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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家2011-2012年上学期兴化市高三英语好题集:完型填空4 一I was sitting in my regular barbershop for a hairdo. The boss lady was starting to trim修剪 my slightly curly hair which I believe she must be _1_ with a lot more than I do . She is my hair dresser.As usual, once the ice was broken, our _2_ was just about

2、 anything. But that morning, I had learnt something of _3_ from my hair dresser in the middle of my haircut when one of her shampoo洗发 girls -4- dropped down a tray full of hair pins, hair clippers, brushes and scissors, etc., making a big loud -5- that almost shook with an echo回声 against the floor.

3、It was a really messy -6- . .If I were the boss, I would have gone as far as -7- the careless assistant something.-8- . my hair dresses didnt. She instantly laughed out loud with her mouth wide open -9- she was seeing something -10- happening.I was uneasy. I said,“How come you are laughing and not-1

4、1- her?”“No, I dont. Such a thing is an)-12- incident for me. If you want them to work -13- for you, you have to understand and -14- the way they are, You mustnt simply accuse them of a simple -15- out of carelessness. Unless otherwise the fault is a -16- one,” answered the lady boss.I am convinced

5、she must have her discontent with her girls over the years for -17- a mirror here, spoiling a hair dryer there , etc., but she chooses to -18- it, and doesnt want to create an explosion of anger in her network. Such is a wise -19- while running your own business. I can see her business is brisk兴旺的 a

6、nytime I walk in.Getting mad at someone is only -20- yourself. Forgiving and accepting others will reward you with peace of mind,1.A familiar B. popular C. satisfied D. angry2.A. story B topic C. issue D. event3.A,protection B. warmth C. courage D. wisdom4.A. carefully B. accidentally C purposely. D

7、. secretly5. A. cheer B. cry C. noise D. voice6.A.accident B. memory C. scene D. position7.A. leaving B. awarding C. helping D. questioning8.A. However B. Otherwise C. Besides D. Therefore9. A now that B. even though C. as if D. so that10.A. pitiful B. funny C. sad D. frightening11. A blaming B. beg

8、ging C. encouraging D. thanking12.A.lucky B. amusing C. terrible D. ordinary13.A.constantly B.happily C.efficiently D. independently14. A. copy B challenge C. accept D. change15.A. discovery B. mistake C. decision D. behavior16. A. serious B strange C. polite D. usual17.A. buying B. taking C. collec

9、ting D. breaking18. A. forget B. consider C. ignore D. lose19.A. habit B. attitude C. action D. mind20.A. hurting B, enjoying C. proving D. teaching出处:维克多英语高考阅读61,下册p9解析:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者在一次理发过程中所遇到的事情。理发店里的洗发女孩犯了错误,老板娘不仅没有责骂她,反而以笑声代替了斥责。作者从中学到了宽容待人待事的重要性。1、 A 根据下一句She is the my hair dresser!可知,老板娘是作者固

10、定的美发师,美发师会更熟悉顾客的头发,所以选择familiar。2、 B 根据once the ice was broken,可知一旦打开话题,作者和老板娘就会天南海北的无所不聊,此处强调的是聊天的话题。3、 D 根据下文发生的事情及老板娘处理的方式和态度,作者所看到的是她处理问题的智慧。4、 B 洗发的女孩子不小心把一些东西掉到地上,这种情景是偶然发生的,所以选择accidentally。5、 C 一大盘子的发针、理发推子、刷子和剪刀掉到了地上,所发出的声音应是巨大的噪音。6、 C 一大盘子的物品都掉到了地上,场景一定很混乱,所以选择scene。7、 D 作者提到了自己对当时场景的想法,设想

11、如果自己是老板娘的话,可能会对洗法女孩的行为质疑一下,问她为什么那么不小心等等。8、A 由下文可知,老板娘并没有质问洗发女孩,前后语意上有一个转折,因此选择However,一意为“然而”,“可是”。9、 C 老板娘大笑起来就好像什么有趣的事情发生了一样。10、B 因为老板娘大笑了起来,就好像什么有趣的事情发生了一样。这种场景和之前的一团混乱形成对比。11、A 由上文可知,按照作者之前的想法,是应该对这个不小心的女孩子质疑一下的,但是老板娘却是大笑而不是责怪,作者感觉有些奇怪,所以询问老板娘为什么不责怪女孩。12、D 由上文可知,老板娘没有责备女孩,可见她认为这样的事情在她看来是很常见的。13、

12、B 由上文可知,女孩犯了错,但是老板娘没有责怪她,说明老板娘是想让大家愉快地工作。14、C 由have to understand可以推断此处是说接受她们。15、B 上文讲的是女孩犯了错误,由此推出此处是说无意间做错的事情。16、A Unless表示转折,表示除非她们犯下了严重的错误。17、D 与下文的spoiling a hair dryer(弄坏了吹风机)并列的应是打破镜子。18、C 由上文的女孩做错事后,老板娘哈哈大笑的内容可知,她选择了忽视这些错误。19、B 作者认为老板娘的做法对于做生意来说是明智的态度。20、A 由最后一句可知,原谅和接受别人会给人带来内心的宁静。所以说对他人发脾气

13、只会伤害到自己,而不利于解决问题。二Half a year before graduation from college, my son began to seek a job. -1- The financial crisis 危机, fewer companies would like to -2- new staff. My son targeted a company that was -3- to employ only one person -4- there were more than 20 people filing their resumes简历.After the int

14、erview, there would only be 3 who could enter the final round, which would later -5- one person to be employed. Everything seemed to go quite -6- and my son passed the first round and entered the final round in a week.On the day of the final interview, my son and other two -7- arrived at the intervi

15、ew place on time, -8- the test. Unexpectedly-9-. The interview was unbelievably . The interviewer only said to them,“ All of you are very super. Please go home and wait for our -10- . We will tell you the -11- in 3 days. Good luck to all of you!” On the morning of the third day, my son received a te

16、xt from the company shortly after breakfast that he was not employed. We all felt very -12-。 .In nightfall that day, my son suddenly told me-13- on phone,“Dad, I have been employed!” Greatly surprised, I could not wait to ask him,“Whats the whole -14- ?” My son told me that he received another text

17、saying that he was employed. Actually the first text sent to my son was also -15- of the test in the interview. Three men received the same text this morning and only my sons -16- was “Thank you” while the others said “Goodbye”.Only then did I know that my sons hope -17- in that way. That is, when y

18、ou feel disappointed, do not -18- to say“Thank you” to the one who disappoints you. Saying thank you shows respect for others work and shows your grand -19- .Therefore, while under the same condition, you will get the upper hand in terms of -20- compared with others!1.A. As to B. Due to C. By way of

19、 D. Contrary to2.A. promote B. train C employ D. discover.3.A. encouraged B. allowed C. supposed D. intended4.A. while B. since C. though D. if5.A. meet B. attract C. decide D. represent6.A. slowly B. smoothly C. secretly D. silently7.A. members B. students C. friends D. candidates8.A. waiting for B

20、.watching over C thinking about D looking into9.A. formal B. simple C. funny D. strange10.A. information B. notice C. order D. message11.A. result B. choice C. mark D. idea12.A. annoyed B. puzzled C. disappointed D. shocked13.A. doubtfully B. excitedly C. calmly D. worriedly14.A. matter B. cause C.

21、conclusion D. interview15.A. middle B. ending C. part D. course16.A. way B. reply C problem. D. question17.A. changed B. grew C. came D. developed18.A. expect B. forget C. dislike D. regret19.A. generosity B. curiosity C dignity D. personality.20.A. abilities B. strengths C. challenges D. opportunit

22、ies出处:维克多英语高考阅读61,下册p12解析:本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者的儿子在求职过程中多说了一句“谢谢”,而获得了这份难得的工作。文章阐释了一个道理:一声谢谢,既尊重了人家的劳动,又展示了自己的心胸,自己也可以有额外的收获!1、 B 此处due to 表示原因。Owing to也可以表示原因,但不用于句首。2、 C 根据上文的financial crisis(经济危机),推断很少有公司愿意雇佣新职员。3、 D be intended to do表示“打算做”,符合语境。Be supposed to do表示“应该做”。4、 A 只录用一人和二十多人提交简历形成对比,所以选择whi

23、le。5、 C which引导的定语从句修饰的是the final round,最后一轮面试应是决定录用谁。6、 B 根据and后的作者的儿子通过了第一轮面试,进入最终的面试可知一切进展的似乎很顺利。7、 D 由上一段可知,第一轮面试过后只有三个人能参加最终的面试,而作者的儿子是其中一人,此处是说另外两名求职应征者。8、 A 根据arrived at the interview place on time可知求职应征者们准时到达面试地点等待测试。9、 B 由下文可知,最后一轮面试并没有实质的内容,只是告诉求职应征者们回家等待,因此此轮面试不可思议地简单。10、B 根据go home和We wi

24、ll tell you,可知他们被告知回家等候通知。11、A 由下文可知,第三天早上作者的儿子收到了没有被录用的消息,所以此处指的是最终的结果。12、C 由上文可知,作者的儿子顺利通过了第一轮面试,但是没有通过最终的面试,全家人都很失望。13、B 由下文可知,由下文可知,作者的儿子被雇佣了,他一定是兴奋地打电话告诉作者这个消息。14、A 由Greatly surprised, I could not wait to ask him可知,作者非常纳闷,急于想知道这到底是怎么回事。15、C 由下文可知,发送给作者的儿子的短信也是面试的一部分。16、B “Thank you”和“Goodbye”分别

25、是求职应征者的答复。17、C 由上文可知,作者的儿子向主持面试者回复短信,表示谢意,没想到通过了最后一轮面试。作者终于明白儿子为什么又得到了这份工作。18、B 句意为“在你失望的时候,别忘了向让你失望的人说声谢谢。”19、A 结合上文,作者的儿子收到没有被录用的通知后,依然表达了对主持面试者的谢意,充分展示了自己的心胸。Generosity宽宏大量;curiosity好奇心;dignity尊严;personality人格,个性。20、D 结合本文语境,作者阐释了一个道理:在同样的条件下,(因为你不吝说“谢谢”)机会的天平就会向你这边倾斜。.精品资料。欢迎使用。高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u 版权所有高考资源网


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