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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SBIII UNITS 11-12 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc

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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SBIII UNITS 11-12 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第1页
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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SBIII UNITS 11-12 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第2页
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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SBIII UNITS 11-12 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第3页
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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SBIII UNITS 11-12 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第4页
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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SBIII UNITS 11-12 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第5页
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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SBIII UNITS 11-12 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第6页
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1、(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以活页形式分册装订!).多项填空1Science cannot interpret this phenomenon in a logical or reasonable way.Therefore,they regard it as mere_.Aincident BpossibilityCcoincidence Dhappening【解析】coincidence巧合。句意为:科学无法用合情合理的方式诠释这种现象,所以人们仅仅将它视为巧合。incident事件;possibility可能(性);happening发生(的事)。【答案】C2Why do you work

2、 so hard?_my parents expectations.ATo live up to BTo meet the demand ofCTo make full use of DTo put up with【解析】在日常交际用语中考查词组辨析。句意为:你为什么工作这么努力?为了不辜负父母的期望。live up to符合;不辜负;meet the demand of满足的要求;make full use of充分利用;put up with忍受。【答案】A3My brothers plans are very_;he wants to master English,French and

3、Spanish before he is sixteen.ApracticalBproductiveCambitious Dabundant【解析】由下文的he wants to master.before he is sixteen可知应选C,ambitious有雄心的,雄心勃勃的。【答案】C4A security officer at the factory,who_to give his name,said he had seen two men leave the building.Adeclined BavoidedCtended Dappealed【解析】 decline谢绝,婉言

4、拒绝,后可接不定式。declined to give his name不愿意透露姓名。【答案】A5Steve was wearing a red silk shirt that didnt_him at all.Asuit BmeetCsatisfy Dserve【解析】suit(尤指服装、颜色等)相配,合适。【答案】A6There was a long silence when they met again,and_she asked,“How have you been?”Ain detail Bin returnCat length Din general【解析】at length最后。

5、in detail详细地;in return作为回应;in general通常。题意为“他们再次见面之后,沉默了很长时间。最后,她问你最近过得怎样?”【答案】C7You will be there tomorrowyou wont_me down,will you?Of course not.Abring BkeepCknock Dlet【解析】let sb.down使某人失望。bring sb.down打垮或击败某人;keep sb.down压制某人;knock sb.down打倒某人。【答案】D8Im not sure whether I will have anything else t

6、o do tomorrow._,I will try every possible means to come to the party.ABesides BAnyhowCTherefore DInstead【解析】题意为“我不确定明天有没有别的事情要做,不管怎样,我会尽量来参加聚会的”。anyhow不管怎样,无论如何。besides除之外(还);therefore因此;instead反而,却。【答案】B9If you_it,your performance will gradually get better.Ainsist on Bstick outCstick with Dused to【

7、解析】stick with坚持下去。insist on后加doing sth.;stick out伸出;探出;突出;used to (过去)常常。【答案】C10Jim is sick,but he should be able to camp with us next week,because his illness is only_.Acontinual BtemporaryCcontemporary Dfinal【答案】B.完成句子11The child is still too young_(不能上学)(attend)【答案】to attend school12Could I speak

8、 to_(负责人) International Sales,please?(whoever)【答案】whoever is in charge of13The minister said that_(应该更加重视) education.(attach)【答案】more importance should be attached to 14The driver drove carelessly,_(引起了) a traffic accident.(result)【答案】resulting in/which resulted in15Word came_(已经辞职了) and would retur

9、n the next year.(resign)【答案】that he had resigned16_(一旦出版),the dictionary will be very popular.(come)【答案】Once coming out/Once it comes out17The newlybuilt hospital is reported_(装备了) the latest instruments made in the USA.(equip)【答案】to have been equipped with18In Britain,packs of cigarettes come with

10、a government health warning_(附在它们上面)(attach)【答案】attached to them19The club to_(他所在的) has financed a large sum of money to the team.(belong)【答案】which he belongs20How can I stop_(如此焦虑) in friend and lover relationships? Its really making me nervous!【答案】being so anxious.完形填空Mark was walking home from s

11、chool one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had fallen and dropped all of the books he was carrying,along with two sweaters,a baseball bat,a glove and a small tape recorder.Mark_21_down and helped the boy pick up the scattered_22_.Since they were going the same way,he helped to carry part of

12、the_23_.As they walked Mark discovered the boys name was Bill,that he loved video games,baseball and history,that he was_24_a lot of trouble with his other subjects and that he had just_25_with his girlfriend.They arrived at Bills home first and Mark was invited_26_for a Coke and to watch some telev

13、ision.The afternoon passed_27_with a few laughs and some_28_small talk,then Mark went home.They_29_to see each other around school,had lunch together once or twice,then_30_graduated from junior high school.They ended in the same high school where they had_31_contacts over the years.Finally the long

14、awaited senior year came,and three weeks before_32_,Bill asked Mark if they could talk.Bill reminded him of the day years ago_33_they had first met.“Do you ever_34_why I was carrying so many things home that day?”asked Bill.“You see,I_35_out my locker (橱子) because I didnt want to leave a_36_for anyo

15、ne else.I had_37_away some of my mothers sleeping pills and I was going home to commit suicide(自杀)But after we spent some time_38_talking and laughing,I realized that if I had killed myself,I would have missed that time and so many others that might_39_.So you see,Mark,when you picked up my things t

16、hat day,you did a lot_40_.You saved my life.”【语篇解读】多年前Mark在一次放学回家的路上看到一位素不相识的同学Bill抱了很多东西回家,突然间他的东西散落了,Mark帮助他整理好东西,他们一起回家。到了Bill家后他们聊得很开心,从此他们成为好朋友,一起度过了初中、高中等多年的快乐时光。在他们高中毕业前的一天,Bill约Mark出来,告诉Mark说:多年前他们首次见面的那天,他本来是想自杀的,但当他与Mark聊天以后,他改变了主意,没有自杀,他感谢Mark不但给了他一个好朋友,而且更重要的是救了他的命。21A.got BfellCknelt Ds

17、at【解析】因为东西散落一地,要捡起就得“跪下”,因此用knelt。【答案】C22A.articles BbooksCpapers Dproperties【解析】由前文的books.two sweaters,a baseball bat,a glove and a small tape recorder可知此处用articles,意思是:物品。【答案】A23A.baggage BburdenCpackage Dresponsibilities【解析】此处所填词表示:那个同学抱的物品,用burden。【答案】B24A.making BcausingCtaking Dhaving【解析】have

18、a trouble with sth.“做某事有困难”。【答案】D25A.fallen love Bkept in touchCgot along Dbroken up【解析】此处用broken up,意思是“分裂,破裂”。 【答案】D26A.in BtoCout Dup【解析】本句意思是:他们先到Bill家,Mark被邀请进家喝杯可乐,用in。【答案】A27A.pleasantly BquietlyChurriedly Dsecretly【解析】由后文的a few laughs可知那个下午他们过得很愉快,用pleasantly。【答案】A28A.considerate Baccustomed

19、Cshared Dconservative【解析】本句意思是:他们相互谈了很多趣事,即分享了各自的快乐。因此用shared。【答案】C29A.suspended BcontinuedCinsisted Dhesitated【解析】由后文的contacts over the years可知此处用continued。【答案】B30A.neither BbothCtwo Deither【解析】因为本文主题是说Mark和Bill的关系,是两个人,因此此处用both。【答案】B31A.rare BcloseCbrief Dconstant【解析】由前文的had lunch together once o

20、r twice可知此处用brief。【答案】C32A.celebration BceremonyCanniversary Dgraduation【解析】本句意思是:在毕业前的三周里,用graduation。【答案】D33A.when BwhereCthat Dsince【解析】所填词引导定语从句,先行词是the day,关系词在从句中作状语,用when。【答案】A34A.suppose BassumeCapprove Dwonder【解析】后跟why从句,所填词意思是“想知道,纳闷”,用wonder。【答案】D35A.cleaned BabandonedCdeserted Dwithdrew【

21、解析】clean out清除,打扫干净。【答案】A36A.sign BmessCtrack Drubbish【解析】本句意思是:我打扫干净了我的柜子,不想给别人留下脏乱的印象,故用mess。【答案】B37A.stolen BkeptCstored Drequired【解析】句子意思是:我偷偷藏了一些我妈妈的安眠药,用stored,store away储藏起来。【答案】C38A.frequently BthoroughlyCtogether Dalways【解析】本句意思是:但在我们一起聊了整整一个下午以后,用together。【答案】C39A.lose BwasteCobtain Dfollo

22、w【解析】句子意思是:我有可能会失去那些美好时光,以及接下来的更美好的东西,故选D。【答案】D40A.many BmoreCmuch Dmost【解析】此处用more,意思是:更多,不仅这些。【答案】B.阅读理解The poorer mental function seen among alcoholics,many of whom also regularly smoke cigarettes,may be partly due to the longterm effects of nicotine,new research suggests.“People who are also smo

23、kers are at a much higher risk,”Dr.Jennifer MGlass of the University of Michigans Addiction Research Center said.In her study,“Cigarette smoking has bad effect on IQ and thinking,” she said.This finding may seem counterintuitive (违反直觉的),since many smokers show that they feel quicker and focused afte

24、r smoking.Indeed,research shows that improved mental functioning is one of the immediate effects of nicotine exposure.Chronic_(慢性的)_smoking,however,is_known_to_have_the_opposite_effect.Studies show that up to 87 percent of alcoholics smoke cigarettes.Yet,few studies have looked into cigarette smokin

25、g as a factor that might explain the cognitive (认知的) lack reported among alcoholics.To search for that association,Glass and her colleagues examined brain function among 172 men from the same area,including 103 men who abused alcohol.The team found that men with higher scores on the lifetime alcohol

26、 problems scale (LAPS) and those who reported a higher number of packyears of smoking both had lower IQ scores.Upon further research,the researchers found that smoking also appeared to be independently associated with weaker word and space reasoning.Thus,though smoking did not account for all of the

27、 decreased mental functioning observed among the alcohol abusers,it did seem to account for some of the effects,the report indicates.【语篇解读】本篇是一篇说明文,主题为“抽烟使智商和思维能力下降”。41What is the passage mainly about?ACigarette smoking contributes to decreased IQ and thinking.BAlcohol abuse is to blame for the poor

28、er mental function.CMost of the alcoholics are also heavy smokers.DNonsmokers mostly have higher IQ scores.【解析】理解主旨和要义。综合全文信息,尤其是第一、二段可知,抽烟使智商和思维能力下降。【答案】A42The underlined sentence“Chronic smoking,however,is known to have the opposite effect.” in Paragraph 3 implies_.AChronic smoking can improve men

29、tal functioningBChronic smoking has an immediate influence on mental functioningCChronic smoking has side effects on mental functioning improvementDChronic smokers feel quicker and focused after smoking【解析】作出判断和推理,根据上下文推断句义,见第三段,关键词opposite。【答案】C43From the passage we can learn that_.Acigarette smoki

30、ng is not related to reasoningBnicotine exposure can improve mental functioning temporarilyCthe longterm effects of nicotine cause alcoholicsDmen with lower scores on the LAPS have lower IQ scores【解析】理解具体信息,由第三段第二句可知答案,关键词immediate effect。【答案】B44It can be inferred from the passage that_.Amany alcoho

31、lics suffer a great deal from smokingBgiving up smoking is significantly challenging for the alcoholicsCalcoholics who do not smoke much have higher IQ scoresDother factors can cause the poorer mental functioning besides smoking【解析】作出判断和推理,根据最后一段可知答案。【答案】D45The purpose of this passage is_.Ato warn us of the bad effects of smoking on IQ and thinkingBto tell us why people are addicted to smokingCto give us some advice on how to improve IQ and reasoningDto compare the bad effects of alcohol and cigarettes【解析】理解作者的意图、观点和态度,综合全文信息。【答案】A


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