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1、2011厦门6中高二/完型和周练(10)的答案第二部分:知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节: 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. - What kind of food would you like to eat?- _ but Japanese.- How about Korean, then?A. Something B. Anything C. Everything D. Nothing22. - I have just had my watch repaired.- How much did they _ that?A. spare B. cost C. c

2、harge for D. spend23. The elderly need special care in winter, as they are _ to the sudden change of weather. A. sensitive B. sensible C. flexible D. positive24. _ can be seen from his face, he is quite satisfied. A. That B. What C. It D. As25. Im considering _ a washing machine, which is considered

3、 _ a great help to my wife.A. buying; being B. buying; to be C. to buy; being D. to buy; to be 26. _ other young men, he also enjoys pop music. A. Compared with B. In common with C. Except for D. Speaking of27. They used to make _ to meet and have a party at the end of a month. A. a rule B. it rule

4、C. it a rule D. them a rule28. The performance of the host, _ to please the audience and draw their attention, was greeted with a cold silence, however. A. intended B. had intended C. intending D. to intend29. Not having finished his homework, _ to watch TV.A. Mother forbade him B. so he was forbidd

5、enC. and he wanted D. he was forbidden30. Believe it or not, the sun gives out _ the earth absorbs.A. more two million times heat and light thanB. two million times more heat and light thanC. two million times heat and light more thanD. two million times more than hear and light31. At six oclock in

6、the evening, when a cat ran through a truck, it narrowly escaped _ over. A. running B. to be run C. from running D. being run32. The parcel was not delivered to Mary. I wish it _ delivered to her before Christmas. A. was B. were to be C. had been D. would be33. They have started building two roads _

7、 this area _ the main highway network in Sichuan. A. linked; to B. linking; with C. to be linked; to D. to be linked; with34. Comparison may make something appear more beautiful than it is when _ alone. A. seen B. seeing C. is seen D. to see35. - Can I have another piece of apple cake, Mrs Smith? -

8、_. A. Id love to give you B. Go ahead C. Im sorry, but I cant D. Its my pleasure第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。“Bob!” his father called. “We have to get up, son, 36_ it is Christmas.” “All right,” Bob said 37_ . “Ill go on out,” his father said. “Ill get

9、 things started.” The door closed and he lay still, laughing to himself. His father would 38_ in just a few minutes. His 39_ heart was ready to jump from his body. The minutes were endless - ten, fifteen, he did not know 40_ - and he heard his father was 41_ a queer (古怪的) sobbing (抽咽) sort of laugh.

10、 “Thought you”d 42_ me, did you?” his father was standing beside his bed, _43_ him, pulling away the cover. “Its 44_ Christmas, Dad!” He found his father held him in his arms. He felt his fathers arms go 45_ him. “Son, I thank you. Nobody ever did 46_ thing ” “Oh, Dad, I want you to know - I do want

11、 to be good!” The words broke from him of their own will. He did not know what to say. His heart was 47_ with love. “Well, I think I can go back to sleep.” 48_ said after a moment, “No, listen - the 49_ are awaked up. Come to think of it, son. Ive never seen 50_ children when you first saw the Chris

12、tmas tree. I was always in the barn. Come on!”He 51_ his clothes, and they went down to the Christmas tree, and soon the 52_ was climbing up to where the star had been. Oh, what a Christmas, and 53_ his heart had nearly burst again with shyness and pride as his father told his mother about how he, B

13、ob, had got up and milked the 54_ all by himself! “The best Christmas gift I have ever had, and Ill remember it, son, every year on Christmas morning, 55_ I live.”36. A. but B. though C. when D. whenever37. A. lazily B. happily C. unwillingly D. sleepily38. A. shout B. know C. laugh D. discover39. A

14、. dancing B. flying C. moving D. running40. A. how to pretend B. what to say C. how many D. how happy41. A. inventing B. laughing C. screaming D. producing42. A. cheat B. help C. interest D. fool43. A. feeling for B. touching C. looking for D. searching44. A. on B. for C. to D. at45. A. across B. ov

15、er C. around D. under46. A. the best B. a nicer C. a worse D. the worst47. A. bursting B. satisfied C. angry D. pleased48. A. Rob B. He C. His father D. The son49. A. cows B. cattle C. family D. little ones50. A. your B. the C. those D. you51. A. took off B. dressed C. pulled on D. covered52. A. moo

16、n B. shadow C. sun D. children53. A. that B. how C. therefore D. because54. A. dogs B. crops C. cows D. babies55. A. as old as B. as long as C. until D. if only第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AAs any homemaker who has tried to keep order at the dinner table knows, ther

17、e is far more to a family meal than food. Sociologist Michael Lewis has been studying 50 families to find out just how much more. Lewis and his co-workers carried out their study by videotaping (录象) the families while they ate ordinary meals in their own homes. They found that parents with small fam

18、ilies talk actively with each other and their children. But as the number of children gets larger, conversation gives way to the parents efforts to control the loud noise they make. That can have an important effect on the children. “In general the more question-asking the parents do, the higher the

19、 childrens IQ scores,” Lewis says. “And the more children there are, the less question-asking there is.”The study also provides an explanation for why middle children often seem to have a harder time in life than their siblings (兄弟姐妹). Lewis found that in families with three or four children, dinner

20、 conversation is likely to center on the oldest child, who has the most to talk about, and the youngest, who needs the most attention. “Middle children are invisible,” says Lewis. “When you see someone get up from the table and walk around during dinner, chances are its the middle child.” There is,

21、however, one thing that stops all conversation and prevents anyone from having attention: “When the TV is on,” Lewis says, “dinner is a non-event.”56. The writers purpose in writing the text is to _. A. show the relationship between parents and children B. teach parents ways to keep order at the din

22、ner table C. report on the findings of a study D. give information about family problems57. Parents with large families ask fewer questions at dinner because _. A. they are busy serving food to their children B. they are busy keeping order at the dinner table C. they have to pay more attention to yo

23、unger children D. they are tired out having prepared food for the whole family58. By saying “Middle children are invisible” in Paragraph 3, Lewis means that middle children _. A. have to help their parents to serve dinner B. get the least attention from the family C. are often kept away from the din

24、ner table D. find it hard to keep up with other children59. Lewis research provides an answer to the question _. A. why TV is important in family life B. why parents should keep good order C. why children in small families seem to be quieter D. why middle children seem to have more difficulties in l

25、ife60. Which of the following statements would the write agree to? A. It is important to have the right food for children. B. It is a good idea to have the TV on during dinner. C. Patents should talk to each of their children frequently. D. Elder children should help the younger ones at dinner.B Can

26、nes will rock to the sound of a cancan dance this year when Moulin Rouge by the Australian director Baz Luhrmann opens the French Film Festival in May. The musical stars Nicole Kidman as a singer, and John Leguizamo as the artist Henri de Toulouse - Lautrec. It will be competing for the Palme dOr, t

27、he festivals top prize. The festival runs to May 21. The American actor Tommy Lee Jones, 54, has married his longtime girlfriend, Dawn Maria Laurel, 36, in a private wedding in San Antonio. “It wasnt a big to-do,”said Fred Biery, a US District Judge who performed the service. He refused to discuss t

28、hings further. “These are very private people,” he said. Loretta Lynn is being treated for a very bad cold in Tennessee and will miss several appearances. The country singer, 65, was admitted (接纳) to a hospital near her home in Hurricane Mills. “She is in good condition, but the doctors are watching

29、 her closely,”a spokeswoman said. The French-Algerian singer Enrico Macias was named a United Nations peace messenger. Enrico joins eight other people who act as goodwill envoys (使者) for the United Nations, among them are the writer Elie Wiesel and the basketball player Magic Johnson.61. We can lear

30、n from the text that Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec is _. A. a figure in a film B. a dancer in a show C. a country singer D. a prize winner62. We know from the text that _. A. Moulin Rouge won the top prize in a film festival B. Loretta Lynn is under the doctors careC. eight people serve as the UN goodwi

31、ll envoys D. Fred Biery was Tommy Lee Jones assistant63. This text most probably appears in _. A. a book on film stars B. a film review in a magazine C. a newspaper D. a notice CFaces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled wr

32、iter probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child or even an animal, such as a pigeon, can learn to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted.We also tell people apart by how they behave. When we talk about someone s perso

33、nality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels that make that individual different from others, Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing someones personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. If you were asked to describe

34、what a “nice face”looked like, you probably would have a difficult time doing so. But if you were asked to describe a “nice person,” you might begin to think about someone who was kind, considerate, friendly, warm, and so forth.There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels ,and acts. G

35、ordon Ports, an American psychologist, found nearly 18,000 English words characterizing differences in peoples behavior. And many of us use this information as a basis for describing, or typing, his personality. Bookworms. conservatives, military types - people are described with such terms.People h

36、ave always tried to “type” each other. Actors in early Greek drama wore masks to show the audience whether they played the villain s( 坏人) or the hero s role. In fact, the words “person”and “personality”come from the Latin persona, meaning “mask”. Today, most television and movie actors do not wear m

37、asks. But we can easily tell the “good guys”from the “bad guys”because the two types differ in appearance as well as in actions.64. The main idea of this passage is _. A. how to distinguish people s faces B. how to describe people s personality C. how to distinguish people both inward and outward D.

38、 how to differ good persons from bad persons65. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Different people may have different personalities. B. People differ from each in appearance. C. People can learn to recognize faces. D. People can describe all the features of others.66. The reason why it is easie

39、r to describe a person s personality in words than his face is that _. A. a persons face is more complex than his personality B. a persons personality is easily distinguished C. a persons personalities are very alike D. many words are available when people try to describe ones personality67. We lear

40、n from the passage that people classify a person into certain type according to _. A. his way of acting and thinking B. his way of speaking and behaving C. his learning and behaviorD. his physical appearance and his personalityDEveryone knows that the French are romantic,the Italians are fashionable

41、 and the Germans are serious. Or do they?Are these just stereotypes (陈规)or is there really such a thing as national character?And if there is,can it affect how a nation succeeds or fails?At least one group of people is certain that it can. A recent survey(调查)of the top 500 entrepreneurs(实业家)in the U

42、K found that 70 percent felt that their efforts were not appreciated by the British public. Britain is hostile to success,they said. It has a culture of jealousy (嫉妒).As a result,the survey said,entrepreneurs were “unloved,unwanted and misunderstood.”Jealousy is sometimes known as the “green-eyed mo

43、nster”(怪物)and the UK is its home.Scientists at Warwich University in the UK recently tested this idea. They gathered a group of people together and gave each an imaginary amount of money. Some were given a little,others a great deal. Those given a little money were given the chance to destroy the la

44、rge amounts of money given to others but at the cost of losing their own. Two thirds of the people tested agreed to do this.This seems to prove the entrepreneurs were right to complain. But there is also conflicting evidence(证据).The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recent

45、ly reported that the UK was now the worlds fourth largest economy. That is not bad for people who are supposed to hate success. People in UK also work longer hours than anyone else in Europe. So the British people are not lazy,either.“Its not really success that the British dislike,”says Carey Coope

46、r,a Professor of management at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology.“Its people using their success in a way that seems arrogant (傲慢)or unfair or which separates them from their roots.”Perhaps it is the entrepreneurs who are the problem. They set out to do things their wa

47、y. They work long hours. By their own efforts they become millionaires. But instead of being happy they complain that nobody loves them. It hardly seems worth following their example. If they were more friendly,people would like them more. And more people would want to be like them.68. What does the

48、 underlined “it”in the 2nd paragraph refer to?A. One group of people. B. A recent survey. C. National character. D. A nation.69. Most entrepreneurs surveyed believe that _.A. they are not popular simply because they are successfulB. the British public are hardworkingC. love of success is Britains na

49、tional characterD. they are considered as “green-eyed monsters”70. What does the result of the Warwich University test show?A. Two thirds of the people tested did not love money.B. Most people would rather fail than see others succeed.C .An imaginary amount of money does not attract people.D. Most p

50、eople are willing to enjoy success with others. 71. The writer of the passage seems to suggest that _.A. jealousy is Britains national characterB. British entrepreneurs are not fairly treatedC. the scientists at Warwich University did a successful testD. the British dislike the entrepreneurs because

51、 they do not behave properlyEIn the developing countries of Asia, Africa and South America, both women and men connect the smoking of cigarettes with wealth, leisure, development, and Western values. Advertising in many of these countries is not limited by the health conscious codes( 准则 ), laws and

52、controls that trouble the North American and European tobacco advertisers. As a result, unaware of the long-term health costs, the developing countries most wealthy citizens take up smoking as a sign of material success.The transnational tobacco companies are currently engaged in aggressive developm

53、ent of the only market left - the developing countries. It is recognized that the market in developed countries is full, and in many areas decreasing, while the market in developing countries is increasing markedly. The British American Tobacco Company, for instance, reported in 1979 a drop of 1.2%

54、in the North American market but an increase in size of 2.1% in the developing world. The tobacco industry is not dying, rather, its challenge, which is being met, is to move the growth, production, and marketing to the developing countries. It is proving possible to create tobacco dependency in inc

55、reasing numbers of women and men through clever advertising in countries yet to develop regulatory(调整的) codes on the advertising, sales and production of cigarettes.Since the richer people require the smoking habit first, more men than women at present smoke in the developing countries. However, the

56、 irony(讽刺意味)of progress is clear as most of the women liberated from unfair cultural and religious customs and beliefs in the developing countries arc also those most likely to smoke.72. The passage mainly tells us _. A. tobacco marketing techniques in developing countries B. about the drop in the N

57、orth American tobacco market C. a growing tobacco market in the developing countries D. the proportion( 比例 )of man and women smoking in developing countries73. The passage implies that the tobacco market is going down in North America and Europe because of _. A. the health conscious codes, laws, and

58、 controls B. the decreasing of the populationC. the religious and cultural beliefsD. improper advertising74. The irony of “progress” for women in developing countries refers to the fact that _. A. many women in South America smoke B. through advertising, tobacco dependency is increased C. the libera

59、ted women are the most likely to smoke D. the more wealthy women will get used to smoking first75. From the passage we learn that, in the opinion of the writer, _. A. the tobacco companies of the western countries are kind and clever B. smoking is stupidly wrong no matter where it is C. cigarette smoking shows ones material successD. smoking must be forbidden by governments21-25 BCADB 26-30 BCADB 31-35 DCBAB 36-40 BDBAC 41-45 BDABC 46-50 BACDD 51-55 CCBCB56-60 CBBDC 61-65 ABCCD 66-70 DDCAB 71-75 DCACB


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