等与the连用,表示一类人,作主语时,谓语用复数。You should be d

10、ressed in black at the funeral.你在葬礼中该穿黑色衣服。The old in our village are living a happy life.我们村的老年人过着幸福的生活。(二)转换为动词1名词转换为动词。也有相当多名词可以用作动词。(1) 许多表示物件的名词可以用作动词来表示动作。Have you booked your ticket?你的票订好了吗?Who chaired the meeting?谁主持会议?It can seat a thousand people.它能坐一千人。(2)一些表示身体某部分的名词也可用来作动词。Hand in your

11、exercisebooks,please.请把练习本交上来。Who headed the delegation?谁任代表团团长?We should shoulder these responsibilities.我们应当负起这些责任来。(3)一些表示某类人的名词也可用作动词。If so,we shall be badly fooled.如果这样我们就会上大当。He insisted on staying up to nurse the child.他坚持不睡觉来护理这个小孩。2形容词转换为动词。有少部分形容词也可用作动词。The train slowed down to half its sp

12、eed.火车速度慢了一半。Please warm up the dish over the stove.请把菜放在炉子上加热一下。The room gradually quieted down.屋里慢慢静了下来。(三)个别其他转换的情况:This is a repeat performance of their old policy.这是他们的故伎重演。(动形)We began to march north.我们开始向北进军。(名副)有个别词在一定的场合下可用作名词:His argument contains too many ifs and buts.他在说理时“如果”和“但是”用得太多了。

13、This book is a must for students of electronics.这是学电子学的人的一本必读书。Have you considered the why and how of the plan?你考虑过制定这样计划的原因和方式吗?(四)通过读音转换有一些词可以词形不变用作另一词类,但重音发生变化。较常见的是一些双音节词,作动词时重音在后,作名词时重音在前。动词名词digest/daIdest/消化/daIdest/摘要,文摘export/Ikspt/输出,出口/ekspt/出口import/Impt/进口,输入/Impt/进口permit/pmIt/准许,允许/pm

14、It/许可证present/prIzent/颁发;上演/preznt/礼物record/rIkd/记录;录音/rekd/记录;唱片transfer/trnsf/转学;调往/trnsf/转送;过户transport/trspt/运输,运送/trspt/运输(舰).选词填空1Lincoln became very interested in politics.In all his political life,he worked hard to build a free state for all the people.(political,politics)2Lincoln worked har

15、d against slavery,because he wanted to free all the slaves.(slavery, slaves)3After the dead woman had been taken away,all the villagers were in deep sorrow for her death.(dead,death)4A successful businessman is a man who has made big success in his business.(success,successful)5I think German is the

16、 most difficult for me,because I have a great difficulty in learning German grammar.(difficult,difficulty)6In my opinion,the pandas should be sent back to nature,and their natural living environment should be protected.(nature,natural)7The American film True Lies was directed by a worldfamous direct

17、or.(directed,director)8Most rivers in China run to the east,so we can see the eastern part of China is lower than the western part.(east,eastern)9The first settlers from Britain reached Canada in the 15th century,but Inuit who came from Asia settled in Canada thousands of years ago. They now live in

18、 special settlements.(settled,settlers,settlements)10The play The Blue House will be filmed by the Beijing Film Studio(制片厂)(filmed, film).用括号中单词的适当形式填空1The boy showed great bravery in fighting the enemy.(brave)2He was so kind that he gave me many storybooks.(kindness)3The book had been sold out when

19、 I got to the bookstore.(sale)4The Frenchman went to a chemist shop to get some medicine for his cough.(chemical)5The book is very interesting.I am interested in it.(interest)6I find this dictionary useful to my English study and I think it is also of great use to you.(use)7There is little water lef

20、t,so you mustnt water the flowers.(water)8The USA is a developed country while China is a developing country.(develop)9When we heard he was beaten by someone in the street,we were filled with anger.(angry)10This phrase is quite different from that one.You must pay attention to the differences betwee

21、n them.(different)Part TwoWriting写作目标Writing a brochure常用句式1It is located in the centre of.2It is known for.3It lies in/to the south/east of.4On the top of.stand.5You will enjoy doing/seeing.6You can reach the building/museum by.7You can get there a little more quickly by.8You need to pay.for the en

22、trance ticket and an additional charge of.yuan for.9Each activity costs.10They charge no additional fees except the entrance ticket.典例展示请根据下面表格的内容写一篇英语短文,介绍郑州绿博园(The Green Expo Garden in Zhengzhou)。地点紧邻郑开大道面积约3 000亩特色展园94个,各类灌木、花卉700余种,共63.5万株宗旨展示造林方面取得的成就,提升环保意识,倡导绿色生活门票成人每人次30元公交568路和573路注意:词数100左

23、右。联想词汇1展览exhibition2占地cover an area of3环保environmental protection4过绿色生活live a green life范文展示The Green Expo Garden in Zhengzhou which covers an area of about 3,000 mu,is located next to Zhengkai Road.The 94 exhibition parks are home to more than 700 types of shrubs and flowers and the number of shrub

24、s and flowers is as many as 635,000.The aim of building the garden is to show the achievements in forestation,raise peoples awareness of environmental protection and encourage people to live agreen life.The Green Expo Garden has become a new tourist attraction in Zhengzhou.The ticket for an adult is

25、 30 yuan,and you can take Bus 568 or Bus 573 to get there.阅读理解AMath is no problem for Chad Qian,14.He is the champion of the 2012 Raytheon MATHCOUNTS National Competition (RMNC)The event was held in front of a live audience at Disney World,in Orlando,Florida,on May 11.Qian competed against more than

26、 220 middle school students for the title.He won the grand prize:an 8,000 Donald GWeinert Scholarship and a trip to US.Space Camp in Huntsville,Alabama.“I felt sort of shocked and I was very surprised,”Qian said.“I was very excited that I had won.”MATHCOUNTS is an educational program which offers fr

27、ee materials to parents and teachers to help kids sharpen their math skills.More than 6,000 schools competed to earn a qualification at RMNC this year.Students had to win local competitions and then place in the top four of their peers(同龄人) during their state competition.Students traveled from all 5

28、0 states to compete at the event.Erikson,a spokesperson for Raytheon,says,“It teaches students more than just math.I think it teaches people how to compete and how to stay focused on the task at hand to achieve the results you want,”she said.Qian says when he grows up he will most likely follow a ca

29、reer in math and science or medicine.His advice to other students looking to take part in a math competition is to keep practicing.“Get other people who like math also and work together so you can learn from each other,”he said.“Just practice and learn as much as you can.”1What did Qian think of the

30、 result of the competition?AHe thought little of it.BHe took great pride in it.CIt came out as expected.DIt was beyond his expectation.答案D解析细节理解题。根据第一段中Qian所说的话“I felt sort of shocked and I was very surprised”可知选D项。2What does a competitor have to do to take part in RMNC?ABecome a winner in local com

31、petitions.BBeat each competitor in the competitions.CUse the materials given by MATHCOUNTS.DTravel around all 50 states to compete.答案A解析细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“Students had to win local competitions and then place in the top four of their peers(同龄人) during their state competition.”可知选A项。3What do we know of t

32、he competition from Eriksons words?AIt benefits students greatly.BIt will become the focus of students.CIt urges students to learn other subjects.DIt can help students achieve their life goals.答案A解析推理判断题。根据第二段中Erikson所说的话可知,全美数学大赛不仅教学生学习数学,而且教人们如何比赛,如何为了达到想要的效果而专注于手头上的任务。因此,这个比赛会使学生受益匪浅。4Whats the b

33、est title of the text?AHow a Math Contest WorksBWays to Win in a CompetitionCChad Qian Won the 2012 RMNCDThe Secret of Qians Great Success答案C解析标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了Chad Qian获得了2012年全美数学大赛的冠军,因此C项为最佳标题。BAs the first national park in the world,Yellowstone National Park was established in 1872.Since then its n

34、atural wonders have attracted explorers and tourists.Yellowstone is best known for its famous geyser(间歇泉),Old Faithful.The park has over 500 geysers,numerous hot springs,lakes,waterfalls and even its own Grand Canyon(大峡谷)Yellowstone National Park covers 3,648 square miles in Wyoming,Montana and Idah

35、o.It is the largest national park in the continental US.and is the countrys largest wildlife preserve.A part of the park containing Yellowstone Lake is centered over the Yellowstone Caldera,the largest super volcano in North America.The magma(岩浆) layer under the caldera feeds the geysers and hot spr

36、ings in Yellowstone National Park.The park is surrounded by the Rocky Mountains,which made a visit to the park difficult before the age of modern transportation.The Old Faithful is the most wellknown wonder of Yellowstones natural attractions.Old Faithful is a cone(圆锥形) geyser that shoots from 3,000

37、 to over 8,000 gallons of boiling water over 100 feet in the air.Old Faithful is popular with park visitors,who gather in anticipation of the eruptions that occur about 90 minutes apart.In addition to its geysers and hot springs,Yellowstone has a number of lakes and waterfalls that draw park visitor

38、s.Yellowstone Lake,the largest freshwater lake in the United States above 7,000 feet,is home to a large number of wild fishes in North America.The lake is too cold for swimming but is a favorite with the fishing and boating enthusiasts.The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone National Park is 1,000 feet deep

39、 and 2,500 feet wide at its widest point.The canyon is made up of red and orange volcanic rocks.Numerous trails surround the Grand Canyon area,enabling visitors to get a close look at the canyon walls and waterfalls.5What can we learn about Yellowstone National Park from Paragraph 2?AIts history. BI

40、ts size.CIts importance. DIts feature.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第二段我们可以了解美国黄石国家公园的面积,即它的大小。6Why was it difficult for people to visit Yellowstone centuries ago?AThere were no roads available.BIts scenery was blocked by waterfall.CMany fierce animals lived in the wild.DThe active volcano was too dangerous.答案A解析推理判

41、断题。根据第三段的最后一句可知,在现代的交通工具发明以前,由于落基山脉的阻挡,人们很难走进黄石国家公园。7The Old Faithful Geyser is the most popular because .Ait is a geyser of unique shapeBit erupts once about every 90 minutesCit shoots up boiling water in the airDit is the largest geyser in the world答案B解析推理判断题。根据第四段可知,Old Faithful大约每90分钟喷一次,把3 000至

42、8 000加仑的滚水喷到100英尺的高空中,因此它成为最能吸引游客的景点。8Why cant visitors swim in the Yellowstone Lake?AThe water is too deep.BThe water is too cold.CToo many fishes are living in it.DThere are too many visitors.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句可知,黄石国家公园里的湖水太凉不适合游泳。.语法填空A:You look 1.sleepy(sleep)B:Yes.I didnt go to bed until 2 oc

43、lock in the morning.A:Why?B:I was sitting at the computer.A:Were you making friends 2.online?B:Yes.3.How did you know that?A:Everyone knows you are crazy about 4.making(make)friends online.B:Really?A:However,I must say that making friends online is 5.a waste of time.And its not real.B:Maybe you are

44、right,6.but its very interesting.A:Thats why you cannot stop?B:Partly.But the most important reason is that I can practise my English 7.when I am chatting online with friends.A:Are you serious?B:Youd 8.better(good) believe it.Will you come to my house tonight?Ill show you how.A:Thanks,anyway.Sleepin

45、g is more important for me.I must get up early tomorrow.B:Poor you.A:I suggest you 9.(should) spend(spend) less time making friends online.There are lots of 10.more important(importance) things to do,right?B:I know.But just let me be myself.短文改错Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to tell you that Im intere

46、sting in the summer camp in Australia and I hope I can be become a member.My name is Li Nan,a 18yearold girl from Shaanxi,China,but Im a Senior One student.As a student,I has learned English for 8 year.And I can communicate with foreigners in English free.As you know,I am a senior student now,so I k

47、now China well.I can introduced Chinese culture to foreign friends.I hope I can accepted.Im looking forward to receive your reply as soon as possible.Yours,Li Nan答案Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to tell you that Im in the summer camp in Australia and I hope I can be become a number.My name is Li Nan,

48、18yearold girl from Shaanxi,China, Im a Senior One student.As a student,I learned English for 8 .And I can communicate with foreigners in English .As you know,I am a senior student now,so I know China well.I can Chinese culture to foreign friends.I hope I can accepted.Im looking forward to your repl

49、y as soon as possible.Yours,Li Nan.书面表达中国长城1987年被列入世界文化遗产。请你根据下面图片写一篇100词左右的英语短文,刊登在某旅游公司的宣传广告上,介绍中国长城,将其推荐给外国游客。参考范文The Great Wall of China,the longest wall in the world,is recognised as one of the worlds cultural heritages.It is about 6,000 kilometers long like a huge dragon,running across the nor

50、th of China from Linzhao in the west to Liaodong in the east.It has a history of more than 2,000 years and it was built to defend enemies attack in ancient times.After being repaired for many times,the Great Wall of China takes on a new look and offers a beautiful and interesting view,which attracts a lot of visitors not only from China but also from all over the world.It has been considered as one of the greatest wonders in the world.We Chinese are proud of it and we all believe that the man who hasnt got to the Great Wall is not a true man.- 11 - 版权所有高考资源网


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