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2019版高考英语二轮专题复习练习:专题二十四 生态环保类阅读 社会文化类阅读 完形填空 书面表达 WORD版含解析.docx

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2019版高考英语二轮专题复习练习:专题二十四 生态环保类阅读 社会文化类阅读 完形填空 书面表达 WORD版含解析.docx_第1页
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2019版高考英语二轮专题复习练习:专题二十四 生态环保类阅读 社会文化类阅读 完形填空 书面表达 WORD版含解析.docx_第2页
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2019版高考英语二轮专题复习练习:专题二十四 生态环保类阅读 社会文化类阅读 完形填空 书面表达 WORD版含解析.docx_第3页
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2019版高考英语二轮专题复习练习:专题二十四 生态环保类阅读 社会文化类阅读 完形填空 书面表达 WORD版含解析.docx_第4页
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2019版高考英语二轮专题复习练习:专题二十四 生态环保类阅读 社会文化类阅读 完形填空 书面表达 WORD版含解析.docx_第5页
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2019版高考英语二轮专题复习练习:专题二十四 生态环保类阅读 社会文化类阅读 完形填空 书面表达 WORD版含解析.docx_第6页
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2019版高考英语二轮专题复习练习:专题二十四 生态环保类阅读 社会文化类阅读 完形填空 书面表达 WORD版含解析.docx_第7页
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2019版高考英语二轮专题复习练习:专题二十四 生态环保类阅读 社会文化类阅读 完形填空 书面表达 WORD版含解析.docx_第8页
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2019版高考英语二轮专题复习练习:专题二十四 生态环保类阅读 社会文化类阅读 完形填空 书面表达 WORD版含解析.docx_第9页
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2019版高考英语二轮专题复习练习:专题二十四 生态环保类阅读 社会文化类阅读 完形填空 书面表达 WORD版含解析.docx_第10页
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2019版高考英语二轮专题复习练习:专题二十四 生态环保类阅读 社会文化类阅读 完形填空 书面表达 WORD版含解析.docx_第11页
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2019版高考英语二轮专题复习练习:专题二十四 生态环保类阅读 社会文化类阅读 完形填空 书面表达 WORD版含解析.docx_第12页
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1、专题二十四生态环保类阅读+社会文化类阅读+完形填空+书面表达高考题型强化练第63页.阅读理解A(2018辽宁沈阳质检)Encouraging life to bloom(兴旺) in the middle of a desert is no easy task.But one company in the United Arab Emirates has come up with a plan to provide drinking water for the states citizens.The company intends to drag icebergs from Antarctic

2、a to the Gulf Coast in order to harvest its freshwater.The company plans to source the massive blocks of ice from Heard Island,around 600 miles off the coast of mainland Antarctica.It will then transport them around 5,500 miles to Fujarirah,one part of the UAE.One iceberg could provide enough water

3、for one million people over five years,according to the company.The companys director says they have already travelled the transportation route and checked the possibility of the scheme,according to reports in Gulf News.Speaking to the site about what he is calling the UAE Iceberg Project,Abdullah M

4、ohammad Sulaiman Al Shehi said,“We have made the technical and financial plan.We started the project at the beginning of 2018.We want it mainly for the water.It could also be good for tourism and the weather.”The UAE is one of the driest countries in the world,due to its extremely arid climate,which

5、 receives less than four inches of rainfall per year.Despite that,it consumes more water than double the global national average,putting the country at severe risk of droughts over the next 25 years.An average iceberg contains more than 20 billion gallons of water,according to the company.The iceber

6、g takes a long time to melt as 80 percent of it is underwater,while the white ice above reflects sunlight and deflects(使转向)its heat.Blocks of ice will be placed in giant tanks,before being processed.“This is the purest water in the world,” Mr.Al Shehi added.【语篇解读】本文是生态环保类阅读。文章主要介绍了UAE 冰川项目,即从南极运送冰川去

7、沙漠地区,解决缺水问题。1.What can we learn about the UAE project?A.It will help the UAE harvest freshwater.B.It will encourage life to boom in Antarctica.C.It will put the UAE at severe risk of droughts.D.It will completely change the climate in the UAE.答案A解析细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“The company intends to drag icebergs

8、 from Antarctica to the Gulf Coast in order to harvest its freshwater.”及第二段中的“It will then transport them around 5,500 miles to Fujarirah,one part of the UAE.One iceberg could provide enough water for one million people over five years,according to the company.”可知,这家公司是计划把南极的冰川运到UAE,帮他们解决缺水问题。2.Wher

9、e could the block of ice come from?A.The Atlantic Ocean.B.Fujariah.C.The Gulf.D.Heard Island.答案D解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“The company plans to source the massive blocks of ice from Heard Island,around 600 miles off the coast of mainland Antarctica.”可知,冰川是从南极的Heard Island运来的。答案为D项。3.Which of the following ma

10、y NOT benefit from the project?A.The local people.B.Antarctica.C.The weather.D.Tourism.答案B解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“One iceberg could provide enough water for one million people over five years,according to the company.”以及第三段中的“We started the project at the beginning of 2018.We want it mainly for the water.

11、It could also be good for tourism and the weather.”可知,这一项目有利于当地人,有利于旅游业和当地的天气。答案为B项。4.What does the author want to show by mentioning the nature of ice in the last paragraph?A.The process of the project.B.The possibility of the plan.C.The purpose of the company.D.The comments on the scheme.答案B解析推理判断

12、题。根据文章最后一段的内容可知文章主要分析了冰川的含水量大,怎么从冰川中提取水,分析了可能性,所以答案为B项。B(2018辽宁辽南一模)Michelin inspectors,the super secret spies of the restaurant industry,are the anonymous (匿名的) keepers of the famous Michelin star rating.Theyve been writing anonymous reports of restaurants for over 100 years.“We say its a little li

13、ke the CIA,” said inspector “M” with a laugh.She asked that her identity should not be revealed.“My whole life is staying under the radar,staying away from cameras,using fake names,trying to sneak in and out of restaurants quietly.”Along with their boss,Jean Luc Naret,the director of the Michelin Gu

14、ide,about 90 inspectors around the world decide which restaurants will win the cooking equivalent (等价物) of an Oscar,the Nobel Prize and Megamillions jackpot (百万彩票) all at once.The Michelin Guide covers 23 countries,and out of the 45,000 rated restaurants,less than 100 have the top rating only nine A

15、merican restaurants carry three stars.If the name “Michelin” brings the tires on your car to mind,youre not too far off.The Michelin rating began in France in 1900 as a marketing trick.The Michelin brothers thought their customers would burn more rubber if given a list of hotels and restaurants to e

16、xplore.Inspector “M” admitted being an inspector leads to a lonely dining life.“Most of the time we dine alone,” she said.“It gives us the ability to really focus on the food and the atmosphere and capture the entire experience.” To cover their tracks,“M” said sometimes two inspectors will dine toge

17、ther and write two separate papers.Its better than saying “table for one”,right?“When youre really,really into food and very crazy about food,everything else thats going on around you isnt so important,” she said.【语篇解读】本文是社会文化类阅读。米其林指南在全球美食界具有相当的权威性。这得益于有一群为之服务的“美食侦探”,他们行踪隐秘,竭力避开公众的目光,游走于世界各地的餐厅酒店,为

18、米其林指南搜罗一切美食情报。5.What does the underlined words “under the radar”mean in Paragraph 2?A.Living in danger.B.Being the focus of the media.C.Trying to be unnoticed.D.Making programs on the radio.答案C解析词义猜测题。根据其后的“staying away from cameras,using fake names,trying to sneak in and out of restaurants quietly”

19、可知,美食侦探使用假名字、避开摄像机、悄悄进入和离开饭店,都是为了尽量不引人注意。答案为C项。6.What was the purpose of first carrying out the Michelin rating?A.To open more hotels and restaurants.B.To bring more convenience to drivers.C.To make people familiar with “Michelin”.D.To make a profit by selling more tires of a certain brand.答案D解析意图态度

20、题。根据第四段中的“Michelin rating began in France in 1900 as a marketing trick.The Michelin brothers thought their customers would burn more rubber if given a list of hotels and restaurants to explore.”可知,最初米其林兄弟推出米其林指南是一个促销策略,是为了卖出更多的米其林轮胎,从而获取利润。答案为D项。7.Why do two inspectors sometimes dine together?A.They

21、 can cut the expense on the food.B.They can protect their identities.C.They can save trouble by sharing a paper.D.They can talk about the food over the meal.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第五段尤其是“To cover their tracks,Msaid sometimes two inspectors will dine together and write two separate papers”可知,有时两名美食侦探一起前往一家餐厅是为

22、了便于隐藏身份。答案为B项。8.What would be the best title for the text? A.Ms experience as a CIAB.The legend of Michelin brothersC.Michelin inspectors:food industry spiesD.Michelina giant in tire and restaurant industry答案C解析主旨大意题。根据第一段“Michelin inspectors,the super secret spies of the restaurant industry.Theyve

23、been writing anonymous reports of restaurants for over 100 years.”可知,文章主要介绍米其林检查员,餐馆业的超级秘密间谍,是著名米其林明星评级的匿名(守卫)者。100多年来,他们一直在写餐馆的匿名报告。答案为C项。.完形填空(2018陕西黄陵模拟)To get in a word,everyone in my family has to yell at the dinner table and has a strong 1.Everyone has a 2 leading to heated arguments.We often

24、talk or even debate with each other on different topics.3 a family like mine has made me more 4 about the world around me,making me tend to question anything anyone tells me.But Im not a good listener.And when I say “listening”,Im not 5 to the nodding-your-head-and-6-answering-Uh-huh-or-Ooh-I-see va

25、riety.I mean the kind of listening where you find yourself deeply 7 with the person youre speaking with,when his story becomes so 8 that your world becomes less about you and more about him.No,I was never very good at that.I spent summer in South Africa two years ago.I worked for a good non-profit9

26、called Noah,which works 10 on behalf of children affected by AIDS.But 11 you asked me what I really did in South Africa,Id tell you one thing:I listened,and I listened.Sometimes I 12,but mostly listened.And had I not spent two months13,I might have missed the 14 moment when a quiet little girl at on

27、e of Noahs community centers,orphaned(孤儿) at the age of three,whispered after a long 15,“I love you.”16 that summer,I knew how to hear.I could sit down with anyone and hear their 17 and nod and respond at the 18 timebut most of the time I was 19 about the next words out of my own mouth.Since that,I

28、have noticed when my mouth is closed and my 20 is wide open,Ive learned the most about other people,and perhaps about myself.【语篇解读】本文是夹叙夹议文。作者通过亲身经历,体会到要站在别人的角度去感受对方的倾诉,做一名好的倾听者。1.A.qualificationB.influenceC.opinionD.assumption答案C解析词义辨析题。A项“资历,资格”;B项“影响”;C项“观点”;D项“假设,设想”。根据上文“To get in a word,everyo

29、ne in my family has to yell at the dinner table”可知,作者家里的每个人都有自己的观点。答案为C项。2.A.commitmentB.problemC.scheduleD.request答案B解析词义辨析题。A项“承诺,许诺,委托”;B项“问题”;C项“安排,安排表”;D项“要求,请求”。根据下文“We often talk or even debate with each other on different topics.”可知,作者一家人经常会就不同的话题进行辩论,所以推断每个人都有问题可以轻易地引发激烈的争论。3.A.Belonging to

30、B.Believing inC.Bringing upD.Struggling for答案A解析词义辨析题。A项“属于”;B项“相信”;C项“养育,呕吐,教育”;D项“为奋斗”。句意:作为这样的家庭的一份子使我对我周围的一切都充满好奇,质疑别人告诉我的任何事情。根据句意可知答案为A项。4.A.anxiousB.curiousC.nervousD.adventurous答案B解析词义辨析题。A项“焦急的,不安的,渴望的”;B项“好奇的”;C项“紧张的”;D项“冒险的”。根据上一题的分析可知答案为B项。5.A.objectingB.appealingC.turningD.referring答案D解

31、析词义辨析题。object to“反对”;appeal to“吸引,呼吁,恳求,上诉”;turn to“转向,求助于”;refer to“谈到,提到,涉及,参考,参照”。作者所说的“倾听”并不指的是点头,礼貌回答:哦,嗯或我明白了,我知道了等等。答案为D项。6.A.rudelyB.loudlyC.politelyD.gratefully答案C解析词义辨析题。A项“粗鲁地,鲁莽地”;B项“大声地”;C项“礼貌地”;D项“感激地”。根据上一题的分析可知答案为C项。7.A.identifyingB.quarrelingC.debatingD.competing答案A解析词义辨析题。A项“认出,识别,

32、认同”;B项“吵架”;C项“讨论,辩论”;D项“竞争”。作者所说的“倾听”是你能够从内心深处认同和你讲话的人。答案为A项。8.A.vividB.magicalC.mind-numbingD.time-consuming答案A解析词义辨析题。A项“生动的,逼真的”;B项“魔幻的”;C项“麻木的”;D项“耗时的”。根据后面“your world becomes less about you and more about him.”可知,你的注意力已经从你的身上完全转移到对方的身上了,这说明对方的故事生动和吸引人。答案为A项。9.A.schoolB.organizationC.factoryD.ch

33、urch答案B解析词义辨析题。A项“学校”;B项“组织”;C项“工厂”;D项“教堂”。根据前面的“non-profit”及后文“which works 10 on behalf of children affected by AIDS.”可知,这是一个帮助感染艾滋病的孩子的非营利组织。答案为B项。10.A.effortlesslyB.timelesslyC.aimlesslyD.tirelessly答案D解析词义辨析题。A项“不费力地”;B项“永久地,无限期地”;C项“漫无目的地”;D项“不倦地”。这个非营利组织Noah竭尽全力为感染艾滋病的孩子们服务。答案为D项。11.A.unlessB.b


35、项。14.A.touchingB.frustratingC.astonishingD.fascinating答案A解析词义辨析题。A项“感人的,受触动的”;B项“令人沮丧的,泄气的”;C项“惊人的”;D项“迷人的,吸引人的”。根据上一题的分析及下文“orphaned(孤儿)at the age of three,whispered after a long 15,I love you.”可知,这个三岁的孤儿,沉默良久后对作者说“我爱你”,这是倾听的结果,作者很受感动。答案为A项。15.A.delayB.courseC.journeyD.silence答案D解析词义辨析题。A项“耽搁,延误”;B

36、项“课程”;C项“旅程,旅行”;D项“沉默”。根据上一题的分析可知答案为D项。16.A.BeforeB.AfterC.ExceptD.Since答案A解析语法功能题。暑假前,作者的“倾听”只是听对方故事,点头,适时回应,但是想的都是自己接下来要说什么。南非暑假之后,作者意识到“倾听”实际上是闭上嘴全神贯注地倾听对方的故事,充分去了解对方的内心世界。答案为A项。17.A.needsB.storiesC.commentsD.cases答案B解析行文逻辑题。A项“需要”;B项“故事”;C项“评论”;D项“情况,案例,病例”。根据第一段“when his story becomes so 8 that

37、.”可知答案为B项。18.A.valuableB.freeC.rightD.same答案C解析词义辨析题。根据第16题分析可知答案为C项。right作为形容词意思是“适当的,正确的,恰当的”。19.A.talkingB.arguingC.learningD.thinking答案D解析词义辨析题。根据第16题分析可知,作者心里想的是自己说什么,而不是真正地在倾听。答案为D项。20.A.sympathyB.spiritC.mindD.family答案C解析词义辨析题。A项“同情,怜悯”;B项“精神”;C项“思维,头脑,心思,心灵”;D项“家庭”。句子“my mind is wide open”可以

38、翻译成“打开心灵”,这里应该指的是要全身心关注倾听对方的故事。答案为C项。.书面表达(2018北京西城一模)假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,记录你在上周末爸爸出差期间,为家里拼搭花架的经历。注意:词数100左右。提示词:花架flower shelf参考范文Last weekend,I fixed up a wooden flower shelf for my family when Dad was away on business,which was really a rewarding experience.On Sunday afternoon,a

39、 package was delivered to Mum.I helped Mum carry it in and decided to install it myself without my fathers presence.Inside,there were some wooden boards,iron parts,and an instruction manual.Having read the manual carefully,I,with a screwdriver,fixed the frame first,and then put the boards on it piece by piece.After two hours of hard work,a lovely flower shelf appeared.Mum and I were both pleased and we started putting potted plants onto it.When Dad came back,hearing it was I who had assembled the flower shelf,he,with a broad smile,gave me a thumbs-up.


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