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1、 上高考资源网 下精品高考试题2007年六市英语高考复习研讨会交流卷(绍兴卷)本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。考试时间120分钟。第I卷(共100分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)从A、B、C、D、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I.单项选择 1.-Have some coffee, _you? A.will B.do C.wont D.havent2.- How much have you raised? -10,000 yuan, all of _will be spent on

2、 the Project Hope. A.which B.them C.it D.that3.During _World War II, a great deal was learned about _different kind of waves, called radar A.the,a B.the,the C./,some D./, a4.-How about apples? -This kinds of fruit _more Vitamin C than apples A.includes B.becomes C.contains D.stays5.-What is he doing

3、? -He is _a sheet of cardboard to warn other drivers A.taking up B.holding up C.rising up D.turning up6.-Sorry to have kept you waiting -Never mind. I _here only a few minutes A.came B.have been C.have come D.had come7.”_ more clearly, come up please.” The teacher said to the students A.Seeing B.See

4、n C.To be seen D.To see8._I went to see him, I found he was a diligent man A.For the first time B.At once C.The first time D.At first9.I dont like driving; I do it _because I have to get to work each day A.simply B.easily C.best D.most10.She was standing behind the curtain,_she could see what was ha

5、ppening outside A.from which B.behind which C.where D.from where11.Our teacher goes to bed very late. He often works _into the night A.later B.deeply C.lately D.deep12.At last he found himself in an embarrassing _ A.situation B.condition C.state D.environment13.Thirty years later, the records were p

6、ublished. _the public discover the secret A.Only then did B.After that did C.Then did D.Until then did14.-I _in Hangzhou for 10 years -You mean you have been here only 2 years A.had worked B.worked C.have worked D.had been working15.With my face _in the back of the lions mouth,I found it hard to bre

7、athe A.put B.hidden C.buried D.sunk16.Sometimes in our daily life,there are things people accept _,the more you defend A.the more B.most C.less D.least17.-Which book do you want? -_is lying on the desk A.The one that B.It C.That D.One18.As you know, airline pilots often live by their own watches, _n

8、o notice of local time A.take B.to take C.taken D.taking19.I _ the movie, but now I hardly remember it. Can you remind me of its name? A. may see B. can see C. may have seen D. cant have seen20. You should go to ask the teacher _ he is still in.A.while B.when C.as D.for第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅

9、读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Among all the fast growing science and technology, the research of human genes, or biological engineering _21_ people call it, is drawing more and more attention now. Sometimes it is a hot _22_ discussed by people. The greatest thing that gene technology can do _23_

10、serious diseases that doctors at present can almost do nothing _24_, such as cancer and heart disease. Every year, millions of people are murdered by these two killers. And so far doctors _25_ an effective way to cure them. But if the gene technology is applied, not only can these two diseases be cu

11、red completely, _26_happiness and more living days to the patients, but also the great _27_ of money people spend on curing their disease can be saved, _28_ it benefits the economy _29_ In addition, human life span (寿命) can be prolonged. Gene technology can help people _30_ to more healthy and cleve

12、r children. Some families, with the English imperial family _31_ a good example, have hereditary (遗传的) diseases. This means their children will _32_ have the family disease, which is a great trouble for these families. In the past, doctors could do nothing about hereditary disease. But gene technolo

13、gy can solve this problem perfectly. The scientists just need to find _33_ gene and correct it, and a healthy child will be born. Some people are worrying that the gene research _34_ human beings in large_35_. In the past few years, scientists _36_ cloning a sheep, therefore these people _37_that hu

14、man babies will soon be cloned. But I believe _38_ babies will not _39_ in great numbers, for most couples in the world can have babies _40_. Of course, the governments must take care to control gene technology. 21. A. which B. that C. what D. as 22. A. title B. topic C. project D. program23. A. to

15、cureB. curingC. was curingD. is to cure24. A. atB. withC. forD. to25. A. findB. foundC. havent foundD. didnt find26. A. bringingB. and bringsC. broughtD. to bring27. A. numberB. numbersC. amountD. amounts28. A. butB. thereforeC. otherwiseD. because29. A. alsoB. eitherC. as wellD. as well as30. A. to

16、 be bornB. to bring birth C. to bearD. to give birth to31. A. beingB. wasC. isD. are32. A. notB. be sureC. certainD. for sure33. A. the rightB. the wrongC. goodD. bad34. A. can use to makeB. can be used to making C. is used to makingD. can be used to make 35. A. quantityB. qualityC. quantitiesD. qua

17、lities36. A. succeeded inB. were successful in C. have succeeded inD. have been succeeded in37. A. predictB. will predict C. would predictD. are predicted38. A. cloningB. to cloneC. to cloneD. cloned39. A. be come upB. come out C. come downD. be come out40. A. by this wayB. in a typical way C. in a

18、normal wayD. in a special way第二部分:阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AIt is impossible to think about “growing up” in modern America without considering the role of the “youth culture” which every young person - even those who do not attend public school- is conf

19、ronted by and must deal with. It is impossible to be so isolated that we are untouched by the surrounding culture.There is not one youth culture that defines all young people. Popular youth culture embraces a diversity of sub-cultures or “tribes” such as skaters, druggies, snobs, band geeks, Satanis

20、ts and Jesus freaks. Groups distinguish themselves by dress, style, music and language. Most adults cant tell the difference and many unfairly associated all high school students who wear black with violence and drugs.My generation has put obstacles in front of the next generations-making the proces

21、s of growing up much more difficult than it needs to be. We have left them a huge national debt, an uncertain economic future, a global environmental disaster, a corrupt political system. And we have left them to their peers and the media to figure everything out.In his book The Rise and Fall of the

22、 American Teenager, Thomas Hines makes the uncomfortable observation that the baby boomers “seem to have moved from blaming our parents for the ills of society to blaming our children. We want them to embody virtues we only rarely practice. We want them to avoid habits weve never managed to break. T

23、hey send us the unwelcome, rarely voiced message that we, the adults, have failed.”If we care about our children, their friends, and the whole shape of the next generation, it is essential for us to try to understand the world they are growing up in, and to dialogue with them about it. We must know

24、them as individuals and friends whom we care about, listen to, learn from and respect.41.The underlined “baby boomers” means _.A. doctors B. parents C. an increasing number of young peopleD. specialists studying youth culture42.Towards the young generation, which one is wrong?A. Parents are puzzled

25、B. Parents are disappointed C. Parents think the youth culture acceptable D. Parents find it challenging to educate their children43.According to the writer, adults had better _.A. sometimes talk with young people B. sake young people obey to themC. dialogue with them and, if necessary, with a littl

26、e violence D. encourage the young44.The passage is probably taken from _.A. a newspaperB. a surveyC. The Rise and Fall of the American TeenagerD. an article written by someoneBIn 1997, 16,189 Americans were killed by alcohol-related crashes, accounting for nearly half of all traffic fatalities. That

27、s another person killed every 32 minutes. But those are just casualties. An additional 327,000 Americans were injured in crashes in which alcohol was involved- roughly one person every other minute. The people killed and injured in these crashes came from every social, racial, and economic backgroun

28、d. They were our friends, our schoolmates, our sons and daughters, our mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles. They were children, teenagers and adults. They were not just numbers. Driving under the influence of alcohol is underestimated again and again. Drinking alcohol and driving are both activiti

29、es that Americans do so routinely, few seriously consider the results of getting in a car drunk. So this is the problem: drunk driving is nations most frequently committed violent crime. But there is more to driving under the influence than just driving under the influence of alcohol. What many peop

30、le fail to realize is that alcohol is not the only drug that affects driving skills. Education stresses alcohol so much, people dont realize that even simple, over the counter(不用处方买来的) decongestants can affect driving skillsnot to mention illegal drugs. The problem is, people are dying. And perhaps

31、if they had known better, they wouldnt have got into that car, or had those last couple of drinks. Or they would have had a designated(被指派的) driver. People need to know before they can act. They need to know the dangers of driving under the influence.45.In the first paragraph, the underlined part ca

32、n be replaced by_.A. making up B. taking upC. consisting ofD. making up of46.Why were so many people killed or injured in alcohol-related alcohol crashes?A. Because people are ignorant of the alcohol influence on driving skillsB. Because people dont care much about their safetyC. Because people dont

33、 think much of the dangers of drunk drivingD. Because people dont know drunk driving is a violent crime.47.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage,?A. There is one casualty every two minutes in alcohol-involved accidents.B. Whatever social background we have, we have the p

34、ossibility of being injured in a traffic accident related with alcohol.C. As long as drivers didnt have those last couple of drinks and didnt get drunk, accidents could be avoided.D. There are other matters that have a much worse effect than alcohol on driving skills.CIreland: Best Country to Live i

35、nIreland is the best place to live in the world, according to a “quality of life” assessment by Economist magazine. The countrys combination of increasing wealth and traditional values most likely make its people happy, the survey found. Ireland was followed by Switzerland, Norway, Luxembourg, Swede

36、n, Australia, Iceland, Italy, Denmark and Spain. All but one of the top 10 were European countries. Researchers took into account not just income, but other factors considered important to peoples satisfaction and well-being. They included health, freedom, unemployment, family life, climate, politic

37、al stability and security, gender equality and family and community life.Rice: First Black Woman Secretary of State in AmericaA college student at 15, a professor at Stanford University at 26, and advisor to the US president at 35, Condoleezza Rice has always been a high achiever. Now her greatest a

38、chievement has come as she replaces Colin Powell to be the USs first black female Secretary of State. As the top diplomat, Rice became the highest-ranking black woman in the history of the US Government. But her success came as no surprise to the people who knew her well. “No one would have thought

39、decades ago this kid would one day sit in the White House. But she was always such a rare combination of intelligence and charm, it just seems so right,” said Woolfolk, a childhood friend of Rice.Yao Tells about His NBA LifeYao Ming, who is undoubtedly Chinas most famous athlete, has decided to tell

40、 his story in a book called Yao: A Life in Two Worlds. Coauthored by US sports reporter Ric Bucher, the book tells the inside story of Yaos rookie year in the NBA. Yao reveals himself to be a thoughtful, opinionated young man whose insights extend far beyond the basketball court. He also recounts th

41、e ups and downs he experienced from the draft pick to negotiations with the CBA before finally arriving at the NBA. The English version of the book hit bookstores simultaneously in Shanghhai, Beijing and the US. 48.According to the assessment by Economist magazine, the second best place to live in t

42、he world is _.A. Spain B. Ireland C. Switzerland D. Iceland49.Which of the following is True?A. All the people were surprised when Conodoleezza Rice replaced Colin Powell to be the USs Secretary of State.B. A Life in Two Worlds is written by Yao Ming.C. Income is the only factor to be taken into acc

43、ount in the “quality of life” assessment.D. Rice is the highest-ranking black woman in American government history.50.The underlined word “simultaneously” means _.A. at the same timeB. later C. respectively D. following51.The passage is probably chosen from _.A. newspaper B. a magazine C. Internet D

44、. textbookDDaniel Spangenburger, a high-school senior in Berkeley Springs, W. Va., dreams of attending a prestigious college like Carnegie Mellon or Cornell. A degree from either “could make a difference for the rest of my life,” he says. And on the face of it, Spangenburger has what it takes: eight

45、 Advanced Placement courses and an impressive 3.9 grade-point average. He scored 1,330 on his SAT, well within the ranger desired by many elite schools, and now that hes borrowed an SAT prep book, he hopes to break 1,400 on his second try. His teachers say hes smart, motivated and exceptionally matu

46、re. He holds two after-school jobs and also finds time to volunteer, setting up a computer caf at the local Boys & Girls Club. And he drives his mother, who is battling cancer, to her monthly chemo sessions. Only two obstacles stand between Spangenburger and his dream: he comes from a poor family (n

47、either parent went to college) and attends a rural high school. “With the right kind of college education, Daniel could do great things,” say Berkeley Springs High School principal George Ward. “But so many smart rural kids fall through the cracks. Top students dont know Daniel exists.”In an ideal w

48、orld, the nations elite schools would enroll the most qualified students. But thats not how it works. Applicants whose parents are alums(校友) get special treatment, as do athletes and rich kids. Underrepresented minorities are also given preference. Thirty years of affirmative action(平权法案) have chang

49、ed the complexion of mostly white universities; now about 13 percent of all undergraduates are black or Latino. But most come from middle- and upper-middle-class families. Poor kids of all ethnicities remain scarce. A recent study by the Century Foundation found that at the nations 146 most competit

50、ive schools, 74 percent of students came from upper-middle-class and wealthy families, while only about 5 percent came from families with an annual income of roughly $35,000 or less. 52.The following statements about Spangenburger are all false except _.A. he scored 1,300 on his second tryB. he set

51、up a computer caf to earn moneyC. he attends an urban high schoolD. he is qualified for top colleges53. The underlined word in paragraph 1 can best be replaced by_.A. handicapsB. factsC. waysD. factors54. From this passage we know that _.A. a black student can easily go to a top universityB. 13 perc

52、ent of the undergraduates are blackC. about 30 years ago there are only white students in universitiesD. more than half of the students come from wealthy families55. The following students can get preference except_.A. athletesB. poor kids C. students whose parents are alumsD. rich kids 56. Which of

53、 the following best summarizes what the author tries to tell us?A. the nations elite schools enroll the most qualified studentsB. Money is important for students.C. Rural kids have difficulty in attending top colleges.D. Underrepresented minorities are preferred after affirmative action was passed.

54、EIn 1860, 11-year-old Grace Bedell saw a picture of Abraham Lincoln and didnt like the way he looked. Grace wrote Lincoln a letter: “If you will let your whiskers growyou would look so much better for your face is thin.” Lincoln took Graces advice. He grew a beard.Not every president takes a childs

55、letter to heart, as Lincoln did. Below are just a few of the thousands of letters kids have sent U.S. presidents over the years.Dont Draft My DadIn 1943, at the height of the Second World War, 10-year-old Carolyn Weatherhogg wrote a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt: “I am sending in a sugge

56、stion, that is draft fathers alphabetically.”The government at the time was drafting, or ordering people to serve in the military. Carolyn hoped that because her fathers last name began with W.There was no return address on the letter, and no one knows what happened to Carolyns father. Roosevelt did

57、 not reply.Disaster Relief When Ronald Reagan was president, he believed that the government should not solve all of the nations problems. But that didnt stop seventh grade Andy Smith of Irmo, S.C., from asking Reagan for “federal funds to hire a crew to clean up my room.” “Today my mother declared

58、my bedroom a disaster area,” Andy wrote, “I am prepared to provide the initial funds if you will provide matching funds for this project.” In response, Reagan noted that Andys mother was probably “fully justified” in declaring the youngsters room a disaster area. But “this administration has done ma

59、ny things that could better be done by volunteers You are in an excellent position to launch another volunteer program to go along with the more than 3,000 already under way in our nation.” Andy never got the cash.57.According to the text, the youngest child who wrote a letter to the U.S. president

60、is _ years old. A. 10 B. 11 C. 7 D. 1858.We can learn from Reagans reply that _. A. he thought highly of what the government has done for the public B. he agreed with what Andys mother suggested C. there were over 3,000 volunteer programs around the U.S.A at that time D. he could help Andy59. Caroly

61、n Weatherhogg wrote the letter to the president in order to_. A. ask the president to stop the war B. recommend his father to the president C. let his father not be drafted for a long time D. present a good proposal to win the war60. The best title for the test would be _. A. Dear Mr. President B. C

62、hildren and Presidents C. Presidents and Wars D. A President with Beard 第二节: 阅读下列材料,从所给的6个选项(A,B,C,D,E和F)中,选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项,其中有一项是多余选项.61. Frank Lloyed Wright did not call himself an artist. But the buildings he designed were works of art.62. Elijam Mccoy was a mechanical engineer. He invented a machi

63、ne. The machine makes it possible for machines to put oil on themselves.63. Benzd Washington beat Hollywood favorite Russell Crowe to win the Beat Actor award. It is the first time that a black man had won the award since 1964.64. Baird was an electrical engineer. He sent the first television pictur

64、e a few meters successfully.65. Garret A. Morgan was a fire engineer. He developed the safety hood and invented the first electric traffic signal.A. He was born in a black family in Canada and no one wanted to hire a black man as an engineer. So he took a job as a worker for the Michigan Central Rai

65、lroad and oiled the movement parts of the machine. This was a hard job for him. Why couldnt a train oil itself?B. Black performers have been almost absent on the big screen for years. This has been a criticism for a long time. Through the night, he presented the ceremony and highlighted the differen

66、ce that skin color makes.C. He lived from 1869 to 1959. When he was young, there were no courses in architecture, so he went to work in architects office and wanted to make his buildings fit into the land around them.D. In 1922, he had no job and very little money. He worked with an old motor that h

67、e had found, a metal container, an old wireless telegraph, some needles, flashlight batteries and pieces of wood. He almost killed several times by touching the wrong wires.E. He wanted to make something that would protect the people from being hurt. Sometimes people were killed by gas and smoke. In

68、 1923, he made something else to help make the world safer for people.F. He was admired by millions and can afford all he could ever wish for. He has become a superstar. His naturally fair hair has replaced the dyed blond hair of his stage etc.第II卷(共50分)第三部分:写作(共三节,满分50分)第一节:单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)6

69、6. Tom was very a_ for his family, who were travelling abroad.67. People p_ the word differently in this part of the country.68. He r_ her statement word for word for his seatmate after class.69. The government founded the charity in m_ of his career.70. The giant bear often w_ up to 100 kg.71. You

70、cant q_ with the courts decision-its very fair.72. From the novel we knew that he s_ from the rich to give to the poor.73. To our surprise, they have two English classes on W_.74. She recognized her friend i_ she saw him at the crossing.75. We soon sat o_ to each other at his little table and talked

71、 about the popular youth culture.第二节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。原行没有错的不要改。People in all countries have for year studied t

72、he76_weather and tried to make weather broadcasts.77_The following are some of theirs findings. 78_Sometimes distance objects such as hills and tall trees79_seems to be clear and near. This is a sign of much80_water, which shows that rain will probable come.81_When distant sounds, such as the noise

73、from far-off82_trains, are heard very clearly, but wet and stormy83_weather is coming. If you see a rainbow on rainy84_weather, which shows that it will clear up and become fine.85_第三节:书面表达(满分30分)下表为某市1997年与2006年人们度假方式的比较,请根据表中的内容,以 “How People Spent Their Holidays”为题目,用英语写一篇100词左右的文章,并对度假方式变化的原因加以简

74、单的分析.19972006原因境外旅游33%66%收入增加海边度假40%23%海水污染爬山野营12%48%回归自然参考答案1-5 C A D C B 6-10 B D C A D 11-15 D A A B C 16-20 C A D C A21-40 Key: DBDBC ACBCD ADBDC CADBC41-44 BCAD 45-47 ACB 48-51 CDAB 52-56 DADBC 57-60ACCA 61-65 CABDF66.anxious 67.pronounce 68. repeated 69 memory 70 weighs 71 quarrel 72. stole 73

75、Wednesday 74.immediately 75. opposite76.Year-years 77 broadcasts- forecasts 78. theirs -their 79 distance-distant 80. seems-seem 81. probable-probably 82.right 83. butthen 84. on-in/during 85. which-itHow People Spent Their HolidaysThe ways people spent their holidays changed much. The table shows t

76、hat a greater number of people spent their holidays traveling abroad, the rate of which in 2006(66%) doubled that of 1997(33%). And we are sure it is still increasing because more and more people can afford the journeys. The rate of people going camping and climbing mountains in 2006(48%) is four ti

77、mes of that in 1997(12%). The reason may be that the beauty of nature is attracting people who are eager to get closer to nature. Things about traveling to the seaside were different. The rate dropped from 40% in 1997 to 23% in 2006. This is because of pollution. The polluted seaside would certainly drive the visitors away. 共10页 第10页


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