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2011届高考英语一轮复习精品学案: UNIT 13 HEALTHY EATING(新人教).doc

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1、SBIB Unit 13 Healthy eating 健康饮食 素材新挖掘考点1. ought应当;应该You ought to be careful with fruit. You ought to throw away the old bike and buy a new one.你应该扔掉这辆旧自行车,买一辆新的。ought to 应该;应当ought to have done本应; 本当; 早应该should do应该should have done 本应; 本当; 早应该had better do 最好干(1)It _(应该)be a fine day tomorrow morni

2、ng.(2)You _(应该)have told me that yesterday.(3)She _(应该)have been more careful.(4)你本该来得早一点儿。(写作小练笔:主谓宾;earlier) _ought toought toought toYou ought to(should)have come earlier.考点2. examine vt. 检查Lie down and let me examine you. People go to their nearest camp, where medical workers examine their eyes.

3、人们去最近的营地,那里有医疗工作者为他们检查眼睛。examine vt. 诊察;检查;细查;考试have ones eyes examined 检查眼睛examination n.检查;考试 =exam check vt. 检查;核对(是否正确)(1)My suitcases were _(检查)at the Customs when I entered the country.(2)You will be _(考试)on everything that has been studied in the course. (3)医生对她进行了仔细地检查。(写作小练笔:主谓宾;carefully)

4、_examined examined The doctor examined her carefully. (4)Yesterday the firemen _ the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass. A. checked B. watched C. observed D. examinedD。examine“检查”。考点3. energy n.精力;能量 Fruit gives us carbohydrates, which our body and brain use for energy. The

5、 solar cell can change the energy of sunlight into electric energy.太阳能电池能把阳光的能量转化为电能。energy n. 活力;能;能量;能源 energies 精力 strength n. 力气 power n. 动力;权力force n. 力;暴力(1)Young people usually have more _(活力)than the old. (2)She devoted all her _(精力)to helping the blind. (3)Nuclear _(能)is usually used to mak

6、e electricity. (4)他的工作似乎缺乏干劲。(写作小练笔:主系+to do;lack) _energyenergiesenergyHis work seems to lack energy.考点4. function vi. 起作用;运转 n.功能;作用 Other nutrients, such as fibre and minerals, help keep our body functioning well. My company is now functioning well, thanks to the decision made several years ago.我

7、的公司目前业绩很好,幸亏几年前我的一个决策。function n. 职责,职能;功能;作用function n. 庆祝典礼;重大集会 function vi. 起作用;运转;发挥作用(1)The body needs enough calories to _(正常运转).(2)The _(作用)of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun.(3)_(心脏的功能)is to pump blood through the body.(4)这台机器不能正常运行。(写作小练笔:主谓;machine, properly) _

8、function properlyfunctionThe function of the heartThe machine does not function properly.考点5. balance vt. & vi.& n.平衡It is probably better, however, if we spend our time and money in buying good food and keeping a balanced diet.A balanced diet provides nutrition for your body.均衡的食物使你的身体获得营养.balance

9、vt. 权衡 balance n. 平衡;余额keep ones balance 保持 平衡lose ones balance失去平衡(1)The child couldnt _(保持平衡)on his new bicycle. (2)He_(失去平衡)and fell over. (3)我们应该保持生态平衡。(写作小练笔:主谓宾;nature) _(4)We try to find a proper _ between the entirely demands of the two parties. A. benefit B. need C. support D. balance D。bal

10、ance用作名词“平衡”。keep his balancelost his balanceWe must keep the balance of nature.考点6. gain vt. 增加;获得Sugar: Bad for your teeth and can make you gain weight.He gained admission into this university.他获准进入这所大学。gain vt. & vi. 获得,得到gain weight增加体重gain vi.(钟、表)走快gain on追上,赶上,逼近(1)Only after ten years in the

11、 country did she _(取得)her citizenship.(2)He _(增加了)weight after his illness. (3)This clock gains five minutes a day.(英译汉) _ (4)Drive faster-the police car is _(逼近)on us. gaingained这只钟每天快5分钟。gaining考点7. keep up with 跟上;赶上If we want to keep up with the high pace of modern life, we had better learn to m

12、ake the right choices about what and how we eat.I cant keep up with all the changes in computer technology.计算机技术的各种改进有些我已跟不上了。keep up with 跟上;不落后catch up with 赶上keep out (of)阻止入内 (1)We must read the papers every day to _(跟上)the times.(2)She had to run to _(跟上)them. (3)Well spare no effort to _(赶上)th

13、e advanced industrial countries. (4)开始时,他跟不上课。 (写作小练笔:主谓+介词;at first, times) _keep up withkeep up withcatch up with At first, he couldnt keep up with the class. 考点8. Only in that way will we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in life. 只有用这种方式我们才能为生活中的挑战和机会做好准备。Only in the happy family env

14、ironment, would the children grow healthily.孩子们需要幸福的家庭环境才能健康地成长。only +状语在句首,要用倒装语序only+状语不在句首,句子不倒装only在句首但后面没有状语不倒装(1)Only after a long argument _(他才同意)with us.(2)Only after the war _(他才能够)to get back happily to work. (3)只有到了那时他才认识到自己的错误。 (写作小练笔:主谓宾;realize, mistake) _ did he agreewas he ableOnly then did he realize his mistake. 【高考链接】 _ can you expect to get a pay rise. A. With hard work B. Although work hard C. Only with hard work D. Now that he works hard【答案】C。【解析】因为题干是can you expect倒装形式,所以,此题考查“only+状语”在句首,谓语要倒装。


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