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2020-2021学年北师大版高中英语必修二学案:UNIT6 DESIGN LESSON 3 GRAMMAR WORD版含答案.docx

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1、北师大版高中英语导学案 班级: 姓名: 课题Unit 6 Lesson 3主备人课型grammar审核人时间1月5日领导签字学习目标1. To understand the important grammar.2. Be able to put what you have learned into practice.导学过程笔记一.【课前预习与检测】理解定语从句的定义并背会定语从句的关系代词.1.定语从句定义:用来说明主句中某一名词,代词或代词而起定语作用的句子叫做定语从句。先行词:被修饰的名词,代词或词组叫作先行词。2.引导定语从句的关系代词:that :先行词是人或物which :先行词是

2、物Who:先行词是人Whom:是who的宾格,在定从中作宾语,可以省略可用who代替Whose:指人或物,在定语从句中作定语二. 【理解拓展,分组学习】10min根据完成1-5并且根据例子总结5个关系代 词的用法.要求:会翻译并且找出做题依据.1.Who /that (1)The woman _spoke to me in the shop is my aunt.在商店里和我说话的那个女士是我的姨妈.先行词是_在从句中作_不可省(2)The girl _we saw yesterday was Jims sister.先行词是_在句中作_可省2.Which/that Which仅指物,在定语从

3、句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时可以省略(1)China is a country _has a long history.先行词是_在句中作_(2)The fish _we bought this morning was not fresh.先行词是_在句中作_3. Whom/whose(1)She is the manager _you want to know.(2)I know a boy _father is an engineer.(3)She saw a film _name she has forgotten .4. 定语从句中,关系代词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于先行词的单复数

4、 Those _are in their forties are required to have a physical examination this afternoon.要求那些四十多岁的人与今天下午进行体检三.【难点辨析】根据ABC的三种情况独立完成例句,重点:画出标志性单词(题眼)A:只能用that的情况: 1.先行词是all,much,anything,something,nothing, everything ,little,none不定代词时 2.先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰 3.先行词被不定代词修饰(all,any,every,each,few,little,no,som

5、e) 4.先行词被the only,the very,the same,the last 5.先行词有人也有物(1)There is not much _ought to be done right(2)I never forget the first lesson_that I learned(3)I have red all the books_you give me.(4)He is the only person _I want to talk to(5)They talk of things and persons _they remembered in the school.B:只

6、用which不用that1.引导非限制性定语从句2.关系代词前有介词3.先行词本身是that (1).Football ,_is an interesting game,is very popular all over the world.(2).This is the house in_Mo Yan once lived.C:只用who不用that1.先行词是人的不定代词one,ones,anyone,somebody,no one,nobody,anybody2.There be 结构中,先行词是人3.先行词是those或被those修饰(1)The students you should

7、 learn from are those _graduated from famous universities.(2)There is a young lady _is in a state of shock.(3)Those _ want to travel abroad should apply for a passport first四. 【课下作业】完成学习指导74页专题练习,选择合适的关系代词填空.参考答案【理解拓展,分组学习】1.(1)who/that,who/that,主语(2)who/that/不填,who/that/不填,宾语2.(1)which/that,which/that,主语(2)that/which/不填,that/which/不填,宾语3.(1)who/that/whom/不填,(2)whose,(3)whose4. who【难点辨析】A. that, that, that, that, thatB. which, whichC. who, who, who


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