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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SBIII UNITS 13-14 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc

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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SBIII UNITS 13-14 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第1页
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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SBIII UNITS 13-14 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第2页
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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SBIII UNITS 13-14 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第3页
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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SBIII UNITS 13-14 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第4页
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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SBIII UNITS 13-14 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第5页
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2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(湖北专版)英语SBIII UNITS 13-14 同步活页作业(详细解析).doc_第6页
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1、(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以活页形式分册装订!).多项填空1As far as Im concerned,its_that we should keep calm in face of danger.Aactive BvitalCsignificant Dprecious【解析】vital极其重要的。【答案】B2The young man tried his best to_the judge that he was innocent.Aprove BchargeCconfirm Dconvince【解析】convince使确信。【答案】D3Did you enjoy the film?Sur

2、e,it is_a beautiful country town with a variety of cultures.Aput on Btaken onCset in Dgot in【解析】be set in 以为背景。【答案】C4Somehow Rosalyn had discovered the boys weakness and decided to make use of this public moment to_ him with it.Aembarrass BimpressCfrustrate Dplease【解析】embarrass 使难堪;impress 使留下深刻影响;f

3、rustrate 使恼怒;please 使高兴。句意为:不知怎么的,Rosalyn发现了这名男孩的弱点并决定利用这次公开场合用它来使他难堪。【答案】A5Since most Antarctic rocks are dark in color,they_against the white background and are easy to identify.Astand up Bstand outCmake out Dmake up【解析】stand out突出,显眼。【答案】B6Farmers will have a good harvest,_that the weather is fav

4、ourable.Apretending BassumingCthinking Dbelieving【解析】assuming that.supposing that.“假定”,其他选项不合句意。【答案】B7There is more than_rain this year,so some parts of the country have been flooded.Aextra BplentyCadequate Dlittle【解析】adequate适当的,充分的;more than超过。【答案】C8As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our

5、 order,we have to_it.Adelay BrefuseCcancel Dpostpone【解析】句意为“由于我们所订购的货物迟迟不能到,我们不能再等下去了,只好取消”。delay耽搁,延误,推迟,延期;refuse拒绝,回绝;cancel取消,废除;postpone作“延期,推迟”,与delay同义。【答案】C9These two watches are so much alike that I cant _them apart.Asay BspeakCtell Ddiffer【解析】tell.apart“区分,把分开”,为固定短语。【答案】C10He made an atte

6、mpt to_the misunderstanding about the origin of the language.Aclarify BcheckCclaim Dclap【解析】clarify澄清;check检查;claim要求;clap拍。【答案】A.完成句子11It usually takes one hour to get my cell phone_(充足电)(charge)【答案】fully charged12About 3,000 people,_(他们很多人是) experts from Europe,are working on the project.(score)【答

7、案】scores of whom are13If she is rehearsing a new play,she _(她一定很忙) at the moment.(must)【答案】must be very busy 14Unbelievably,John_(据说去过) over 30 countries in his life.(say)【答案】is said to have been to15On top of the mountain_(有一座古老的庙宇),which attracts a lot of visitors.(stand )【答案】stands an ancient tem

8、ple16_(抬起头) is to say“Im not afraid”(hold)【答案】Holding up ones head17To our surprise,the stadium,_(竣工于1964年),is still in good state.(complete)【答案】(which was )completed in 196418Chinas silk was sent to India and the Middle East along the Silk Road_ (以换取) spices and glass. (exchange )【答案】to exchange fo

9、r /in exchange for19It_(仍不得而知)whether he will pass the exam.(remain)【答案】 remains unknown20_(他一开窗户),a sparrow flew in.(minute)【答案】The minute he opened the window.完形填空One Sunday,a picture in the newspaper touched me.A young woman stood in front of a totally destroyed home.A little boy stood beside her

10、 with his head_21_.Holding her skirt tightly was a tiny girl,eyes wide with_22_and fear.With growing_23_I noticed that their sizes of each family member closely_24_ours.This would be a good opportunity to_25_my children,so I explained their difficult_26_to my sevenyearold twins,and to threeyearold M

11、eghan.“We have so much,and these poor people now have nothing,” I said.“Well_27_what we have with them.”I brought three large boxes and placed them on the living room floor.Meghan watched seriously,_28_the boys and I filled one box with canned food.While I_29_our clothes,I encouraged the boys to go

12、through their toys and_30_some of their less favorite things.Meghan watched_31_as the boys piled up useless toys in the box.“Ill help you find something for the little girl,” I said to her.The boys placed the toys they had_32_to donate into one of the boxes while I filled the third box with clothes.

13、Meghan walked up with Lucy,her worn,faded,muchloved doll_33_tightly to her chest.She_34_in front of the box,pressed her little face into Lucys face,gave her a_35_kiss,then laid her gently on top of the other toys.“Oh,honey,” I said.“You_36_to give away Lucy.You love her so much.”Meghan nodded,eyes s

14、hining with tears.“Lucy makes me happy,Mommy._37_shell make that little girl happy,too.”I stared at Meghan for a long moment,_38_how I could teach the boys the lesson she had just taught me. Its easy to give what we dont want any more,but_39_to let go of things we cherish,isnt it? _40_,the true spir

15、it of giving is to give with your heart.21A.upBoffCdown Dround【解析】一位妇女站在完全被摧毁的房子前,显然是一个凄凉的场景。站在她旁边的小男孩肯定是低着头,失望的样子,故选C。【答案】C22A.confusion BsmileCanger Djoy【解析】紧紧地抓住裙子,小女孩眼睛睁得大大的,脑子混乱,而且带着对灾难的恐惧。在这种场景下小女孩不可能smile(微笑)和joy(高兴),anger(生气)则有点远,图片主要表露的是无奈,故选A。【答案】A23A.friendship BpityCinterest Dpuzzle【解析】从

16、下文的叙述中,发现他们的家庭规模和我们的比较相似,这是教育孩子的一个好机会,可以推测出这里应该选择“感兴趣”,是兴趣使然,让我有所发现,故选C。【答案】C24A.equaled BmatchedCsuited Dcompared【解析】照片里的人家规模和我的相配。equal等于,但是从文章可以看到作者家比照片里的人家多一个孩子,排除。suit指口味、颜色、款式等的适合,与文章不符,排除。compare比较,可是这里没给出比较的结果,排除。match与匹敌,相配,两家人数差不多,符合文意,故选B。【答案】B25A.help BcomplainCteach Dchange【解析】这是教育孩子的好机

17、会,从下文她与孩子一起挑选衣服和玩具看出他教育孩子帮助他人,故选C。【答案】C26A.problem BlifeCsuffering Dsituation【解析】我向孩子解释图片中的一家所处的艰难处境,符合文意的是D。【答案】D27A.share BgiveCspare Dsend【解析】从下文我与孩子一起选衣物和玩具,就是要捐给那些穷苦人,可以看出是与他们分享。share.with与分享,故选A。【答案】A28A.since BasCbecause Dthough【解析】句意为,在我和男孩子往箱子里装食物时,Meghan 认真地看着。下文也给予暗示,Meghan watched _31_as

18、 the boys piled up useless toys in the box,故选B。【答案】B29A.looked through Bcame throughCgot through Dsorted through【解析】look through浏览;come through经历,成功;get through通过;sort through挑选,整理,故选D。【答案】D30A.leave BkeepCsell Ddonate【解析】下文提示“to donate into one of the boxes”,所以此处是“我鼓励孩子们看看玩具并捐献一些不太喜欢的东西”,故选D。【答案】D3

19、1A.anxiously BhopefullyCquietly Ddepressingly【解析】anxiously焦急地,hopefully满怀希望地,quietly安静地,depressingly压抑地,郁闷地,从下文女儿把最心爱的娃娃捐出来看,这里不应该选A,B和D,不符合文意,故选C。【答案】C32A.chosen BseparatedCsupposed Dbought【解析】上文说,我和孩子在选捐赠的衣服和玩具,所以此处应该是“孩子们把挑选的东西放进箱子里,故选A。【答案】A33A.held BhuggedCcaught Dgrasped【解析】从下文可知女孩对她的娃娃很喜欢,亲吻了

20、她,所以此处用hug表示抱着她过来,很贴切,表达了她的不舍,故选B。【答案】B34A.regretted BstoodCcried Dpaused【解析】女儿走到箱子前停下,准备把娃娃放到箱子里,故选D。【答案】D35A.final BpreciousClovely Dhearty【解析】在女儿把娃娃放在箱子里之前,她抱紧娃娃,给它最后一吻,表达依依不舍之情,故选A。【答案】A36A.oughtnt Bwouldnt likeCdont have Dhad better not【解析】这是女儿最喜欢的玩具,我感到女儿没有必要把它捐出去,故选C。【答案】C37A.Yet BMaybeCThoug

21、h DAlso【解析】女儿觉得这个娃娃给了她快乐,它也许同样会给予别人快乐,故选B,符合语境。【答案】B38A.wondering BknowingCexpecting Drealizing【解析】我盯着Meghan看了很长时间,女儿的做法,让我又想如何让男孩从中受到女儿刚刚给我的教育,故选A。【答案】A39A.necessary BavailableCharder Dimportant【解析】由此作者发出议论,把自己不想要的东西给出去很容易,但是把我们珍惜的东西给出去却很难,前后两个分句对比,故选C。【答案】C40A.Therefore BHoweverCMoreover DOtherwis

22、e【解析】然而给予的真正精神是全心地给。由上文的捐衣物而产生的议论,由上句进一步议论,顺承转折,故选B。【答案】B.阅读理解Healthy selfesteem (自尊) is a childs armor against the challenges of the world.Kids who feel good about themselves seem to have an easier time handling difficulties and resisting negative pressure.They tend to smile more readily and enjoy

23、life.These kids are realistic and generally optimistic.In contrast, for children who have low selfesteem,challenges can become sources of major anxiety and frustration.Children who think poorly of themselves have a hard time finding solutions to problems.A child who has low selfesteem may not want t

24、o try new things.He or she may frequently speak negatively about himself or herself,saying such things as,“Im stupid”,“Ill never learn how to do this”,or“Whats the point? Nobody cares about me anyway”The child may exhibit low tolerance (忍耐) for frustration,giving up easily or waiting for somebody el

25、se to take over.Children with low selfesteem tend to be overly critical of and easily disappointed in themselves.Kids with low selfesteem see temporary setbacks as permanent (永久的),intolerable conditions.A sense of pessimism predominates (支配)A child who has healthy selfesteem tends to enjoy interacti

26、ng with others.He or she is comfortable in social settings and enjoys group activities as well as independent pursuits.When challenges arise,he or she is able to work toward finding solutions. He or she voices dissatisfaction without belittling himself or herself. For example,rather than saying,“Im

27、an idiot.” A child with healthy selfesteem says,“I dont understand this.”He or she knows his or her strengths and weaknesses,and accepts them.A sense of optimism prevails (盛行)【语篇解读】本文介绍了自尊心强和自尊心不强的孩子的各自特点和表现。41What is mainly discussed in the third paragraph?AWhat causes a childs unhealthy selfesteem

28、.BSigns of a childs unhealthy selfesteem.CEffects of unhealthy selfesteem on a child.DWhat is low selfesteem?【解析】主旨大意题。综观本段内容可知,主要介绍自尊心不强的孩子的种种表现。【答案】B42The underlined word “armor” in the first paragraph probably refers to a way of “_”Athinking BentertainingCeducation Dprotection【解析】词义理解题。由整个句子意思,特别

29、是后面的介词against可得出答案,词的原意是“铠甲”,在此引申为“保护”。【答案】D43A child who has low selfesteem will say_.A“Im waiting for my brothers help”B“You raised a good question”C“I will find a way to do it”D“Mum,let me do it myself”【解析】推理判断题。文章第三段“The child may exhibit low tolerance (忍耐) for frustration,giving up easily or wa

30、iting for somebody else to take over.”说明,自尊心差的孩子在解决问题方面不够主动。【答案】A44Which of the following words best describe(s) a child with high selfesteem?ARealistic and critical. BRealistic and optimistic.CProud. DUnsatisfied.【解析】概括理解题。从文章第一段最后一句“These kids are realistic and generally optimistic.”可得到答案。【答案】B45The passage seems to be mainly intended for_.Achildren BteachersCparents Dexperts【解析】推理判断题。本文介绍的是孩子自尊心方面的差异,因此文章的对象应该是父母。【答案】C


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