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《名师一号》2011届高三英语重点突破:第一节 名词、冠词、代词和主谓一致考点分类突破 优秀试题热身.doc

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《名师一号》2011届高三英语重点突破:第一节 名词、冠词、代词和主谓一致考点分类突破 优秀试题热身.doc_第1页
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《名师一号》2011届高三英语重点突破:第一节 名词、冠词、代词和主谓一致考点分类突破 优秀试题热身.doc_第2页
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《名师一号》2011届高三英语重点突破:第一节 名词、冠词、代词和主谓一致考点分类突破 优秀试题热身.doc_第3页
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《名师一号》2011届高三英语重点突破:第一节 名词、冠词、代词和主谓一致考点分类突破 优秀试题热身.doc_第4页
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《名师一号》2011届高三英语重点突破:第一节 名词、冠词、代词和主谓一致考点分类突破 优秀试题热身.doc_第5页
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1、优秀试题热身1.(2010济南模拟)Having _ nomeat day would be a good way of encouraging _ lowcarbon lifestyle.A. a; the B. a; aC. the; the D. the; a答案与解析:B第一空用不定冠词修饰nomeat day表示“不吃肉的一天”;第二空表示“一种低碳的生活方式”。表示泛指,所以这里选B项。2(2010潍坊监测)Jack wanted to be _ university student, but in _ entrance examination he missed by a mil

2、e.A. a; an B. an; theC. the; an D. a; the答案与解析:Da university student一名大学生,表泛指;the entrance examination特指入学考试。3(2010潍坊监测)This young man is very clever; he may be _ Edison.A. the one B. the otherC. another D. one答案与解析:C句意:这个年轻人很聪明,他可能成为另一个爱迪生。another另一个,这里是一种对比,强调这个年轻人的聪明。4(2010皖南八校联考)The high housing

3、 price has become a serious problem among young people in China, _ the government hasnt found a better solution to solve yet.A. the one B. thatC. one D. those答案与解析:Cone是problem的同位语,相当于a/one problem,指同一类。5(2010皖南八校联考)Our government has decided to give _ to those environmentallyfriendly businesses in

4、many aspects.A. profit B. interestC. preference D. advantage答案与解析:Cprofit“利益”;interest“兴趣,嗜好,利息”;preference“偏爱,优待”;advantage“优势,有利条件”。句意:政府已经决定给那些环保的企业多方面的优惠政策。6(2010合肥质检)To tell _ truth, his coming is really _ big surprise to most people present at the party.A. /; a B. the; /C. the; a D. /; /答案与解析:

5、C第一空处是固定短语,to tell the truth意为“说实话”;第二空后的surprise是可数名词,意为“意想不到的事,令人惊讶的事”,故前面用不定冠词。7(2010芜湖模拟)Many of _ friends British people make at school remain _ friends for life, so it is true that schooldays are “the best of life”A. the; / B. the; theC. /; the D. /; /答案与解析:A第一空特指英国人在校所交的朋友,第二空表示类别,故不加冠词。8(201

6、0江南十校联考)It was _ exciting news that more than ten students in a single school were admitted to Tsinghua University in the same year.A. one B. anC. / D. a答案与解析:Cnews是不可数名词,所以不用冠词,这里选C项。9(2010长春调研)Gradually, you will realize that the things that matter are _ that cant be bought with money.A. these B.

7、thoseC. ones D. some答案与解析:B因该代词被that从句限定,因此使用those,相当于the ones。10(2010东北三校联考)Apart from the blood that belonged to the three people, the detectives found only _ clue.A. one other B. one anotherC. other one D. another one答案与解析:A句意:除了找到属于这三个人的血迹外,侦探只能找到另外一条线索。故A项符合题意。one another“相互,彼此”,another one与后面的

8、clue不搭配。11(2010宁夏部分重点质检)What lessons China can draw from _ global financial crisis has become _ hot topic among us students.A. the; a B. /; aC. a; the D. /; the答案与解析:A本题中的financial crisis(金融危机)是特指,用定冠词the; hot topic是指热门的话题,为泛指,故用a。12(2010龙岩质检)The door and the windows were all closed and there was no

9、 _ of forced entry.A. scene B. signalC. sign D. sight答案与解析:C句意:门窗都关闭着,没有强力侵入的迹象。这里sign表示“迹象”;scene表示“场景,景色”;signal表示“信号”;sight则表示“视野”。根据句意,选C项。13(2010南京调研)Which of these two books will you take?Ill take _, in case the journey is boring.A. either B. bothC. all D. neither答案与解析:B根据these two books排除选项C;

10、再根据in case the journey is boring判断说话者要把两本书都带上。14(2010苏北四市调研)The United Nations set _ deadline for that country to accept _ peace plan.A. the; the B. the; aC. a; the D. a; a答案与解析:Cset a daadline确定一个最终期限。从句意可知,这个和平计划是联合国和那个国家都知道的,是特指,因此使用冠词the。15(2010南通联考)I wanted some more cold meat but there was _ l

11、eft.A. no one B. nothingC. neither D. none答案与解析:Dnone特指前面提到的cold meat没有了。16(2010海淀期中)Lowcarbon lifestyle is of great benefit to improve the world environment. _ can be enjoyed from it until you have a deep understanding of it, however.A. Something B. NothingC. Few D. Much答案与解析:B句意:低碳生活方式对改善世界环境有巨大的好

12、处。然而只有你深刻理解了才会从中得到享受。由此可以看出,应该选nothing。17(2010陕西质检)The Chinese government has made _ a goal to increase peasants income.A. it B. thisC. that D. one答案与解析:A此句考查“vt.it名词动词不定式”结构,其中it用作形式宾语,后面的动词不定式是真正的宾语。18(2010西安质检)May I ask for leave tomorrow?No, you cant. _ applying for the scholarship must be prese

13、nt.A. Someone B. AnyoneC. One D. No one答案与解析:Banyone表示“任何人”,即任何申请奖学金的人都必须到场。19(2010西安质检)Neither side would give in to _. As a result, the peace talk broke down with no agreement reached.A. other B. anotherC. the other D. the others答案与解析:C根据Neither可知,这里说的是两方,因此选the other,即双方互不相让。20(2010宝鸡质检)I was _ w

14、ith my son about his carelessness, which _ the main cause of his failure in maths.A. annoyed; were B. amazed; wasC. amazing; were D. annoyed; was答案与解析:D句意:我对儿子的粗心很生气,这(粗心)是他数学不及格的主要原因。关系代词which指代先行词carelessness,谓语动词应该用单数形式,先排除A和C项;annoyed表示“生气的”,符合语意。21(2010温州十校联考)I think people must have found it q

15、uite _ delight when colour TV was first broadcast in _ 1920s.A. /; the B. a; /C. a; the D. /; /答案与解析:C第一空处考查抽象名词具体化时其前冠词的用法,此处a delight表示具体的概念,意为“令人高兴的人(事)”;第二空处考查的是固定用法,表示“几十年代”用in the 1920s。所以这里选C项。22(2010杭州质检)Could you please buy me an MP5 as well as a digital camera, daddy?You can choose _, not

16、both, my dear.A. either B. anyC. each D. every答案与解析:Aeither的意思是“两者中的任意一个”,即两样东西中,你可以任选一个,不能两个都要。其他几个词不合语境。23(2010金华检测)Not only my brother but also I_ good at painting. Both of us _ good painters.A. are; are B. am; areC. is; is D. are; is答案与解析:B由or, nor, either.or, neither.nor, not only.but also连接的并列

17、结构作主语时,其后的动词形式按照就近原则处理,因此第一空填am;后一空由Both of us可知谓语动词应用复数形式。因此答案选B项。24(2010宁波模拟)Brussels, the capital city of Belgium, is _ home to the European Union, _ organization of European nations.A. the; an B. /; anC. a; an D. /; the答案与解析:Bbe home to“是的家乡”为固定短语。后面的the European Union和an organization of Europea

18、n nations是同位关系。25(2010台州监测)At that time in 1954 Marcel Racine took _ post of Secretary General of the Federation, _ position he held without interruption for 28 years.A. /; a B. the; aC. the; / D. the; the答案与解析:B句意:从1954年开始,Marcel Racine担任基金会的秘书长职位一个他不间断地工作了28年的岗位。第一空表示特指,用定冠词;第二空表示泛指,用不定冠词a。26(2010

19、台州监测)Not far from the club, there was a garden, _ owner seated in it playing bridge with his children every afternoon.A. whose B. itsC. which D. that答案与解析:Bits owner seated in it playing bridge with his children every afternoon为独立主格结构。其中seated in it作定语修饰owner,相当于who is seated in it。27(2010郑州预测)Jenny

20、 likes _ music, but she doesnt like _ sports.A. /; / B. /; theC. the; the D. the; /答案与解析:A句中的music是不可数名词,表示泛指,其前不用冠词;sports表示“体育运动”,其前也不用冠词,故答案为A。28(2010郑州预测)Buying clothes _ a hard job because the clothes a person likes _ not very often fit him or her.A. are; do B. is; doesC. are; does D. is; do答案与解析:D主句主语是动名词短语,谓语动词用单数形式is;从句的主语是复数名词clothes,因此用do。即答案是D项。5


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