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1、随堂演练即时体验巩固提升.词义辨析affair, event, incident, matter1The president is busy with _ of state.答案affairs2A terrible _ happened before the wedding ceremony.答案incident3I have a number of _ to deal with.答案matters4The founding of the Peoples Republic of China is a great _ in history.答案event5You must learn to pu

2、t your own _ in order.答案affairs.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1After his journey from America, he returned home, _ (exhaust)答案与解析exhausted句意:美国旅行之后,他疲惫地回到了家。exhausted adj.“(感到)精疲力竭的”,此处作状语,说明主语的特征。exhausting意为“令人精疲力竭的”,常指事物。2He felt rather _ (frighten) that the driver should drive the car at such a _ (frighten) sp

3、eed.答案与解析frightened; frighteningfeel frightened“感到恐惧”;a frightening speed“令人恐惧的速度”。句意:这个司机竟然以如此可怕的速度开车,他感到很恐惧。3On December 26th, 2013, so many graduates (毕业生) wanted to be _ (interview) that even a gate was broken by the crowd.答案与解析interviewed句意:2014年12月26日,如此多的毕业生参加面试,以至于大门都被人群挤坏了。毕业生和面试之间为被动关系,所以应

4、用interview的被动形式。4The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _ (refer) to his notes.答案与解析referring句意:董事长不看演讲稿在商务会议上讲了近一个小时。5The teacher read the passage and then went on _ (explain) the meaning to us.答案与解析to explaingo on to do表示做完一件事后转而去做其他事;go on doing是指继续或不间断地做某事。6A man

5、cannot smile like a child, _ a child smiles with his eyes, while a man smiles with his lips alone.答案与解析for句意:成人微笑与小孩子不一样,因为孩子是用眼睛笑,而成人仅用嘴唇笑。根据句意,后面的句子提出的是一种理由,for作并列连词,引出理由或根据。7If you run _ any problems when you arrive at the airport, give me a ring.答案与解析into句意:如果你到机场遇到问题,给我打电话。.单项填空1Wang Meng won t

6、he women _ skating race at 2010 Winter Olympic Games. A. 10,000metreslongB. 10,000metrelong C. 10,000 metres lengthD. 10,000 metre length答案与解析B在此种构词法中,名词不加s,故不能选A项。2I have a lot to say, but _, I want to thank you for your warm welcome. A. first of allB. at first C. for the first time D. at the begin

7、ning答案与解析Afirst of all“首先”;at first“起初”。3The World Expo held in Shanghai is a great _ for Chinese people.A. incident B. accidentC. event D. happening答案与解析Cevent表示“重大事件”,符合句意。incident表示“小事件”;accident侧重指“交通事故”;happening指偶然或意外发生的事。4Children should be taught to behave with _ in public places.A. celebration B. mannerC. attention D. ceremony答案与解析D句意:应该教育孩子们在公共场合要有礼节。ceremony“礼节”,符合句意。manner作“礼貌;规矩”讲时应用复数形式;celebration“庆祝”;attention“注意”。5The car is running _ a speed of 160 kilometres per hour.A. in B. with C. at D. for答案与解析Cat a speed of“以的速度”。


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