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成才之路高二英语同步练习:MOUDLE6-1INTRODUCTION(外研版选修7) WORD版含答案.doc

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1、Module 6 第1课时.根据汉语意思或首字母填空1The conference v_ was changed after being known by the enemies.2Salt p_ food from decay.3They have made an_(协议)with each other.4The man plans to_(投资)money in business enterprise.5The trucks were forced to d_ to another road.答案:1.venue2.preserves3.agreement4.invest5.divert.

2、句型转换1It was certain that they had done that thing.There was_ _that they had done that thing.2It took him several days to finish the work._ _several days finishing the work.3He preferred to give up the fortune that would one day come to him.He_ _give up the fortune that would come to him one day.4Im

3、sure that it rained last night.It_ _ _last night.5The mother spent the whole night attending her sick daughter.The mother spent the whole night_ _her sick daughter.答案:1.a certainty/no doubt2.He spent3.would rather4.must have rained5.looking after.单句改错1Do be careful when do your homework._2I, who is

4、in America, feel proud of being Chinese._3The boss told us to finish the job as quickly as possible, which we thought it impossible._4It was on Saturday when he reached this city._5We have the party in honour for the famous writer._6So far there have been four buildings putting up here._7Five add to

5、 three makes eight._8A knife and fork are needed when you have supper in this hotel._9On the way home, he was caught by a storm. As a result, he developed a cold._10He has three sons, one of them is a doctor._答案:1第二个dodoing应为时间副词动词ing结构。2isam先行词为,所以谓语动词用am。3去掉it定语从句中which代替it。4whenthat此句应为强调句型。5foro

6、fin honor of“为了纪念”为固定短语。6puttingput应为过去分词作定语表被动。7addadded此句中makes为谓语动词,five和three应该是“被加”。8areis刀和叉作主语应看成一个整体。9byinbe caught in意为“被困住”;遇到。10thenwhom应用whom引导非限制性定语从句。.单项填空1Im sorry I spoke to you that way, but I didnt_to be so rude.AintendBallowCsuppose Dpretend答案:A解析:intend to do意为“打算做”;为固定词组。2I had

7、never spent a more worrying day. It seemed_the day would never end.Aas Beven ifCas soon as Das if答案:D解析:seem as if意为“看起来仿佛好像”,用虚拟语气。3One learns a language by making mistakes and_them.Acorrect BcorrectingCcorrects Dto correct答案:B解析:介词by后面应该用动词ing形式作宾语。4(2010山东省实验中学内部材料)It knowledge is power,_Sir Fran

8、cis Bacon wrote in 1579, _perhaps creativity ca be described as the ability to use that power.A. what; and B. as; thenC. which; and D. that; then答案:B解析:as意为“像”,引起状语从句;由句子意义可知,then为“那么”之意。5Teacher are often compared_candles.AtoBwithCbyDinto答案:A解析:compare.with意为“把与相比较”;compare.to意为“把比作”;在现代英语中,也有“把与相比

9、较”之意,相当于compare.with.此题题意是“老师被比作蜡烛”。6When he was asked about his family, he_.Asaid silent Bsaid silentlyCremained silent Dremained silently答案:C解析:这里remain为系动词,后常接形容词,名词,过去分词,介词短语等作表语,意为“保持;仍然处于”。7More than one third of the population_in our country now.Ais smoking Bis used to smokingCare used to smo

10、ke Dare smoking答案:D解析:population与分数连用作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。.完形填空After QQ, there is another, perhaps more widespread, messaging trend. You can guess itcellphone text messaging.At first I_1_understand it. See, in America cellphones work at little_2_. There are very few“payasyougo”plans, so most people_3_a co

11、ntract for a sixmonth or oneyear plan. Many cellphone plans dont include free text messaging, and_4_you pay a monthly fee no matter how_5_calls you make, its easier just to make the phone call. I_6_with text messaging once and found out(when my bill arrived)that not only did it cost a ridiculous amo

12、unt of money to send a message, _7_it cost money to receive one_8_!For the first new months of my stay in China, I didnt have a_9_, so I wasnt affected. I recently bought a cellphone, however, and now understand how useful text messaging is and_10_it is so common. I admit that I have been guilty_11_

13、sending text messages while_12_outside or sitting on the subway. Who hasnt?_13_I go, I see people on their cellphones, _14_. In fact, its rare to see someone actually_15_on their phones!_16_it looks as if theres no escaping the instantmessaging craze, no matter where in the world I go. And thats pla

14、inly not going to change. In_17_end, though, I cant_18_:instant messaging is quick, its cheap, its easy and its pretty darn fun too. And_19_, everybody_20_it.文章大意:作者来到中国,发现中国人使用手机的方法与美国人使用手机的方法不同。作者无论走到哪儿,都能看到人们在收发短信,却很少看到有人拿着手机打电话。最后作者也愉快地加入了这一行列。1A.shouldntBdontCmustnt Ddidnt答案:D解析:作者开始不明白,但是现在已经明

15、白了,故用一般过去时。2A.different BdifferentlyCdifficulty Ddifficultly答案:B解析:作者感到手机在美国的作用跟在中国有些不同。修饰动词work,故应用副词differently。3A.sign BmakeCdo Dget答案:A解析:在美国,在注册手机号时,总是签半年或一年的合同。sign a contract“签合同”。4A.while BwhenCbefore Dsince答案:D解析:since在此处引导原因状语从句,意为“既然”。5A.few Ba fewClittle Da little答案:A解析:call是可数名词,根据语境此处应

16、用few修饰。6A.experimenting BexperimentsCexperimented Dexperiment答案:C解析:作者为了搞清楚短信的收费情况,发了一条短信来试验一下。7A.and BthereforeCbut Dhowever答案:C解析:not only.but(also)是固定搭配。8A.as well BwellCor so Dabout答案:A解析:作者试验的结果是:不但发短信要收费,而且接短信也要收费。as well意为“也”。9A.friend BcellphoneCworkmate Dcar答案:B解析:前面讲的是用手机发短信,故此处应为cellphone

17、。10A.where BwhatCthat Dwhy答案:D解析:作者终于明白了手机短信流行的原因。11A.for BinCof Dabout答案:C解析:be guilty of是固定搭配,意为“内疚的;自知有过错的”。12A.walking BrunningCchasing Dhanging答案:A解析:walk outside“在外面散步”。13A.No matter what BNo matter whenCNo matter where DWhenever答案:C解析:作者在此强调到处都能见到用手机发短信的现象。14A.message BmessagedCmessages Dmess

18、aging答案:D解析:从句法结构上分析,此处要用现在分词作伴随状语。15A.talking BtalkedCtalk Dtalks答案:A解析:现在分词作宾语补足语,强调动作正在进行。16A.So BButCAlthough DAnd答案:A解析:承接上文用so。17A.an B/Cthe Da答案:C解析:in the end是固定搭配,意为“最后;最终”。18A.say BcomplainCtell Dthink答案:B解析:最终,我对此并不抱怨。19A.after all Babove allCfirst of all Din all答案:A解析:after all“毕竟”;above

19、 all“首先;最重要的”;first of all“首先”;in all“总共”;由语境可知A项正确。20A.does BdidChad done Dis doing答案:D解析:现在每个人都在这么做。.阅读理解The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world(after Russia, Canada and China). It takes up the southern part of North America and stretches from the Pacific to the Atl

20、antic. It also includes Alaska in the north and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. The total area of the country is about nine and a half million square kilometers. The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. It also has a sea border with Russia.The USA is made up of 50 states and t

21、he District of Columbia, a special federal(联邦制的)area where the capital of the countryWashington is located(位于). The population of the country is more than 270 million.If we look at the map of the USA, we can see lowlands and mountains. The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera an

22、d the Sierra Nevada. The highest peak(山峰)is Mount McKinley, which is located in Alaska.Americas largest rivers are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Rio Grande and the Columbia. The Great Lakes on the border with Canada are the largest and deepest in the USA.The climate(气候)of the country varies(变化)

23、greatly. The coldest regions are in the North. The climate of Alaska is very cold. The climate of the central part is continental. The South has a subtropical(亚热带的)climate. Hot winds blowing from the Gulf of Mexico often bring hurricanes(飓风). The climate along the Pacific coast is much warmer than t

24、hat of the Atlantic coast.The largest cities are:New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San Francisco, and Washington.1The second largest country in the world is_.AChina BCanadaCRussia Dthe USA答案:B解析:文中第一句括号内从大到小排列顺序。2The area of the USA is about_square kilometers.A9,500,000 B9,300,0

25、00C9,100,000 D9,450,000答案:A解析:从第一段第四句:The total area of the country is about nine and a half million square kilometers.可知A项正确。3The highest peak in the USA is_.Athe Rocky Mountains Bthe CordilleraCthe Sierra Nevada DMount McKinley答案:D解析:第三段最后一句提供信息。4The hurricanes come from_.Athe Pacific coast Bthe Atlantic coastCthe Gulf of Mexico DAlaska答案:C解析:第五段倒数第二句提供了信息,说明C项正确。5The coldest region of the USA is in_.AAlaska BHawaiiCNew York DLos Angels答案:A解析:第五段第二、三句提供信息。版权所有:高考资源网()版权所有:高考资源网()


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