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《高考总动员》2016届高考英语(北师大版)总复习练习:课时提升练7必修3-UNIT7 WORD版含答案.doc

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《高考总动员》2016届高考英语(北师大版)总复习练习:课时提升练7必修3-UNIT7 WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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《高考总动员》2016届高考英语(北师大版)总复习练习:课时提升练7必修3-UNIT7 WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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《高考总动员》2016届高考英语(北师大版)总复习练习:课时提升练7必修3-UNIT7 WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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《高考总动员》2016届高考英语(北师大版)总复习练习:课时提升练7必修3-UNIT7 WORD版含答案.doc_第6页
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《高考总动员》2016届高考英语(北师大版)总复习练习:课时提升练7必修3-UNIT7 WORD版含答案.doc_第7页
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1、课时提升练(七).单词拼写1After a while he a_to me for his rudeness.【答案】apologised2There are concerns that the refugees may not _(活下来)the winter.【答案】survive3She has r_from the operation now.【答案】recovered4We _(承认)Spain as an independent state.【答案】recognised5Im_(信服)of his honesty.【答案】persuaded6The river has been

2、p_with poisonous waste from local factories.【答案】polluted7The movie _(呈现)its characters in a way that I find it difficult to believe in.【答案】presents8The beaches are the islands main _(attract). 【答案】attraction9In a dictionary the words are _(arrange)in alphabetical order.【答案】arranged10You should _(教育)

3、your children to mind their manners.【答案】educate.完成句子1北京的房价比济南的房价高三倍。The house price of Beijing is four_times_higher than that of Jinan.2这是我在中国好声音节目中听到的最好的声音。(否定词比较级)I have never heard a_better_voice_in the programme The Voice of China.3我们正在进行热烈的讨论,这时老师进来了。(when)We were_having a heated discussion whe

4、n the teacher came in.4天气允许的话,我们将去参观那所新校。(doing形式)Weather_permitting,_well go to visit the new school.5我仍然记得我来北京的那天。(定语从句)I still remember the day on_which_I_came_to_Beijing.完形填空When I moved into an empty dorm (宿舍) for the first time two years ago, I was certain of a few things. Firstly, I realized

5、that I didnt _1_ anybody at the school. Secondly, I knew that I wanted to work hard at my lessons and _2_ something useful. And thirdly, I wanted to have a good time with new classmates, without my parents around.The first _3_ frightened me in the beginning. But that _4_ quickly disappeared. It was

6、the other two goals _5_ ended up being my difficulties. I knew that it was _6_ to devote enough time to class and to social efforts. But I wanted to _7_ in both. I knew this would be a _8_, but I didnt realize how much until classes began.I got on well with the other girls who lived in my dorm._9_,

7、instead of finishing my homework _10_ it was due, I went upstairs and had ice cream with my neighbor. I always finished it the next day between classes. I knew _11_wasnt very good and the grade I _12_ showed my lack of effort.I was _13_ that I needed to find some sort of balance.So I created a sched

8、ule (时间表) that would _14_ my time up between going to class, doing homework, and relaxing. It seemed like a good idea, _15_ I was only able to _16_ it for a few days. A schedule like that was too much pressure.So I tried another _17_.Each week I made a list of everything I had to get done during tha

9、t week. Then, under the list of things I had to get done, I _18_ a list of things I could do if I had time.This is the method I have used since then. Im glad that Ive learned to_19_ things and it has_20_ prepare me for what is to come after graduation.语篇解读文章主要介绍了自己在学校的学习情况,从而介绍了合理分配时间的重要性。1A.knowBre

10、cognizeCrealize Dlike【解析】刚刚来到新的学校,这里没有我认识(know)的人。【答案】A2A.understand BlearnCtry Dtell【解析】我要努力学习,学到(learn)一些有用的知识。【答案】B3A.teacher BdayCclass Drealization【解析】解析见4题。【答案】D4A.happiness BexcitementCfear Ddesire【解析】最初“实现(realization)”第一个目标让我担心,但这种担心(fear)很快就消失了。【答案】C5A.which BwhatCthat Dwho【解析】此处是强调句型。end

11、up doing以做结束。这里表示实现另外两个目标对我来说是最大的挑战。【答案】C6A.hard BeasyCinteresting Dnice【解析】由上下文可知此处意为“合理分配时间去学习和参加社交活动是困难的(hard)”。【答案】A7A.win BsucceedCget Dwish【解析】succeed in sth./doing sth.在方面取得成功。【答案】B8A.chance BjobCchallenge Dtime【解析】这对于我来说将是一个挑战(challenge)。【答案】C9A.Often BSeldomCUnluckily DFortunately【解析】我经常(of

12、ten)和我的室友上楼去吃冰激凌,而不去按时完成作业。【答案】A10A.because BwhenCafter Dbefore【解析】before it was due在作业应该上交之前。【答案】D11A.it BoneCthese DI【解析】it指上文提到的作者的学习情况。【答案】A12A.demanded BtookCaccepted Dreceived【解析】receive the grade表示“获得成绩”。此处I received修饰grade。【答案】D13. Aasleep BawakeCashamed Daware【解析】我意识到(be aware of/that.)我需要某

13、种平衡。【答案】D14A.fix BdivideCput Dbuild【解析】由下文内容提示可知此处意为“我制定了一个时间表,来分配(divide up)自己的时间,但并没有一直坚持下去。”【答案】B15A.so BandCbut Dhowever【解析】通过理解文章意思,可知这里是转折关系。【答案】C16A.use BkeepCfollow Dobserve【解析】follow这里表示“遵循”。【答案】C17A.plan BenergyCpressure Deffort【解析】所以我又尝试另外一项计划。【答案】A18A.made BfoundCpicked Dbrought【解析】make

14、a list of.把列成清单。【答案】A19A.do BcontrolCbalance Dhold【解析】我已经学会平衡(balance)各种事务,合理分配时间。【答案】C20A.had BhelpedClet Dforced【解析】这必将帮助(help)我去迎接未来生活的挑战。【答案】B.阅读理解(2014皖智教育9月考)Kiribati covers a massive 3.5 million square kilometers stretch of the Pacific Ocean, but in population terms it is one of the smallest

15、countries in the world, with only 100,000 people. More than half of them live in the capital Tarawaa strip of coral which measures just 450 meters at its widest point. As well as being narrow, Kiribati is extremely low lying, which makes it one of the most easily influenced countries in the world wh

16、en it comes to climate change.“We are counting the days rather than the decades.We dont have the time that we thought we had previously,” Kiribati President Anote Tong said.Pelenise Alofa returned to Kiribati six years ago. The changes she saw led to her becoming one of the islands principal climate

17、 change campaigners. “Things began to change when I came here. I realized the king tides were big, and I told themhave you heard of climate change, have you heard of global warming, this is part of it, youre in it,” Ms Alofa told SBS.Linda Uan and her New Zealandborn husband John have been documenti

18、ng the changing climate in Kiribati for nearly 20 years. They didnt have to travel far to film the effects of a storm three years ago when for the first time it washed through their home. “Theres been a lot of changes,” Linda said, “When we were little there was a definite dry season and a definite

19、wet season, now you cant feel the difference anymore.”Kiribati is not just facing one knockout punch but a whole round of killer blows. Because of its sensibility to the El Nino and La Nina weather patterns, climate scientists say droughts and floods will be more severe than in the past. Warmer seas

20、 could affect the migration patterns of fish, taking away vast taxes it gains from selling fishing licenses to foreign trawlers, while increased storms are expected to destroy crops and make the limited supply of water in the shallow water pools undrinkable.Its a claim the country will take to Copen

21、hagen as it seeks to get the worlds big emitters (排放者) to face up to the consequences of their actions. “Its a whole world issue,” President Tong said. “Its a moral issue.its almost criminal.”1According to the passage, we can infer that _.AKiribati covers a land area of 3,500,000 km2Bthe countrys av

22、erage altitude is 450 meters in KiribatiCKiribati is one of the countries facing the climate change calmlyDOver fifty thousand people live in Tarawa2President Anotes words are quoted in order to show _.Athe high pressure from timeBthe importance of measuring timeCthe different timing unitsDthe perso

23、nal attitude towards time3Which of the following statements does Ms Alofa probably agree with?AThe tides hitting Kiribati used to be bigger than they are now.BMost people in the world have never heard of global warming.CNobody can keep away from the effects caused by climate changes.DChanges in this

24、 country will make you a climate change campaigner.4Climate changes have brought about the consequences EXCEPT _.ASevere droughts and floodsBabundant fresh waterCfiercer storm and tideDchanged living patterns of fish语篇解读文章介绍了基里巴斯共和国的基本情况,以及由于地势低气候变化会带来的影响。1D细节理解题。根据第一段“with only 100,000 people”和“Mor

25、e than half of them live in the capital Tarawa”可知选D。2A推理判断题。根据We are counting the days rather than the decades一句可知时间紧迫。3C推理判断题。根据文章提到的“this is part of it, youre in it”可知我们都会受到气候变化的影响,不能置身于外。4B推理判断题。根据倒数第二段droughts and floods will be more severe than in the past可知A正确;根据倒数第二段以及第二段可知C正确;根据倒数第三段Warmer s

26、eas could affect the migration patterns of fish一句可知D正确,故选B项。.语法填空As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving 1._(steady) through the air,and although the passengers 2._(fasten) their seat belts, they were suddenly thrown forwards. At that mom

27、ent, the air hostess presented. She looked very pale, 3._was quite calm. Speaking quickly and almost in a whisper she informed everyone that the pilot had fainted and asked if 4._of the passengers knew anything about machines. After a moments hesitation,5._man got up and followed the hostess into th

28、e pilots cabin. Moving the pilot aside, the man took his seat and listened carefully to the urgent instructions that 6._(send) by radio from the airport below. To everyones relief, the plane, 7._ was dangerously close to the ground at the moment, soon began to climb. The man had to circle the airpor

29、t several times to become familiar 8._the controls of the plane. The critical moment came 9._ he had to land. The man,10._(follow) the instructions, guided the plane toward the airfield, and it landed safely after a long run along the runway.【答案】1.unsteadily2.had fastened3.but4.any 5a6.were being sent7.which8.with9.when10.following


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